/** library to communication with Maxim MAX6675 K-type thermocouple to digital temperature sensor using SPI * @file * @author King Kévin * @copyright SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * @date 2020 * @note peripherals used: SPI @ref sensor_max6675_spi */ #pragma once #error not converted for STM32F4 /** setup communication to MAX6675 sensor */ void sensor_max6675_setup(void); /** release peripherals used to communicate with MAX6675 sensor */ void sensor_max6675_release(void); /** read temperature from MAX6675 sensor * @return temperature (in °C) measured by sensor (infinity if K-thermocouple is missing, nan on error) * @note resolution is in 0.25 °C * @note wait 0.22 s between readings (max. time needed for a conversion) */ float sensor_max6675_read(void);