// get length of array #define ARRAY_LENGTH(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0])) // LED to indicate valid EDID // sink to witch on // off = firmware not running // on = valid EDID // blink = no valid EDID #define EDID_LED_PORT GPIO_PD #define EDID_LED_PIN PD4 #define edid_led_on() {EDID_LED_PORT->ODR.reg &= ~EDID_LED_PIN;} #define edid_led_off() {EDID_LED_PORT->ODR.reg |= EDID_LED_PIN;} #define edid_led_toggle() {EDID_LED_PORT->ODR.reg ^= EDID_LED_PIN;} // LED to indicate operation read/write result // sink to switch on // off = no operation started // on = operation succeeded // blink = operation failed #define RUN_LED_PORT GPIO_PD #define RUN_LED_PIN PD6 #define run_led_on() {RUN_LED_PORT->ODR.reg &= ~RUN_LED_PIN;} #define run_led_off() {RUN_LED_PORT->ODR.reg |= RUN_LED_PIN;} #define run_led_toggle() {RUN_LED_PORT->ODR.reg ^= RUN_LED_PIN; // button to start read/write operation // press shorts it to ground // short press = read EDID // long press (> 3s) = write EDID #define RW_BUTTON_PORT GPIO_PD #define RW_BUTTON_PIN PD3 // start address of EEPROM #define EEPROM_ADDR 0x4000 // address of I²C EEPROM slave device containing EDID information #define I2C_SLAVE 0x50