remove CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2BETA per review

This commit is contained in:
hathach 2020-04-10 23:38:36 +07:00
parent 8953bc9255
commit a37a56acd3
1 changed files with 0 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -168,27 +168,8 @@ void dcd_init(uint8_t rhport)
USB0.gahbcfg |= USB_NPTXFEMPLVL_M | USB_GLBLLNTRMSK_M; // Global interruptions ON
USB0.gusbcfg |= USB_FORCEDEVMODE_M; // force devmode
// needed for beta chip only
// there was a bug in the phy logic that made the chip reset as soon as it transmitted anything.
// Setting the B override value made it ignore resets (any resets, generated by the faulty logic or not),
// which 'fixed' the problem well enough to test usb with it.
// Also, do note that the beta silicon run was very small and software support for it is not in mainstream esp-idf,
// as such you may consider phasing out support for it alltogether somewhere in the future
// TODO we could safely remove this later (maybe after 2020)
//C. chip 7.2.2 hack
ESP_LOGV(TAG, "DCD init - chip ESP32-S2 beta hack");
USB0.gotgctl = (0 << USB_BVALIDOVVAL_S); //B override value
USB0.gotgctl = (0 << USB_BVALIDOVVAL_S) | (1 << USB_BVALIDOVEN_S); //B override value & enable
// C. Setting SNAKs, then connect
for (int n = 0; n < USB_OUT_EP_NUM; n++) {
USB0.out_ep_reg[n].doepctl |= USB_DO_SNAK0_M; // DOEPCTL0_SNAK