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/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** library for UART communication (code)
* @file uart.c
* @author King Kévin <>
2017-12-16 13:41:03 +01:00
* @date 2016-2017
* @note peripherals used: USART @ref uart
/* standard libraries */
#include <stdint.h> // standard integer types
#include <stdio.h> // standard I/O facilities
#include <stdlib.h> // general utilities
/* STM32 (including CM3) libraries */
#include <libopencm3/stm32/rcc.h> // real-time control clock library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/gpio.h> // general purpose input output library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/usart.h> // universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter library
#include <libopencm3/cm3/nvic.h> // interrupt handler
#include <libopencmsis/core_cm3.h> // Cortex M3 utilities
#include "uart.h" // UART header and definitions
#include "global.h" // common methods
2017-12-16 13:40:30 +01:00
/** @defgroup uart USART peripheral used for UART communication
* @{
2017-12-16 13:40:30 +01:00
#define UART_ID 1 /**< USART peripheral */
/** @} */
#define UART_BAUDRATE 921600 /**< serial baudrate, in bits per second (with 8N1 8 bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit settings) */
/* input and output ring buffer, indexes, and available memory */
static volatile uint8_t rx_buffer[UART_BUFFER] = {0}; /**< ring buffer for received data */
static volatile uint8_t rx_i = 0; /**< current position of read received data */
static volatile uint8_t rx_used = 0; /**< how much data has been received and not red */
static volatile uint8_t tx_buffer[UART_BUFFER] = {0}; /**< ring buffer for data to transmit */
static volatile uint8_t tx_i = 0; /**< current position of transmitted data */
static volatile uint8_t tx_used = 0; /**< how much data needs to be transmitted */
volatile bool uart_received = false;
void uart_setup(void)
/* enable UART I/O peripheral */
rcc_periph_clock_enable(USART_PORT_RCC(UART_ID)); // enable clock for UART port peripheral
rcc_periph_clock_enable(USART_RCC(UART_ID)); // enable clock for UART peripheral
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_AFIO); // enable pin alternate function (UART)
gpio_set(USART_PORT(UART_ID), USART_PIN_RX(UART_ID)); // pull up to avoid noise when not connected
/* setup UART parameters */
usart_set_baudrate(USART(UART_ID), UART_BAUDRATE);
usart_set_databits(USART(UART_ID), 8);
usart_set_stopbits(USART(UART_ID), USART_STOPBITS_1);
usart_set_mode(USART(UART_ID), USART_MODE_TX_RX);
usart_set_parity(USART(UART_ID), USART_PARITY_NONE);
usart_set_flow_control(USART(UART_ID), USART_FLOWCONTROL_NONE);
nvic_enable_irq(USART_IRQ(UART_ID)); // enable the UART interrupt
usart_enable_rx_interrupt(USART(UART_ID)); // enable receive interrupt
usart_enable(USART(UART_ID)); // enable UART
/* reset buffer states */
tx_i = 0;
tx_used = 0;
rx_i = 0;
rx_used = 0;
uart_received = false;
void uart_putchar_blocking(char c)
uart_flush(); // empty buffer first
usart_send_blocking(USART(UART_ID), c); // send character
void uart_flush(void)
while (tx_used) { // idle until buffer is empty
__WFI(); // sleep until interrupt
usart_wait_send_ready(USART(UART_ID)); // wait until transmit register is empty (transmission might not be complete)
char uart_getchar(void)
while (!rx_used) { // idle until data is available
__WFI(); // sleep until interrupt
usart_disable_rx_interrupt(USART(UART_ID)); // disable receive interrupt to prevent index corruption
volatile char to_return = rx_buffer[rx_i]; // get the next available character
rx_i = (rx_i+1)%LENGTH(rx_buffer); // update used buffer
rx_used--; // update used buffer
uart_received = (rx_used!=0); // update available data
usart_enable_rx_interrupt(USART(UART_ID)); // enable receive interrupt
return to_return;
void uart_putchar_nonblocking(char c)
while (tx_used>=LENGTH(tx_buffer)) { // idle until buffer has some space
usart_enable_tx_interrupt(USART(UART_ID)); // enable transmit interrupt
__WFI(); // sleep until something happened
usart_disable_tx_interrupt(USART(UART_ID)); // disable transmit interrupt to prevent index corruption
tx_buffer[(tx_i+tx_used)%LENGTH(tx_buffer)] = c; // put character in buffer
tx_used++; // update used buffer
usart_enable_tx_interrupt(USART(UART_ID)); // enable transmit interrupt
/** UART interrupt service routine called when data has been transmitted or received */
void USART_ISR(UART_ID)(void)
if (usart_get_flag(USART(UART_ID), USART_SR_TXE)) { // data has been transmitted
if (!tx_used) { // no data in the buffer to transmit
usart_disable_tx_interrupt(USART(UART_ID)); // disable transmit interrupt
} else {
usart_send(USART(UART_ID),tx_buffer[tx_i]); // put data in transmit register
tx_i = (tx_i+1)%LENGTH(rx_buffer); // update location on buffer
tx_used--; // update used size
while (usart_get_flag(USART(UART_ID), USART_SR_RXNE)) { // data has been received (repeat while receiving)
char c = usart_recv(USART(UART_ID)); // save character and free UART buffer
// only save data if there is space in the buffer
if (rx_used>=LENGTH(rx_buffer)) { // if buffer is full
rx_i = (rx_i+1)%LENGTH(rx_buffer); // drop oldest data
rx_used--; // update used buffer information
rx_buffer[(rx_i+rx_used)%LENGTH(rx_buffer)] = c; // put character in buffer
rx_used++; // update used buffer
uart_received = true; // update available data