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The following information will focus on the software development.


The BusVoodoo uses a custom board based on a STM32F103RC micro-controller.



To develop the firmware, following Linux packages are required:

  • arm-none-eabi-gcc to compile the source code
  • arm-none-eabi-binutils to create the firmware binaries
  • arm-none-eabi-gdb to debug the firmware
  • rake automate development steps
  • openocd to flash and debug over SWD (when using an ST-Link V2 adapter)
  • doxygen to compile the documentation

The source code uses the libopencm3 library. The projects is already a git submodules. It will be initialized when compiling the firmware. Alternatively you can run once: git submodule init and git submodule update.


To compile the firmware files run rake. This will generate two firmware:

  • bootloader: a USB DFU bootloader
  • application: the main application


To generate doxygen documentation run rake doc. The documentation describing all files, functions, and variables will be available in the doc folder.

Further comments are in the source code.


There are two firmware images: bootloader and application. The bootloader image allows to flash the application over USB using the DFU protocol. The bootloader is started first and immediately jumps to the application if it is valid and the DFU mode is not forced. The application image is the main application and is implemented in application.c.

The bootloader image will be flashed using SWD (Serial Wire Debug). For that you need an SWD adapter. The Makefile uses a Black Magic Probe (per default), or a ST-Link V2 along OpenOCD software. To flash the booltoader using SWD run rake flash_booloader.

Once the bootloader is flashed it is possible to flash the application over USB using the DFU protocol by running rake flash. The application advertises USB DFU support (along with the USB CDC ACM class). If the application is broken, force the bootloader to start the DFU mode by shorting the contacts marked as DFU on the board while powering up. It is also possible to flash the application image using SWD by running rake flash_application.


SWD also allows to debug the code running on the micro-controller using GDB. To start the debugging session run rake debug.


The firmware offers serial communication over USART 1 and USB (using the CDC ACM device class).