add new library from spark abacus project
This commit is contained in:
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@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** library to send data using ESP8266 WiFi SoC (code)
* @file radio_esp8266.c
* @author King Kévin <>
* @date 2016
* @note peripherals used: USART @ref radio_esp8266_usart
/* standard libraries */
#include <stdint.h> // standard integer types
#include <stdlib.h> // general utilities
#include <string.h> // string and memory utilities
#include <stdio.h> // string utilities
/* STM32 (including CM3) libraries */
#include <libopencm3/stm32/rcc.h> // real-time control clock library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/gpio.h> // general purpose input output library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/usart.h> // universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter library
#include <libopencm3/cm3/nvic.h> // interrupt handler
#include <libopencmsis/core_cm3.h> // Cortex M3 utilities
#include "radio_esp8266.h" // radio header and definitions
#include "global.h" // common methods
/** @defgroup radio_esp8266_usart USART peripheral used for communication with radio
* @{
#define RADIO_ESP8266_USART 1 /**< USART peripheral */
/** @} */
/* input and output buffers and used memory */
static uint8_t rx_buffer[24] = {0}; /**< buffer for received data (we only expect AT responses) */
static volatile uint16_t rx_used = 0; /**< number of byte in receive buffer */
static uint8_t tx_buffer[256] = {0}; /**< buffer for data to transmit */
static volatile uint16_t tx_used = 0; /**< number of bytes used in transmit buffer */
volatile bool radio_esp8266_activity = false;
volatile bool radio_esp8266_success = false;
/** transmit data to radio
* @param[in] data data to transmit
* @param[in] length length of data to transmit
static void radio_esp8266_transmit(uint8_t* data, uint8_t length) {
while (tx_used || !usart_get_flag(USART(RADIO_ESP8266_USART), USART_SR_TXE)) { // wait until ongoing transmission completed
usart_enable_tx_interrupt(USART(RADIO_ESP8266_USART)); // enable transmit interrupt
__WFI(); // sleep until something happened
usart_disable_tx_interrupt(USART(RADIO_ESP8266_USART)); // ensure transmit interrupt is disable to prevent index corruption (the ISR should already have done it)
radio_esp8266_activity = false; // reset status because of new activity
for (tx_used=0; tx_used<length && tx_used<LENGTH(tx_buffer); tx_used++) { // copy data
tx_buffer[tx_used] = data[length-1-tx_used]; // put character in buffer (in reverse order)
if (tx_used) {
usart_enable_tx_interrupt(USART(RADIO_ESP8266_USART)); // enable interrupt to send bytes
void radio_esp8266_setup(void)
/* enable USART I/O peripheral */
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_AFIO); // enable pin alternate function (USART)
rcc_periph_clock_enable(USART_PORT_RCC(RADIO_ESP8266_USART)); // enable clock for USART port peripheral
rcc_periph_clock_enable(USART_RCC(RADIO_ESP8266_USART)); // enable clock for USART peripheral
gpio_set(USART_PORT(RADIO_ESP8266_USART), USART_PIN_RX(RADIO_ESP8266_USART)); // pull up to avoid noise when not connected
/* setup USART parameters for ESP8266 AT firmware */
usart_set_baudrate(USART(RADIO_ESP8266_USART), 115200); // AT firmware 0.51 (SDK 1.5.0) uses 115200 bps
usart_set_databits(USART(RADIO_ESP8266_USART), 8);
usart_set_stopbits(USART(RADIO_ESP8266_USART), USART_STOPBITS_1);
nvic_enable_irq(USART_IRQ(RADIO_ESP8266_USART)); // enable the USART interrupt
usart_enable_rx_interrupt(USART(RADIO_ESP8266_USART)); // enable receive interrupt
usart_enable(USART(RADIO_ESP8266_USART)); // enable USART
/* reset buffer states */
rx_used = 0;
tx_used = 0;
radio_esp8266_activity = false;
radio_esp8266_success = false;
radio_esp8266_transmit((uint8_t*)"AT\r\n",4); // verify if module is present
while (!radio_esp8266_activity || !radio_esp8266_success) { // wait for response
__WFI(); // sleep until something happened
radio_esp8266_transmit((uint8_t*)"AT+RST\r\n",8); // reset module
while (!radio_esp8266_activity || !radio_esp8266_success) { // wait for response
__WFI(); // sleep until something happened
while(rx_used<13 || memcmp((char*)&rx_buffer[rx_used-13], "WIFI GOT IP\r\n", 13)!=0) { // wait to have IP
__WFI(); // sleep until something happened
radio_esp8266_transmit((uint8_t*)"ATE0\r\n",6); // disable echoing
while (!radio_esp8266_activity || !radio_esp8266_success) { // wait for response
__WFI(); // sleep until something happened
void radio_esp8266_tcp_open(char* host, uint16_t port)
char command[256] = {0}; // string to create command
int length = snprintf(command, LENGTH(command), "AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\"%s\",%u\r\n", host, port); // create AT command to establish a TCP connection
if (length>0) {
radio_esp8266_transmit((uint8_t*)command, length);
void radio_esp8266_send(uint8_t* data, uint8_t length)
char command[16+1] = {0}; // string to create command
int command_length = snprintf(command, LENGTH(command), "AT+CIPSEND=%u\r\n", length); // create AT command to send data
if (command_length>0) {
radio_esp8266_transmit((uint8_t*)command, command_length); // transmit AT command
while (!radio_esp8266_activity || !radio_esp8266_success) { // wait for response
__WFI(); // sleep until something happened
if (!radio_esp8266_success) { // send AT command did not succeed
return; // don't transmit data
radio_esp8266_transmit(data, length); // transmit data
void radio_esp8266_close(void)
radio_esp8266_transmit((uint8_t*)"AT+CIPCLOSE\r\n", 13); // send AT command to close established connection
/** USART interrupt service routine called when data has been transmitted or received */
if (usart_get_interrupt_source(USART(RADIO_ESP8266_USART), USART_SR_TXE)) { // data has been transmitted
if (tx_used) { // there is still data in the buffer to transmit
usart_send(USART(RADIO_ESP8266_USART),tx_buffer[tx_used-1]); // put data in transmit register
tx_used--; // update used size
} else { // no data in the buffer to transmit
usart_disable_tx_interrupt(USART(RADIO_ESP8266_USART)); // disable transmit interrupt
if (usart_get_interrupt_source(USART(RADIO_ESP8266_USART), USART_SR_RXNE)) { // data has been received
while (rx_used>=LENGTH(rx_buffer)) { // if buffer is full
memmove(rx_buffer,&rx_buffer[1],LENGTH(rx_buffer)-1); // drop old data to make space (ring buffer are more efficient but harder to handle)
rx_used--; // update used buffer information
rx_buffer[rx_used++] = usart_recv(USART(RADIO_ESP8266_USART)); // put character in buffer
// if the used send a packet with these strings during the commands detection the AT command response will break (AT commands are hard to handle perfectly)
if (rx_used>=4 && memcmp((char*)&rx_buffer[rx_used-4], "OK\r\n", 4)==0) { // OK received
radio_esp8266_activity = true; // response received
radio_esp8266_success = true; // command succeeded
rx_used = 0; // reset buffer
} else if (rx_used>=7 && memcmp((char*)&rx_buffer[rx_used-7], "ERROR\r\n", 7)==0) { // ERROR received
radio_esp8266_activity = true; // response received
radio_esp8266_success = false; // command failed
rx_used = 0; // reset buffer
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** library to send data using ESP8266 WiFi SoC (API)
* @file radio_esp8266.h
* @author King Kévin <>
* @date 2016
* @note peripherals used: USART @ref radio_esp8266_usart
#pragma once
/** a response has been returned by the radio */
extern volatile bool radio_esp8266_activity;
/** the last command has succeeded */
extern volatile bool radio_esp8266_success;
/** setup peripherals to communicate with radio
* @note this is blocking to ensure we are connected to the WiFi network
void radio_esp8266_setup(void);
/** establish TCP connection
* @param[in] host host to connect to
* @param[in] port TCP port to connect to
* @note wait for activity to get success status
void radio_esp8266_tcp_open(char* host, uint16_t port);
/** send data (requires established connection)
* @param[in] data data to send
* @param[in] length size of data to send
* @note wait for activity to get success status
void radio_esp8266_send(uint8_t* data, uint8_t length);
/** close established connection
* @note wait for activity to get success status
void radio_esp8266_close(void);
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** library to query measurements from peacefair PZEM-004 and PZEM-004T electricity meter (code)
* @file sensor_pzem.c
* @author King Kévin <>
* @date 2016
* @note peripherals used: USART @ref sensor_pzem_usart
/* standard libraries */
#include <stdint.h> // standard integer types
#include <stdlib.h> // general utilities
/* STM32 (including CM3) libraries */
#include <libopencm3/stm32/rcc.h> // real-time control clock library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/gpio.h> // general purpose input output library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/usart.h> // universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter library
#include <libopencm3/cm3/nvic.h> // interrupt handler
#include <libopencmsis/core_cm3.h> // Cortex M3 utilities
#include "sensor_pzem.h" // PZEM electricity meter header and definitions
#include "global.h" // common methods
/** @defgroup sensor_pzem_usart USART peripheral used for communication with electricity meter
* @{
#define SENSOR_PZEM_USART 2 /**< USART peripheral */
/** @} */
/* input and output ring buffer, indexes, and available memory */
static uint8_t rx_buffer[7] = {0}; /**< buffer for received response */
static volatile uint8_t rx_i = 0; /**< current position of read received data */
static uint8_t tx_buffer[7] = {0}; /**< buffer for request to transmit */
static volatile uint8_t tx_i = 0; /**< current position of transmitted data */
volatile bool sensor_pzem_measurement_received = false;
void sensor_pzem_setup(void)
/* enable USART I/O peripheral */
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_AFIO); // enable pin alternate function (USART)
rcc_periph_clock_enable(USART_PORT_RCC(SENSOR_PZEM_USART)); // enable clock for USART port peripheral
rcc_periph_clock_enable(USART_RCC(SENSOR_PZEM_USART)); // enable clock for USART peripheral
gpio_set(USART_PORT(SENSOR_PZEM_USART), USART_PIN_RX(SENSOR_PZEM_USART)); // pull up to avoid noise when not connected
/* setup USART parameters for electricity meter: 9600 8N1 */
usart_set_baudrate(USART(SENSOR_PZEM_USART), 9600); // the electricity meter uses a fixed baud rate of 9600 bps
usart_set_databits(USART(SENSOR_PZEM_USART), 8);
nvic_enable_irq(USART_IRQ(SENSOR_PZEM_USART)); // enable the USART interrupt
usart_enable_rx_interrupt(USART(SENSOR_PZEM_USART)); // enable receive interrupt
usart_enable(USART(SENSOR_PZEM_USART)); // enable USART
/* reset buffer states */
tx_i = 0;
rx_i = 0;
sensor_pzem_measurement_received = false;
void sensor_pzem_measurement_request(uint32_t address, enum sensor_pzem_measurement_type_t type)
if (tx_i!=0) { // transmission is ongoing
if (type>=SENSOR_PZEM_MAX) { // invalid type
tx_buffer[0] = 0xB0+type; // set request nibble and type nibble
tx_buffer[1] = (address>>24)&0xff; // set address
tx_buffer[2] = (address>>16)&0xff; // set address
tx_buffer[3] = (address>>8)&0xff; // set address
tx_buffer[4] = (address>>0)&0xff; // set address
tx_buffer[5] = 0; // only used to set alarm
tx_buffer[6] = 0; // to calculate checksum (sum of all previous bytes)
for (uint8_t i=0; i<LENGTH(tx_buffer)-1; i++) {
tx_buffer[6] += tx_buffer[i]; // calculate buffer
usart_enable_tx_interrupt(USART(SENSOR_PZEM_USART)); // enable interrupt to send other bytes
usart_send(USART(SENSOR_PZEM_USART),tx_buffer[tx_i++]); // start transmission
struct sensor_pzem_measurement_t sensor_pzem_measurement_decode(void)
struct sensor_pzem_measurement_t measurement; // decoded measurement to return
measurement.valid = false; // wait until the end to ensure validity
if (!sensor_pzem_measurement_received) { // no measurement received
return measurement;
if ((rx_buffer[0]&0xf0)!=0xa0) { // not a response received
return measurement;
if ((rx_buffer[0]&0x0f)>=SENSOR_PZEM_MAX) { // not a valid response type received (actually 4 and 5 are valid, but should not happen when using this code
return measurement;
uint8_t checksum = 0; // calculate checksum (sum of all other bytes)
for (uint8_t i=0; i<LENGTH(rx_buffer)-1; i++) {
checksum += rx_buffer[i]; // calculate buffer
if (checksum!=rx_buffer[6]) { // checksum does not match
return measurement;
measurement.valid = true; // all checks passed
measurement.type = rx_buffer[0]&0x0f; // save type
switch (measurement.type) { // decode value depending on type
measurement.value.voltage = ((uint16_t)rx_buffer[1]<<8)+rx_buffer[2]+rx_buffer[3]*0.1;
measurement.value.current = rx_buffer[2]+rx_buffer[3]/100;
measurement.value.power = ((uint16_t)rx_buffer[1]<<8)+rx_buffer[2];
|||| = ((uint32_t)rx_buffer[1]<<16)+((uint16_t)rx_buffer[2]<<8)+rx_buffer[3];
/* not used in this application
break; // no value is returned
measurement.valid = false; // unexpected type
sensor_pzem_measurement_received = false; // reset flag
rx_i = 0; // prepare buffer to receive next measurement
return measurement;
/** USART interrupt service routine called when data has been transmitted or received */
if (usart_get_interrupt_source(USART(SENSOR_PZEM_USART), USART_SR_TXE)) { // data has been transmitted
if (tx_i<LENGTH(tx_buffer)) { // not all bytes transmitted
usart_send(USART(SENSOR_PZEM_USART),tx_buffer[tx_i++]); // transmit next byte
} else { // request transmitted
usart_disable_tx_interrupt(USART(SENSOR_PZEM_USART)); // disable transmit interrupt
tx_i = 0; // ready for next transmission
if (usart_get_interrupt_source(USART(SENSOR_PZEM_USART), USART_SR_RXNE)) { // data has been received
if (rx_i<LENGTH(rx_buffer)) { // receiving response
rx_buffer[rx_i++] = usart_recv(USART(SENSOR_PZEM_USART)); // put received byte in buffer
if (rx_i>=LENGTH(rx_buffer)) { // buffer full
sensor_pzem_measurement_received = true; // notify used response has been received
} else { // previous response not read before receiving the next
usart_recv(USART(SENSOR_PZEM_USART)); // drop received buffer
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** library to query measurements from peacefair PZEM-004 and PZEM-004T electricity meter (API)
* @file sensor_pzem.h
* @author King Kévin <>
* @date 2016
* @note peripherals used: USART @ref sensor_pzem_usart
#pragma once
/** a measurement response has been received */
extern volatile bool sensor_pzem_measurement_received;
/** measurements (and configurations) offered by electricity meter */
enum sensor_pzem_measurement_type_t {
// SENSOR_PZEM_ADDRESS = 4, // this is a setting, not a measurement
// SENSOR_PZEM_ALARM = 5, // this is a setting, not a measurement
/** measurement returned by electricity meter */
struct sensor_pzem_measurement_t {
enum sensor_pzem_measurement_type_t type; /**< measurement type */
bool valid; /**< is the measurement valid (e.g. format and checksum are correct) */
/** possible measurement values */
union measurement_t {
float voltage; /**< measured voltage in volts */
float current; /**< measured current in amperes */
uint16_t power; /**< measured power in watts */
uint32_t energy; /**< measured energy in watts/hour (24 bits) */
} value; /**< measurement value */
/** setup peripherals to communicate with electricity meter */
void sensor_pzem_setup(void);
/** request measurement from electricity meter
* @param[in] address electricity meter device address
* @param[in] type measurement type to request
void sensor_pzem_measurement_request(uint32_t address, enum sensor_pzem_measurement_type_t type);
/** decode received measurement
* @return decoded measurement (invalid if no new measurement has been received)
struct sensor_pzem_measurement_t sensor_pzem_measurement_decode(void);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** library to query measurements from eastron SDM120-ModBus electricity meter (code)
* @file sensor_sdm120.c
* @author King Kévin <>
* @date 2016
* @note peripherals used: USART @ref sensor_sdm120_usart , GPIO @ref sensor_sdm120_gpio , timer @ref sensor_sdm120_timer
/* standard libraries */
#include <stdint.h> // standard integer types
#include <stdlib.h> // general utilities
#include <math.h> // mathematical utilities
/* STM32 (including CM3) libraries */
#include <libopencm3/stm32/rcc.h> // real-time control clock library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/gpio.h> // general purpose input output library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/usart.h> // universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/timer.h> // timer utilities
#include <libopencm3/cm3/nvic.h> // interrupt handler
#include <libopencmsis/core_cm3.h> // Cortex M3 utilities
#include "sensor_sdm120.h" // SDM120 electricity meter header and definitions
#include "global.h" // common methods
/** @defgroup sensor_sdm120_usart USART peripheral used for communication with electricity meter
* @{
#define SENSOR_SDM120_USART 3 /**< USART peripheral */
/** @} */
/** @defgroup sensor_sdm120_gpio GPIO peripheral used for controlling RS-485 adapter
* @note driver output is enabled on high while receiver output is enabled on low, thus one pin can be used to control both
* @{
#define SENSOR_SDM120_REDE_PORT B /**< GPIO port for RS-485 receiver and driver output enable signal */
#define SENSOR_SDM120_REDE_PIN 12 /**< GPIO pin for RS-485 receiver and driver output enable signal */
/** @} */
/** @defgroup sensor_sdm120_timer timer peripheral to enforce waiting time between messages
* @note 60 ms are recommended between messages in SDM630 ModBus protocol implementation and this seem to also apply to SDM120
* @{
#define SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER 3 /**< timer number to count time */
/** @} */
/* input and output ring buffer, indexes, and available memory */
static uint8_t rx_buffer[9] = {0}; /**< buffer for received response (ModBus response messages can be 2+256+2 long but we will only read up to 2 registers) */
static volatile uint8_t rx_used = 0; /**< number of received data bytes in buffer */
static uint8_t tx_buffer[13] = {0}; /**< buffer for request to transmit (ModBus request messages can be 7+256+2 long but we will only write up to 2 registers */
static volatile uint8_t tx_used = 0; /**< number of byte to transmit */
volatile bool sensor_sdm120_measurement_received = false;
/** the ModBus timeouts to respect for sending messages **/
static enum timeout_t {
TIMEOUT_BEGIN = 0, /**< silent time before sending data */
TIMEOUT_END, /**< silent time after sending data */
TIMEOUT_BETWEEN, /**< time to wait between messages */
TIMEOUT_MAX /**< last element (useful to no the number of elements) */
} timeout; /**< the current timeout used */
/** current timeout used */
static uint16_t timeout_times[TIMEOUT_MAX] = {0};
/** SDM120 3xxxx input register start addresses for the measurement types */
static const uint16_t register_input[] = {
0x0000, // 30001 voltage (in volts)
0x0006, // 30007 current (in amperes)
0x000c, // 30013 active power (in watts)
0x0012, // 30019 apparent power (in volt amperes)
0x0018, // 30025 reactive power (in volt amperes reactive)
0x001e, // 30031 power factor (0-1)
0x0046, // 30071 frequency (in hertz)
0x0048, // 30073 import active energy (in kWh)
0x004a, // 30075 export active energy (in kWh)
0x004c, // 30077 import reactive energy (in kVArh)
0x004e, // 30079 export reactive energy (in kVArh)
0x0156, // 30343 total active energy (in kWh)
0x0158 // 30345 total reactive energy (in kVArh)
/** SDM120 4xxxx holding register start addresses for the configuration types */
static const uint16_t register_holding[] = {
0x000c, // relay pulse width (60, 100, or 200 ms)
0x0012, // network parity stop (0: 1 stop bit no parity, 1: one stop bit even parity, 2: one stop bit odd parity, 3: two stop bits no parity)
0x0014, // meter slave address (1-247)
0x001c, // baud rate (0: 2400 bps, 1: 4800 bps, 2: 9600 bps, 5: 1200 bps)
0x0056, // pulse 1 output mode (1: import active energy, 2: import+export active energy, 4: export active energy, 5: import reactive energy, 6: import+export reactive energy, 8: export reactive energy)
0xf900, // time of scroll display (0-30 s)
0xf910, // pulse 1 output (0: 0.001 kWh/imp, 1: 0.01 kWh/imp, 2: 0.1 kWh/imp, 3: 1 kWh/imp)
0xf920 // measurement mode (1: total=import, 2: total=import+export, 3: total=import-export)
/** compute CRC for ModBus
* @note ModBus uses ANSi/IBM 16-bits CRC (with normal polynomial 0x8005, reverse polynomial 0xA001, start value 0xfff)
* @param[in] buffer data on which to compute the CRC for
* @param[in] size number of byte to compute the CRC for
* @return computed CRC checksum
static uint16_t crc_modbus(uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t size)
uint16_t crc = 0xffff; // initial value (for ModBus)
for (uint8_t i=0; i<size; i++) { // go through every byte
crc ^= (uint16_t)buffer[i]; // XOR byte
for (uint8_t b=0; b<8; b++) { // go through every bit
if (crc&0x0001) { // least significant bit is set (we are using the reverse way)
crc = (crc>>1)^0xA001; // // shift to the right (for the next bit) and XOR with (reverse) polynomial
} else {
crc >>= 1; // just shift right (for the next bit)
return crc;
void sensor_sdm120_setup(uint32_t baudrate)
// enable USART I/O peripheral
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_AFIO); // enable pin alternate function (USART)
rcc_periph_clock_enable(USART_PORT_RCC(SENSOR_SDM120_USART)); // enable clock for USART port peripheral
rcc_periph_clock_enable(USART_RCC(SENSOR_SDM120_USART)); // enable clock for USART peripheral
gpio_clear(USART_PORT(SENSOR_SDM120_USART), USART_PIN_RX(SENSOR_SDM120_USART)); // pull down to avoid noise when not connected (it will be set low by RS485 chip when RO is enabled)
// setup USART parameters for electricity meter
usart_set_baudrate(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART), baudrate); // get baud rate by scrolling through the measurements on the electricity meter's screen (default 2400)
usart_set_databits(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART), 8);
usart_set_stopbits(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART), USART_STOPBITS_1);
usart_set_parity(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART), USART_PARITY_NONE); // get parity by scrolling through the measurements on the electricity meter's screen (default none)
nvic_enable_irq(USART_IRQ(SENSOR_SDM120_USART)); // enable the USART interrupt
usart_enable_rx_interrupt(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART)); // enable receive interrupt
usart_enable(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART)); // enable USART
// setup GPIO
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIO(SENSOR_SDM120_REDE_PORT)); // enable clock for GPIO peripheral
gpio_set_mode(GPIO(SENSOR_SDM120_REDE_PORT), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL, GPIO(SENSOR_SDM120_REDE_PIN)); // setup GPIO pin for receiver and driver output enable pin
gpio_clear(GPIO(SENSOR_SDM120_REDE_PORT),GPIO(SENSOR_SDM120_REDE_PIN)); // disable driver output and enable receive output
// setup timer to wait for minimal time before sending transmitting
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER)); // enable clock for timer block
timer_reset(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER)); // reset timer state
timer_set_mode(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER), TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); // set timer mode, use undivided timer clock,edge alignment (simple count), and count up
timer_one_shot_mode(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER)); // stop counter after update event (we only need to count down once)
timer_set_prescaler(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER), 66-1); // set the prescaler so this 16 bits timer allows to wait for 60 ms ( 1/(72E6/66/(2**16))=60.07ms )
timeout_times[TIMEOUT_BEGIN] = (rcc_ahb_frequency/(TIM_PSC(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER))+1))/baudrate/8/2.5; // wait at least 2.5 characters before sending data
timeout_times[TIMEOUT_END] = (rcc_ahb_frequency/(TIM_PSC(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER))+1))/baudrate/8/2.5; // wait at least 2.5 characters after sending data
timeout_times[TIMEOUT_BETWEEN] = 0.06*(rcc_ahb_frequency/(TIM_PSC(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER))+1)); // wait at least 60 ms before sending the next message
timer_clear_flag(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER), TIM_SR_UIF); // clear flag
timer_enable_irq(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER), TIM_DIER_UIE); // enable update interrupt for timer
nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_TIM_IRQ(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER)); // catch interrupt in service routine
// reset states
tx_used = 0;
rx_used = 0;
sensor_sdm120_measurement_received = false;
/** send request to electricity meter
* @param[in] meter_id electricity meter device id (ModBus salve address)
* @param[in] function ModBus function: 0x03 read two 16 bits holding registers, 0x04 read two 16 bits input registers, 0x10 write two 16 bits holding registers
* @param[in] address register start point address
* @param[in] value value to store in holding register (if function 0x10 is used)
* @return if request is correct and transmission started
static bool sensor_sdm120_transmit_request(uint8_t meter_id, uint8_t function, uint16_t address, float value)
if (meter_id==0) { // broadcast request are not supported
return false;
if (function!=0x03 && function!=0x04 && function!=0x10) { // function not supported
return false;
if (address%2) { // even register addresses are not supported by device
return false;
while (tx_used) { // transmission is ongoing
__WFI(); // wait until something happens (transmission ended)
// build request packet
uint8_t packet[11]; // buffer to build ModBus message (without error check)
uint8_t packet_size = 0; // ModBus message size (without error check)
packet[0] = meter_id; // set slave device address
packet[1] = function; // set function
packet[2] = address>>8; // set high register address
packet[3] = address; // set low register address
packet[4] = 0; // set high number of registers to read
packet[5] = 2; // set low number of register to read (the measurement are encoded using 32 bits IEE745 float, and register hold 16 bits, thus we want to read 2 registers
if (function==0x03 || function==0x04) { // read register
packet_size = 6; // set message size
} else if (function==0x10) { // write register
packet[6] = 4; // byte count (writing two 16 bits registers)
// store little endian encoded value in big endian encoded data
uint8_t* data = (uint8_t*)&value;
packet[7] = data[3];
packet[8] = data[2];
packet[9] = data[1];
packet[10] = data[0];
packet_size = 11; // set message size
uint16_t crc = crc_modbus(packet, packet_size); // compute error check
for (uint8_t i=0; i<packet_size; i++) {
tx_buffer[packet_size-i+1] = packet[i]; // copy packet to tx buffer in reverse order (this is how sending is implemented)
tx_buffer[1] = crc; // set low error check
tx_buffer[0] = crc>>8; // set high error check
tx_used = packet_size+2; // set request size
rx_used = 0; // reset reset buffer
sensor_sdm120_measurement_received = false; // reset measurement flag
while (TIM_CR1(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER))&TIM_CR1_CEN) { // timer is already used
__WFI(); // wait until something happens (timer is available again)
gpio_set(GPIO(SENSOR_SDM120_REDE_PORT),GPIO(SENSOR_SDM120_REDE_PIN)); // enable driver output and disable receive output
// start timeout
timeout = TIMEOUT_BEGIN; // select time before sending message
timer_set_period(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER), timeout_times[timeout]); // set corresponding timeout
timer_set_counter(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER), 0); // reset timer counter to get preset waiting time
timer_enable_counter(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER)); // wait
return true;
bool sensor_sdm120_measurement_request(uint8_t meter_id, enum sensor_sdm120_measurement_type_t type)
if (type>=SENSOR_SDM120_MEASUREMENT_MAX) { // invalid type
return false;
return sensor_sdm120_transmit_request(meter_id, 0x04, register_input[type], 0);
bool sensor_sdm120_configuration_request(uint8_t meter_id, enum sensor_sdm120_configuration_type_t type)
if (type>=SENSOR_SDM120_CONFIGURATION_MAX) { // invalid type
return false;
return sensor_sdm120_transmit_request(meter_id, 0x03, register_holding[type], 0);
bool sensor_sdm120_configuration_set(uint8_t meter_id, enum sensor_sdm120_configuration_type_t type, float value)
if (type>=SENSOR_SDM120_CONFIGURATION_MAX) { // invalid type
return false;
return sensor_sdm120_transmit_request(meter_id, 0x10, register_holding[type], value);
float sensor_sdm120_measurement_decode(void)
float measurement = NAN; // decoded measurement to return (invalid in the beginning)
if (!sensor_sdm120_measurement_received) { // no measurement received
return NAN;
} else {
sensor_sdm120_measurement_received = false; // reset flag
if (rx_used<5) { // not a complete response (minimum is address, function, size/error, error check low, error check high)
return NAN;
// a complete message has been received
if (crc_modbus(rx_buffer,rx_used)) { // checksum error, error check failed
measurement = NAN;
} else if (rx_buffer[1]&0x80) { // error condition received
measurement = INFINITY; // indicate we received and error
} else {
switch (rx_buffer[1]) {
case 0x03: // read 4xxx holding register response received
case 0x04: // read 3xxxx input register response received
if (rx_buffer[2]==0x04 && rx_used>=(4+5)) { // 2 registers received, corresponds to implemented request
// convert big endian received float value to little endian return value
uint8_t* convert = (uint8_t*)&measurement;
convert[0] = rx_buffer[6];
convert[1] = rx_buffer[5];
convert[2] = rx_buffer[4];
convert[3] = rx_buffer[3];
case 0x10: // write 4xxx holding register response received
measurement = (rx_buffer[4]<<8)+rx_buffer[5]; // number of registers written
break; // not supported currently
default: // unknown function response received
measurement = INFINITY;
break; // nothing to do
rx_used = 0; // reset rx_buffer usage
return measurement;
/** USART interrupt service routine called when data has been transmitted or received */
if (usart_get_interrupt_source(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART), USART_SR_TXE)) { // data has been transmitted
if (tx_used) { // not all bytes transmitted
usart_send(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART),tx_buffer[--tx_used]); // transmit next byte (clears flag)
} else { // all bytes transmitted
usart_disable_tx_interrupt(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART)); // disable transmit interrupt
USART_CR1(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART)) |= USART_CR1_TCIE; // enable transfer complete interrupt
if (usart_get_interrupt_source(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART), USART_SR_TC)) { // data has been completely transmitted
USART_CR1(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART)) |= USART_CR1_TCIE; // disable transfer complete interrupt
timeout = TIMEOUT_END; // select wait time after sending data
timer_set_period(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER), timeout_times[timeout]); // set corresponding timeout
timer_set_counter(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER), 0); // reset timer counter to get preset waiting time
timer_enable_counter(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER)); // wait
if (usart_get_interrupt_source(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART), USART_SR_RXNE)) { // data has been received
if (gpio_get(GPIO(SENSOR_SDM120_REDE_PORT),GPIO(SENSOR_SDM120_REDE_PIN))) { // not in receiver mode
USART_SR(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART)) &= ~USART_SR_RXNE; // clear flag, ignore received data
} else if (rx_used<LENGTH(rx_buffer)) { // receiving response
rx_buffer[rx_used++] = usart_recv(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART)); // put received byte in buffer (clears flag)
if (rx_used==1 && rx_buffer[0]==0) { // this is wrong decoding because the signal is going low on idle, which is misinterpreted as start bit (and the 0 broadcast device address is not supported by this device)
rx_used = 0; // reset buffer
} else if (rx_used>=5 && (rx_buffer[1]&0x80)) { // error condition response received
sensor_sdm120_measurement_received = true; // notify used response has been received
} else if (rx_used>=5 && (uint8_t)(rx_used-5)>=rx_buffer[2] && (rx_buffer[1]==0x04 || rx_buffer[1]==0x03)) { // read input or holding register response received
sensor_sdm120_measurement_received = true; // notify used response has been receive
} else if (rx_used>=8 && rx_buffer[1]==0x10) { // write holding register response received
sensor_sdm120_measurement_received = true; // notify used response has been receive
} else { // buffer full and unknown response received
USART_SR(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART)) &= ~USART_SR_RXNE; // clear flag (wait for user to read measurement, this clears the buffer)
timeout = TIMEOUT_END; // select time after receiving data
timer_set_period(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER), timeout_times[timeout]); // set corresponding timeout
timer_set_counter(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER), 0); // reset timer counter to get preset waiting time
timer_enable_counter(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER)); // wait
/** interrupt service routine called on timeout */
if (timer_get_flag(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER), TIM_SR_UIF)) { // update event happened
timer_clear_flag(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER), TIM_SR_UIF); // clear flag
// because of the one pulse mode the timer is stopped automatically
switch (timeout) { // timeout before action passed
case (TIMEOUT_BEGIN): // we can now send the data
USART_SR(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART)) &= USART_SR_TXE; // clear interrupt flag
usart_enable_tx_interrupt(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART)); // enable interrupt to send other bytes
usart_send(USART(SENSOR_SDM120_USART),tx_buffer[--tx_used]); // start transmission
case (TIMEOUT_END): // we now have to wait before sending the next message
gpio_clear(GPIO(SENSOR_SDM120_REDE_PORT),GPIO(SENSOR_SDM120_REDE_PIN)); // disable driver output (and enable receive output)
timeout = TIMEOUT_BETWEEN; // select time between sending message
timer_set_period(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER), timeout_times[timeout]); // set corresponding timeout
timer_set_counter(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER), 0); // reset timer counter to get preset waiting time
timer_enable_counter(TIM(SENSOR_SDM120_TIMER)); // wait
case (TIMEOUT_BETWEEN): // nothing to do, we are allowed to send the next message
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** library to query measurements from eastron SDM120-ModBus electricity meter (API)
* @file sensor_sdm120.h
* @author King Kévin <>
* @date 2016
* @note peripherals used: USART @ref sensor_sdm120_usart , GPIO @ref sensor_sdm120_gpio , timer @ref sensor_sdm120_timer
#pragma once
/** a measurement response has been received */
extern volatile bool sensor_sdm120_measurement_received;
/** measurement types offered by electricity meter in 3xxx input registers */
enum sensor_sdm120_measurement_type_t {
/** configuration types for electricity meter in 4xxx holding registers */
enum sensor_sdm120_configuration_type_t {
/** setup peripherals to communicate with electricity meter
* @param[in] baudrate baud rate of RS485 serial communication
void sensor_sdm120_setup(uint32_t baudrate);
/** request measurement from electricity meter
* @param[in] meter_id electricity meter device ID
* @param[in] type measurement type to request
* @return if transmission started
bool sensor_sdm120_measurement_request(uint8_t meter_id, enum sensor_sdm120_measurement_type_t type);
/** request configuration from electricity meter
* @param[in] meter_id electricity meter device ID
* @param[in] type configuration type to request
* @return if transmission started
bool sensor_sdm120_configuration_request(uint8_t meter_id, enum sensor_sdm120_configuration_type_t type);
/** set configuration in electricity meter
* @param[in] meter_id electricity meter device ID
* @param[in] type configuration type to set
* @param[in] value configuration value to set
* @return if transmission started
bool sensor_sdm120_configuration_set(uint8_t meter_id, enum sensor_sdm120_configuration_type_t type, float value);
/** decode received measurement
* @return decoded measurement or number of registers written, NaN if message has error or no new measurement has been received, infinity if an error or unknown message has been received
float sensor_sdm120_measurement_decode(void);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** library to control up to 4 independent receive and transmit software UART ports (code)
* @file uart_soft.c
* @author King Kévin <>
* @date 2016
* @note peripherals used: GPIO @ref uart_soft_gpio, timer @ref uart_soft_timer
/* standard libraries */
#include <stdint.h> // standard integer types
#include <stdlib.h> // general utilities
/* STM32 (including CM3) libraries */
#include <libopencm3/stm32/rcc.h> // real-time control clock library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/gpio.h> // general purpose input output library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/timer.h> // timer library
#include <libopencm3/cm3/nvic.h> // interrupt handler
#include <libopencm3/stm32/exti.h> // external interrupt defines
#include <libopencmsis/core_cm3.h> // Cortex M3 utilities
#include "uart_soft.h" // software UART library API
#include "global.h" // common methods
/** @defgroup uart_soft_gpio GPIO used for the software 4 UART ports
* @note comment if unused
* @warning only one port must be used per line (pin number)
* @{
#define UART_SOFT_RX_PORT0 B /**< port for receive signal for UART port 0 */
#define UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0 9 /**< pin for receive signal for UART port 0 */
//#define UART_SOFT_RX_PORT1 A /**< port for receive signal for UART port 0 */
//#define UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1 0 /**< pin for receive signal for UART port 0 */
//#define UART_SOFT_RX_PORT2 A /**< port for receive signal for UART port 0 */
//#define UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2 0 /**< pin for receive signal for UART port 0 */
//#define UART_SOFT_RX_PORT3 A /**< port for receive signal for UART port 0 */
//#define UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3 0 /**< pin for receive signal for UART port 0 */
#define UART_SOFT_TX_PORT0 B /**< port for transmit signal for UART port 0 */
#define UART_SOFT_TX_PIN0 8 /**< pin for transmit signal for UART port 0 */
//#define UART_SOFT_TX_PORT1 A /**< port for transmit signal for UART port 0 */
//#define UART_SOFT_TX_PIN1 0 /**< pin for transmit signal for UART port 0 */
//#define UART_SOFT_TX_PORT2 A /**< port for transmit signal for UART port 0 */
//#define UART_SOFT_TX_PIN2 0 /**< pin for transmit signal for UART port 0 */
//#define UART_SOFT_TX_PORT3 A /**< port for transmit signal for UART port 0 */
//#define UART_SOFT_TX_PIN3 0 /**< pin for transmit signal for UART port 0 */
/** @} */
/** buffer size for receive and transmit buffers */
#define UART_SOFT_BUFFER 128
/** UART receive state definition */
struct soft_uart_rx_state {
uint32_t port; /**< UART receive port */
uint16_t pin; /**< UART receive pin */
uint32_t rcc; /**< UART receive port peripheral clock */
uint32_t exti; /**< UART receive external interrupt */
uint32_t irq; /**< UART receive interrupt request */
uint32_t baudrate; /**< UART receive baud rate */
volatile uint16_t state; /**< GPIO state for receive pin */
volatile uint8_t bit; /**< next UART frame bit to receive */
volatile uint8_t byte; /**< byte being received */
volatile uint8_t buffer[UART_SOFT_BUFFER]; /**< receive buffer */
volatile uint8_t buffer_i; /**< index of current data to be read out */
volatile uint8_t buffer_used; /**< how much data is available */
volatile bool lock; /**< put lock when changing buffer_i or buffer_used */
volatile uint8_t buffer_byte; /**< to temporary store byte while locked */
volatile bool buffer_byte_used; /**< signal a byte has been stored in temporary buffer */
/** UART transmit state definition */
struct soft_uart_tx_state {
uint32_t port; /**< UART receive port */
uint16_t pin; /**< UART receive pin */
uint32_t rcc; /**< UART receive port peripheral clock */
uint32_t baudrate; /**< UART receive baud rate */
volatile uint8_t bit; /**< next UART frame bit to transmit */
volatile uint8_t byte; /**< byte being transmitted */
volatile uint8_t buffer[UART_SOFT_BUFFER]; /**< receive buffer */
volatile uint8_t buffer_i; /**< index of current data to be read out */
volatile uint8_t buffer_used; /**< how much data is available */
volatile bool transmit; /**< flag to know it transmission is ongoing */
static struct soft_uart_rx_state* uart_soft_rx_states[4] = {NULL}; /**< states of UART receive ports (up to 4) */
static struct soft_uart_tx_state* uart_soft_tx_states[4] = {NULL}; /**< states of UART transmit ports (up to 4) */
volatile bool uart_soft_received[4] = {false, false, false, false};
/** @defgroup uart_soft_timer timer used to sample UART signals
* @{
#if (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT0) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0)) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT1) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1)) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT2) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2)) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT3) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0))
#define UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER 3 /**< timer peripheral for receive signals */
#if (defined(UART_SOFT_TX_PORT0) && defined(UART_SOFT_TX_PIN0)) || (defined(UART_SOFT_TX_PORT1) && defined(UART_SOFT_TX_PIN1)) || (defined(UART_SOFT_TX_PORT2) && defined(UART_SOFT_TX_PIN2)) || (defined(UART_SOFT_TX_PORT3) && defined(UART_SOFT_TX_PIN0))
#define UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER 4 /**< timer peripheral for transmit signals */
/** @} */
static const uint32_t timer_flags[4] = {TIM_SR_CC1IF,TIM_SR_CC2IF,TIM_SR_CC3IF,TIM_SR_CC4IF}; /**< the interrupt flags for the compare units */
static const uint32_t timer_interrupt[4] = {TIM_DIER_CC1IE,TIM_DIER_CC2IE,TIM_DIER_CC3IE,TIM_DIER_CC4IE}; /**< the interrupt enable for the compare units */
static const enum tim_oc_id timer_oc[4] = {TIM_OC1,TIM_OC2,TIM_OC3,TIM_OC4}; /**< the output compares for the compare units */
bool uart_soft_setup(uint32_t *rx_baudrates, uint32_t *tx_baudrates)
(void)rx_baudrates; // ensure compile does no complain even if no receive port is used
(void)tx_baudrates; // ensure compile does no complain even if no transmit port is used
// save UART receive definition
#if defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT0) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0)
uart_soft_rx_states[0] = calloc(1,sizeof(struct soft_uart_rx_state)); // create state definition
uart_soft_rx_states[0]->port = GPIO(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT0); // save receive port
uart_soft_rx_states[0]->pin = GPIO(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0); // save receive pin
uart_soft_rx_states[0]->rcc = RCC_GPIO(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT0); // save receive port peripheral clock
uart_soft_rx_states[0]->exti = EXTI(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0); // save receive external interrupt
uart_soft_rx_states[0]->irq = NVIC_EXTI_IRQ(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0); // save receive interrupt request
// setup UART receive GPIO
for (uint8_t rx=0; rx<4; rx++) {
if (!uart_soft_rx_states[rx]) { // verify is receive UART is defined
continue; // skip configuration if not defined
if (!rx_baudrates || rx_baudrates[rx]==0) { // verify if receive baud rate has been defined
return false;
uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->baudrate = rx_baudrates[rx]; // save baud rate
rcc_periph_clock_enable(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->rcc); // enable clock for GPIO peripheral
gpio_set_mode(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->port, GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_PULL_UPDOWN, uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->pin); // setup GPIO pin UART receive
gpio_set(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->port, uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->pin); // pull up to avoid noise when not connected
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_AFIO); // enable alternate function clock for external interrupt
exti_select_source(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->exti, uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->port); // mask external interrupt of this pin only for this port
exti_enable_request(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->exti); // enable external interrupt
exti_set_trigger(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->exti, EXTI_TRIGGER_BOTH); // trigger when button is pressed
nvic_enable_irq(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->irq); // enable interrupt
uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->state = gpio_get(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->port, uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->pin); // save state of GPIO
uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->bit = 0; // reset bits received
// save UART transmit definition
#if defined(UART_SOFT_TX_PORT0) && defined(UART_SOFT_TX_PIN0)
uart_soft_tx_states[0] = calloc(1,sizeof(struct soft_uart_tx_state)); // create state definition
uart_soft_tx_states[0]->port = GPIO(UART_SOFT_TX_PORT0); // save receive port
uart_soft_tx_states[0]->pin = GPIO(UART_SOFT_TX_PIN0); // save receive pin
uart_soft_tx_states[0]->rcc = RCC_GPIO(UART_SOFT_TX_PORT0); // save receive port peripheral clock
// setup UART transmit GPIO
for (uint8_t tx=0; tx<4; tx++) {
if (!uart_soft_tx_states[tx]) { // verify is transmit UART is defined
continue; // skip configuration if not defined
if (!tx_baudrates || tx_baudrates[tx]==0) { // verify if transmit baud rate has been defined
return false;
uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->baudrate = tx_baudrates[tx]; // save baud rate
rcc_periph_clock_enable(uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->rcc); // enable clock for GPIO peripheral
gpio_set_mode(uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->port, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL, uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->pin); // setup GPIO UART transmit pin
gpio_set(uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->port, uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->pin); // idle high
// setup timer
#if defined(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER)
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER)); // enable clock for timer peripheral
timer_reset(TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER)); // reset timer state
timer_set_mode(TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER), TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); // set timer mode, use undivided timer clock, edge alignment (simple count), and count up
timer_set_prescaler(TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER), 0); // prescaler to be able to sample 2400-115200 bps (72MHz/2^16=1099<2400bps)
nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_TIM_IRQ(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER)); // allow interrupt for timer
timer_enable_counter(TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER)); // start timer to generate interrupts for the receive pins
#if defined(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER)
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER)); // enable clock for timer peripheral
timer_reset(TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER)); // reset timer state
timer_set_mode(TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER), TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); // set timer mode, use undivided timer clock, edge alignment (simple count), and count up
timer_set_prescaler(TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER), 0); // prescaler to be able to output 2400-115200 bps (72MHz/2^16=1099<2400bps)
nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_TIM_IRQ(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER)); // allow interrupt for timer
timer_enable_counter(TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER)); // start timer to generate interrupts for the transmit pins
return true; // setup completed
#if defined(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER)
uint8_t uart_soft_getbyte(uint8_t uart)
if (uart>=4 || !uart_soft_rx_states[uart]) { // ensure receive UART port is defined
return 0; // return
while (!uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer_used) { // idle until data is available
__WFI(); // sleep until interrupt
uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->lock = true; // set lock
uint8_t to_return = uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer[uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer_i]; // get the next available character
uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer_i = (uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer_i+1)%LENGTH(uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer); // update used buffer
uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer_used--; // update used buffer
uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->lock = false; // free lock
if (uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer_byte_used) { // temporary byte has been stored
uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer[(uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer_i+uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer_used)%LENGTH(uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer)] = uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer_byte; // put byte in buffer
uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer_used++; // update used buffer
uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer_byte_used = false; // buffer byte is now in buffer
uart_soft_received[uart] = (uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->buffer_used!=0); // notify user if data is available
uart_soft_rx_states[uart]->lock = false; // free lock
return to_return;
/** timer interrupt service routine to generate UART transmit signals */
for (uint8_t rx=0; rx<4; rx++) {
if (timer_interrupt_source(TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER),timer_flags[rx])) { // got a match on compare for receive pin
timer_clear_flag(TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER),timer_flags[rx]); // clear flag
if (!uart_soft_rx_states[rx]) { // verify if RX exists
continue; // skip if receive port is not defined it
uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->byte += ((gpio_get(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->port, uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->pin)==0 ? 0 : 1)<<(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->bit-1)); // save bit value
if (uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->bit<8) { // not the last bit received
timer_set_oc_value(TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER),timer_oc[rx],timer_get_counter(TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER))+rcc_ahb_frequency/uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->baudrate); // set timer to next bit
uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->bit++; // wait for next bit
} else { // last bit received
if (uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->lock) { // someone is already reading data
uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->buffer_byte = uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->byte; // save byte
uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->buffer_byte_used = true; // notify reader there is a temporary byte
} else { // buffer can be updated
if (uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->buffer_used>=LENGTH(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->buffer)) { // buffer is full
uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->buffer_i = (uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->buffer_i+1)%LENGTH(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->buffer); // drop oldest byte
uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->buffer_used--; // update buffer usage
uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->buffer[(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->buffer_i+uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->buffer_used)%LENGTH(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->buffer)] = uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->byte; // put byte in buffer
uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->buffer_used++; // update used buffer
uart_soft_received[rx] = true; // notify user data is available
timer_disable_irq(TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER),timer_interrupt[rx]); // stop_interrupting
uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->bit = 0; // next bit should be first bit of next byte
#if defined(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER)
void uart_soft_flush(uint8_t uart)
if (uart>=4 || !uart_soft_tx_states[uart]) { // ensure transmit UART port is defined
return; // return
while (uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->buffer_used) { // idle until buffer is empty
__WFI(); // sleep until interrupt
while (uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->transmit) { // idle until transmission is complete
__WFI(); // sleep until interrupt
/** start transmitting a byte from the buffer
* @param[in] uart UART port used for transmission
static void uart_soft_transmit(uint8_t uart) {
if (uart>=4 || !uart_soft_tx_states[uart]) { // ensure transmit UART port is defined
return; // UART transmit port not defined
if (uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->transmit) { // already transmitting
return; // transmission is already ongoing
if (!uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->buffer_used) { // no buffered data to transmit
return; // nothing to transmit
uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->byte = uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->buffer[uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->buffer_i]; // get byte
uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->buffer_i = (uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->buffer_i+1)%LENGTH(uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->buffer); // update index
uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->buffer_used--; // update used buffer
uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->bit = 0; // LSb is transmitted first
uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->transmit = true; // start transmission
gpio_clear(uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->port, uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->pin); // output start bit
timer_set_oc_value(TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER), timer_oc[uart], timer_get_counter(TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER))+(rcc_ahb_frequency/uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->baudrate)); // set timer to output UART frame 1 (data bit 0) in 1 bit
timer_clear_flag(TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER), timer_flags[uart]); // clear flag before enabling interrupt
timer_enable_irq(TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER), timer_interrupt[uart]);// enable timer IRQ for TX for this UART
void uart_soft_putbyte_nonblocking(uint8_t uart, uint8_t byte)
if (uart>=4 || !uart_soft_tx_states[uart]) { // ensure transmit UART port is defined
return; // return
while (uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->buffer_used>=LENGTH(uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->buffer)) { // idle until there is place in the buffer
__WFI(); // sleep until something happened
uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->buffer[(uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->buffer_i+uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->buffer_used)%LENGTH(uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->buffer)] = byte; // save byte to be transmitted
uart_soft_tx_states[uart]->buffer_used++; // update used buffer
uart_soft_transmit(uart); // start transmission
void uart_soft_putbyte_blocking(uint8_t uart, uint8_t byte)
uart_soft_putbyte_nonblocking(uart, byte); // put byte in queue
uart_soft_flush(uart); // wait for all byte to be transmitted
/** timer interrupt service routine to sample UART receive signals */
for (uint8_t tx=0; tx<4; tx++) {
if (timer_interrupt_source(TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER),timer_flags[tx])) { // got a match on compare for transmit pin
timer_clear_flag(TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER),timer_flags[tx]); // clear flag
if (!uart_soft_tx_states[tx]) { // verify if transmit is defined
continue; // skip if transmit port is not defined it
if (uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->bit<8) { // there is a data bit to transmit
if ((uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->byte>>uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->bit)&0x01) { // bit to transmit is a 1
gpio_set(uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->port, uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->pin); // set output to high
} else { // bit to transmit is a 0
gpio_clear(uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->port, uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->pin); // set output to low
timer_set_oc_value(TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER), timer_oc[tx], timer_get_counter(TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER))+(rcc_ahb_frequency/uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->baudrate)); // wait for the next frame bit
uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->bit++; // go to next bit
} else if (uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->bit==8) { // transmit stop bit
gpio_set(uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->port, uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->pin); // go idle high
timer_set_oc_value(TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER), timer_oc[tx], timer_get_counter(TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER))+(rcc_ahb_frequency/uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->baudrate)); // wait for 1 stop bit
uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->bit++; // go to next bit
} else { // UART frame is complete
timer_disable_irq(TIM(UART_SOFT_TX_TIMER), timer_interrupt[tx]);// enable timer IRQ for TX for this UART
uart_soft_tx_states[tx]->transmit = false; // transmission finished
uart_soft_transmit(tx); // start next transmission (if there is)
} // compare match
} // go through UARTs
/** central function handling receive signal activity */
static void uart_soft_receive_activity(void)
for (uint8_t rx=0; rx<4; rx++) {
if (!uart_soft_rx_states[rx]) { // verify if receive port is not configured
continue; // skip if receive port is not defined it
if (uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->state!=gpio_get(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->port, uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->pin)) { // only do something if state changed
uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->state = gpio_get(uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->port, uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->pin); // save new state
if (uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->bit==0) { // start bit edge detected
if (uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->state==0) { // start bit has to be low
timer_set_oc_value(TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER), timer_oc[rx], timer_get_counter(TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER))+(rcc_ahb_frequency/uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->baudrate)*1.5); // set timer to sample data bit 0 in 1.5 bits
timer_clear_flag(TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER), timer_flags[rx]); // clear flag before enabling interrupt
timer_enable_irq(TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER), timer_interrupt[rx]);// enable timer IRQ for RX for this UART
uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->byte = 0; // reset byte value
uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->bit++; // wait for first bit
} else { // data bit detected
timer_set_oc_value(TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER), timer_oc[rx], timer_get_counter(TIM(UART_SOFT_RX_TIMER))+(rcc_ahb_frequency/uart_soft_rx_states[rx]->baudrate)/2); // resync timer to half a bit (good for drifting transmission, bad if the line is noisy)
/** GPIO interrupt service routine to detect UART receive activity */
#if (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT0) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==0) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT1) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==0) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT2) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==0) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT3) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==0)
void exti0_isr(void)
exti_reset_request(EXTI0); // clear interrupt flag for pin triggers this ISR (pin state will be checked independently)
uart_soft_receive_activity(); // check which GPIO changed
#if (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT0) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==1) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT1) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==1) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT2) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==1) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT3) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==1)
void exti1_isr(void)
exti_reset_request(EXTI1); // clear interrupt flag for pin triggers this ISR (pin state will be checked independently)
uart_soft_receive_activity(); // check which GPIO changed
#if (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT0) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==2) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT1) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==2) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT2) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==2) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT3) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==2)
void exti2_isr(void)
exti_reset_request(EXTI2); // clear interrupt flag for pin triggers this ISR (pin state will be checked independently)
uart_soft_receive_activity(); // check which GPIO changed
#if (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT0) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==3) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT1) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==3) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT2) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==3) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT3) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==3)
void exti3_isr(void)
exti_reset_request(EXTI3); // clear interrupt flag for pin triggers this ISR (pin state will be checked independently)
uart_soft_receive_activity(); // check which GPIO changed
#if (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT0) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==4) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT1) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==4) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT2) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==4) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT3) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3) && UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==4)
void exti4_isr(void)
exti_reset_request(EXTI4); // clear interrupt flag for pin triggers this ISR (pin state will be checked independently)
uart_soft_receive_activity(); // check which GPIO changed
#if (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT0) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0) && (UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==5 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==6 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==7 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==8 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==9)) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT1) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1) && (UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==5 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==6 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==7 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==8 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==9)) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT2) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2) && (UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==5 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==6 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==7 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==8 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==9)) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT3) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3) && (UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==5 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==6 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==7 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==8 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==9))
void exti9_5_isr(void)
exti_reset_request(EXTI5|EXTI6|EXTI7|EXTI8|EXTI9); // clear interrupt flag for pin triggers this ISR (pin state will be checked independently)
uart_soft_receive_activity(); // check which GPIO changed
#if (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT0) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0) && (UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==10 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==11 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==12 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==13 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==14 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN0==15)) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT1) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1) && (UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==10 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==11 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==12 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==13 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==14 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN1==15)) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT2) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2) && (UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==10 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==11 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==12 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==13 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==14 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN2==15)) || (defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PORT3) && defined(UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3) && (UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==10 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==11 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==12 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==13 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==14 || UART_SOFT_RX_PIN3==15))
void exti15_10_isr(void)
exti_reset_request(EXTI10|EXTI11|EXTI12|EXTI13|EXTI14|EXTI15); // clear interrupt flag for pin triggers this ISR (pin state will be checked independently)
uart_soft_receive_activity(); // check which GPIO changed
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** library to control up to 4 independent receive and transmit software UART ports (API)
* @file uart_soft.h
* @author King Kévin <>
* @date 2016
* @note peripherals used: GPIO @ref uart_soft_gpio, timer @ref uart_soft_timer
/** if data has been received from UART port and is available to be read */
extern volatile bool uart_soft_received[4];
/** setup software UART ports
* @param[in] rx_baudrates baud rates of the 4 UART RX ports (0 if unused)
* @param[in] tx_baudrates baud rates of the 4 UART TX ports (0 if unused)
* @return is setup succeeded, else the configuration is wrong
bool uart_soft_setup(uint32_t *rx_baudrates, uint32_t *tx_baudrates);
/** get received byte from UART port
* @param[in] uart UART receive port to read byte from
* @return received byte (0 if no byte is available)
uint8_t uart_soft_getbyte(uint8_t uart);
/** ensure all bytes are transmitted for the UART
* @param[in] uart UART port to flush
void uart_soft_flush(uint8_t uart);
/** put byte in buffer to be transmitted on UART port
* @note blocking if buffer is full
* @param[in] uart UART port to transmit the byte from
* @param[in] byte byte to put in transmit buffer
void uart_soft_putbyte_nonblocking(uint8_t uart, uint8_t byte);
/** transmit byte on UART port
* @note blocks until all buffered byte and this byte are transmitted
* @param[in] uart UART port to transmit the byte from
* @param[in] byte byte to transmit
void uart_soft_putbyte_blocking(uint8_t uart, uint8_t byte);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user