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/** library to communicate using I²C as master
* @file
* @author King Kévin <kingkevin@cuvoodoo.info>
* @copyright SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* @date 2017-2021
* @warning the I²C peripheral is very glitchy (sending random clock pulses), thus prefer the software implementation alternative, which is simpler, more flexible, smaller, and very stable (it just draws more energy)
#pragma once
/** I²C return codes */
enum i2c_master_rc {
I2C_MASTER_RC_NONE = 0, /**< no error */
I2C_MASTER_RC_START_STOP_IN_PROGESS, /**< a start or stop condition is already in progress */
I2C_MASTER_RC_NOT_MASTER, /**< not in master mode */
I2C_MASTER_RC_NOT_TRANSMIT, /**< not in transmit mode */
I2C_MASTER_RC_NOT_RECEIVE, /**< not in receive mode */
I2C_MASTER_RC_NOT_READY, /**< slave is not read (previous operations has been NACKed) */
I2C_MASTER_RC_NAK, /**< not acknowledge received */
I2C_MASTER_RC_BUS_ERROR, /**< an error on the I²C bus occurred */
I2C_MASTER_RC_TIMEOUT, /**< a timeout has occurred because an operation has not completed in the expected time */
I2C_MASTER_RC_OTHER, /** any other error (does not have to be I²C related) */
/** setup I²C peripheral
* @param[in] freq_khz desired clock frequency, in kHz
* @return if I²C bus is ready to be used (same as i2c_master_check_signals)
bool i2c_master_setup(uint16_t freq_khz);
/** release I²C peripheral */
void i2c_master_release(void);
/** reset I²C peripheral, fixing any locked state
* @warning the I²C peripheral needs to be re-setup
* @note to be used after failed start or stop, and bus error
void i2c_master_reset(void);
/** check if SDA and SCL signals are pulled high
* @return if SDA and SCL signals are pulled high
bool i2c_master_check_signals(void);
/** send start condition
* @return I2C return code
enum i2c_master_rc i2c_master_start(void);
/** select I²C slave device
* @warning a start condition should be sent before this operation
* @param[in] slave I²C address of slave device to select
* @param[in] address_10bit if the I²C slave address is 10 bits wide
* @param[in] write this transaction will be followed by a read (false) or write (true) operation
* @return I²C return code
enum i2c_master_rc i2c_master_select_slave(uint16_t slave, bool address_10bit, bool write);
/** read data over I²C
* @param[out] data array to store bytes read
* @param[in] data_size number of bytes to read
* @return I²C return code
* @warning the slave device must be selected before this operation
* @note a stop condition will be sent at the end (I²C does not permit multiple reads, and this is necessary for 1-byte transfer)
enum i2c_master_rc i2c_master_read(uint8_t* data, uint16_t data_size);
/** write data over I²C
* @param[in] data array of byte to write to slave
* @param[in] data_size number of bytes to write
* @return I²C return code
* @warning the slave device must be selected before this operation
* @note no stop condition is sent at the end, allowing multiple writes
enum i2c_master_rc i2c_master_write(const uint8_t* data, uint16_t data_size);
/** sent stop condition
* @param[in] i2c I²C base address
* @return I²C return code
enum i2c_master_rc i2c_master_stop(void);
/** read data from slave device
* @param[in] slave I²C address of slave device to select
* @param[in] address_10bit if the I²C slave address is 10 bits wide
* @param[out] data array to store bytes read
* @param[in] data_size number of bytes to read
* @return I²C return code
* @note start and stop conditions are included
enum i2c_master_rc i2c_master_slave_read(uint16_t slave, bool address_10bit, uint8_t* data, uint16_t data_size);
/** write data to slave device
* @param[in] slave I²C address of slave device to select
* @param[in] address_10bit if the I²C slave address is 10 bits wide
* @param[in] data array of byte to write to slave
* @param[in] data_size number of bytes to write
* @return I²C return code
* @note start and stop conditions are included
enum i2c_master_rc i2c_master_slave_write(uint16_t slave, bool address_10bit, const uint8_t* data, uint16_t data_size);
/** read data at specific address from an I²C memory slave
* @param[in] slave I²C address of slave device to select
* @param[in] address_10bit if the I²C slave address is 10 bits wide
* @param[in] address memory address of slave to read from
* @param[in] address_size address size in bytes
* @param[out] data array to store bytes read
* @param[in] data_size number of bytes to read
* @return I²C return code
* @note start and stop conditions are included
enum i2c_master_rc i2c_master_address_read(uint16_t slave, bool address_10bit, const uint8_t* address, uint16_t address_size, uint8_t* data, uint16_t data_size);
/** write data at specific address on an I²C memory slave
* @param[in] slave I²C address of slave device to select
* @param[in] address_10bit if the I²C slave address is 10 bits wide
* @param[in] address memory address of slave to write to
* @param[in] address_size address size in bytes
* @param[in] data array of byte to write to slave
* @param[in] data_size number of bytes to write
* @return I²C return code
* @note start and stop conditions are included
enum i2c_master_rc i2c_master_address_write(uint16_t slave, bool address_10bit, const uint8_t* address, uint16_t address_size, const uint8_t* data, uint16_t data_size);
/** interrupt service routine used to wake up
* @note not sure why the declaration need to be in main for it to work
void i2c_master_isr(void) __interrupt(IRQ_I2C);