name: OLED0.96 description: OLED display module, 0.96 in., SSD1306, 128x96 pixels keywords: display, OLED datasheet: pinout: GND: 1 VDD: 2 I2C: SCK: 3 SDA: 4 properties: power: VDD ground: GND bidir: SDA in: SCK schematic: symbol: ic left: I2C top: VDD bottom: GND housing: pattern: custom # from the drawing #bodyWidth: 24.7 # measured from the module I have bodyWidth: 27 bodyLength: 27 height: 11.30 # pins holeDiameter: 1.0 padDiameter: 1.8 pitch: 2.54 rowCount: 1 columnCount: 4 rowDX: 0 rowDY: -12.0 # mounting hole (from the drawing) holeDiameter1: 2.8 padPosition1: -10.25, -11.5, 10.25, -11.5, -10.25, 11.5, 10.25, 11.5 padDiameter1: 0 # mounting hole (measured from the module I have) holeDiameter2: 2.8 padPosition2: -11.15, -11.5, 11.15, -11.5, -11.15, 11.5, 11.15, 11.5 padDiameter2: 0