# encoding: utf-8 # ruby: 2.4.2 =begin Rakefile to manage compile CuVoodoo STM32F1 firmware. the firmware is for development board based around a STM32F1xx micro-controller. the firmware uses the libopencm3 library providing support for this micro-controller. =end require 'rake' require 'rake/clean' # the firmwares to compile BOOTLOADER = "bootloader" APPLICATION = "application" FIRMWARES = [BOOTLOADER, APPLICATION] # which development board is used # supported are: SYSTEM_BOARD, MAPLE_MINI, BLUE_PILL, CORE_BOARD, BUSVOODOO BOARD = ENV["BOARD"] || "BUSVOODOO" # libopencm3 definitions LIBOPENCM3_DIR = "libopencm3" LIBOPENCM3_INC = LIBOPENCM3_DIR+"/include" LIBOPENCM3_LIB = LIBOPENCM3_DIR+"/lib" # STM32F1 library used for this project provided by libopencm3 STM32F1_LIB = "opencm3_stm32f1" # source code used by the firmware SRC_DIRS = [".", "lib"] # cross-compiler environment PREFIX = ENV["PREFIX"] || "arm-none-eabi" CC = PREFIX+"-gcc" #CC = "clang -target #{PREFIX}" # to use clang instead of gcc LD = PREFIX+"-ld" AR = PREFIX+"-ar" AS = PREFIX+"-as" OBJCOPY = PREFIX+"-objcopy" OBJDUMP = PREFIX+"-objdump" GDB = PREFIX+"-gdb" # compiler flags cflags = [ENV["CFLAGS"]] # optimize for size cflags << "-Os" # add debug symbols (remove for smaller release) cflags << "-ggdb" # use C99 (supported by most an sufficient) cflags << "-std=c99" # have strict warning (for better code) cflags << "-Wpedantic -Wall -Werror -Wundef -Wextra -Wshadow -Wredundant-decls -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wstrict-overflow=5" # add options for better code optimization cflags << "-fno-common -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections" # use variable size enum (clang doesn't but opencm3, and gcc do) cflags << "-fshort-enums" # don't use system main definition (the starting point) cflags << "-ffreestanding" # include own libraries cflags += SRC_DIRS.collect {|srd_dir| "-I #{srd_dir}"} # include libopencm3 library cflags << "-I #{LIBOPENCM3_INC}" # add defines for micro-controller and board cflags << "-DSTM32F1 -D#{BOARD}" # render cflags cflags = cflags.compact*' ' # linker flags ldflags = [ENV["LDFLAGS"]] # build static binary (no shared libraries on the micro-controller) ldflags << "-static" # don't include the system start files ldflags << "-nostartfiles" # only keep used sections ldflags << "--gc-sections" # add standard libraries (for libc, libm, libnosys, libgcc) because we don't use arm-none-eabi-gcc to locate them library_paths = ["/usr/arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7-m/", "/usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/*/armv7-m/"] # add libopencm3 library_paths += [LIBOPENCM3_LIB] # include libraries in flags ldflags += library_paths.collect {|library_path| "--library-path #{library_path}"} ldflags *= ' ' # used libraries (gcc provides the ARM ABI) ldlibs = [STM32F1_LIB, "m", "c", "nosys", "gcc"] ldlibs = ldlibs.collect {|library| "--library #{library}"} ldlibs *= ' ' # target micro-controller information (ARM Cortex-M3 supports thumb and thumb2, but does not include a floating point unit) archflags = "-mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3 -msoft-float" desc "compile firmwares" task :default => FIRMWARES task :compile => FIRMWARES FIRMWARES.each do |firmware| desc "compile #{firmware} firmware" task firmware => [firmware+".elf", firmware+".bin", firmware+".hex"] CLOBBER.include(firmware+".elf") CLOBBER.include(firmware+".bin") CLOBBER.include(firmware+".hex") CLOBBER.include(firmware+".list") CLOBBER.include(firmware+".map") end # get dependencies of a file # done is a list of already known dependencies def dependencies(source, done=[]) d_path = source.ext("d") # get the dependency file Rake::Task[d_path].invoke # ensure the dependency file exists d_file = IO.read(d_path) # read the dependencies from dependency file d_file = d_file.split(': ')[1].gsub("\n",'').gsub('\\ ','').gsub(/\s+/,' ').split(' ') # get a list of dependencies d_list = [] # list of dependencies # only save dependencies which are in our source directories d_file.each do |d| SRC_DIRS.each do |dir| if File.dirname(d)==dir then d_list << d end end end # get the dependencies of these dependencies, if we don't know them already done << source.ext("o") done.uniq! d_list.each do |d| d = d.ext("o") next if done.include? d done += dependencies(d, done) end done.uniq! return done end desc "get libopencm3" file LIBOPENCM3_DIR+"/Makefile" do sh "git submodule init" sh "git submodule update" end desc "compile libopencm3" file "#{LIBOPENCM3_LIB}/lib#{STM32F1_LIB}.a" => LIBOPENCM3_DIR+"/Makefile" do sh "make --directory #{LIBOPENCM3_DIR}" end task :doc => ["Doxyfile", "README.md"] do |t| sh "doxygen #{t.source}" end desc "compile source into object" rule '.o' => ['.c', proc{|f| File.file?(f.ext("h")) ? f.ext("h") : []}, "#{LIBOPENCM3_LIB}/lib#{STM32F1_LIB}.a"] do |t| sh "#{CC} #{cflags} #{archflags} -o #{t.name} -c #{t.prerequisites[0]}" end desc "generate dependencies" rule '.d' => ['.c', "#{LIBOPENCM3_LIB}/lib#{STM32F1_LIB}.a"] do |t| sh "#{CC} #{cflags} #{archflags} -MM -MF #{t.name} -c #{t.prerequisites[0]}" end desc "link binary" rule '.elf' => [proc{|f| dependencies(f)}, '.ld', "#{LIBOPENCM3_LIB}/lib#{STM32F1_LIB}.a"] do |t| sh "#{LD} #{ldflags} --script #{t.name.ext('ld')} #{t.prerequisites[0..-3].join(' ')} #{ldlibs} -o #{t.name}" sh "size #{t.name}" end desc "export binary" rule '.bin' => '.elf' do |t| sh "#{OBJCOPY} --output-target binary #{t.source} #{t.name}" end desc "export intel hex file" rule '.hex' => '.elf' do |t| sh "#{OBJCOPY} --output-target ihex #{t.source} #{t.name}" end desc "export list" rule '.list' => '.elf' do |t| sh "#{OBJDUMP} -S #{t.source} > #{t.name}" end desc "export map" rule '.map' => '.elf' do |t| sh "#{OBJDUMP} -S #{t.source} > #{t.name}" end SRC_DIRS.each do |src_dir| CLEAN.include(src_dir+"/*.o") CLEAN.include(src_dir+"/*.d") end # SWD/JTAG adapter used # supported are : STLINKV2 (ST-Link V2), BMP (Black Magic Probe) SWD_ADAPTER = ENV["SWD_ADAPTER"] || "BMP" # openOCD path to control the adapter OOCD = ENV["OOCD"] || "openocd" # openOCD adapted name OOCD_INTERFACE = ENV["OOCD_INTERFACE"] || (SWD_ADAPTER=="STLINKV2" ? "stlink-v2" : "") # openOCD target for the micro-controller OOCD_TARGET = "stm32f1x" # Black Magic Probe port BMP_PORT = ENV["BMP_PORT"] || "/dev/ttyACM0" desc "flash application using USB DFU" task :flash => APPLICATION+".bin" do |t| sh "dfu-util -d c440:0d00 -D #{t.source}" end desc "flash bootloader using SWD" task :flash_bootloader => BOOTLOADER+".hex" do |t| case SWD_ADAPTER when "STLINKV2" sh "#{OOCD} --file interface/#{OOCD_INTERFACE}.cfg --file target/#{OOCD_TARGET}.cfg --command 'init' --command 'reset init' --command 'flash write_image erase #{t.source}' --command 'reset' --command 'shutdown'" when "BMP" sh "#{GDB} --eval-command='target extended-remote #{BMP_PORT}' --eval-command='set confirm off' --eval-command='monitor swdp_scan' --eval-command='attach 1' --eval-command='load' --eval-command='kill' --eval-command='quit' #{t.source}" end end desc "flash application using SWD" task :flash_application => APPLICATION+".hex" do |t| case SWD_ADAPTER when "STLINKV2" sh "#{OOCD} --file interface/#{OOCD_INTERFACE}.cfg --file target/#{OOCD_TARGET}.cfg --command 'init' --command 'reset init' --command 'flash write_image erase #{t.source}' --command 'reset' --command 'shutdown'" when "BMP" sh "#{GDB} --eval-command='target extended-remote #{BMP_PORT}' --eval-command='set confirm off' --eval-command='monitor swdp_scan' --eval-command='attach 1' --eval-command='load' --eval-command='kill' --eval-command='quit' #{t.source}" end end # debug application using GDB desc "debug application using GDB" task :debug => APPLICATION+".elf" do |t| case SWD_ADAPTER when "STLINKV2" # for GDB to work with openOCD the firmware needs to be reloaded excec("#{GDB} --eval-command='target remote | #{OOCD} --file interface/#{OOCD_INTERFACE}.cfg --file target/#{OOCD_TARGET}.cfg --command \"gdb_port pipe; log_output /dev/null; init\"' --eval-command='monitor reset halt' --eval-command='load' --eval-command='monitor reset init' #{t.source}") when "BMP" exec("#{GDB} --eval-command='target extended-remote #{BMP_PORT}' --eval-command='monitor version' --eval-command='monitor swdp_scan' --eval-command='attach 1' #{t.source}") end end # reset device by setting the data width to 5 bis on the USB CDC ACM port ACM_PORT = ENV["ACM_PORT"] || ("/dev/ttyACM0"==BMP_PORT ? "/dev/ttyACM2" : "/dev/ttyACM0") desc "reset application using serial" task :reset do sh "stty --file #{ACM_PORT} raw cs5" sleep 0.5 end