
1202 lines
49 KiB

/** firmware to control the cool clock
* @file
* @author King Kévin <>
* @copyright SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* @date 2016-2022
/* standard libraries */
#include <stdint.h> // standard integer types
#include <stdlib.h> // standard utilities
#include <string.h> // string utilities
#include <time.h> // date/time utilities
#include <ctype.h> // utilities to check chars
/* STM32 (including CM3) libraries */
#include <libopencmsis/core_cm3.h> // Cortex M3 utilities
#include <libopencm3/cm3/scb.h> // vector table definition
#include <libopencm3/cm3/nvic.h> // interrupt utilities
#include <libopencm3/stm32/gpio.h> // general purpose input output library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/rcc.h> // real-time control clock library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/exti.h> // external interrupt utilities
#include <libopencm3/stm32/rtc.h> // real time clock utilities
#include <libopencm3/stm32/iwdg.h> // independent watchdog utilities
#include <libopencm3/stm32/dbgmcu.h> // debug utilities
#include <libopencm3/stm32/desig.h> // design utilities
#include <libopencm3/stm32/flash.h> // flash utilities
#include <libopencm3/stm32/timer.h> // timer library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/dma.h> // DMA library
#include <libopencm3/usb/dwc/otg_fs.h> // USB definitions
/* own libraries */
#include "global.h" // board definitions
#include "print.h" // printing utilities
#include "usb_cdcacm.h" // USB CDC ACM utilities
#include "terminal.h" // handle the terminal interface
#include "menu.h" // menu utilities
#include "font.h" // to draw text
#include "led_rgbpanel.h" // to control RGB panels
#include "led_ws2812b.h" // control WS2812b LEDs
#include "radio_esp8266.h" // to receive ARTnet
/** watchdog period in ms */
#define WATCHDOG_PERIOD 10000
/** wakeup frequency (i.e. least number of times per second to perform the main loop) */
#define WAKEUP_FREQ 16
/** @defgroup main_flags flag set in interrupts to be processed in main task
* @{
static volatile bool wakeup_flag = false; /**< flag set when wakeup timer triggered */
static volatile bool second_flag = false; /**< flag set when a second passed */
/** @} */
/** number of seconds since boot */
static uint32_t boot_time = 0;
// DRV8825 stepper motor driver connections
#define DRV8825_ENABLE_PIN PB13 /**< pin to enable output (active low) */
#define DRV8825_RESET_PIN PB14 /**< pin to reset and put to sleep driver (active low) */
#define DRV8825_DIRECTION_PIN PB15 /**< pin to set direction (low = clockwise) */
#define DRV8825_STEP_PIN PA15 /**< pin to move one step forward */
#define DRV8825_STEP_TIMER 2 /**< timer connected to pin */
#define DRV8825_STEP_CHANNEL 1 /**< timer channel connected to pin */
#define DRV8825_STEP_OC TIM_OC1 /**< timer output compare connected to pin */
#define DRV8825_STEP_AF GPIO_AF1 /**< alternate function for timer channel */
#define DRV8825_FAULT_PIN PB12 /**< pin pulled low on error (such as over-current) */
static volatile uint32_t drv8825_steps = 0; /**< incremented with each step */
static int8_t drv8825_direction = 0; /**< direction of the steps (1 = clockwise, -1 = counter-clockwise) */
static uint32_t drv8825_goal = 0; /**< number of steps to reach */
static bool drv8825_reached = false; /**< set when the goal is reached */
/** maximum speed (in steps/s) before the motor stalls (found empirically)
* @note found empirically 300 @ 9V/180mA, 420 @ 12V/150mA
#define DRV8825_SPEED_LIMIT 420U
// dials position info
#define DIAL_SWITCH_PIN PB4 /**< pin connected to reed switch, connected to ground when the hour dial is nearby */
#define DIAL_CYCLE_STEPS 11904U /**< number of steps for the hour dial to make a round */
#define DIAL_MIDNIGHT_STEPS 6557U /**< number of steps after dial detection for dials to show midnight */
static volatile uint32_t dial_steps = 0; /**< set to drv8825_steps when dial is nearby */
#define WSMATRIX_HEIGHT (2 * 8) /**< WS2812b panel height, in pixels */
#define WSMATRIX_WIDTH 32 /**< WS2812b panel width, in pixels */
// RGBW LED strips
#define STRIP_TIMER 4 /**< timer used for the PWM */
#define STRIP_R_PIN PB9 /**< pin used to drive gate for red channel */
#define STRIP_R_CH 4 /**< channel used for the red channel */
#define STRIP_G_PIN PB8 /**< pin used to drive gate for green channel */
#define STRIP_G_CH 3 /**< channel used for the green channel */
#define STRIP_B_PIN PB7 /**< pin used to drive gate for blue channel */
#define STRIP_B_CH 2 /**< channel used for the blue channel */
#define STRIP_W_PIN PB6 /**< pin used to drive gate for white channel */
#define STRIP_W_CH 1 /**< channel used for the white channel */
#define STRIP_AF GPIO_AF2 /**< alternate function for pin to be used as timer channel */
#define UNIVERSE_OFFSET 20 /**< first Art-Net universe to listen to */
/** set motor speed and direction
* @param[in] speed speed (in Hz) and direction (sign)
static void drv8825_speed(int16_t speed)
if (0 == speed) {
timer_disable_counter(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER)); // stop PWM output
gpio_set(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_ENABLE_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_ENABLE_PIN)); // disable motor
drv8825_direction = 0; // remember we stopped
} else {
if (speed > 0) {
gpio_clear(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_DIRECTION_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_DIRECTION_PIN)); // set clockwise
drv8825_direction = 1; // remember we go clockwise
} else {
gpio_set(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_DIRECTION_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_DIRECTION_PIN)); // set counter-clockwise
drv8825_direction = -1; // remember we go counter-clockwise
speed = -speed; // get positive speed
if (speed > (int16_t)DRV8825_SPEED_LIMIT) { // enforce upper limit
speed = DRV8825_SPEED_LIMIT;
timer_set_prescaler(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER), rcc_ahb_frequency / (UINT16_MAX * speed) - 1); // set the clock frequency
gpio_clear(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_ENABLE_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_ENABLE_PIN)); // enable motor
timer_enable_counter(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER)); // start PWM output
/** set color of the LED on the RGB matrix or WS2812b panel
* @param[in] ws false to display on RGB matrix, true on WS2812b panel
* @param[in] x horizontal position (0 = left)
* @param[in] y vertical position (0 = top)
* @param[in] r if the red LED should be on
* @param[in] g if the green LED should be on
* @param[in] b if the blue LED should be on
static void matrix_set(bool ws, int16_t x, int16_t y, bool r, bool g, bool b)
if (x < 0 || x >= (ws ? WSMATRIX_WIDTH : RGBPANEL_WIDTH)) {
if (y < 0 || y >= (ws ? WSMATRIX_HEIGHT : RGBPANEL_HEIGHT)) {
if (ws) {
uint8_t col = 0, row = 0;
if (y < WSMATRIX_HEIGHT / 2) {
col = WSMATRIX_WIDTH - 1 - x;
if (1 == x % 2) {
row = WSMATRIX_HEIGHT / 2 - 1 - y;
} else {
row = y;
} else {
if (1 == x % 2) {
row = WSMATRIX_HEIGHT / 2 - 1 - y;
} else {
row = y;
} else {
rgbpanel_set(x, y, r, g, b); // set LED color
/** draw character on matrix
* @param[in] ws false to display on RGB matrix, true on WS2812b panel
* @param[in] x horizontal position (0 = left)
* @param[in] y vertical position (0 = top)
* @param[in] c character to draw
* @param[in] font font to use
* @param[in] r if the character should be drawn in red
* @param[in] g if the character should be drawn in green
* @param[in] b if the character should be drawn in blue
static void matrix_putc(bool ws, int16_t x, int16_t y, char c, enum font_name font, bool red, bool green, bool blue)
// sanity checks
if (font >= FONT_MAX) {
if (c < ' ' || c > '~') {
if (x + fonts[font].width < 0 || x >= (ws ? WSMATRIX_WIDTH : RGBPANEL_WIDTH)) {
if (y + fonts[font].height < 0 || y >= (ws ? WSMATRIX_HEIGHT : RGBPANEL_HEIGHT)) {
// draw character on buffer
for (uint8_t col = 0; col < fonts[font].width; col++) {
const uint16_t column = fonts[font].glyphs[(c - ' ') * fonts[font].width + col];
for (uint8_t row = 0; row < fonts[font].height; row++) {
const bool dot = (column >> (fonts[font].height - 1 - row)) & 0x01;
if (dot) {
matrix_set(ws, x + col, y + row, red, green, blue);
} else {
matrix_set(ws, x + col, y + row, false, false, false);
/** draw text on RGB matrix
* @param[in] ws false to display on RGB matrix, true on WS2812b panel
* @param[in] x horizontal position (0 = left)
* @param[in] y vertical position (0 = top)
* @param[in] str text to draw
* @param[in] font font to use
* @param[in] r if the character should be drawn in red
* @param[in] g if the character should be drawn in green
* @param[in] b if the character should be drawn in blue
static void matrix_puts(bool ws, int16_t x, int16_t y, const char* str, enum font_name font, bool red, bool green, bool blue)
// sanity checks
if (NULL == str) {
if (font >= FONT_MAX) {
if (y + fonts[font].height < 0 || y >= (ws ? WSMATRIX_HEIGHT : RGBPANEL_HEIGHT)) {
const uint8_t len = strlen(str);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (x + fonts[font].width >= 0) {
matrix_putc(ws, x, y, str[i], font, red, green, blue);
x += fonts[font].width + 1;
size_t putc(char c)
size_t length = 0; // number of characters printed
static char last_c = 0; // to remember on which character we last sent
if ('\n' == c) { // send carriage return (CR) + line feed (LF) newline for each LF
if ('\r' != last_c) { // CR has not already been sent
usb_cdcacm_putchar('\r'); // send CR over USB
length++; // remember we printed 1 character
usb_cdcacm_putchar(c); // send byte over USB
length++; // remember we printed 1 character
last_c = c; // remember last character
return length; // return number of characters printed
// only print when debug is enabled
#define puts_debug(x) puts(x)
#define puts_debug(x) {}
/** display available commands
* @param[in] argument no argument required
static void command_help(void* argument);
/** show software and hardware version
* @param[in] argument no argument required
static void command_version(void* argument)
(void)argument; // we won't use the argument
printf("firmware date: %04u-%02u-%02u\n", BUILD_YEAR, BUILD_MONTH, BUILD_DAY); // show firmware build date
printf("device serial: %08x%08x%08x\n", DESIG_UNIQUE_ID2, DESIG_UNIQUE_ID1, DESIG_UNIQUE_ID0); // show complete serial (different than the one used for USB)
/** convert RTC date/time to number of seconds
* @return number of seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00
* @warning for simplicity I consider every month to have 31 days
static uint32_t rtc_to_seconds(void)
rtc_wait_for_synchro(); // wait until date/time is synchronised
const uint8_t year = ((RTC_DR >> RTC_DR_YT_SHIFT) & RTC_DR_YT_MASK) * 10 + ((RTC_DR >> RTC_DR_YU_SHIFT) & RTC_DR_YU_MASK); // get year
uint8_t month = ((RTC_DR >> RTC_DR_MT_SHIFT) & RTC_DR_MT_MASK) * 10 + ((RTC_DR >> RTC_DR_MU_SHIFT) & RTC_DR_MU_MASK); // get month
if (month > 0) { // month has been initialized, but starts with 1
month--; // fix for calculation
uint8_t day = ((RTC_DR >> RTC_DR_DT_SHIFT) & RTC_DR_DT_MASK) * 10 + ((RTC_DR >> RTC_DR_DU_SHIFT) & RTC_DR_DU_MASK); // get day
if (day > 0) { // day has been initialized, but starts with 1
day--; // fix for calculation
const uint8_t hour = ((RTC_TR >> RTC_TR_HT_SHIFT) & RTC_TR_HT_MASK) * 10 + ((RTC_TR >> RTC_TR_HU_SHIFT) & RTC_TR_HU_MASK); // get hours
const uint8_t minute = ((RTC_TR >> RTC_TR_MNT_SHIFT) & RTC_TR_MNT_MASK) * 10 + ((RTC_TR >> RTC_TR_MNU_SHIFT) & RTC_TR_MNU_MASK); // get minutes
const uint8_t second = ((RTC_TR >> RTC_TR_ST_SHIFT) & RTC_TR_ST_MASK) * 10 + ((RTC_TR >> RTC_TR_SU_SHIFT) & RTC_TR_SU_MASK); // get seconds
const uint32_t seconds = ((((((((year * 12) + month) * 31) + day) * 24) + hour) * 60) + minute) * 60 + second; // convert to number of seconds
return seconds;
/** show uptime
* @param[in] argument no argument required
static void command_uptime(void* argument)
(void)argument; // we won't use the argument
const uint32_t uptime = rtc_to_seconds() - boot_time; // get time from internal RTC
printf("uptime: %u.%02u:%02u:%02u\n", uptime / (24 * 60 * 60), (uptime / (60 * 60)) % 24, (uptime / 60) % 60, uptime % 60);
/** show date and time
* @param[in] argument date and time to set
static void command_datetime(void* argument)
char* datetime = (char*)argument; // argument is optional date time
const char* days[] = { "??", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su"}; // the days of the week
// set date
if (datetime) { // date has been provided
// parse date
const char* malformed = "date and time malformed, expecting YYYY-MM-DD WD HH:MM:SS\n";
if (strlen(datetime) != (4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2) + 1 + 2 + 1 + (2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2)) { // verify date/time is long enough
if (!(isdigit((int8_t)datetime[0]) && isdigit((int8_t)datetime[1]) && isdigit((int8_t)datetime[2]) && isdigit((int8_t)datetime[3]) && \
'-' == datetime[4] && \
isdigit((int8_t)datetime[5]) && isdigit((int8_t)datetime[6]) && \
'-' == datetime[7] && \
isdigit((int8_t)datetime[8]) && isdigit((int8_t)datetime[9]) && \
' ' == datetime[10] && \
isalpha((int8_t)datetime[11]) && isalpha((int8_t)datetime[12]) && \
' ' == datetime[13] && \
isdigit((int8_t)datetime[14]) && isdigit((int8_t)datetime[15]) && \
':' == datetime[16] && \
isdigit((int8_t)datetime[17]) && isdigit((int8_t)datetime[18]) && \
':' == datetime[19] && \
isdigit((int8_t)datetime[20]) && isdigit((int8_t)datetime[21]))) { // verify format (good enough to not fail parsing)
const uint16_t year = strtol(&datetime[0], NULL, 10); // parse year
if (year <= 2000 || year > 2099) {
puts("year out of range\n");
const uint8_t month = strtol(&datetime[5], NULL, 10); // parse month
if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
puts("month out of range\n");
const uint8_t day = strtol(&datetime[8], NULL, 10); // parse day
if (day < 1 || day > 31) {
puts("day out of range\n");
const uint8_t hour = strtol(&datetime[14], NULL, 10); // parse hour
if (hour > 24) {
puts("hour out of range\n");
const uint8_t minute = strtol(&datetime[17], NULL, 10); // parse minutes
if (minute > 59) {
puts("minute out of range\n");
const uint8_t second = strtol(&datetime[30], NULL, 10); // parse seconds
if (second > 59) {
puts("second out of range\n");
uint8_t week_day = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 1; i < LENGTH(days) && 0 == week_day; i++) {
if (days[i][0] == toupper(datetime[11]) && days[i][1] == tolower(datetime[12])) {
week_day = i;
if (0 == week_day) {
puts("unknown week day\n");
uint32_t date = 0; // to build the date
date |= (((year - 2000) / 10) & RTC_DR_YT_MASK) << RTC_DR_YT_SHIFT; // set year tenth
date |= (((year - 2000) % 10) & RTC_DR_YU_MASK) << RTC_DR_YU_SHIFT; // set year unit
date |= ((month / 10) & RTC_DR_MT_MASK) << RTC_DR_MT_SHIFT; // set month tenth
date |= ((month % 10) & RTC_DR_MU_MASK) << RTC_DR_MU_SHIFT; // set month unit
date |= ((day / 10) & RTC_DR_DT_MASK) << RTC_DR_DT_SHIFT; // set day tenth
date |= ((day % 10) & RTC_DR_DU_MASK) << RTC_DR_DU_SHIFT; // set day unit
date |= (week_day & RTC_DR_WDU_MASK) << RTC_DR_WDU_SHIFT; // time day of the week
uint32_t time = 0; // to build the time
time = 0; // reset time
time |= ((hour / 10) & RTC_TR_HT_MASK) << RTC_TR_HT_SHIFT; // set hour tenth
time |= ((hour % 10) & RTC_TR_HU_MASK) << RTC_TR_HU_SHIFT; // set hour unit
time |= ((minute / 10) & RTC_TR_MNT_MASK) << RTC_TR_MNT_SHIFT; // set minute tenth
time |= ((minute % 10) & RTC_TR_MNU_MASK) << RTC_TR_MNU_SHIFT; // set minute unit
time |= ((second / 10) & RTC_TR_ST_MASK) << RTC_TR_ST_SHIFT; // set second tenth
time |= ((second % 10) & RTC_TR_SU_MASK) << RTC_TR_SU_SHIFT; // set second unit
// write date
pwr_disable_backup_domain_write_protect(); // disable backup protection so we can set the RTC clock source
rtc_unlock(); // enable writing RTC registers
RTC_ISR |= RTC_ISR_INIT; // enter initialisation mode
while (!(RTC_ISR & RTC_ISR_INITF)); // wait to enter initialisation mode
RTC_DR = date; // set date
RTC_TR = time; // set time
RTC_ISR &= ~RTC_ISR_INIT; // exit initialisation mode
rtc_lock(); // protect RTC register against writing
pwr_enable_backup_domain_write_protect(); // re-enable protection now that we configured the RTC clock
// show date
if (!(RTC_ISR & RTC_ISR_INITS)) { // date has not been set yet
puts("date/time not initialized\n");
} else {
rtc_wait_for_synchro(); // wait until date/time is synchronised
const uint8_t year = ((RTC_DR >> RTC_DR_YT_SHIFT) & RTC_DR_YT_MASK) * 10 + ((RTC_DR >> RTC_DR_YU_SHIFT) & RTC_DR_YU_MASK); // get year
const uint8_t month = ((RTC_DR >> RTC_DR_MT_SHIFT) & RTC_DR_MT_MASK) * 10 + ((RTC_DR >> RTC_DR_MU_SHIFT) & RTC_DR_MU_MASK); // get month
const uint8_t day = ((RTC_DR >> RTC_DR_DT_SHIFT) & RTC_DR_DT_MASK) * 10 + ((RTC_DR >> RTC_DR_DU_SHIFT) & RTC_DR_DU_MASK); // get day
const uint8_t week_day = ((RTC_DR >> RTC_DR_WDU_SHIFT) & RTC_DR_WDU_MASK); // get week day
const uint8_t hour = ((RTC_TR >> RTC_TR_HT_SHIFT) & RTC_TR_HT_MASK) * 10 + ((RTC_TR >> RTC_TR_HU_SHIFT) & RTC_TR_HU_MASK); // get hours
const uint8_t minute = ((RTC_TR >> RTC_TR_MNT_SHIFT) & RTC_TR_MNT_MASK) * 10 + ((RTC_TR >> RTC_TR_MNU_SHIFT) & RTC_TR_MNU_MASK); // get minutes
const uint8_t second = ((RTC_TR >> RTC_TR_ST_SHIFT) & RTC_TR_ST_MASK) * 10 + ((RTC_TR >> RTC_TR_SU_SHIFT) & RTC_TR_SU_MASK); // get seconds
printf("date: 20%02d-%02d-%02d %s %02d:%02d:%02d\n", year, month, day, days[week_day], hour, minute, second);
/** reset board
* @param[in] argument no argument required
static void command_reset(void* argument)
(void)argument; // we won't use the argument
scb_reset_system(); // reset device
while (true); // wait for the reset to happen
/** switch to system memory (e.g. embedded bootloader)
* @param[in] argument no argument required
static void command_system(void* argument)
(void)argument; // we won't use the argument
system_memory(); // jump to system memory
/** switch to DFU bootloader
* @param[in] argument no argument required
static void command_bootloader(void* argument)
(void)argument; // we won't use the argument
dfu_bootloader(); // start DFU bootloader
/** set motor speed and direction
* @param[in] argument speed (in Hz) and direction (sign)
static void command_speed(void* argument)
if (NULL == argument) {
puts("speed argument required");
int32_t speed = *(int32_t*)argument;
if (0 == speed) {
drv8825_speed(0); // stop motor
puts("motor stopped\n");
} else {
drv8825_speed(speed); // set speed
printf("motor speed set to %d Hz\n", speed);
/** advance motor by n steps
* @param[in] argument number of steps
static void command_advance(void* argument)
if (NULL == argument) {
puts("number of steps required");
int32_t steps = *(int32_t*)argument;
printf("advancing %d steps\n", steps);
drv8825_speed(0); // stop motor to get precise count
uint32_t start = drv8825_steps; // get current position
// WARNING does not work
if (steps > 0) {
drv8825_speed(100); // advance slowly
if (start + steps < DIAL_CYCLE_STEPS) {
while (drv8825_steps < start + steps); // wait to reach point
} else {
while (drv8825_steps > start); // wait to make round
while (drv8825_steps < (start + steps) % DIAL_CYCLE_STEPS); // wait to reach point
} else {
drv8825_speed(-100); // reverse slowly
if ((int32_t)start > -steps) {
while (drv8825_steps > start + steps); // wait to reach point
} else {
while (drv8825_steps < start); // wait to make round
while (drv8825_steps > (start + steps) % DIAL_CYCLE_STEPS); // wait to reach point
drv8825_speed(0); // stop motor
/** test RGB matrix
* @param[in] argument no argument required
static void command_matrix(void* argument)
(void)argument; // we won't use the argument
puts("test pattern sent to LED matrix\n");
// test RGB LED matrix
matrix_set(false, 0, 0, true, false, false);
matrix_set(false, 1, 0, false, true, false);
matrix_set(false, 2, 0, false, false, true);
matrix_set(false, 0, 1, true, false, false);
matrix_set(false, 1, 2, false, true, false);
matrix_set(false, 2, 3, false, false, true);
// test WS2812B panel
matrix_set(true, 0, 0, true, false, false);
matrix_set(true, 1, 0, false, true, false);
matrix_set(true, 2, 0, false, false, true);
matrix_set(true, 0, 1, true, false, false);
matrix_set(true, 1, 2, false, true, false);
matrix_set(true, 2, 3, false, false, true);
matrix_set(true, 0, 15, true, false, false);
matrix_set(true, 1, 14, false, true, false);
matrix_set(true, 2, 13, false, false, true);
/** set intensity of LED strip
* @param[in] red red intensity (0-0xffff), -1 to leave
* @param[in] green green intensity (0-0xffff), -1 to leave
* @param[in] blue blue intensity (0-0xffff), -1 to leave
* @param[in] white white intensity (0-0xffff), -1 to leave
static void strip_rgbw(int32_t red, int32_t green, int32_t blue, int32_t white)
if (red >= 0 && red <= 0xffff) {
timer_set_oc_value(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_R_CH), red);
if (green >= 0 && green <= 0xffff) {
timer_set_oc_value(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_G_CH), green);
if (blue >= 0 && blue <= 0xffff) {
timer_set_oc_value(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_B_CH), blue);
if (white >= 0 && white <= 0xffff) {
timer_set_oc_value(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_W_CH), white);
static void command_strip_red(void* argument)
if (!argument) {
printf("argument required\n");
uint16_t set = *(uint32_t*)argument; // get provide value
if (set > 100) {
set = 100; // enforce maximum
strip_rgbw(0xffff * set / 100, -1, -1, -1); // set light intensity
printf("red channel set to %u%%\n", set);
static void command_strip_green(void* argument)
if (!argument) {
printf("argument required\n");
uint16_t set = *(uint32_t*)argument; // get provide value
if (set > 100) {
set = 100; // enforce maximum
strip_rgbw(-1, 0xffff * set / 100, -1, -1); // set light intensity
printf("green channel set to %u%%\n", set);
static void command_strip_blue(void* argument)
if (!argument) {
printf("argument required\n");
uint16_t set = *(uint32_t*)argument; // get provide value
if (set > 100) {
set = 100; // enforce maximum
strip_rgbw(-1, -1, 0xffff * set / 100, -1); // set light intensity
printf("blue channel set to %u%%\n", set);
static void command_strip_white(void* argument)
if (!argument) {
printf("argument required\n");
uint16_t set = *(uint32_t*)argument; // get provide value
if (set > 100) {
set = 100; // enforce maximum
strip_rgbw(-1, -1, -1, 0xffff * set / 100); // set light intensity
printf("white channel set to %u%%\n", set);
static void command_dials(void* argument)
if (argument) {
const uint32_t seconds = *(uint32_t*)argument; // get provide value
if (seconds < 12 * 60 * 60) {
const uint32_t goal = DIAL_CYCLE_STEPS * seconds * 1.0 / (12 * 60 * 60);
if (goal != drv8825_goal) {
drv8825_goal = goal; // set new goal
uint32_t speed = 300;
printf("dial position/goal: %u/%u\n", drv8825_steps, drv8825_goal);
/** list of all supported commands */
static const struct menu_command_t menu_commands[] = {
.shortcut = 'h',
.name = "help",
.command_description = "display help",
.argument_description = NULL,
.command_handler = &command_help,
.shortcut = 'v',
.name = "version",
.command_description = "show software and hardware version",
.argument_description = NULL,
.command_handler = &command_version,
.shortcut = 'u',
.name = "uptime",
.command_description = "show uptime",
.argument_description = NULL,
.command_handler = &command_uptime,
.shortcut = 'd',
.name = "date",
.command_description = "show/set date and time",
.argument_description = "[YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS]",
.command_handler = &command_datetime,
.shortcut = 'R',
.name = "reset",
.command_description = "reset board",
.argument_description = NULL,
.command_handler = &command_reset,
.shortcut = 'S',
.name = "system",
.command_description = "reboot into system memory",
.argument_description = NULL,
.command_handler = &command_system,
.shortcut = 'B',
.name = "bootloader",
.command_description = "reboot into DFU bootloader",
.argument_description = NULL,
.command_handler = &command_bootloader,
.shortcut = 's',
.name = "speed",
.command_description = "set motor step frequency and direction",
.argument_description = "Hz",
.command_handler = &command_speed,
.shortcut = 'a',
.name = "advance",
.command_description = "advance dial (either direction)",
.argument_description = "steps",
.command_handler = &command_advance,
.shortcut = 'm',
.name = "matrix",
.command_description = "test RGB matrix",
.argument_description = NULL,
.command_handler = &command_matrix,
.shortcut = 'r',
.name = "strip_red",
.command_description = "set LED strip red intensity",
.argument_description = "%",
.command_handler = &command_strip_red,
.shortcut = 'g',
.name = "strip_green",
.command_description = "set LED strip green intensity",
.argument_description = "%",
.command_handler = &command_strip_green,
.shortcut = 'b',
.name = "strip_blue",
.command_description = "set LED strip blue intensity",
.argument_description = "%",
.command_handler = &command_strip_blue,
.shortcut = 'w',
.name = "strip_white",
.command_description = "set LED strip white intensity",
.argument_description = "%",
.command_handler = &command_strip_white,
.shortcut = 'd',
.name = "dial",
.command_description = "set dial position",
.argument_description = "[sec]",
.command_handler = &command_dials,
static void command_help(void* argument)
(void)argument; // we won't use the argument
printf("available commands:\n");
menu_print_commands(menu_commands, LENGTH(menu_commands)); // print global commands
/** process user command
* @param[in] str user command string (\0 ended)
static void process_command(char* str)
// ensure actions are available
if (0 == LENGTH(menu_commands)) {
// don't handle empty lines
if (!str || 0 == strlen(str)) {
bool command_handled = false;
if (!command_handled) {
command_handled = menu_handle_command(str, menu_commands, LENGTH(menu_commands)); // try if this is not a global command
if (!command_handled) {
printf("command not recognized. enter help to list commands\n");
/** program entry point
* this is the firmware function started by the micro-controller
void main(void);
void main(void)
// enable functionalities for easier debug
DBGMCU_CR |= DBGMCU_CR_IWDG_STOP; // stop independent watchdog counter when code is halted
DBGMCU_CR |= DBGMCU_CR_WWDG_STOP; // stop window watchdog counter when code is halted
DBGMCU_CR |= DBGMCU_CR_STANDBY; // allow debug also in standby mode (keep digital part and clock powered)
DBGMCU_CR |= DBGMCU_CR_STOP; // allow debug also in stop mode (keep clock powered)
DBGMCU_CR |= DBGMCU_CR_SLEEP; // allow debug also in sleep mode (keep clock powered)
// setup watchdog to reset in case we get stuck (i.e. when an error occurred)
iwdg_set_period_ms(WATCHDOG_PERIOD); // set independent watchdog period
iwdg_start(); // start independent watchdog
board_setup(); // setup board
usb_cdcacm_setup(); // setup USB CDC ACM (for printing)
puts("\nwelcome to the World Clock controller\n"); // print welcome message
// show reset cause
puts_debug("reset cause(s):");
puts_debug(" low-power");
puts_debug(" window-watchdog");
puts_debug(" independent-watchdog");
puts_debug(" software");
puts_debug(" POR/PDR");
puts_debug(" pin");
RCC_CSR |= RCC_CSR_RMVF; // clear reset flags
// setup RTC
puts_debug("setup RTC: ");
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_RTC); // enable clock for RTC peripheral
if (!(RCC_BDCR && RCC_BDCR_RTCEN)) { // the RTC has not been configured yet
pwr_disable_backup_domain_write_protect(); // disable backup protection so we can set the RTC clock source
rtc_unlock(); // enable writing RTC registers
#if defined(MINIF401)
rcc_osc_on(RCC_LSE); // enable LSE clock
while (!rcc_is_osc_ready(RCC_LSE)); // wait until clock is ready
rtc_set_prescaler(256, 128); // set clock prescaler to 32768
rcc_osc_on(RCC_LSI); // enable LSI clock
while (!rcc_is_osc_ready(RCC_LSI)); // wait until clock is ready
rtc_set_prescaler(250, 128); // set clock prescaler to 32000
rtc_lock(); // protect RTC register against writing
pwr_enable_backup_domain_write_protect(); // re-enable protection now that we configured the RTC clock
boot_time = rtc_to_seconds(); // remember the start time
// setup wakeup timer for periodic checks
puts_debug("setup wakeup: ");
// RTC needs to be configured beforehand
pwr_disable_backup_domain_write_protect(); // disable backup protection so we can write to the RTC registers
rtc_unlock(); // enable writing RTC registers
rtc_clear_wakeup_flag(); // clear flag for fresh start
#if defined(MINIF401)
rtc_set_wakeup_time((32768 / 2) / WAKEUP_FREQ - 1, RTC_CR_WUCLKSEL_RTC_DIV2); // set wakeup time based on LSE (keep highest precision, also enables the wakeup timer)
rtc_set_wakeup_time((32000 / 2) / WAKEUP_FREQ - 1, RTC_CR_WUCLKSEL_RTC_DIV2); // set wakeup time based on LSI (keep highest precision, also enables the wakeup timer)
rtc_enable_wakeup_timer_interrupt(); // enable interrupt
rtc_lock(); // disable writing RTC registers
// important: do not re-enable backup_domain_write_protect, since this will prevent clearing flags (but RTC registers do not need to be unlocked)
puts_debug("setup stepper motor: ");
// motor enable pin
rcc_periph_clock_enable(GPIO_RCC(DRV8825_ENABLE_PIN)); // enable clock for GPIO port peripheral
gpio_set(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_ENABLE_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_ENABLE_PIN)); // disable motor
gpio_mode_setup(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_ENABLE_PIN), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_ENABLE_PIN)); // set pin as output
gpio_set_output_options(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_ENABLE_PIN), GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_2MHZ, GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_ENABLE_PIN)); // set pin output as push-pull
// motor reset pin
rcc_periph_clock_enable(GPIO_RCC(DRV8825_RESET_PIN)); // enable clock for GPIO port peripheral
gpio_clear(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_RESET_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_RESET_PIN)); // put motor into reset mode
gpio_mode_setup(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_RESET_PIN), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_RESET_PIN)); // set pin as output
gpio_set_output_options(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_RESET_PIN), GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_2MHZ, GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_RESET_PIN)); // set pin output as push-pull
// motor direction pin
rcc_periph_clock_enable(GPIO_RCC(DRV8825_DIRECTION_PIN)); // enable clock for GPIO port peripheral
gpio_clear(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_DIRECTION_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_DIRECTION_PIN)); // set clockwise (not really important)
gpio_set_output_options(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_DIRECTION_PIN), GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_2MHZ, GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_DIRECTION_PIN)); // set pin output as push-pull
// motor step pin
rcc_periph_clock_enable(GPIO_RCC(DRV8825_STEP_PIN)); // enable clock for GPIO port peripheral
gpio_mode_setup(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_STEP_PIN), GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_STEP_PIN)); // set pin to alternate function (e.g. timer)
gpio_set_output_options(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_STEP_PIN), GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_25MHZ, GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_STEP_PIN)); // set pin to output with fast rising edge
gpio_set_af(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_STEP_PIN), DRV8825_STEP_AF, GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_STEP_PIN)); // set alternate timer function
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER)); // enable clock for timer peripheral
rcc_periph_reset_pulse(RST_TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER)); // reset timer state
timer_set_mode(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER), TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); // set timer mode, use undivided timer clock, edge alignment (simple count), and count up
timer_set_prescaler(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER), rcc_ahb_frequency / (UINT16_MAX * 100) - 1); // set the clock frequency to 1.5 kHz (maximum is 250 kHz)
timer_set_period(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER), UINT16_MAX); // use the whole range as period, even if we can only control up to 100 Hz
timer_set_oc_value(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER), DRV8825_STEP_OC, UINT16_MAX / 2); // duty cycle to 50% (minimum pulse duration is 1.9 µs)
timer_set_oc_mode(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER), DRV8825_STEP_OC, TIM_OCM_PWM1); // set timer to generate PWM
timer_enable_oc_output(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER), DRV8825_STEP_OC); // enable output to generate the PWM signal
timer_enable_break_main_output(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER)); // required to enable timer, even when no dead time is used
timer_set_counter(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER), 0); // reset counter
timer_clear_flag(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER), TIM_SR_UIF); // clear update (overflow) flag
timer_update_on_overflow(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER)); // only use counter overflow as UEV source (use overflow to count steps))
timer_enable_irq(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER), TIM_DIER_UIE); // enable update interrupt for overflow
nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_TIM_IRQ(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER)); // catch interrupt in service routine
// motor fault pin
rcc_periph_clock_enable(GPIO_RCC(DRV8825_FAULT_PIN)); // enable clock for GPIO port peripheral
gpio_mode_setup(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_FAULT_PIN), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_PUPD_PULLUP, GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_FAULT_PIN)); // set GPIO to input and pull up (a 10 kOhm external pull-up resistor is still required, the internal is too weak)
bool drv8825_fault = false; // if driver reported fault
puts_debug("setup dial position: ");
// dial position detection pin
rcc_periph_clock_enable(GPIO_RCC(DIAL_SWITCH_PIN)); // enable clock for GPIO port peripheral
exti_select_source(GPIO_EXTI(DIAL_SWITCH_PIN), GPIO_PORT(DIAL_SWITCH_PIN)); // mask external interrupt of this pin only for this port
exti_set_trigger(GPIO_EXTI(DIAL_SWITCH_PIN), EXTI_TRIGGER_FALLING); // trigger when magnet on dial is nearby
exti_reset_request(GPIO_EXTI(DIAL_SWITCH_PIN)); // ensure the interrupt flag is cleared
exti_enable_request(GPIO_EXTI(DIAL_SWITCH_PIN)); // enable external interrupt
nvic_enable_irq(GPIO_NVIC_EXTI_IRQ(DIAL_SWITCH_PIN)); // enable interrupt
puts_debug("setup WS2812b LED matrix: ");
led_ws2812b_setup(); // configure peripheral for communication with WS2812b LEDs
puts_debug("setup RGB matrix: ");
// setup LED strips
puts_debug("setup RGBW LED strips: ");
// configure pins
// red channel
rcc_periph_clock_enable(GPIO_RCC(STRIP_R_PIN)); // enable clock for GPIO port peripheral
gpio_clear(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_R_PIN), GPIO_PIN(STRIP_R_PIN)); // switch off light
gpio_set_output_options(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_R_PIN), GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_2MHZ, GPIO_PIN(STRIP_R_PIN)); // set slow edge
gpio_set_af(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_R_PIN), STRIP_AF, GPIO_PIN(STRIP_R_PIN)); // set alternate function to
gpio_mode_setup(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_R_PIN), GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO_PIN(STRIP_R_PIN)); // set pin to alternate timer channel
// green channel
rcc_periph_clock_enable(GPIO_RCC(STRIP_G_PIN)); // enable clock for GPIO port peripheral
gpio_clear(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_G_PIN), GPIO_PIN(STRIP_G_PIN)); // switch off light
gpio_set_output_options(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_G_PIN), GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_2MHZ, GPIO_PIN(STRIP_G_PIN)); // set slow edge
gpio_set_af(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_G_PIN), STRIP_AF, GPIO_PIN(STRIP_G_PIN)); // set alternate function to
gpio_mode_setup(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_G_PIN), GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO_PIN(STRIP_G_PIN)); // set pin as output
// blue channel
rcc_periph_clock_enable(GPIO_RCC(STRIP_B_PIN)); // enable clock for GPIO port peripheral
gpio_clear(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_B_PIN), GPIO_PIN(STRIP_B_PIN)); // switch off light
gpio_set_output_options(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_B_PIN), GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_2MHZ, GPIO_PIN(STRIP_B_PIN)); // set slow edge
gpio_set_af(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_B_PIN), STRIP_AF, GPIO_PIN(STRIP_B_PIN)); // set alternate function to
gpio_mode_setup(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_B_PIN), GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO_PIN(STRIP_B_PIN)); // set pin as output
// white channel
rcc_periph_clock_enable(GPIO_RCC(STRIP_W_PIN)); // enable clock for GPIO port peripheral
gpio_clear(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_W_PIN), GPIO_PIN(STRIP_W_PIN)); // switch off light
gpio_set_output_options(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_W_PIN), GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_2MHZ, GPIO_PIN(STRIP_W_PIN)); // set slow edge
gpio_set_af(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_W_PIN), STRIP_AF, GPIO_PIN(STRIP_W_PIN)); // set alternate function to
gpio_mode_setup(GPIO_PORT(STRIP_W_PIN), GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO_PIN(STRIP_W_PIN)); // set pin as output
// configure timer to generate PWM
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_TIM(STRIP_TIMER)); // enable clock for timer peripheral
rcc_periph_reset_pulse(RST_TIM(STRIP_TIMER)); // reset timer state
timer_disable_counter(TIM(STRIP_TIMER)); // disable timer to configure it
timer_set_mode(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); // set timer mode, use undivided timer clock, edge alignment (simple count), and count up
timer_set_prescaler(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), 10 - 1); // set presecaler for fast enough for LED PWM and less stress on MOSFET gate ( (84E6/(10 * 2**16))=1281 Hz )
// red channel
timer_set_oc_mode(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_R_CH), TIM_OCM_PWM1); // set output to PWM mode
timer_enable_oc_output(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_R_CH)); // enable PWM output
timer_set_oc_value(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_R_CH), 0); // disable light
// green channel
timer_set_oc_mode(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_G_CH), TIM_OCM_PWM1); // set output to PWM mode
timer_enable_oc_output(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_G_CH)); // enable PWM output
timer_set_oc_value(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_G_CH), 0); // disable light
// blue channel
timer_set_oc_mode(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_B_CH), TIM_OCM_PWM1); // set output to PWM mode
timer_enable_oc_output(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_B_CH)); // enable PWM output
timer_set_oc_value(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_B_CH), 0); // disable light
// white channel
timer_set_oc_mode(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_W_CH), TIM_OCM_PWM1); // set output to PWM mode
timer_enable_oc_output(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_W_CH)); // enable PWM output
timer_set_oc_value(TIM(STRIP_TIMER), TIM_OC(STRIP_W_CH), 0); // disable light
timer_enable_counter(TIM(STRIP_TIMER)); // enable timer to generate PWM
puts_debug("setup ESP8266 Art-Net: ");
sleep_ms(1000); // wit for ESP to boot
radio_esp8266_setup(); // connect to WiFi network
radio_esp8266_listen(true, 6454); // open UDP Art-Net
// setup terminal
terminal_prefix = ""; // set default prefix
terminal_process = &process_command; // set central function to process commands
terminal_setup(); // start terminal
// start motor to figure out position
gpio_set(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_RESET_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_RESET_PIN)); // power up driver
int32_t speed = 300;
// draw welcome text
matrix_puts(false, 1, 1, "DACHBODEN", FONT_KING10, false, true, false);
matrix_puts(false, 1, 12, "ZEIT", FONT_KING10, false, true, true);
matrix_puts(false, 1, 23, "MASCHINE", FONT_KING10, true, true, false);
strip_rgbw(0, 0xffff, 0, 0);
matrix_puts(true, 1, 0, "MARCO", FONT_KING8, true, true, false);
matrix_puts(true, 1, 8, "ROCKS", FONT_KING8, false, true, true);
sleep_ms(3000); // show the text for a tiny bit
// start main loop
bool action = false; // if an action has been performed don't go to sleep
button_flag = false; // reset button flag
led_on(); // switch LED to indicate booting completed
const char* scroll_text = "DACHBODEN ZEITMASCHINE";
int16_t scroll_pos = 64;
while (true) { // infinite loop
iwdg_reset(); // kick the dog
if (user_input_available) { // user input is available
action = true; // action has been performed
led_toggle(); // toggle LED
char c = user_input_get(); // store receive character
terminal_send(c); // send received character to terminal
if (wakeup_flag) { // time to do periodic checks
wakeup_flag = false; // clear flag
matrix_puts(false, scroll_pos, 8, scroll_text, FONT_KING14, true, true, true);
if (scroll_pos < -1 * (int16_t)strlen(scroll_text) * (fonts[FONT_KING14].width + 1)) {
scroll_pos = 64;
} else {
scroll_pos -= 1;
//strip_rgbw(0, 0, 0, (64 - scroll_pos) * 100);
if (second_flag) { // one second passed
second_flag = false; // clear flag
led_toggle(); // toggle LED to indicate if main function is stuck
if (0 == gpio_get(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_FAULT_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_FAULT_PIN))) { // DRV8825 stepper motor error reports error
gpio_set(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_ENABLE_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_ENABLE_PIN)); // disable motor
gpio_clear(GPIO_PORT(DRV8825_RESET_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DRV8825_RESET_PIN)); // put motor to sleep
if (!drv8825_fault) {
puts("DRV8825 fault detected\n");
drv8825_fault = true; // remember new fault
if (dial_steps) { // hour dial position detected
puts("dials homed\n");
dial_steps = 0; // restart position counter (and clear flag)
drv8825_goal = DIAL_MIDNIGHT_STEPS; // go to midnight
drv8825_reached = false; // wait until it's reached
action = true;
if (drv8825_reached) {
puts("midnight reached\n");
speed = 0; // stop motor
command_speed(&speed); // stop motor
drv8825_goal = 0; // disable goal
drv8825_reached = false; // clear flag
action = true; // redo main loop
if (radio_esp8266_received_len) {
if (radio_esp8266_received_len >= 18 && 0 == memcmp((char*)radio_esp8266_received, "Art-Net", 7)) {
const uint16_t dmx_universe = radio_esp8266_received[14] + (radio_esp8266_received[15] << 8);
const uint16_t dmx_length = radio_esp8266_received[17] + (radio_esp8266_received[16] << 8);
if (radio_esp8266_received_len >= 18U + dmx_length) {
printf("Art-Net packet (uni=%u, len=%u)\n", dmx_universe, dmx_length);
switch (dmx_universe) {
case UNIVERSE_OFFSET + 0: // RGBW LED strip
if (dmx_length >= 0 + 2) {
strip_rgbw((radio_esp8266_received[18 + 0] << 8) + radio_esp8266_received[18 + 1], -1, -1, -1);
if (dmx_length >= 2 + 2) {
strip_rgbw(-1, (radio_esp8266_received[18 + 2] << 8) + radio_esp8266_received[18 + 3], -1, -1);
if (dmx_length >= 4 + 2) {
strip_rgbw(-1, -1, (radio_esp8266_received[18 + 4] << 8) + radio_esp8266_received[18 + 5], -1);
if (dmx_length >= 6 + 2) {
strip_rgbw(-1, -1, -1, (radio_esp8266_received[18 + 6] << 8) + radio_esp8266_received[18 + 7]);
case UNIVERSE_OFFSET + 1: // dial position
if (dmx_length >= 3) {
uint32_t dial_position = radio_esp8266_received[18 + 0] * 60 * 60 + radio_esp8266_received[18 + 1] * 60 + radio_esp8266_received[18 + 2];
case UNIVERSE_OFFSET + 2: // text front line 1
if (dmx_length >= 5 && strlen((char*)&radio_esp8266_received[18 + 5]) + 5 < dmx_length) {
const int16_t position = (radio_esp8266_received[18 + 3] << 8) + radio_esp8266_received[18 + 4];
matrix_puts(false, position, 1, (char*)&radio_esp8266_received[18 + 5], FONT_KING10, radio_esp8266_received[18 + 0], radio_esp8266_received[18 + 1], radio_esp8266_received[18 + 2]);
case UNIVERSE_OFFSET + 3: // text front line 2
if (dmx_length >= 5 && strlen((char*)&radio_esp8266_received[18 + 5]) + 5 < dmx_length) {
const int16_t position = (radio_esp8266_received[18 + 3] << 8) + radio_esp8266_received[18 + 4];
matrix_puts(false, position, 12, (char*)&radio_esp8266_received[18 + 5], FONT_KING10, radio_esp8266_received[18 + 0], radio_esp8266_received[18 + 1], radio_esp8266_received[18 + 2]);
case UNIVERSE_OFFSET + 4: // text front line 3
if (dmx_length >= 5 && strlen((char*)&radio_esp8266_received[18 + 5]) + 5 < dmx_length) {
const int16_t position = (radio_esp8266_received[18 + 3] << 8) + radio_esp8266_received[18 + 4];
matrix_puts(false, position, 23, (char*)&radio_esp8266_received[18 + 5], FONT_KING10, radio_esp8266_received[18 + 0], radio_esp8266_received[18 + 1], radio_esp8266_received[18 + 2]);
case UNIVERSE_OFFSET + 5: // text back line 1
if (dmx_length >= 5 && strlen((char*)&radio_esp8266_received[18 + 5]) + 5 < dmx_length) {
const int16_t position = (radio_esp8266_received[18 + 3] << 8) + radio_esp8266_received[18 + 4];
matrix_puts(true, position, 0, (char*)&radio_esp8266_received[18 + 5], FONT_KING8, radio_esp8266_received[18 + 0], radio_esp8266_received[18 + 1], radio_esp8266_received[18 + 2]);
case UNIVERSE_OFFSET + 6: // back front line 2
if (dmx_length >= 5 && strlen((char*)&radio_esp8266_received[18 + 5]) + 5 < dmx_length) {
const int16_t position = (radio_esp8266_received[18 + 3] << 8) + radio_esp8266_received[18 + 4];
matrix_puts(true, position, 8, (char*)&radio_esp8266_received[18 + 5], FONT_KING10, radio_esp8266_received[18 + 0], radio_esp8266_received[18 + 1], radio_esp8266_received[18 + 2]);
radio_esp8266_received_len = 0; // reset flag
action = true; // redo main loop
if (action) { // go to sleep if nothing had to be done, else recheck for activity
action = false;
} else {
__WFI(); // go to sleep
} // main loop
/** interrupt service routine when the wakeup timer triggered */
void rtc_wkup_isr(void)
static uint16_t tick = WAKEUP_FREQ; // how many wakeup have occurred
exti_reset_request(EXTI22); // clear EXTI flag used by wakeup
rtc_clear_wakeup_flag(); // clear flag
wakeup_flag = true; // notify main loop
tick--; // count the number of ticks down (do it in the ISR to no miss any tick)
if (0 == tick) { // count down completed
second_flag = true; // notify main loop a second has passed
tick = WAKEUP_FREQ; // restart count down
/** ISR triggered after a completed step */
void TIM_ISR(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER)(void)
if (timer_get_flag(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER), TIM_SR_UIF)) { // overflow update event happened
timer_clear_flag(TIM(DRV8825_STEP_TIMER), TIM_SR_UIF); // clear flag
drv8825_steps += drv8825_direction; // increment number of steps
if (UINT32_MAX == drv8825_steps) { // underflow
drv8825_steps = DIAL_CYCLE_STEPS; // use known circumference
if (!drv8825_reached && drv8825_goal && drv8825_steps == drv8825_goal) { // we reached the set goal
drv8825_reached = true; // notify main loop
/** ISR triggered when hour dial is near reed switch
* @note surprisingly there is very little bouncing
exti_reset_request(GPIO_EXTI(DIAL_SWITCH_PIN)); // reset interrupt
// I don't know why, but the RGBPANEL_ISR does trigger this EXTI
if (gpio_get(GPIO_PORT(DIAL_SWITCH_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DIAL_SWITCH_PIN))) { // be sure the pin is actually low
if (drv8825_steps > dial_steps + 1000) { // ignore going away debounce
dial_steps = drv8825_steps; // remember on which step we are
drv8825_steps = 0; // restart step counter