# encoding: utf-8 # ruby: 2.1.0 =begin Rakefile to manage hardware projects uses Lepton EDA for schematic and pcb-rnd for board layouts. Rakefile instead of Makefile for better text file parsing capabilities. =end require 'rake/clean' require 'csv' # to export BOM and costs require 'open-uri' # to parse URLs require 'open_uri_redirections' # allow redirections require 'net/http' # to get sites require 'nokogiri' # to parse sites require 'json' # to parse GET site responses # ================= # project variables # ================= # common name used for file names name = "usb_cable_tester" # project version, read from "version" file raise "define project version in 'version' file" unless File.exist? "version" version = IO.read("version").split("\n")[0] # current date for stamping output date = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # revision based on number of changes on schematic or board layout and current git commit changes = `git log --pretty=oneline "#{name}.sch" "#{name}.lht" | wc -l`.chomp.to_i commit = `git rev-parse --short HEAD`.chomp revision = "#{changes} (#{commit})" # local QEDA parts parts_local = [] parts_local << "mcu/ic_mcu_st_stm32f103xc@LQFP144" parts_local << "connector/connector_usb-a-3.0_fci_10117835" parts_local << "connector/connector_usb-b-3.0_amphenol_gsb4211" parts_local << "connector/connector_usb-mini-b_edac_690-005-299-043" parts_local << "connector/connector_usb-micro-b-3.0_gct_usb3110" parts_local << "connector/connector_usb-micro-b-2.0_ali_32910334970" parts_local << "connector/connector_usb-c_hro_type-c-31-m-04" parts_local << "connector/connector_lightning_iphone5" parts_local << "vreg/vreg_ldo_torex_xc6206" parts_local << "connector/connector_battery_18650" parts_local << "display/display_lcd_lcm1602" parts_local << "display/display_lcd_i2cadapter" parts_local << "display/display_oled_0.96in" parts_local << "vreg/vreg_pmic_tpower_tp4056" parts_local << "transistor/transistor_pmos_nxp_bss84" parts_local << "mechanical/mechanical_button_6mm" parts_local << "connector/connector_XH-2.54-2P" parts_local << "oscillator/hc-49@SM" # the corresponding files library = parts_local.collect {|part| "library/#{part.split('@')[0].downcase}.yaml"} # github QEDA parts parts_github = [] parts_github << "capacitor/c0603" parts_github << "resistor/r0603" parts_github << "diode/led0603" parts_github << "resistor/r1206" # path to qeda" qeda = "../qeda/bin/qeda" # ========== # main tasks # ========== desc "main building task" task :default => [:print, :fabrication, :bom] desc "print schematic and layout (as pdf)" prints = [ "#{name}.sch.pdf", "#{name}.brd.ps", "#{name}.brd-top.png", "#{name}.brd-bottom.png" ] task :print => prints CLEAN.include([ "#{name}.versioned.sch", "#{name}.versioned.lht" ]) CLOBBER.include(prints) desc "generate fabrication gerbers (as archive)" gerbers = [ "#{name}.brd.asb", "#{name}.brd.ast", "#{name}.brd.gbl", "#{name}.brd.gbo", "#{name}.brd.gbp", "#{name}.brd.gbs", "#{name}.brd.gko", "#{name}.brd.gtl", "#{name}.brd.gto", "#{name}.brd.gtp", "#{name}.brd.gts", "#{name}.brd.xln" ] fab = [ "#{name}.brd.zip" ] task :fabrication => fab CLEAN.include(gerbers) CLOBBER.include(fab) desc "generate footprints from parts" task :library => library do # reset sh "#{qeda} reset" # configure sh "#{qeda} config pattern.preferManufacturer false" sh "#{qeda} config pattern.densityLevel N" sh "#{qeda} config pattern.smoothPadCorners true" # add local files parts_local.each do |part| sh "#{qeda} add #{part}" end # from github library parts_github.each do |part| sh "#{qeda} add #{part}" end # generate outputs sh "#{qeda} config output geda" sh "#{qeda} generate ." sh "#{qeda} config output coraleda" sh "#{qeda} generate ." end desc "export netlist from schematic" net = [ "#{name}.tdx" ] task :netlist => net CLOBBER.include(net) desc "export notes from schematic" notes = [ "#{name}.notes.txt" ] task :notes => notes CLOBBER.include(notes) desc "export BOMs from schematic" boms = [ "#{name}.bom.csv" ] task :bom => boms CLOBBER.include(boms) desc "generate cost estimte" costs = [ "#{name}.cost.csv" ] task :cost => costs CLOBBER.include(costs) # =============== # file generation # =============== desc "generate schematic with version information all symbols embedded" rule ".versioned.sch" => ".sch" do |t| sh "cp #{t.source} #{t.name}" sh "lepton-embed --embed #{t.name} 2> /dev/null" sh "sed --in-place 's/\\$version\\$/#{version}/' #{t.name}" sh "sed --in-place 's/\\$date\\$/#{date}/' #{t.name}" sh "sed --in-place 's/\\$revision\\$/#{revision}/' #{t.name}" end desc "generate board layout with version information" rule ".versioned.lht" => ".lht" do |t| sh "cp #{t.source} #{t.name}" sh "sed --in-place 's/\\$version\\$/#{version}/' #{t.name}" sh "sed --in-place 's/\\$date\\$/#{date}/' #{t.name}" sh "sed --in-place 's/\\$revision\\$/#{revision}/' #{t.name}" end desc "generate printable version (PDF) of schematic" rule ".sch.pdf" => ".versioned.sch" do |t| sh "lepton-cli export --color --paper iso_a4 --layout landscape --color --output #{t.name} #{t.source} 2> /dev/null" end desc "generate printable version (PostScript) of board layout" rule ".brd.ps" => ".versioned.lht" do |t| sh "pcb-rnd -x ps --psfile #{t.name} #{t.source} 2> /dev/null" end desc "generate photo realistic picture from layout (top side)" rule ".brd-top.png" => ".versioned.lht" do |t| sh "pcb-rnd -x png --dpi 1200 --photo-mode --outfile #{t.name} #{t.source} 2> /dev/null" end desc "generate photo realistic picture from layout (bottom side)" rule ".brd-bottom.png" => ".versioned.lht" do |t| sh "pcb-rnd -x png --dpi 1200 --photo-mode --photo-flip-y --outfile #{t.name} #{t.source} 2> /dev/null" end desc "archive gerbers" rule ".brd.zip" => ".versioned.lht" do |t| base = File.basename(t.source, ".versioned.lht") puts base sh "pcb-rnd -x cam gerber:JLC_PCB --outfile #{base}.brd #{t.source} 2> /dev/null" gerbers = [ "#{base}.brd.asb", "#{base}.brd.ast", "#{base}.brd.gbl", "#{base}.brd.gbo", "#{base}.brd.gbp", "#{base}.brd.gbs", "#{base}.brd.gko", "#{base}.brd.gtl", "#{base}.brd.gto", "#{base}.brd.gtp", "#{base}.brd.gts", "#{base}.brd.xln" ] fab = [ "#{name}.brd.zip" ] sh "zip --quiet #{t.name} #{gerbers.join(' ')}" end desc "export netlist from schematic" rule ".tdx" => ".sch" do |t| sh "lepton-netlist -g tEDAx -o #{t.name} #{t.source} 2> /dev/null" end desc "generate note file from schematic, listing the 'note' attributes from elements" rule ".notes.txt" => ".sch" do |t| notes_data = bom2(t.prerequisites[0], ["note", "value"]) File.open(t.name,"w") do |notes_file| notes_data.each do |note| next unless note['note'] note['note'] = note['note'].gsub('. ',".\n").gsub(/\n+$/,'') notes_file.puts "#{note['value']} (#{note['refdes']}):\n#{note['note']}\n\n" end end end desc "generate BOM file from schematic" rule ".bom.csv" => ".sch" do |t| attributes = ["category", "device", "value", "description", "manufacturer", "manufacturer-id", "datasheet", "lcsc-id", "aliexpress-id", "alternatives"] bom_data = bom2(t.prerequisites[0],attributes) CSV.open(t.name, "wb") do |csv| all_attributes = ["refdes","qty"]+attributes csv << all_attributes bom_data.each do |line| csv << all_attributes.collect{|attribute| line[attribute]} end end end desc "generate cost estimate from schematic" # this version uses Digi-Key, AliExpress, and LCSC # Digi-Key is easily scrapable, while Mouser isn't # Digi-Key is only one distributor, but the end prices across distributor is often similar rule ".cost.csv" => ".sch" do |t| puts "scraping distributor sites to get prices. this may take some time" sellers = ['digikey-id','aliexpress-id','lcsc-id'] # get seller SKU boards = [1, 10, 100] # calculate the price for as many boards total_price = Array.new(sellers.size){Array.new(boards.size, 0.0)} # total price for x boards unit_price = Array.new(sellers.size){Array.new(boards.size, 0.0)} # unit price for 1 board # get component information attributes = ["value","manufacturer","manufacturer-id"]+sellers # BOM fields to get parts = bom2(t.prerequisites[0], attributes) # get field values # put result in CVS CSV.open(t.name, "wb") do |csv| csv << ["refdes", "quantity", "manufacturer", "part number"] + (sellers.collect{|seller| [seller, "stock"] + boards.collect{|qty| ["unit price for #{qty} board(s)", "total price for #{qty} board(s)"]}}).flatten parts.each do |part| part['qty'] = part['qty'].to_i # converted quantity from BOM string to integer for later calculation line = [part['refdes'], part['qty'], part['manufacturer'], part['manufacturer-id']] # start CSV line sellers.each_index do |seller_i| # go through all seller seller = sellers[seller_i] # current seller if part[seller] and !part[seller].empty? then line << part[seller] price = case seller when 'aliexpress-id' scrape_aliexpress(part[seller]) when 'digikey-id' nil when 'lcsc-id' scrape_lcsc(part[seller]) else nil end if price then line << price[:stock] boards.each_index do |boards_i| quantity = boards[boards_i] # find lowest price (considering the quantity and quantity prices) unit = nil total = nil price[:prices].each do |p| if !unit or !total then unit = p[1].to_f total = [quantity, p[0].to_i].max * unit end if [quantity, p[0].to_i].max * p[1].to_f < total then unit = p[1].to_f total = [quantity, p[0].to_i].max * unit end end if "USD" == price[:currency] then unit = usd2eur(unit) total = usd2eur(total) end line << unit unit_price[seller_i][boards_i] += line[-1] line << total total_price[seller_i][boards_i] += line[-1] end else line += [nil] * (1 + boards.size * 2) end else line += [nil] * (2 + boards.size * 2) end # seller end # sellers csv << line end # parts # summary line = [nil] * 4 sellers.each_index do |seller_i| line += [nil, nil] boards.each_index do |boards_i| line << unit_price[seller_i][boards_i] line << total_price[seller_i][boards_i] end end csv << line # details csv << [] csv << ["all prices and stocks have been retrieved from Digikey, AliExpress, and LCSC on #{Time.now.to_s}"] csv << ["all prices are in EUR. prices originally in USD have been converted at a rate of #{usd2eur(1.0)}"] end # CSV file end # end cost file # ================ # helper functions # ================ # generate gnetlist bom2 and parse them # arguments: schematic=schematic to use, attributes=attributes to use for generating bom2 # returns an array of hash. key is the attribute name, value is the attribute value def bom2(schematic, attributes) to_return = [] # force attributes to be an array attributes = case attributes when String [attributes] when Array attributes else [attributes.to_s] end # generate bom2 list = `lepton-netlist --backend bom2 --backend-option attribs=#{attributes*','} --quiet --output - #{schematic} 2> /dev/null` list = list.each_line {|l| '"' + l + '"' + '\n' } list.gsub!(/^(.+)/, '"\1') list.gsub!(/(.+)$/, '\1"') list.gsub!(/(?!http):(?!\/\/)/, '\1":"\2') # protect the values between ':' (such as URLs) # parse bom2 csv = CSV.parse(list, col_sep: ":", quote_char: '"') csv[1..-1].each do |row| line = {} row.each_index do |col| line[csv[0][col]] = row[col] unless row[col] == "unknown" end to_return << line end return to_return end # convert USD $ value to EUR € def usd2eur(usd) return usd / eur2usd(1.0) end # convert EUR € value to USD $ def eur2usd(eur) # get rate if we don't have already unless $eur2usd then url = "https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml" doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(URI.escape(url), :allow_redirections => :all)) $eur2usd = doc.xpath('//cube[@currency="USD"]')[0].attr('rate').to_f end return eur * $eur2usd end # get prices from LCSC using SKU def scrape_lcsc(sku) to_return = {stock: nil, currency: nil, prices: nil} # information to return (lot price, unit quantity, unit stock) # get page # the search page does not always list existing parts, instead it will try url = "https://lcsc.com/pre_search/link?type=lcsc&&value=#{sku}" puts "scraping #{url}" if $scrape_debug doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(URI.escape(url),:allow_redirections => :all)) # verify if we have got a product page if doc.xpath('//div[@id="product_details"]').empty? then puts "no product details:\n #{doc}" if $scrape_debug return nil end doc.xpath('//div[@id="product_details"]//div[contains(@class,"stock-number")]').each do |element| next unless element["data-stock"] to_return[:stock] = element["data-stock"] end to_return[:currency] = "USD" # we could verify in the price, but I'm lazy doc.xpath('//input[contains(@class,"salam-price")]').each do |element| next unless element["data-price"] to_return[:prices] = [] element["data-price"].split("],[").each do |price| price.gsub!("[", "") price.gsub!("]", "") price = price.split(",") to_return[:prices] << [price[0].to_i, price[1].to_f] end end return to_return end # get prices from AliExpress using SKU def scrape_aliexpress(sku) to_return = {stock: nil, currency: nil, prices: nil} # information to return (lot price, unit quantity, unit stock) # get page url = "https://www.aliexpress.com/item/#{sku}.html" puts "scraping #{url}" if $scrape_debug doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(URI.escape(url),:allow_redirections => :all)) # all the values can be found in javascript variables (stock is even only there) js_docs = doc.xpath('//script') if js_docs.empty? then puts "script not found:\n#{doc}" if $scrape_debug return nil end js_json = nil js_docs.each do |js_doc| js_text = js_doc.text next unless js_text.include?("window.runParams = {") js_var = js_text.split('data: ')[1].split('csrfToken: ')[0].gsub(/,[\w\n]*$/, '') js_json = JSON.parse(js_var) end unless js_json and js_json["priceModule"] then puts "priceModule not found:\n#{js_json}" if $scrape_debug return nil end # get currency unless js_json["priceModule"]["formatedPrice"] then puts "currency not found:\n#{js_json['priceModule']}" if $scrape_debug return nil end if js_json["priceModule"]["formatedPrice"].start_with? "US" then to_return[:currency] = "USD" elsif js_json["priceModule"]["formatedPrice"].start_with? "EU" then to_return[:currency] = "EUR" end # get quantity unless js_json["quantityModule"] and js_json["quantityModule"]["totalAvailQuantity"] then puts "quantityModule not found:\n#{js_json}" if $scrape_debug return nil end to_return[:stock] = js_json["quantityModule"]["totalAvailQuantity"] # get price unless js_json["priceModule"]["numberPerLot"] and (js_json["priceModule"]["formatedActivityPrice"] or js_json["priceModule"]["formatedPrice"] ) then puts "priceModule malformatted:\n#{js_json['priceModule']}" if $scrape_debug return nil end to_return[:prices] = [] lot = js_json["priceModule"]["numberPerLot"].to_i price = js_json["priceModule"]["formatedActivityPrice"] || js_json["priceModule"]["formatedPrice"] unless price then puts "priceModule malformatted:\n#{js_json['priceModule']}" if $scrape_debug return nil end price = price.split('$')[1].to_f to_return[:prices] << [ lot, price / lot ] return to_return end