add multiple target capability. for now names are read, and task version has been adapted

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Redon 2014-03-26 11:49:19 +01:00
parent a8aa711e97
commit 362245bd28
1 changed files with 54 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -4,26 +4,34 @@ require 'rake/clean'
# project variables
# =================
# main name used if filename
target ="name").split("\n")[0]
raise "define project name in 'name' file" unless target
# schema
sch = "#{target}.sch"
# pcb layout
pcb = "#{target}.pcb"
# main names used for filenames
names ="name").split("\n").select {|target| !target.empty?}
raise "define project name(s) in 'name' file" if names.empty?
# project version, read from "version" file
version ="version").split("\n")[0]
raise "define project version in 'version' file" unless version
# current date for stamping output
date ="%Y-%m-%d")
# schematic revision, based on the number of schematic commits)
sch_rev = `git log --pretty=oneline "#{sch}" | wc -l`.chomp.to_i
# pcb layout revision, based on the number of pcb commits)
pcb_rev = `git log --pretty=oneline "#{pcb}" | wc -l`.chomp.to_i
# schema name with version and revition
vsch = "#{target}_v#{version}.#{sch_rev.to_s.rjust(3,'0')}.sch"
# pcb layout name with version and revition
vpcb = "#{target}_v#{version}.#{pcb_rev.to_s.rjust(3,'0')}.pcb"
# create targets for each name
targets = []
names.each do |name|
# schema
sch = "#{name}.sch"
# pcb layout
pcb = "#{name}.pcb"
# schematic revision, based on the number of schematic commits
sch_rev = `git log --pretty=oneline "#{sch}" | wc -l`.chomp.to_i
# pcb layout revision, based on the number of pcb commits
pcb_rev = pcbs.collect {|pcb| `git log --pretty=oneline "#{pcb}" | wc -l`.chomp.to_i}
# schema name with version and revition
vsch = "#{name}_v#{version}.#{sch_rev.to_s.rjust(3,'0')}.sch"
# pcb layout name with version and revition
vpcb = "#{name}_v#{version}.#{pcb_rev.to_s.rjust(3,'0')}.pcb"
# add to targets
targets << { name: name, sch: sch, pcb: pcb, sch_rev: sch_rev, pcb_rev: pcb_rev, vsch: vsch, vpcb: vpcb }
# ==========
# main tasks
@ -37,11 +45,13 @@ task :release => "hardware-release_v#{version}.tar.gz"
desc "set version in schematic and layout"
task :version => [vsch,vpcb]
task :version => targets.collect{|target| [target[:vsch],target[:vpcb]}.flatten
targets.each do |target|
desc "print schematic and layout (as pdf)"
task :print => ["#{target}_schematic.pdf","#{target}_layout.pdf"]
@ -142,29 +152,33 @@ CLEAN.include("attribs")
# ===============
desc "copy schematic to version it: include version, revision, and date"
file vsch => sch do |t|
sh "cp #{t.prerequisites.join(' ')} #{}"
# on \ is to prevent ruby interpreting it, th other is for sed
# the version
sh "sed -i 's/\\(version=\\)\\$Version\\$/\\1#{version}/' #{}"
# the date
sh "sed -i 's/\\(date=\\)\\$Date\\$/\\1#{date}/' #{}"
# the revision
sh "sed -i 's/\\(revision=\\)\\$Revision\\$/\\1#{sch_rev}/' #{}"
tagerts.each do |target|
file tagert[:vsch] => target[:sch] do |t|
sh "cp #{t.prerequisites.join(' ')} #{}"
# on \ is to prevent ruby interpreting it, th other is for sed
# the version
sh "sed -i 's/\\(version=\\)\\$Version\\$/\\1#{version}/' #{}"
# the date
sh "sed -i 's/\\(date=\\)\\$Date\\$/\\1#{date}/' #{}"
# the revision
sh "sed -i 's/\\(revision=\\)\\$Revision\\$/\\1#{sch_rev}/' #{}"
desc "copy layout to version it: include version, date, and run teardrops when available"
file vpcb => pcb do |t|
sh "cp #{t.prerequisites.join(' ')} #{}"
# on \ is to prevent ruby interpreting it, th other is for sed
# the version and revision
version_revision = "v#{version}.#{pcb_rev.to_s.rjust(3,'0')}"
sh "sed -i 's/\\$version\\$/#{version_revision}/' #{}"
# the date
sh "sed -i 's/\\$date\\$/#{date}/' #{}"
# run teardrop for vias and pins
if File.exist? "#{Dir.home}/.pcb/plugins/" then
sh "pcb --action-string \"djopt(splitlines) Teardrops() s() q()\" #{}"
tagerts.each do |target|
file tagert[:vpcb] => target[:pcb] do |t|
sh "cp #{t.prerequisites.join(' ')} #{}"
# on \ is to prevent ruby interpreting it, th other is for sed
# the version and revision
version_revision = "v#{version}.#{pcb_rev.to_s.rjust(3,'0')}"
sh "sed -i 's/\\$version\\$/#{version_revision}/' #{}"
# the date
sh "sed -i 's/\\$date\\$/#{date}/' #{}"
# run teardrop for vias and pins
if File.exist? "#{Dir.home}/.pcb/plugins/" then
sh "pcb --action-string \"djopt(splitlines) Teardrops() s() q()\" #{}"