/** library to determine range using HC-SR04 ultrasonic range sensor * @file * @author King Kévin * @copyright SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * @date 2020 * @note peripherals used: timer @ref sensor_sr04_timer, GPIO @ref sensor_sr04_gpio */ #pragma once /** distance in mm once an echo has been received * @note distance set 1 when the object is too near (no echo received) * @note distance set UINT16_MAX when the object is too far (echo received to late) * @warning to be clear by user */ extern volatile uint16_t sensor_sr04_distance; /** configure MCU peripherals to communicate with HC-SR04 sensor */ void sensor_sr04_setup(void); /** configure MCU peripherals used to communicate with HC-SR04 sensor */ void sensor_sr04_release(void); /** trigger measurement * @note the resulting measurement will be set in sensor_sr04_distance */ void sensor_sr04_trigger(void);