/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ /** BusVoodoo SPI mode * @file * @author King Kévin * @date 2018-2020 * @note peripherals used: SPI @ref busvoodoo_spi */ /* standard libraries */ #include // standard integer types #include // standard utilities #include // string utilities /* STM32 (including CM3) libraries */ #include // general purpose input output library #include // real-time control clock library #include // SPI library /* own libraries */ #include "global.h" // board definitions #include "print.h" // printing utilities #include "menu.h" // menu definitions #include "busvoodoo_global.h" // BusVoodoo definitions #if BUSVOODOO_HARDWARE_VERSION != 2 #include "busvoodoo_oled.h" // OLED utilities #endif #include "busvoodoo_spi.h" // own definitions /** @defgroup busvoodoo_spi SPI peripheral used for SPI communication * @{ */ #define BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID 2 /**< SPI peripheral */ /** @} */ /** mode setup stage */ static enum busvoodoo_spi_setting_t { BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_NONE, BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DUPLEX, BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_FREQUENCY, BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DATABITS, BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_BITORDER, BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_MODE, BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DRIVE, BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DONE, } busvoodoo_spi_setting = BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_NONE; /**< current mode setup stage */ /** SPI duplex mode (true = full-duplex, false = bidirectional) */ static bool busvoodoo_spi_duplex = true; /** SPI baud rate (corresponding to baud rate control, e.g. 36MHz/(2< 0 && baudrate <= 9) { // check setting busvoodoo_spi_baudrate = baudrate - 1; // remember setting busvoodoo_spi_setting = BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DATABITS; // go to next setting } } if (BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DATABITS == busvoodoo_spi_setting) { // if next setting snprintf(busvoodoo_global_string, LENGTH(busvoodoo_global_string), "data frame width in bits (8,16) [%u]", busvoodoo_spi_databits); // prepare next setting *prefix = busvoodoo_global_string; // display next setting } break; case BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DATABITS: if (NULL == line || 0 == strlen(line)) { // use default setting busvoodoo_spi_setting = BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_BITORDER; // go to next setting } else if (1 == strlen(line) || 2 == strlen(line)) { // setting provided uint8_t databits = atoi(line); // parse setting if (8 == databits || 16 == databits) { // check setting busvoodoo_spi_databits = databits; // remember setting busvoodoo_spi_setting = BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_BITORDER; // go to next setting } } if (BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_BITORDER == busvoodoo_spi_setting) { // if next setting puts("1) most significant bit first\n"); puts("2) least significant bit first\n"); snprintf(busvoodoo_global_string, LENGTH(busvoodoo_global_string), "data frame bit order (1,2) [%c]", busvoodoo_spi_bitorder ? '1' : '2'); // prepare next setting *prefix = busvoodoo_global_string; // display next setting } break; case BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_BITORDER: if (NULL == line || 0 == strlen(line)) { // use default setting busvoodoo_spi_setting = BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_MODE; // go to next setting } else if (1 == strlen(line)) { // setting provided uint8_t bitorder = atoi(line); // parse setting if (1 == bitorder || 2 == bitorder) { // check setting busvoodoo_spi_bitorder = (1 == bitorder); // remember setting busvoodoo_spi_setting = BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_MODE; // go to next setting } } if (BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_MODE == busvoodoo_spi_setting) { // if next setting puts("1) mode 0 (clock polarity: idle low, clock phase: sample data on rising edge)\n"); puts("2) mode 1 (clock polarity: idle low, clock phase: sample data on falling edge)\n"); puts("3) mode 2 (clock polarity: idle high, clock phase: sample data on falling edge)\n"); puts("4) mode 3 (clock polarity: idle high, clock phase: sample data on rising edge)\n"); snprintf(busvoodoo_global_string, LENGTH(busvoodoo_global_string), "mode (1,2,3,4) [%u]", busvoodoo_spi_standard_mode+1); // prepare next setting *prefix = busvoodoo_global_string; // display next setting } break; case BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_MODE: if (NULL == line || 0 == strlen(line)) { // use default setting #if BUSVOODOO_HARDWARE_VERSION != 2 busvoodoo_spi_setting = BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DRIVE; // go to next setting #else busvoodoo_spi_setting = BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DONE; // go to next setting #endif } else if (1 == strlen(line)) { // setting provided uint8_t mode = atoi(line); // parse setting if (mode >= 1 && mode <= 4) { busvoodoo_spi_standard_mode = mode - 1; // remember setting #if BUSVOODOO_HARDWARE_VERSION != 2 busvoodoo_spi_setting = BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DRIVE; // go to next setting #else busvoodoo_spi_setting = BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DONE; // go to next setting #endif } } #if BUSVOODOO_HARDWARE_VERSION != 2 if (BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DRIVE == busvoodoo_spi_setting) { // if next setting puts("1) push-pull (3.3V)\n"); puts("2) open-drain, with embedded pull-up resistors (2kO)\n"); puts("3) open-drain, with external pull-up resistors\n"); snprintf(busvoodoo_global_string, LENGTH(busvoodoo_global_string), "drive mode (1,2,3) [%c]", busvoodoo_spi_drive ? '1' : (busvoodoo_spi_pullup ? '2' : '3')); // show drive mode *prefix = busvoodoo_global_string; // display next setting } break; case BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DRIVE: if (NULL == line || 0 == strlen(line)) { // use default setting busvoodoo_spi_setting = BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DONE; // go to next setting } else if (1 == strlen(line)) { // setting provided uint8_t drive = atoi(line); // parse setting if (1 == drive || 2 == drive || 3 == drive) { // check setting busvoodoo_spi_drive = (1 == drive); // remember setting busvoodoo_spi_pullup = (2 == drive); // remember setting busvoodoo_spi_setting = BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DONE; // go to next setting } } #endif if (BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_DONE == busvoodoo_spi_setting) { // we have all settings, configure SPI rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_AFIO); // enable clock for SPI alternate function rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // enable clock for SPI peripheral spi_reset(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // clear SPI values to default spi_set_baudrate_prescaler(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), busvoodoo_spi_baudrate); // set baud rate (i.e. frequency) spi_set_standard_mode(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), busvoodoo_spi_standard_mode); // set SPI mode if (8==busvoodoo_spi_databits) { // set data frame bit width spi_set_dff_8bit(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set to 8 bits } else { spi_set_dff_16bit(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set to 16 bits } if (busvoodoo_spi_bitorder) { // set bit order spi_send_msb_first(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // MSb-first } else { spi_send_lsb_first(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // LSb-first } rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_SPI_MOSI_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // enable clock for GPIO peripheral for MOSI signal if (busvoodoo_spi_drive) { gpio_set_mode(SPI_MOSI_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, SPI_MOSI_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set MOSI as output } else { gpio_set_mode(SPI_MOSI_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_OPENDRAIN, SPI_MOSI_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set MOSI as output } if (busvoodoo_spi_duplex) { spi_set_full_duplex_mode(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set full duplex mode rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_SPI_MISO_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // enable clock for GPIO peripheral for MISO signal if (busvoodoo_spi_drive) { gpio_set_mode(SPI_MISO_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_FLOAT, SPI_MISO_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set MISO as input } else { gpio_set_mode(SPI_MISO_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_FLOAT, SPI_MISO_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set MISO as input } } else { spi_set_bidirectional_mode(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set bidirectional mode } rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_SPI_SCK_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // enable clock for GPIO peripheral for SCK signal if (busvoodoo_spi_drive) { gpio_set_mode(SPI_SCK_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, SPI_SCK_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set SCK as output } else { gpio_set_mode(SPI_SCK_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_OPENDRAIN, SPI_SCK_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set SCK as output } spi_enable_software_slave_management(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // control SS by software spi_set_nss_high(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set NSS high (internally) so we can output rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_SPI_NSS_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // enable clock for GPIO peripheral for SS signal gpio_set(SPI_NSS_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), SPI_NSS_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // de-select slave (on high) if (busvoodoo_spi_drive) { gpio_set_mode(SPI_NSS_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, SPI_NSS_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set NSS as output } else { gpio_set_mode(SPI_NSS_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_OPENDRAIN, SPI_NSS_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set NSS as output } spi_set_master_mode(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set master mode spi_enable(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // enable SPI #if BUSVOODOO_HARDWARE_VERSION != 2 if (!busvoodoo_spi_drive && busvoodoo_spi_pullup) { busvoodoo_embedded_pullup(true); // set embedded pull-ups puts("use LV to set pull-up voltage\n"); } #endif busvoodoo_led_blue_off(); // disable blue LED because there is no activity busvoodoo_spi_setting = BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_NONE; // restart settings next time *prefix = "SPI"; // display mode const char* pinout_io[10] = {"GND", "5V", "3V3", "LV", NULL, NULL, "MISO", "SCK", "MOSI", "SS"}; // SPI mode pinout if (!busvoodoo_spi_duplex) { pinout_io[6] = NULL; // MISO is not used pinout_io[8] = "MOSIMISO"; // MOSI is also used as MISO } for (uint8_t i = 0 ; i < LENGTH(pinout_io) && i < LENGTH(busvoodoo_global_pinout_io); i++) { busvoodoo_global_pinout_io[i] = pinout_io[i]; // set pin names } #if BUSVOODOO_HARDWARE_VERSION != 2 if (busvoodoo_full) { const char* pinout_rscan[5] = {"HV", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; // HiZ mode RS/CAN pinout for (uint8_t i = 0; i < LENGTH(pinout_rscan) && i < LENGTH(busvoodoo_global_pinout_rscan); i++) { busvoodoo_global_pinout_rscan[i] = pinout_rscan[i]; // set pin names } } busvoodoo_oled_text_left(*prefix); // set mode title on OLED display busvoodoo_oled_text_pinout(pinout_io, true); // set pinout on display busvoodoo_oled_update(); // update display to show text and pinout #endif complete = true; // configuration is complete } break; default: // unknown case busvoodoo_spi_setting = BUSVOODOO_SPI_SETTING_NONE; // restart settings next time break; } return complete; } /** write to SPI * @param[in] value value to write */ static void busvoodoo_spi_write(uint16_t value) { if (8==busvoodoo_spi_databits) { printf("write: 0x%02x\n", (uint8_t)value); } else { printf("write: 0x%04x\n", value); } busvoodoo_led_blue_pulse(BUSVOODOO_LED_PULSE); // pulse blue LED to show we are writing while (!(SPI_SR(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID))&SPI_SR_TXE)); // wait until Tx is empty (void)SPI_DR(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // clear RXNE flag by reading previously received data spi_send(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), value); // send data if (busvoodoo_spi_duplex) { busvoodoo_led_blue_pulse(BUSVOODOO_LED_PULSE); // pulse blue LED to show we read data value = spi_read(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // read data if (8 == busvoodoo_spi_databits) { printf("read: 0x%02x\n", (uint8_t)value); } else { printf("read: 0x%04x\n", value); } } } /** read from SPI */ static void busvoodoo_spi_read(void) { if (busvoodoo_spi_duplex) { // in full duplex mode busvoodoo_spi_write(0xffff); // send any value in order to read } else { // unidirectional mode busvoodoo_led_blue_pulse(BUSVOODOO_LED_PULSE); // pulse blue LED to show we are reading gpio_set_mode(SPI_MOSI_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_FLOAT, SPI_MOSI_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set MOSI as input while (!(SPI_SR(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID))&SPI_SR_TXE)); // wait until Tx is empty (void)SPI_DR(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // clear RXNE flag by reading previously received data spi_send(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), 0xffff); // send any value uint16_t value = spi_read(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // read data back if (8 == busvoodoo_spi_databits) { printf("read: 0x%02x\n", (uint8_t)value); } else { printf("read: 0x%04x\n", value); } if (busvoodoo_spi_drive) { gpio_set_mode(SPI_MOSI_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, SPI_MOSI_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set MOSI as output } else { gpio_set_mode(SPI_MOSI_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_OPENDRAIN, SPI_MOSI_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set MOSI as output } } } /** exit SPI mode */ static void busvoodoo_spi_exit(void) { spi_reset(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // clear SPI values to default spi_disable(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // disable SPI rcc_periph_clock_disable(RCC_SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // disable domain clock gpio_set_mode(SPI_SCK_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_FLOAT, SPI_SCK_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set pin back to floating input gpio_set_mode(SPI_NSS_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_FLOAT, SPI_NSS_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set pin back to floating input gpio_set_mode(SPI_MISO_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_FLOAT, SPI_MISO_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set pin back to floating input gpio_set_mode(SPI_MOSI_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_FLOAT, SPI_MOSI_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // set pin back to floating input busvoodoo_embedded_pullup(false); // disable embedded pull-ups } /** perform SPI action * @param[in] action action to perform * @param[in] repetition how many times to perform the action * @param[in] perform the action (true) or just check it (false) * @return true if the action has been performed, false if it is malformed */ static bool busvoodoo_spi_action(const char* action, uint32_t repetition, bool perform) { uint32_t length = strlen(action); // remember length since it will be used a number of times if (NULL == action || 0 == length) { // there is nothing to do return true; } if (1 == length && 'r' == action[0]) { // read data if (!perform) { return true; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < repetition; i++) { busvoodoo_spi_read(); // read from SPI } } else if (1 == length && '[' == action[0]) { // select slave if (!perform) { return true; } puts("select slave\n"); while (SPI_SR(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID))&SPI_SR_BSY); // wait until not busy gpio_clear(SPI_NSS_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), SPI_NSS_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // select slave (on low) } else if (1 == length && ']' == action[0]) { // deselect slave if (!perform) { return true; } puts("de-select slave\n"); while (SPI_SR(SPI(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID))&SPI_SR_BSY); // wait until not busy gpio_set(SPI_NSS_PORT(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID), SPI_NSS_PIN(BUSVOODOO_SPI_ID)); // de-select slave (on high) } else if (1 == length && 'u' == action[0]) { // sleep us if (!perform) { return true; } printf("wait for %u us\n", repetition); sleep_us(repetition); // sleep } else if (1 == length && 'm' == action[0]) { // sleep ms if (!perform) { return true; } printf("wait for %u ms\n", repetition); sleep_ms(repetition); // sleep } else if ('0' == action[0]) { // send digit if (1 == length) { // just send 0 if (!perform) { return true; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < repetition; i++) { busvoodoo_spi_write(0); // write to SPI } } else if ('x' == action[1] || 'b' == action[1]) { // send hex/binary return busvoodoo_spi_action(action + 1, repetition, perform); // just retry without leading 0 } else if (action[1] >= '0' && action[1] <= '9') { // send decimal return busvoodoo_spi_action(action + 1, repetition, perform); // just retry without leading 0 } else { // malformed action return false; } } else if ('x' == action[0] && length > 1) { // send hexadecimal value for (uint32_t i = 1; i < length; i++) { // check string if (!((action[i] >= '0' && action[i] <= '9') || (action[i] >= 'a' && action[i] <= 'f') || (action[i] >= 'A' && action[i] <= 'F'))) { // check for hexadecimal character return false; // not an hexadecimal string } } if (!perform) { return true; } uint32_t value = strtol(&action[1], NULL, 16); // get hex value for (uint32_t i = 0; i < repetition; i++) { busvoodoo_spi_write(value); // write to SPI } } else if ('b' == action[0] && length > 1) { // send binary value for (uint32_t i = 1; i < length; i++) { // check string if (action[i] < '0' || action[i] > '1') { // check for binary character return false; // not a binary string } } if (!perform) { return true; } uint32_t value = strtol(&action[1], NULL, 2); // get binary value for (uint32_t i = 0; i < repetition; i++) { busvoodoo_spi_write(value); // write to SPI } } else if (action[0] >= '1' && action[0] <= '9') { // send decimal value for (uint32_t i = 1; i < length; i++) { // check string if (action[i] < '0' || action[i] > '9') { // check for decimal character return false; // not a decimal string } } if (!perform) { return true; } uint32_t value = strtol(&action[0], NULL, 10); // get decimal value for (uint32_t i = 0; i < repetition; i++) { busvoodoo_spi_write(value); // write to SPI } } else if (length >= 2 && ('"' == action[0] || '\'' == action[0]) && (action[length - 1] == action[0])) { // send ASCII character if (!perform) { return true; } for (uint32_t r = 0; r < repetition; r++) { for (uint32_t i = 1; i < length - 1; i++) { // go through string busvoodoo_spi_write(action[i]); // write to SPI } } } else { // malformed action return false; } return true; // all went well } // command handlers /** command to perform actions * @param[in] argument actions to perform */ static void busvoodoo_spi_command_actions(void* argument) { if (NULL == argument || 0 == strlen(argument)) { puts("available actions (separated by space or ,):\n"); puts("[/]\tselect/deselect slave\n"); puts("0\twrite decimal value\n"); puts("0x0\twrite hexadecimal value\n"); puts("0b0\twrite binary value\n"); puts("\"a\"/'a'\twrite ASCII characters\n"); puts("r\tread value\n"); puts("u/m\twait 1 us/ms\n"); puts(":n\trepeat action n times\n"); return; } // copy argument since it will be modified char* copy = calloc(strlen(argument) + 1, sizeof(char)); if (!copy) { while (true); } strncpy(copy, argument, strlen(argument) + 1); // verify and perform actions if (!busvoodoo_global_actions(copy, false, &busvoodoo_spi_action)) { // verify actions puts("malformed action(s)\n"); } else { // action are ok busvoodoo_global_actions(argument, true, &busvoodoo_spi_action); // perform action } free(copy); // release memory } /** SPI menu commands */ static const struct menu_command_t busvoodoo_spi_commands[] = { { .shortcut = 'a', .name = "action", .command_description = "perform protocol actions", .argument = MENU_ARGUMENT_STRING, .argument_description = "[actions]", .command_handler = &busvoodoo_spi_command_actions, }, }; const struct busvoodoo_mode_t busvoodoo_spi_mode = { .name = "spi", .description = "Serial Peripheral Interface", .full_only = false, .setup = &busvoodoo_spi_setup, .commands = busvoodoo_spi_commands, .commands_nb = LENGTH(busvoodoo_spi_commands), .exit = &busvoodoo_spi_exit, };