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firmware is for the SWJ finder.
this tools allow to find JTAG and SWD (SWJ) interface on up to 16 channels.
connect the pins or test points of the target device to the SWJ finder channels pins on the connector.
select the first and last channel to probe using the `start <CH>` ans `stop <CH>` commands.
this prevents sending data on the unselected channels.
this will also make the scan faster, else it needs up to 5 seconds.
also connect the target voltage pin to the SWJ finder in order to use the right signal voltage level.
alternatively, the SWJ finder can supply 5V or 3.3V to the target voltage pin using the `voltage 5` or `voltage 3` command.
to revert to using the externally provided target voltage, use the `voltage 0` command.
to measure the target voltage, use the `voltage` command.
to scan for JTAG interfaces, use the `jtag` command.
to scan for SWD interfaces, use the `swd` command.
the scan results and found SWJ pins will be displayed as they are found.
it will also try to identify the target debug core.
the scanning will take up to 5 seconds.
WARNING: data will be sent on the selected channels (see limitations).
you can also reset the target board if you connected to target reset pin to the SWJ finder.
you can select of to drive the reset pin (OD for open-drain, PP for push-pull) and active level (H for high, L for low) using the `reset [ODL|ODH|PPL|PPH]` command.
to assert or release the reset, us the `reset 1` or `reset 0` commands.
alternatively, pressing/releasing the button on the SWJ finder asserts/releases the reset signal
use the `help` command to list all commands.
this will also list the shortcuts for the commands.
to scan for JTAG interfaces, it will use all 2-pin combinations as TCK and TMS signals to:
- switch the target to JTAG mode (in case it is in SWD mode)
- put in reset state (TEST-LOGIC-RESET)
- go into SHIFT-DR state to have the target output the IDCODE
any activity on one the other pins could be the IDCODE output on TDO.
this allows to identify the TCk, TMS, and TDO pins.
it will than send a patterns on each of the other pins.
if this pattern is found on the TDO will, the TDI pin is identified.
to scan for SWD interfaces, it will use all 2-pin combinations as SWCLK and SWDIO pins to:
- switch the target to SWD mode (in case it is in JTAG mode)
- put in reset state (using line reset)
- request the DPIDR (e.g. IDCODE)
if the target replies, the SWCLK and SWDIO have been successfully identified.
the target voltage should not be higher than 5.5V (board I/O-pins limitation).
but I am not sure a SWJ target with signals higher than 3.3V even exist.
it can operate down to 1.5V (BSS138-based level shifter limitation).
all channel pins are pulled to by a 10 kOhm to the target voltage.
this is required to operate the level shifter.
this also means all channel pins are inter-connected by a 20 kOhm resistor when no target voltage is provided.
all channel pins have a 150 Ohm inline resistor protection.
this means the SWJ finder will sink up to 22 mA when transmitting a low level signal (high level is provided by the pull up resistor).
the reset pin has no inline protection resistor and can sink up to 25 mA.
in open drain mode, an external pull-up resistor is required, most often provide by the target device.
in push-pull mode it can only source 3.3V up to 25 mA.
when the IDCODE seems corrupted and the decoded manufacturer looks wrong, it might be due to too low impedance on the clock (SWCLK/TCK) line.
the clock signal needs a very sharp rising edge, but we are limited by the voltage shifter.
try shorter cables, or remove any other device (e.g. logic analyzer) from the test points.
the underlying hardware uses a [WeAct MiniF4]( board, based on a STM32F401CCU6.
the bi-directional level shifter are BSS138 n-channel MOSFET based.
switching the target voltage are done using BSS84 p-channel MOSFET.
channel pins:
- PB12, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH0
- PB13, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH1
- PB14, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH2
- PB15, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH3
- PA8, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH4
- PA9, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH5
- PA10, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH6
- PA15, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH7
- PB3, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH8
- PB4, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH9
- PB5, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH10
- PB6, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH11
- PB7, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH12
- PB8, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH13
- PB9, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH14
- PB10, high voltage side of level shifter, low voltage side goes to CH15
BSS138 n-channel MOSFET based bi-directional level shifter:
- high voltage supply is 5V
- low voltage supply is connected to drain of BSS84 p-channel MOSFET
- source of BSS84 p-channel MOSFET is target voltage pin
- gate of BSS84 p-channel MOSFET is connected to PA5, pulled up to target voltage using 100 kOhm resistor
BSS84 p-channel MOSFET to supply target voltage with 5V:
- source is connected 5V
- drain is connected to target voltage
- gate is connected to PA7, pulled up to target voltage using 100 kOhm resistor
BSS84 p-channel MOSFET to supply target voltage with 3.3V:
- source is connected 3.3V
- drain is connected to target voltage
- gate is connected to PB0, pulled up to target voltage using 100 kOhm resistor
target voltage measure:
- PA1 is connected to target voltage through 22 kOhm inline resistor
- PA1 is connected to ground through 22 kOhm inline resistor
- this creates a /2 voltage divider, allowing to measure up the 6.6V
- PA6 is connected target reset pin
- reset button is connected to PA0 on one side, ground on the other.
all pins are configured using `define`s in the corresponding source code.
The source code uses the [libopencm3]( library.
The projects is already a git submodules.
It will be initialized when compiling the firmware.
Alternatively you can run once: `git submodule init` and `git submodule update`.
To compile the firmware run `rake`.
To generate doxygen documentation run `rake doc`.
There are two firmware images: `bootloader` and `application`.
The `bootloader` image allows to flash the `application` over USB using the DFU protocol.
The `bootloader` is started first and immediately jumps to the `application` if it is valid and the DFU mode is not forced (i.e. by pressing the user button on the board or requesting a DFU detach in the `application`).
The `application` image is the main application and is implemented in `application.c`.
It is up to the application to advertise USB DFU support (i.e. as does the provided USB CDC ACM example).
The simplest way do flash the `bootloader` image is using the embedded bootloader.
By pressing the BOOT0 button (setting the pin low) while powering or resetting the device, the micro-controller boot its embedded UART/USB DFU bootloader.
Connect a USB cable and run `rake dfu_bootloader`.
Once the `bootloader` is flashed, it is possible to flash the `application` over USB using the DFU protocol by running `rake flash` (equivalent to `rake dfu_application`.
To force the bootloader to start the DFU mode press the user button or short a pin, depending on the board.
Note: I use my own DFU bootloader instead of the embedded bootloader because I was not able to start the embedded USB DFU bootloader from the application.
The images can also be flash using SWD (Serial Wire Debug) in case the firmware gets stuck and does not provide USB functionalities.
For that you need an SWD adapter.
The `Makefile` uses a ST-Link V2 programmer along OpenOCD software (default), or Black Magic Probe.
To flash the `booltoader` using SWD run `rake swd_booloader` (this will also erase the application).
To flash the `application` using SWD run `rake swd_aplication` (or `rake swd`).
To erase all memory and unlock read/write protection, run `rake remove_protection`.
SWD also allows to debug the code running on the micro-controller using GDB.
To start the debugging session run `rake debug`.
The firmware offers serial communication over USART1 and USB (using the CDC ACM device class).