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/* micro-controller firmware fot the Linear ACT-34B remote
Copyright (C) 2014 Kévin Redon <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/* libraries */
#define __12f617
#include <pic12f617.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* the peripherals connected to the pins */
#define SWITCH1 _GP0
#define SWITCH2 _GP3
// note: SWITCH3 will behave as pressed when SWITCH4 is pressed
#define SWITCH3 _GP1
#define SWITCH4 _GP2
// note: CLOCK will be enable also if only TX is enabled
#define CLOCK _GP5
#define TX _GP4
/* simple functions */
#define clock_on() GPIO |= CLOCK;
#define clock_off() GPIO &= ~CLOCK;
#define tx_on() GPIO |= TX;
#define tx_off() GPIO &= ~TX;
#define sleep() __asm sleep __endasm
/* variables */
// a megacode is 3 bytes long (MSB of byte 1 is 1)
# define CODE 0xc917c2
// transmitting (0: do not transmit, 1: transmit, -1: finish transmiting)
volatile int8_t transmit = 0;
// the 4 phases of the bit (2ms pause, 1ms pulse, 2ms pause, 1ms pulse. only transmit during one of the two pulse periode depending on the bit value)
volatile uint8_t phase = 0;
// save the GPIO state to be able to figure out which changed
volatile last_gpio = GPIO;
/* configuration bits */
uint16_t __at(_CONFIG) __CONFIG = _WRT_OFF & // entire memory write protected
_BOREN_OFF & // brown-out reset off
_IOSCFS_4MHZ & // set internal oscillator to 4MHz
_CP_OFF & // no code protection
_MCLRE_OFF & // disable master clear reset
_PWRTE_ON & // enable power-up timer
_WDTE_OFF & // disable watchdog
_INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT; // use internal oscillator and both I/O pins
/* set timer in ms */
#define TICKS_PER_MS 125UL // the number of timer 1 ticks to wait for 1ms, using the internal 4MHz clock and a prescaler of 8, and hand tuning
void timer_1ms() {
TMR1ON = 0; // disable timer 1 (to write value safely)
TMR1L = (0xffff-1*TICKS_PER_MS); // set time
TMR1H = (0xffff-1*TICKS_PER_MS)>>8; // set time
TMR1ON = 1; // start timer 1
void timer_2ms() {
TMR1ON = 0; // disable timer 1 (to write value safely)
TMR1L = (0xffff-2*TICKS_PER_MS); // set time
TMR1H = (0xffff-2*TICKS_PER_MS)>>8; // set time
TMR1ON = 1; // start timer 1
/* transmit the megacode */
void megacode (void) {
uint8_t bit = phase/4;
if (transmit != 0) {
if (bit<24) { // transmit bit
if (phase%2) {
uint8_t pulse = (CODE>>(23-bit))&0x01;
if ((phase%4==1 && !pulse) || (phase%4==3 && pulse)) {
} else {
} else if (bit==24) { // 25th bit is a blank
} else { // restart after 25th bit
phase = 0xff; // phase will be 0 after incrementing
if (transmit == -1) { // stop transmiting if requested
transmit = 0; // stop transmiting
clock_off(); // stop clock
phase++; // go to next phase
/* initialize micro-conroller */
void init (void) {
ANSEL = 0; // all pins are digital
TRISIO |= SWITCH1|SWITCH2|SWITCH3|SWITCH4; // switches are inputs (per default)
TRISIO &= ~(CLOCK|TX); // all other are outputs
NOT_GPPU = 0; // enable global weak pull-up for inputs
WPU |= SWITCH1|SWITCH3|SWITCH4; // use internal pull-up on switches (the external are weak)
// SWITCH2 pull-up is not enabled because pins is not used as MCLR
GPIO &= ~(CLOCK|TX); // clear output
IOC |= (SWITCH1|SWITCH2|SWITCH3|SWITCH4); // enable interrupt for the switches
GPIE = 1; // enable interrupt on GPIO
last_gpio = GPIO; // save current state
T1CON = _T1CKPS1 | _T1CKPS0; // set prescaler to 8
// 0 is set per default, but just be sure
TMR1ON = 0; // stop timer 1
TMR1GE = 0; // enable timer 1
TMR1CS = 0; // use internal clock / 4 (=1MHz)
TMR1IF = 0; // clear interrupt
PIE1 = 1; // enable timer 1 interrupt
PEIE = 1; // enable timer interrupt
GIE = 1; // enable interrups
// funcion called on interrupts
// interrupt 0 is only one on PIC12
static void interrupt(void) __interrupt 0
if (GPIF) { // pin state changed
last_gpio ^= GPIO; // figure out which GPIO changed
if (last_gpio&SWITCH2) { // switch 1 (bigger button on top right) changed
if (GPIO&SWITCH2) { // button released, stop transmission
if (transmit == 1) { // currently transmitting
transmit = -1; // stop transmitting after last transmition
} else { // switch is pressed, start transmission
if (transmit == 0) { // only transmit if code is loaded
transmit = 1; // start transmission procedure
phase = 0; // start from beginning
clock_on(); // start clock and leave it on during the whole transmission
megacode(); // start sending megacode
last_gpio = GPIO; // save current state
GPIF = 0; // clear interrupt
if (TMR1IF) { // timer 1 overflow
megacode(); // continue sending megacode
TMR1IF = 0; // clean interrupt
void main (void)
init(); // configure micro-controller
transmit = 0; // disable transmission initialy
while (1) { // a microcontroller runs forever
if (transmit == 0) {
// sleep(); // sleep to save power. this will shut down timer 1, but button press will wake it up