/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ /** BusVoodoo global definitions and methods (code) * @file busvoodoo_global.c * @author King Kévin * @date 2018 * @note peripherals used: time @ref busvoodoo_led_timer */ /* standard libraries */ #include // standard integer types #include // string utilities #include // math utilities /* STM32 (including CM3) libraries */ #include // interrupt handler #include // general purpose input output library #include // real-time control clock library #include // ADC utilities #include // DAC utilities #include // timer utilities /* own libraries */ #include "global.h" // board definitions #include "menu.h" // command definitions #include "print.h" // print utilities #include "busvoodoo_global.h" // BusVoodoo definitions /** @defgroup busvoodoo_led_timer timer used to blink LED * @{ */ #define BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER 5 /**< timer peripheral */ /** @} */ /** blue LED status */ static volatile bool busvoodoo_global_led_blue = false; /** red LED status */ static volatile bool busvoodoo_global_led_red = false; const char* busvoodoo_global_pinout_io[10] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; const char* busvoodoo_global_pinout_rscan[5] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; const char* busvoodoo_io_names[13] = {"I2C_SMBA/SPI_NSS/I2S_WS", "SDIO_CMD", "USART_CTS/SPI_SCK/I2S_CK", "SDIO_D3/UART_RX", "I2C_SDA/USART_RX", "SDIO_D0", "SPI_MOSI/I2S_SD", "SDIO_CK/USART_CK", "I2C_SCL/USART_TX", "SDIO_D1", "I2S_MCK", "USART_RTS/SPI_MISO", "SDIO_D2/UART_TX"}; const uint32_t busvoodoo_io_ports[13] = {GPIOB, GPIOD, GPIOB, GPIOC, GPIOB, GPIOC, GPIOB, GPIOC, GPIOB, GPIOC, GPIOC, GPIOB, GPIOC}; const uint32_t busvoodoo_io_pins[13] = {GPIO12, GPIO2, GPIO13, GPIO11, GPIO11, GPIO8, GPIO15, GPIO12, GPIO10, GPIO9, GPIO6, GPIO14, GPIO10}; const uint8_t busvoodoo_io_groups[13] = {6, 6, 4, 4, 1, 1, 5, 5, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3}; bool busvoodoo_full = false; void busvoodoo_setup(void) { // enable all GPIO domains since we use pins on all ports rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIOA); // enable clock for all GPIO domains rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIOB); // enable clock for all GPIO domains rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIOC); // enable clock for all GPIO domains rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIOD); // enable clock for all GPIO domains rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_AFIO); // enable pin alternate function (for communication) busvoodoo_safe_state(); // switch off all outputs // check if this BusVoodoo is a full version rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_ADC12_IN(BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL)); // enable clock for GPIO domain for 12V channel gpio_set(ADC12_IN_PORT(BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL), ADC12_IN_PIN(BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL)); // pull ADC 12V high gpio_set_mode(ADC12_IN_PORT(BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_PULL_UPDOWN, ADC12_IN_PIN(BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL)); // set 12V channel as digital input with pull-up capabilities // on a full version (fully populated board) the ADC 12V signal will be pulled low if (gpio_get(ADC12_IN_PORT(BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL), ADC12_IN_PIN(BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL))) { // check is ADC 12V is pulled low busvoodoo_full = false; } else { busvoodoo_full = true; } // setup ADC to measure the 5V, 3.3V, xV, and 12V power rails voltages rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_ADC12_IN(BUSVOODOO_5V_CHANNEL)); // enable clock for GPIO domain for 5V channel gpio_set_mode(ADC12_IN_PORT(BUSVOODOO_5V_CHANNEL), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_ANALOG, ADC12_IN_PIN(BUSVOODOO_5V_CHANNEL)); // set 5V channel as analogue input for the ADC rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_ADC12_IN(BUSVOODOO_3V3_CHANNEL)); // enable clock for GPIO domain for 3.3V channel gpio_set_mode(ADC12_IN_PORT(BUSVOODOO_3V3_CHANNEL), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_ANALOG, ADC12_IN_PIN(BUSVOODOO_3V3_CHANNEL)); // set 3.3V channel as analogue input for the ADC rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_ADC12_IN(BUSVOODOO_XV_CHANNEL)); // enable clock for GPIO domain for xV channel gpio_set_mode(ADC12_IN_PORT(BUSVOODOO_XV_CHANNEL), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_ANALOG, ADC12_IN_PIN(BUSVOODOO_XV_CHANNEL)); // set xV channel as analogue input for the ADC rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_ADC12_IN(BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL)); // enable clock for GPIO domain for 12V channel gpio_set_mode(ADC12_IN_PORT(BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_ANALOG, ADC12_IN_PIN(BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL)); // set 12V channel as analogue input for the ADC rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_ADC1); // enable clock for ADC domain adc_off(ADC1); // switch off ADC while configuring it adc_set_sample_time_on_all_channels(ADC1, ADC_SMPR_SMP_28DOT5CYC); // use 28.5 cycles to sample (long enough to be stable) adc_enable_temperature_sensor(ADC1); // enable internal voltage reference adc_enable_external_trigger_regular(ADC1, ADC_CR2_EXTSEL_SWSTART); // use software trigger to start conversion uint8_t channels[] = {ADC_CHANNEL17, ADC_CHANNEL(BUSVOODOO_5V_CHANNEL), ADC_CHANNEL(BUSVOODOO_3V3_CHANNEL), ADC_CHANNEL(BUSVOODOO_XV_CHANNEL), ADC_CHANNEL(BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL)}; // voltages to convert: internal, 5V, 3.3V, xV, 12V adc_set_regular_sequence(ADC1, LENGTH(channels), channels); // set channels to convert adc_enable_discontinuous_mode_regular(ADC1, LENGTH(channels)); // convert all channels adc_power_on(ADC1); // switch on ADC sleep_us(1); // wait t_stab for the ADC to stabilize adc_reset_calibration(ADC1); // remove previous non-calibration adc_calibration(ADC1); // calibrate ADC for less accuracy errors // setup DAC to control xV and 12V voltage outputs gpio_set_mode(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_XVCTL_PORT), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_ANALOG, GPIO(BUSVOODOO_XVCTL_PIN)); // set xV pin as analog (the DAC will use it as output) rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_DAC); // enable clock for DAC domain dac_disable(BUSVOODOO_XVCTL_CHANNEL); // disable output to configure it properly dac_buffer_enable(BUSVOODOO_XVCTL_CHANNEL); // enable output buffer to be able to drive larger loads (should be per default) if (busvoodoo_full) { gpio_set_mode(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_12VCTL_PORT), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_ANALOG, GPIO(BUSVOODOO_12VCTL_PIN)); // set 12V pin as analog (the DAC will use it as output) dac_disable(BUSVOODOO_12VCTL_CHANNEL); // disable output to configure it properly dac_buffer_enable(BUSVOODOO_12VCTL_CHANNEL); // enable output buffer to be able to drive larger loads (should be per default) } dac_set_trigger_source(DAC_CR_TSEL1_SW); // use software to trigger the voltage change dac_set_trigger_source(DAC_CR_TSEL2_SW); // use software to trigger the voltage change // enable timer for LED blinking rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER)); // enable clock for timer domain timer_reset(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER)); // reset timer configuration timer_set_mode(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER), TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); // configure timer to up counting mode timer_set_prescaler(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER), (rcc_ahb_frequency/2000)-1); // set prescaler to have 2kHz ticks (the prescaler is not large enough for 1kHz ticks) timer_set_period(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER), 0xffff); // set period to maximum nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_TIM_IRQ(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER)); // enable interrupts for this timer } void busvoodoo_safe_state(void) { // disable voltage outputs gpio_set(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_VOUTEN_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_VOUTEN_PIN)); // disable 5V and 3.3V output on connector gpio_set_mode(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_VOUTEN_PORT), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_OPENDRAIN, GPIO(BUSVOODOO_VOUTEN_PIN)); // set pin as output (open-drain pulled high to disable the pMOS) gpio_clear(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_XVEN_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_XVEN_PIN)); // disable xV voltage regulator gpio_set_mode(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_XVEN_PORT), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL, GPIO(BUSVOODOO_XVEN_PIN)); // set pin as output (push-pull, pulled low for safety) gpio_set(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_12VEN_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_12VEN_PIN)); // disable 12V voltage regulator gpio_set_mode(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_12VEN_PORT), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_OPENDRAIN, GPIO(BUSVOODOO_12VEN_PIN)); // set pin as output (open-drain pulled high to disable the pMOS) // set DAC channel back to analog gpio_set_mode(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_XVCTL_PORT), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_ANALOG, GPIO(BUSVOODOO_XVCTL_PIN)); // set xV pin as analog gpio_set_mode(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_12VCTL_PORT), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_ANALOG, GPIO(BUSVOODOO_12VCTL_PIN)); // set 12V pin as analog // disable embedded pull-ups gpio_primary_remap(AFIO_MAPR_SWJ_CFG_JTAG_OFF_SW_ON, 0); // disable JTAG (but keep SWD) so to use the underlying GPIOs (PA15, PB3, PB4) gpio_set(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_5VPULLUP_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_5VPULLUP_PIN)); // set pin high to disable 5V embedded pull-up gpio_set_mode(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_5VPULLUP_PORT), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_OPENDRAIN, GPIO(BUSVOODOO_5VPULLUP_PIN)); // set pin as output (open-drain pulled high to disable the pMOS) gpio_set(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_OEPULLUP_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_OEPULLUP_PIN)); // set pin high to disable embedded pull-up bus switch gpio_set_mode(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_OEPULLUP_PORT), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_OPENDRAIN, GPIO(BUSVOODOO_OEPULLUP_PIN)); // set pin as output (open-drain pulled high to disable the bus switch) // disable all signal I/O outputs for (uint8_t pin=0; pin5.5) { to_return = false; // voltage output is not ok } voltage = busvoodoo_vreg_get(BUSVOODOO_3V3_CHANNEL); // get 3.3V power rail voltage if (voltage<3.0 || voltage>3.6) { to_return = true; // voltage output is not ok } return to_return; } float busvoodoo_vreg_get(uint8_t channel) { if (channel!=BUSVOODOO_5V_CHANNEL && channel!=BUSVOODOO_3V3_CHANNEL && channel!=BUSVOODOO_XV_CHANNEL && channel!=BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL) { // check channel return NAN; } uint16_t channels[5] = {0}; // to start converted values: internal reference 1.2V, 5V rail, 3.3V rail, xV rail, 12V rail adc_start_conversion_regular(ADC1); // start conversion to get first voltage for (uint8_t channel_i=0; channel_i4.85) { // use the 5V directly gpio_clear(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_5VPULLUP_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_5VPULLUP_PIN)); // put 5V on xV line } else { // use adjustable voltage regulator (5.0V rail minus LDO and diodes) gpio_set(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_5VPULLUP_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_5VPULLUP_PIN)); // disable 5V input volt = busvoodoo_vreg_get(BUSVOODOO_3V3_CHANNEL); // get reference voltage if (isnan(voltage)) { return NAN; } uint16_t dac_set = BUSVOODOO_XV_SET(voltage)/volt*4095; // DAC value corresponding to the voltage dac_load_data_buffer_single(dac_set, RIGHT12, BUSVOODOO_XVCTL_CHANNEL); // set output so the voltage regulator is set to 2.5V dac_software_trigger(BUSVOODOO_XVCTL_CHANNEL); // transfer the value to the DAC dac_enable(BUSVOODOO_XVCTL_CHANNEL); // enable DAC gpio_set(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_XVEN_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_XVEN_PIN)); // enable xV voltage regulator } } sleep_ms(10); // let voltage settle volt = busvoodoo_vreg_get(BUSVOODOO_XV_CHANNEL); // get xV voltage to return } else if (BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL==channel && busvoodoo_full) {// set voltage on 12V boost voltage regulator if (voltage<3.29) { // disable voltage regulator gpio_set(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_12VEN_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_12VEN_PIN)); // disable 12V voltage regulator dac_disable(BUSVOODOO_12VCTL_CHANNEL); // disable 12V control } else { if (voltage>24.0) { // enforce upper voltage limit (diodes limit is 30V, ADC input limit is 25V) voltage = 24.0; } volt = busvoodoo_vreg_get(BUSVOODOO_3V3_CHANNEL); // get reference voltage if (isnan(voltage)) { return NAN; } uint16_t dac_set = BUSVOODOO_12V_SET(voltage)/volt*4095; // DAC value corresponding to the voltage dac_load_data_buffer_single(dac_set, RIGHT12, BUSVOODOO_12VCTL_CHANNEL); // set output so the voltage regulator is set to desired output voltage dac_software_trigger(BUSVOODOO_12VCTL_CHANNEL); // transfer the value to the DAC dac_enable(BUSVOODOO_12VCTL_CHANNEL); // enable DAC gpio_clear(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_12VEN_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_12VEN_PIN)); // enable 12V voltage regulator } sleep_ms(100); // let the voltage regulator start and voltage settle volt = busvoodoo_vreg_get(BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL); // get 12V voltage } else { // don't know about other voltage regulators volt = NAN; } return volt; // return measured voltage } float busvoodoo_embedded_pullup(bool on) { if (on) { // enable embedded pull-ups gpio_clear(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_OEPULLUP_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_OEPULLUP_PIN)); // switch on embedded pull-ups } else { // disable embedded pull-ups gpio_set(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_OEPULLUP_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_OEPULLUP_PIN)); // switch off embedded pull-up } return busvoodoo_vreg_get(BUSVOODOO_XV_CHANNEL); // set voltage on adjustable voltage regulator to be used by the embedded pull-ups } /** update LED status according to LED flags */ static void busvoodoo_led_update(void) { if (busvoodoo_global_led_blue && busvoodoo_global_led_red) { // both LEDs should be on led_blink(0.01, 0.5); // enable both LEDs (alternating at 100Hz) } else if (busvoodoo_global_led_blue) { // only blue LED should be on led_blink(0, 1); // enable only blue LED } else if (busvoodoo_global_led_red) { // only red LED should be on led_blink(0, 0); // enable only red LED } else { // no LED should be on led_off(); // disable both LEDs } } void busvoodoo_led_blue(uint16_t ms) { timer_disable_counter(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER)); // disable counter while changing LEDs to avoid coherence errors (at the cost of time precision) if (ms>UINT16_MAX/2) { // enforce maximum ms = UINT16_MAX/2; } if (0==ms) { // disable LED busvoodoo_global_led_blue = false; // remember we disabled the blue LED } else { busvoodoo_global_led_blue = true; // remember the blue LED should be on timer_set_oc_value(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER), TIM_OC1, timer_get_counter(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER))+ms*2); // use capture 1 to set LED timer timer_clear_flag(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER), TIM_SR_CC1IF); // clear flag before enabling timer_enable_irq(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER), TIM_DIER_CC1IE); // enable capture 1 for blue LED } busvoodoo_led_update(); // update LED status timer_enable_counter(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER)); // re-enable timer } void busvoodoo_led_red(uint16_t ms) { timer_disable_counter(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER)); // disable counter while changing LEDs to avoid coherence errors (at the cost of time precision) if (ms>UINT16_MAX/2) { // enforce maximum ms = UINT16_MAX/2; } if (0==ms) { // disable LED busvoodoo_global_led_red = false; // remember we disabled the blue LED } else { busvoodoo_global_led_red = true; // remember the blue LED should be on timer_set_oc_value(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER), TIM_OC2, timer_get_counter(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER))+ms*2); // use capture 1 to set LED timer timer_clear_flag(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER), TIM_SR_CC2IF); // clear flag before enabling timer_enable_irq(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER), TIM_DIER_CC2IE); // enable capture 2 for red LED } busvoodoo_led_update(); // update LED status timer_enable_counter(TIM(BUSVOODOO_LED_TIMER)); // re-enable timer } /* command handlers */ /** switch 3V3 and 5V power rails on/off * @param[in] argument string: "on" to switch on, "off" to switch off, NULL to get status */ static void busvoodoo_global_power(void* argument) { float voltage; if (NULL==argument || 0==strlen(argument)) { if (gpio_get(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_VOUTEN_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_VOUTEN_PIN))) { // check if power rails are switch on (enable low) goto power_off; } else { goto power_on; } } else if (0==strcmp(argument, "on")) { if (busvoodoo_vout_switch(true)) { // switch power rail on printf("power rails switched on\n"); } else { printf("power rails switched on but malfunctioning\n"); } power_on: voltage = busvoodoo_vreg_get(BUSVOODOO_5V_CHANNEL); // get 5V power rail voltage printf("5V power rail: %.2fV\n", voltage); voltage = busvoodoo_vreg_get(BUSVOODOO_3V3_CHANNEL); // get 3.3V power rail voltage printf("3V3 power rail: %.2fV\n", voltage); } else if (0==strcmp(argument, "off")) { busvoodoo_vout_switch(false); // switch power rail off printf("power rails switched off\n"); power_off: printf("5V power rail: off\n"); printf("3V3 power rail: off\n"); } else { printf("option malformed: %s\n", argument); } } /** set lV linear drop-out voltage regulator voltage * @param[in] argument voltage to set (0 to switch off, NULL to get voltage) */ static void busvoodoo_global_lv(void* argument) { if (NULL==argument) { if (!gpio_get(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_5VPULLUP_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_5VPULLUP_PIN))) { // 5V input enabled printf("5V power rail used"); } else if (gpio_get(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_XVEN_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_XVEN_PIN))) { // xV voltage regulator used printf("adjustable voltage regulator used"); } else { printf("external voltage input"); } float voltage = busvoodoo_vreg_get(BUSVOODOO_XV_CHANNEL); // get xV voltage // print xV voltage if (voltage < 0.1) { printf(": 0.00V\n"); } else { printf(": %.2fV\n", voltage); } } else { double voltage = *((double*)argument); // get desired voltage if (0==voltage) { printf("xV rail switched off"); } else { printf("xV rail set to %.2fV", voltage); } voltage = busvoodoo_vreg_set(BUSVOODOO_XV_CHANNEL, voltage); // set xV voltage // print xV voltage if (voltage < 0.1) { printf(": 0.00V\n"); } else { printf(": %.2fV\n", voltage); } } } /** set HV step-up voltage regulator voltage * @param[in] argument voltage to set (0 to switch off, NULL to get voltage) */ static void busvoodoo_global_hv(void* argument) { if (!busvoodoo_full) { printf("function not available on BusVoodoo light"); return; } if (NULL==argument) { printf("high voltage regulator switched %s: ", gpio_get(GPIO(BUSVOODOO_12VEN_PORT), GPIO(BUSVOODOO_12VEN_PIN)) ? "off" : "on"); float voltage = busvoodoo_vreg_get(BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL); // get 12V voltage // print xV voltage if (voltage < 0.1) { printf(": 0.00V\n"); } else { printf(": %.2fV\n", voltage); } } else { double voltage = *((double*)argument); // get desired voltage printf("high voltage rail "); if (voltage<=3.3) { printf("switched off"); } else { printf("set to %.2fV", voltage); } voltage = busvoodoo_vreg_set(BUSVOODOO_12V_CHANNEL, voltage); // set 12V voltage // print xV voltage if (voltage < 0.1) { printf(": 0.00V\n"); } else { printf(": %.2fV\n", voltage); } } } /** display I/O and RS/CAN connector pinouts * @param[in] argument not used */ static void busvoodoo_global_pinout(void* argument) { (void)argument; // argument is not used bool no_pinout = true; // it no pinout has been displays // display RS/CAN connector pinout if (busvoodoo_full) { // only display on full version of the board bool pin_used = false; // if no pins are used for (uint8_t i=0; i=0; i--) { if (NULL==busvoodoo_global_pinout_rscan[i]) { printf("x"); // x stands for pin not used } else { printf("%s", busvoodoo_global_pinout_rscan[i]); // print pin name } if (i>0) { printf(" "); // print space between the pin names } } printf("|\n"); // display bottom line printf("+"); for (uint8_t i=0; i=0; i--) { if (NULL==busvoodoo_global_pinout_io[i*2]) { printf("x"); // x stands for pin not used for (int16_t j=0; j0) { printf(" "); // print space between the pin names } } printf("|\n"); // display bottom pin names printf("|"); for (int8_t i=4; i>=0; i--) { if (NULL==busvoodoo_global_pinout_io[i*2+1]) { printf("x"); // x stands for pin not used for (int16_t j=0; j0) { printf(" "); // print space between the pin names } } printf("|\n"); // display bottom line printf("+"); for (uint16_t i=0; i