

bool tusbd_hid_keyboard_is_busy (uint8_t coreid)
 Check if the interface is currently busy or not. More...
tusb_error_t tusbd_hid_keyboard_send (uint8_t coreid, hid_keyboard_report_t const *p_report)
 Submit USB transfer. More...
void tusbd_hid_keyboard_mounted_cb (uint8_t coreid)
void tusbd_hid_keyboard_unmounted_cb (uint8_t coreid)
void tusbd_hid_keyboard_cb (uint8_t coreid, tusb_event_t event, uint32_t xferred_bytes)
 Callback function that is invoked when an transferring event occurred after invoking tusbd_hid_keyboard_send. More...
uint16_t tusbd_hid_keyboard_get_report_cb (uint8_t coreid, hid_request_report_type_t report_type, void **pp_report, uint16_t requested_length)
 Callback function that is invoked when USB host request HID_REQUEST_CONTROL_GET_REPORT via control endpoint. More...
void tusbd_hid_keyboard_set_report_cb (uint8_t coreid, hid_request_report_type_t report_type, uint8_t p_report_data[], uint16_t length)
 Callback function that is invoked when USB host request HID_REQUEST_CONTROL_SET_REPORT via control endpoint. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

void tusbd_hid_keyboard_cb ( uint8_t  coreid,
tusb_event_t  event,
uint32_t  xferred_bytes 

Callback function that is invoked when an transferring event occurred after invoking tusbd_hid_keyboard_send.

[in]coreidUSB Controller ID
[in]eventan value from tusb_event_t
event can be one of following
  • TUSB_EVENT_XFER_COMPLETE : previously scheduled transfer completes successfully.
  • TUSB_EVENT_XFER_ERROR : previously scheduled transfer encountered a transaction error.
  • TUSB_EVENT_XFER_STALLED : previously scheduled transfer is stalled by device.
uint16_t tusbd_hid_keyboard_get_report_cb ( uint8_t  coreid,
hid_request_report_type_t  report_type,
void **  pp_report,
uint16_t  requested_length 

Callback function that is invoked when USB host request HID_REQUEST_CONTROL_GET_REPORT via control endpoint.

[in]coreidUSB Controller ID
[in]report_typespecify which report (INPUT, OUTPUT, FEATURE) that host requests
[out]pp_reportpointer to buffer that application need to update, value must be accessible by USB controller (see TUSB_CFG_ATTR_USBRAM)
[in]requested_lengthnumber of bytes that host requested
Return values
non-zeroActual number of bytes in the response's buffer.
zeroindicates the current request is not supported. Tinyusb device stack will reject the request by sending STALL in the data phase.
After this callback, the request is silently executed by the tinyusb stack, thus the completion of this control request will not be reported to application. For Keyboard, USB host often uses this to turn on/off the LED for CAPLOCKS, NUMLOCK (hid_keyboard_led_bm_t)
bool tusbd_hid_keyboard_is_busy ( uint8_t  coreid)

Check if the interface is currently busy or not.

[in]coreidUSB Controller ID
Return values
trueif the interface is busy meaning the stack is still transferring/waiting data from/to host
falseif the interface is not busy meaning the stack successfully transferred data from/to host
This function is primarily used for polling/waiting result after tusbd_hid_keyboard_send.
tusb_error_t tusbd_hid_keyboard_send ( uint8_t  coreid,
hid_keyboard_report_t const *  p_report 

Submit USB transfer.

[in]coreidUSB Controller ID
[in,out]p_reportaddress that is used to store data from device. Must be accessible by usb controller (see TUSB_CFG_ATTR_USBRAM)
tusb_error_t type to indicate success or error condition.
Return values
TUSB_ERROR_INTERFACE_IS_BUSYif the interface is already transferring data with device
TUSB_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_READYif device is not yet configured (by SET CONFIGURED request)
TUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAif input parameters are not correct
This function is non-blocking and returns immediately. Data will be transferred when USB Host work with this interface. The result of usb transfer will be reported by the interface's callback function
void tusbd_hid_keyboard_set_report_cb ( uint8_t  coreid,
hid_request_report_type_t  report_type,
uint8_t  p_report_data[],
uint16_t  length 

Callback function that is invoked when USB host request HID_REQUEST_CONTROL_SET_REPORT via control endpoint.

[in]coreidUSB Controller ID
[in]report_typespecify which report (INPUT, OUTPUT, FEATURE) that host requests
[in]p_report_databuffer containing the report's data
[in]lengthnumber of bytes in the p_report_data
By the time this callback is invoked, the USB control transfer is already completed in the hardware side. Application are free to handle data at its own will.