STM8S003 firmware for the [I²C to HD44780 adapter]( I²C commands (first byte). simplified commands: - 0x0 INIT: initialize LCD, as 2-line, 5x8 dots, no blinking or cursor - 0x1 LINE1: write to line 1, followed by ASCII text - 0x2 LINE2: write to line 2, followed by ASCII text - 0x3 DISPLAY_ON: turn display on - 0x4 DISPLAY_OFF: turn display off - 0x5 BRIGHTNESS: set backlight brightness, followed by 0-255 value raw instructions, directly mapping to HD44780, followed by instruction byte or data bytes if applicable: - 0x6 CLEAR_DISPLAY - 0x7 RETURN_HOME - 0x8 ENTRY_MODE_SET - 0x9 DISPLAY - 0xa CURSOR_DISPLAY_SHIFT - 0xb FUNCTION_SET - 0xc CGRAM_ADDR - 0xd DDRAM_ADDR - 0xe DATA