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2015-03-16 16:43:43 +01:00
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/* This library handles the USART configuration */
#include <stdint.h> /* Standard Integer Types */
#include <stdio.h> /* Standard IO facilities */
#include <stdlib.h> /* General utilities */
#include <avr/io.h> /* AVR device-specific IO definitions */
#include "uart.h" /* UART header */
#include <util/setbaud.h> /* Helper macros for baud rate calculations */
/* assign input and output streams */
FILE uart_output = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM((int (*)(char, struct __file *)) uart_putchar, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE);
FILE uart_input = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM(NULL, (int (*)(struct __file *)) uart_getchar, _FDEV_SETUP_READ);
FILE uart_io = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM((int (*)(char, struct __file *)) uart_putchar, (int (*)(struct __file *)) uart_getchar, _FDEV_SETUP_RW);
/* configure serial port */
void uart_init(void)
UBRR0H = UBRRH_VALUE; // set baurate (calculated from BAUD)
UBRR0L = UBRRL_VALUE; // set baurate (calculated from BAUD)
#if USE_2X
UCSR0A |= (1<<U2X0); // use double speed (set depending on BAUD)
UCSR0A &= ~(1<<U2X0); // do not use double speed (set depending on BAUD)
UCSR0C = (1<<UCSZ01)|(1<<UCSZ00); // 8N1 bit data
UCSR0B = (1<<RXEN0)|(1<<TXEN0); // enable RX and TX
UCSR0B |= (1<<RXCIE0); // enable RX complete interrupt
/* put character on UART stream */
void uart_putchar(char c, FILE *stream)
if (c == '\n') { // add carrier return before line feed. this is recommended for most UART terminals
uart_putchar('\r', stream);
while (!(UCSR0A&(1<<UDRE0))); // wait for transmit register to empty
UDR0 = c; // put data in transmit register
while (!(UCSR0A&(1<<TXC0))); // wait for transmission to complete (else sleep mode can break it)
UCSR0A |= (1<<TXC0); // clear transmit flag
/* get character from UART stream (blocking) */
char uart_getchar(FILE *stream)
while (!(UCSR0A&(1<<RXC0))); // wait until data exists
return UDR0;