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136 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
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d3fbf75b36 | |||
c98e82fedf | |||
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3370e35dc5 | |||
611f5f6683 | |||
6bb7e001aa | |||
9c340c6a41 | |||
ebaf30a25f | |||
f4b02de076 | |||
d4e081a280 | |||
11c8cee3ee | |||
f603b1398e | |||
436c925038 | |||
3959eabb84 | |||
734be00a82 | |||
577e5511a2 | |||
a4d881df29 | |||
86fd05f52c | |||
2cccdd4d6e | |||
165f545310 | |||
0047fb8fea | |||
64706680c2 | |||
eb4946e7ad | |||
423a0ec90b | |||
89856091c7 | |||
ce9d927a5b | |||
caed09f4db | |||
bb15fdc634 | |||
0ad8e037cf | |||
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d55dbc34b2 | |||
da626f7780 | |||
c67c9a73ef | |||
4dc895d793 | |||
48c1b5800e | |||
370c7960fb | |||
b3cf0d0302 | |||
3a6a64928d | |||
99d66f4e4e | |||
66521e1981 | |||
210fab8eae | |||
7318d70dcd | |||
0010c5e046 | |||
6b3b55839e | |||
6bed3ab0fb | |||
9a7c51f80e | |||
7a74f9709f | |||
fa29cfc29f | |||
2248ba1762 | |||
ac255816a1 | |||
95b63a06f5 | |||
7656c699bf | |||
c6a4f58b93 | |||
b82520fa9b | |||
25fcf8fe0b | |||
01eaa5cfab | |||
793611d629 | |||
ad52abc26b | |||
b0f5f127f6 | |||
a449b9b7ff | |||
4c6e9a4fda | |||
789b36fc21 | |||
c8861f40c4 | |||
77415cb41f | |||
11f5bc9771 | |||
8526dc084b | |||
fea286914b | |||
cfcc8a1bb6 | |||
510c82d00f | |||
26f6de3015 | |||
a9461b53f5 | |||
d7b6300a50 | |||
d0bd71b266 | |||
a46b6a1630 | |||
b100c4ae13 | |||
a0f9b4a530 | |||
e32e27100d | |||
5b0523f751 | |||
d6cac41b78 | |||
adc62ebb9a | |||
d9a15f2daa | |||
c4af940975 | |||
c58d27cf2e | |||
c3d7711258 | |||
78cb85421a | |||
ff5fbc847d | |||
51e0bfd188 | |||
c411d552a1 | |||
ceff33ea0e | |||
68955ddfec | |||
40ee01ce67 | |||
0b2bbf8c97 | |||
87af738378 | |||
e4ce622f15 | |||
dbd0ea4d27 | |||
a878a1ad9c | |||
aff4275478 | |||
609188d74e | |||
63a2e5e5ff | |||
ac1bea1d45 | |||
7b7f26ee47 | |||
3d00bdf3c0 | |||
319a02d2b4 | |||
cc8be1f278 | |||
e255573b1e | |||
0fe7e1fd39 | |||
2249f460e3 | |||
aae4009fbe | |||
a9284b7154 | |||
777fd7afb9 | |||
31079d95dd | |||
ced714129c | |||
4fcfd29d2b | |||
06de8d0be9 | |||
de36c7f3a2 | |||
8918b97618 | |||
0bb2be3727 | |||
a781fc5b3b | |||
00ef5d9344 | |||
9fbf5b4aad | |||
46083bdf5e | |||
8a165c4d71 | |||
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4b514c6801 | |||
6a34352914 | |||
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9751880813 | |||
e58614002c |
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
[submodule "libopencm3"]
path = libopencm3
url =
url =
ignore = all
branch = no-vbus-sensing
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
This firmware template is designed for development boards based around [STM32 F1 series micro-controller](
firmware is for the I/O finder.
@ -6,50 +6,172 @@ project
*describe project purpose*
this tools allow to identify if channels (e.g. lines) are inputs or outputs.
up to 16 channels can be identified at once.
it also allows to monitor the channel activity, identify UART TX and RX signals.
connect the pins or test points of the target device to the I/O finder channels pins on the connector.
select the first and last channel to probe using the `start <CH>` ans `stop <CH>` commands.
this prevents false activity monitoring alerts.
it will also make the scan faster.
also connect the target voltage pin to the SWJ finder in order to use the right signal voltage level.
alternatively, the SWJ finder can supply 3.3V to the target voltage pin using the `voltage 3` command.
to revert to using the externally provided target voltage, use the `voltage 0` command.
to measure the target voltage, use the `voltage` command.
to find out what type of I/O is connected to the channel, use the `type` command.
it will measure the voltage while applying a pull-up and pull-down.
if the voltage changes, the channel is likely an input (or floating).
it will also show what value of pull-up/down is already on the channel.
if the voltage does not change, the channel is likely an output (or GND/power supply rail).
be aware that this is just the result at the testing type, as the target can change its configuration.
to monitor the activity of the channels, use the `monitor` command.
provide no argument to not pull the channels.
provide the 0 argument to pull the channels low using the internal 40 kOhm resistor.
provide the 3 argument to pull the channels high to 3.3V using the internal 40 kOhm resistor.
pulling the channels may reduce the noise, in case the channel is floating.
the activity and current state (with time stamp) of the pin will be displayed (up to 0.1s speed).
if the channel is switch fast, an 'X' will appear in from of the current level.
to stop monitoring, press any key.
to monitor the activity of a single channel, use the `monitor_single` command.
provide as argument the channel you want to monitor.
this works like the `monitor` command, but has the advantage to detect high voltages down to 1.5V (ideal for 1.8V logic).
it will also show the (maximum) frequency of the signal (useful to clock and baud rate measurement).
to detect the configuration of a UART stream, use the `uart_tx` command.
provide as argument the channel you want to monitor.
as data comes it, it will figure out the baud rate, data bits, and parity of the stream.
the configuration is displayed as it finds a better match.
it will also show the decoded data.
this mainly works for ASCII based communication (e.g. human readable debug logs), and might not give correct results for binary communication.
to find the corresponding UART RX pin (e.g. once UART TX pin has been identified using the `uart_tx` command), use the `uart_rx` commands.
provide as argument the channel for the UART TX pin, and the UART baud rate and frame settings (e.g. 115200 8N1).
data will be transmitted on the channels to probe and if we received the echo back on the TX, we found the RX.
this detection method only works if the target echoes back the data (e.g. on login prompts).
you can also reset the target board if you connected to target reset pin to the SWJ finder.
you can select of to drive the reset pin (OD for open-drain, PP for push-pull) and active level (H for high, L for low) using the `reset [ODL|ODH|PPL|PPH]` command.
to assert or release the reset, us the `reset 1` or `reset 0` commands.
alternatively, pressing/releasing the button on the SWJ finder asserts/releases the reset signal
use the `help` command to list all commands.
this will also list the shortcuts for the commands.
*described electronic details*
to figure out the type of I/O a channel is, it:
- selects the channel on a analog multiplexer
- measures the voltage while applying a 2 kOhm pull-down (to ground)
- measures the voltage while applying a 2 kOhm pull-up (to target voltage)
- calculate the resistance on the channel (since it known the resistor values of the voltage divided used to measure the channel voltage)
to monitor the activity, it directly reads the level of all 16 channels in parallel.
no voltage shifter is used (the input have a high impedance to not affect the channels).
any voltage above 3.3*0.7=2.3V is detected as high, else it is low.
the target voltage should not be higher than 5.5V (board I/O-pins limitation).
the channel voltage level need to be above 2.3V for activity to be detected reliably when multiple channels are monitored.
the channel voltage level need to be above 1.5V for activity to be detected reliably when a single channel is monitored.
the reset pin has no inline protection resistor and can sink up to 25 mA.
in open drain mode, an external pull-up resistor is required, most often provide by the target device.
in push-pull mode it can only source 3.3V up to 25 mA.
The current implementation uses a [core board](
The underlying template also supports following board:
- [Maple Mini](, based on a STM32F103CBT6
- [System Board](, based on a STM32F103C8T6
- [blue pill](, based on a STM32F103C8T6
- [black pill](, based on a STM32F103C8T6
- [core board](, based on a STM32F103C8T6
- [ST-LINK V2 mini](, a ST-LINK/V2 clone based on a STM32F101C8T6
- [USB-Blaster](, an Altera USB-Blaster clone based on a STM32F101C8T6
**Which board is used is defined in the Makefile**.
This is required to map the user LED and button provided on the board
The ST-LINK V2 mini clone has SWD test points on the board.
Because read protection is enabled, you will first need to remove the protection to be able to flash the firmware.
To remove the read protection (and erase flash), run `rake remove_protection` while a SWD adapter is connected.
The Altera USB-Blaster clone has a pin header for SWD and UART1 on the board.
SWD is disabled in the main firmware, and it has read protection.
To be able to flash using SWD (or the serial port), the BOOT0 pin must be set to 1 to boot the system memory install of the flash memory.
To set BOOT0 to 1, apply 3.3 V on R11, between the resistor and the reference designator, when powering the device.
The red LED should stay off while the green LED is on.
Now you can remove the read protection (and erase flash), run `rake remove_protection` while a SWD adapter is connected.
the underlying hardware uses a [WeAct MiniF4]( board, based on a STM32F401CCU6.
the bi-directional level shifter are BSS138 n-channel MOSFET based.
switching the target voltage are done using BSS84 p-channel MOSFET.
Connect the peripherals the following way (STM32F10X signal; STM32F10X pin; peripheral pin; peripheral signal; comment):
remove LED on C13 on MiniF4 board so we can reuse the pin.
- *list board to peripheral pin connections*
IDC 2x10 connector:
All pins are configured using `define`s in the corresponding source code.
01. GND, connect to ground
02. VTRG, target voltage, see below for connection
03. RST, to reset the target board, connect to PA0
04. 3V3, connected to 3.3V
05. CH00, connect to PB10
06. CH01, connect to PB9
07. CH02, connect to PB8
08. CH03, connect to PB7
09. CH04, connect to PB6
10. CH05, connect to PB5
11. CH06, connect to PB4
12. CH07, connect to PB3
13. CH08, connect to PA15
14. CH09, connect to PA10
15. CH10, connect to PA9
16. CH11, connect to PA8
17. CH12, connect to PB15
18. CH13, connect to PB14
19. CH14, connect to PB13
20. CH15, connect to PB12
ADC, used to measure target voltage (up to 6.6V):
- connect VTRG to 22 kOhm resistor R1
- connect PA6 (ADC1_IN6) to other side of resistor R1
- connect PA6 to 22 kOhm resistor R2
- connect GND to other side of resistor R2, forming a voltage divided
analog multiplexer, 16-channel, HP4067, to probe individual channels:
- channels: C0-C15 to CH0-CH15
- select: S3 to PB2, S2 to PB1, S1 to PB0, S0 to PA7
- enable: EN to PC15, pulled up to VCC
- signal: S to see below
- VCC: to 5V (for better switching, the select line can still be operated at 3.3V)
- GND: to ground
ADC for signal, using BSS84 p-channel MOSFET Q5:
- connect signal S to PA1/ADC1_IN1 through 1 KOhm resistor (first part of voltage divider)
- connect 1 kOhm between PA1 and PA4, creating second part of voltage divider (PA4 can ground it)
- Q5 source: to VTRG
- Q5 gate: to PA5, pulled up to VTRG using 10-100 kOhm resistor
- Q5 drain: to PA4 (PA5 can set connect voltage divider to high side)
UART, with level shifter, to scan for UART port:
- short PA3 (RX) and PA2 (TX), making it a half-duplex UART (sufficient for testing most UARTs)
- connect PA2/PA3 to 150 Ohm in-line resistor R3 (used as protection to limit sink current)
- pull up R3 to 5V using 10 kOhm ressitor, this is necessary for the voltage shifter to operate up to 5V
- connect R3 to source of BSS138 n-channel MOSFET Q1, used as bi-directional level shifter
- connect gate of Q1 to Q2 drain
- connect source of Q1 to signal S
level shifter control, using BSS84 p-channel MOSFET Q2:
- gate: to PC14, pulled up to VTRG using 10-100 kOhm resistor
- source: VTRG
- drain: to signal S through 10 kOhm (this creates a pull-up resistor for the low side level shifter)
target voltage supply control, using BSS84 p-channel MOSFET Q3 (to provide 3.3V) and BSS138 n-channel MOSFET Q4 (to prevent feed back into 3.3V):
- Q3 gate: PC13, pulled up to 3.3V using 10-100 kOhm resistor
- Q3 source: 3.3V
- Q3 drain: Q4 source, 3.3V output for target
- Q4 source: Q3 drain, forward 3.3V to target (through body diode and because gate is on)
- Q4 gate: to 5V, enabling transition until 5V from target is present on drain
- Q4 drain: VTRG
all pins are configured using `define`s in the corresponding source code.
@ -81,15 +203,20 @@ The `bootloader` is started first and immediately jumps to the `application` if
The `application` image is the main application and is implemented in `application.c`.
It is up to the application to advertise USB DFU support (i.e. as does the provided USB CDC ACM example).
The `bootloader` image will be flashed using SWD (Serial Wire Debug).
The simplest way do flash the `bootloader` image is using the embedded bootloader.
By pressing the BOOT0 button (setting the pin low) while powering or resetting the device, the micro-controller boot its embedded UART/USB DFU bootloader.
Connect a USB cable and run `rake dfu_bootloader`.
Once the `bootloader` is flashed, it is possible to flash the `application` over USB using the DFU protocol by running `rake flash` (equivalent to `rake dfu_application`.
To force the bootloader to start the DFU mode press the user button or short a pin, depending on the board.
Note: I use my own DFU bootloader instead of the embedded bootloader because I was not able to start the embedded USB DFU bootloader from the application.
The images can also be flash using SWD (Serial Wire Debug) in case the firmware gets stuck and does not provide USB functionalities.
For that you need an SWD adapter.
The `Makefile` uses a ST-Link V2 programmer along OpenOCD software (default), or Black Magic Probe.
To flash the `booltoader` using SWD run `rake flash_booloader`.
If the development board uses the CKS32 chip STM32 alternative, use `CPUTAPID=0x2ba01477 rake flash_booloader`.
Once the `bootloader` is flashed it is possible to flash the `application` over USB using the DFU protocol by running `rake flash`.
To force the bootloader to start the DFU mode press the user button or short a pin, depending on the board.
It is also possible to flash the `application` image using SWD by running `rake flash_application`.
To flash the `bootloader` using SWD run `rake swd_bootloader` (this will also erase the application).
To flash the `application` using SWD run `rake swd_application` (or `rake swd`).
To erase all memory and unlock read/write protection, run `rake remove_protection`.
@ -100,4 +227,12 @@ To start the debugging session run `rake debug`.
The firmware offers serial communication over USART1 and USB (using the CDC ACM device class).
The firmware offers serial communication over USB (using the CDC ACM device class).
add monitor single channel to support 1.8V voltage.
measure frequency of single channel.
decode single channel as RX.
probe UART using TX than RX.
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# encoding: utf-8
# ruby: 2.4.2
Rakefile to manage compile CuVoodoo STM32F1 firmware.
the firmware is for development board based around a STM32F1xx micro-controller.
Rakefile to manage compiling CuVoodoo STM32F4 firmware.
the firmware is for development boards based around a STM32F4xx micro-controller.
the firmware uses the libopencm3 library providing support for this micro-controller.
require 'rake'
@ -14,15 +14,26 @@ APPLICATION = "application"
# which development board is used
# supported are: WeAct MiniF4 with STM32F401
# get MCU from board
when "MINIF401"
raise "unknown MCU for board #{BOARD}"
# libopencm3 definitions
LIBOPENCM3_DIR = "libopencm3"
# STM32F1 library used for this project provided by libopencm3
STM32F1_LIB = "opencm3_stm32f1"
# get libopencm3
unless File.file?("./#{LIBOPENCM3_DIR}/scripts/") then
sh "git submodule init"
sh "git submodule update"
LIBOPENCM3_LIB = "opencm3_" + `./#{LIBOPENCM3_DIR}/scripts/ #{LIBOPENCM3_DIR}/ld/ #{DEVICE} FAMILY`
# source code used by the firmware
SRC_DIRS = [".", "lib"]
@ -43,7 +54,7 @@ cflags = [ENV["CFLAGS"]]
# optimize for size
cflags << "-Os"
# add debug symbols (remove for smaller release)
cflags << "-ggdb"
cflags << "-ggdb3"
# use C99 (supported by most an sufficient)
cflags << "-std=c99"
# have strict warning (for better code)
@ -59,7 +70,8 @@ cflags += SRC_DIRS.collect {|srd_dir| "-I #{srd_dir}"}
# include libopencm3 library
cflags << "-I #{LIBOPENCM3_INC}"
# add defines for micro-controller and board
cflags << "-DSTM32F1 -D#{BOARD}"
cflags << "-D#{BOARD}"
cflags << `./#{LIBOPENCM3_DIR}/scripts/ #{LIBOPENCM3_DIR}/ld/ #{DEVICE} CPPFLAGS`
# render cflags
cflags = cflags.compact*' '
@ -76,14 +88,17 @@ ldflags_linker = ["--gc-sections"]
# show memory usage
ldflags_linker << "--print-memory-usage"
# add libopencm3 libraries
library_paths = [LIBOPENCM3_LIB]
library_paths = [LIBOPENCM3_LIBS]
# project libraries
ldlibs = [STM32F1_LIB]
ldlibs = [LIBOPENCM3_LIB]
# general libraries (gcc provides the ARM ABI)
ldlibs_linker = ["m", "c", "nosys", "gcc"]
# target micro-controller information (ARM Cortex-M3 supports thumb and thumb2, but does not include a floating point unit)
archflags = "-mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3 -msoft-float"
# target micro-controller information (ARM Cortex-M4 supports thumb and thumb2, but does not include a floating point unit)
archflags = "-mthumb"
archflags += " -mcpu=" + `./#{LIBOPENCM3_DIR}/scripts/ #{LIBOPENCM3_DIR}/ld/ #{DEVICE} CPU`
archflags += " -mfloat-abi=" + `./#{LIBOPENCM3_DIR}/scripts/ #{LIBOPENCM3_DIR}/ld/ #{DEVICE} FPU`.split("-")[0]
archflags += " -mfpu=" + `./#{LIBOPENCM3_DIR}/scripts/ #{LIBOPENCM3_DIR}/ld/ #{DEVICE} FPU`.split("-")[1..-1]*"-"
desc "compile firmwares"
task :default => FIRMWARES
@ -101,17 +116,17 @@ end
# get dependencies of a file
# done is a list of already known dependencies
def dependencies(source, done=[])
def dependencies(source, done = [])
d_path = source.ext("d") # get the dependency file
Rake::Task[d_path].invoke # ensure the dependency file exists
d_file = # read the dependencies from dependency file
d_file = d_file.split(': ')[1].gsub("\n",'').gsub('\\ ','').gsub(/\s+/,' ').split(' ') # get a list of dependencies
d_file = d_file.split(': ')[1].gsub("\n", '').gsub('\\ ', '').gsub(/\s+/, ' ').split(' ') # get a list of dependencies
d_list = [] # list of dependencies
# only save dependencies which are in our source directories
d_file.each do |d|
SRC_DIRS.each do |dir|
if File.dirname(d)==dir then
d_list << d
if File.dirname(d) == dir then
d_list << d unless d.end_with?(".inc")
@ -127,14 +142,8 @@ def dependencies(source, done=[])
return done
desc "get libopencm3"
file LIBOPENCM3_DIR+"/Makefile" do
sh "git submodule init"
sh "git submodule update"
desc "compile libopencm3"
file "#{LIBOPENCM3_LIB}/lib#{STM32F1_LIB}.a" => LIBOPENCM3_DIR+"/Makefile" do
file "#{LIBOPENCM3_LIBS}/lib#{LIBOPENCM3_LIB}.a" do
sh "make --directory #{LIBOPENCM3_DIR}"
@ -143,17 +152,17 @@ task :doc => ["Doxyfile", ""] do |t|
desc "compile source into object"
rule '.o' => ['.c', proc{|f| File.file?(f.ext("h")) ? f.ext("h") : []}, proc{|f| dependencies(f).collect{|d| File.file?(d.ext("h")) ? d.ext("h") : []}}, "#{LIBOPENCM3_LIB}/lib#{STM32F1_LIB}.a"] do |t|
rule '.o' => ['.c', proc{|f| File.file?(f.ext("h")) ? f.ext("h") : []}, proc{|f| dependencies(f).collect{|d| File.file?(d.ext("h")) ? d.ext("h") : []}}, "#{LIBOPENCM3_LIBS}/lib#{LIBOPENCM3_LIB}.a"] do |t|
sh "#{CC} #{cflags} #{archflags} -o #{} -c #{t.prerequisites[0]}"
desc "generate dependencies"
rule '.d' => ['.c', "#{LIBOPENCM3_LIB}/lib#{STM32F1_LIB}.a"] do |t|
rule '.d' => ['.c', "#{LIBOPENCM3_LIBS}/lib#{LIBOPENCM3_LIB}.a"] do |t|
sh "#{CC} #{cflags} #{archflags} -MM -MF #{} -c #{t.prerequisites[0]}"
desc "link binary"
rule '.elf' => ['.o', proc{|f| dependencies(f)}, '.ld', "#{LIBOPENCM3_LIB}/lib#{STM32F1_LIB}.a"] do |t|
rule '.elf' => ['.o', proc{|f| dependencies(f)}, '.ld', "#{LIBOPENCM3_LIBS}/lib#{LIBOPENCM3_LIB}.a"] do |t|
sh "#{LD} #{archflags} #{ldflags.join(' ')} #{t.prerequisites[0..-3].join(' ')} -T#{'ld')} #{ldflags_linker.collect{|flag| "-Wl,"+flag}.join(' ')} #{library_paths.collect{|path| "-L"+path}.join(' ')} #{ldlibs.collect{|lib| "-l"+lib}.join(' ')} -Wl,--start-group #{ldlibs_linker.collect{|lib| "-l"+lib}.join(' ')} -Wl,--end-group --output #{}"
@ -190,42 +199,50 @@ OOCD = ENV["OOCD"] || "openocd"
# openOCD adapted name
# openOCD target for the micro-controller
OOCD_TARGET = "stm32f1x"
OOCD_TARGET = "stm32f4x"
# Black Magic Probe port
BMP_PORT = ENV["BMP_PORT"] || "/dev/ttyACM0"
# set CPUTAPID (0x1ba01477 for STM32, 0x2ba01477 for CKS32/APM32)
CPUTAPID = ENV["CPUTAPID"] || "0x1ba01477"
desc "flash application"
task :flash => :dfu_application
desc "flash application using USB DFU"
task :flash => APPLICATION+".bin" do |t|
task :dfu_application => APPLICATION+".bin" do |t|
sh "dfu-util --device 1209:4356 --download #{t.source}"
desc "remove STM32F1 protection using SWD"
desc "flash application using USB DFU"
task :dfu_bootloader => BOOTLOADER+".bin" do |t|
sh "dfu-util --device 0483:df11 --cfg 1 --intf 0 --alt 0 --dfuse-address 0x08000000 --download #{t.source} --reset"
desc "remove STM32F4 protection using SWD"
task :remove_protection do
when "STLINKV2"
sh "#{OOCD} --file interface/#{OOCD_INTERFACE}.cfg --command 'transport select hla_swd' --command 'set CPUTAPID #{CPUTAPID}' --file target/#{OOCD_TARGET}.cfg --command 'init' --command 'halt' --command 'reset init' --command 'stm32f1x unlock 0' --command 'reset init' --command 'flash protect 0 0 last off' --command 'reset init' --command 'stm32f1x options_write 0 SWWDG NORSTSTNDBY NORSTSTOP' --command 'reset init' --command 'stm32f1x mass_erase 0' --command 'shutdown'"
sh "#{OOCD} --file interface/#{OOCD_INTERFACE}.cfg --command 'transport select hla_swd' --file target/#{OOCD_TARGET}.cfg --command 'init' --command 'halt' --command 'reset init' --command 'stm32f2x unlock 0' --command 'reset init' --command 'flash protect 0 0 last off' --command 'reset init' --command 'stm32f2x mass_erase 0' --command 'shutdown'"
when "BMP"
sh "#{GDB} --eval-command='target extended-remote #{BMP_PORT}' --eval-command='set confirm off' --eval-command='monitor swdp_scan' --eval-command='attach 1' --eval-command='monitor option erase' --eval-command='monitor erase_mass' --eval-command='kill' --eval-command='quit'"
desc "flash bootloader using SWD"
task :flash_bootloader => BOOTLOADER+".hex" do |t|
task :swd_bootloader => BOOTLOADER+".hex" do |t|
when "STLINKV2"
sh "#{OOCD} --file interface/#{OOCD_INTERFACE}.cfg --command 'transport select hla_swd' --command 'set CPUTAPID #{CPUTAPID}' --file target/#{OOCD_TARGET}.cfg --command 'init' --command 'halt' --command 'reset init' --command 'flash erase_sector 0 0 last' --command 'flash write_image erase #{t.source}' --command 'reset' --command 'shutdown'"
sh "#{OOCD} --file interface/#{OOCD_INTERFACE}.cfg --command 'transport select hla_swd' --file target/#{OOCD_TARGET}.cfg --command 'init' --command 'halt' --command 'reset init' --command 'flash erase_sector 0 0 last' --command 'flash write_image erase #{t.source}' --command 'reset' --command 'shutdown'"
when "BMP"
sh "#{GDB} --eval-command='target extended-remote #{BMP_PORT}' --eval-command='set confirm off' --eval-command='monitor swdp_scan' --eval-command='attach 1' --eval-command='monitor erase_mass' --eval-command='load' --eval-command='kill' --eval-command='quit' #{t.source}"
task :swd => :swd_application
desc "flash application using SWD"
task :flash_application => APPLICATION+".hex" do |t|
task :swd_application => APPLICATION+".hex" do |t|
when "STLINKV2"
sh "#{OOCD} --file interface/#{OOCD_INTERFACE}.cfg --command 'transport select hla_swd' --command 'set CPUTAPID #{CPUTAPID}' --file target/#{OOCD_TARGET}.cfg --command 'adapter speed 100' --command 'init' --command 'halt' --command 'reset init' --command 'flash write_image erase #{t.source}' --command 'reset' --command 'shutdown'"
sh "#{OOCD} --file interface/#{OOCD_INTERFACE}.cfg --command 'transport select hla_swd' --file target/#{OOCD_TARGET}.cfg --command 'adapter speed 100' --command 'init' --command 'halt' --command 'reset init' --command 'flash write_image erase #{t.source}' --command 'reset' --command 'shutdown'"
when "BMP"
sh "#{GDB} --eval-command='target extended-remote #{BMP_PORT}' --eval-command='set confirm off' --eval-command='monitor swdp_scan' --eval-command='attach 1' --eval-command='load' --eval-command='kill' --eval-command='quit' #{t.source}"
@ -237,7 +254,7 @@ task :debug => APPLICATION+".elf" do |t|
when "STLINKV2"
# for GDB to work with openOCD the firmware needs to be reloaded
exec("#{GDB} --eval-command='target remote | #{OOCD} --file interface/#{OOCD_INTERFACE}.cfg --command \"transport select hla_swd\" --command \"set CPUTAPID #{CPUTAPID}\" --file target/#{OOCD_TARGET}.cfg --command \"gdb_port pipe; log_output /dev/null; init\"' #{t.source}")
exec("#{GDB} --eval-command='target remote | #{OOCD} --file interface/#{OOCD_INTERFACE}.cfg --command \"transport select hla_swd\" --file target/#{OOCD_TARGET}.cfg --command \"gdb_port pipe; log_output /dev/null; init\"' #{t.source}")
when "BMP"
exec("#{GDB} --eval-command='target extended-remote #{BMP_PORT}' --eval-command='monitor version' --eval-command='monitor swdp_scan' --eval-command='attach 1' #{t.source}")
@ -249,7 +266,7 @@ task :debug_bootloader => BOOTLOADER+".elf" do |t|
when "STLINKV2"
# for GDB to work with openOCD the firmware needs to be reloaded
exec("#{GDB} --eval-command='target remote | #{OOCD} --file interface/#{OOCD_INTERFACE}.cfg --command \"transport select hla_swd\" --command \"set CPUTAPID #{CPUTAPID}\" --file target/#{OOCD_TARGET}.cfg --command \"gdb_port pipe; log_output /dev/null; init\"' --eval-command='monitor reset init' #{t.source}")
exec("#{GDB} --eval-command='target remote | #{OOCD} --file interface/#{OOCD_INTERFACE}.cfg --command \"transport select hla_swd\" --file target/#{OOCD_TARGET}.cfg --command \"gdb_port pipe; log_output /dev/null; init\"' --eval-command='monitor reset init' #{t.source}")
when "BMP"
exec("#{GDB} --eval-command='target extended-remote #{BMP_PORT}' --eval-command='monitor version' --eval-command='monitor swdp_scan' --eval-command='attach 1' #{t.source}")
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,28 +1,16 @@
/* linker script for application running on STM32F103x8 micro-controller
* the STM32F103x8 has 64 KB of flash starting at 0x0800 0000, and 20 KB of RAM starting at 0x2000 0000
* the STM32F103xB has 128 KB of flash starting at 0x0800 0000, and 20 KB of RAM starting at 0x2000 0000
* STM32F103x8 most often have if fact 128 KB, instead of the specified and advertised 64 KB, like the STM32F103xB
* you can define the desired flash size here.
* the USB DFU bootloader will take the first 8 KB of flash, followed by the application
/* linker script for application running on STM32F401xC micro-controller
* the STM32F401xC has 256 KB of flash starting at 0x0800 0000, and 64 KB of RAM starting at 0x2000 0000
* the USB DFU bootloader will use the first sector, which is 16 KB large.
* this is followed by the application.
* the first 4 bytes of the RAM is reserved for the DFU magic word (DFU! to start DFU bootloader)
/* define memory regions. */
rom (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08000000 + 8K, LENGTH = 64K - 8K
ram (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000 + 4, LENGTH = 20K - 4
rom (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08000000 + 16K, LENGTH = 256K - 16K
ram (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000 + 4, LENGTH = 64K - 4
PROVIDE(__application_beginning = ORIGIN(rom));
/* if you want the firmware to use the flash size advertised by the micro-controller itself, use the following:
PROVIDE(__application_end = 0);
PROVIDE(__flash_end = 0);
if you want to enforce a flash size, because there is more flash than advertized by the micro-controller, use to following:
PROVIDE(__application_end = ORIGIN(rom) + LENGTH(rom));
PROVIDE(__flash_end = ORIGIN(rom) + LENGTH(rom));
PROVIDE(__application_end = 0);
PROVIDE(__flash_end = 0);
/* RAM location reserved so application can talk to bootloader and tell to start DFU */
PROVIDE(__dfu_magic = ORIGIN(ram) - 4);
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* @file
* @author King Kévin <>
* @copyright SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* @date 2017-2019
* @date 2017-2020
/* standard libraries */
#include <stdint.h> // standard integer types
@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
#include "global.h" // board definitions
#include "usb_dfu.h" // USB DFU utilities
/** symbol for beginning of the application
* @note this symbol will be provided by the bootloader linker script
extern char __application_beginning;
/** bootloader entry point */
void main(void);
void main(void)
@ -31,38 +36,20 @@ void main(void)
__dfu_magic[1] = 0;
__dfu_magic[2] = 0;
__dfu_magic[3] = 0;
} else if (0 == (RCC_CSR & 0xfc000000)) { // no reset flag present -> this was a soft reset using scb_reset_core() after clearing the flags using RCC_CSR_RMVF, this was the legacy way to start the DFU mode
dfu_force = true;
} else { // check if the force DFU mode input is set
// disable SWJ pin to use as GPIO
#if (defined(DFU_FORCE_PIN) && defined(DFU_FORCE_VALUE))
// JNTRST pin is used as DFU pin
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_AFIO); // enable clock for alternate function domain
gpio_primary_remap(AFIO_MAPR_SWJ_CFG_FULL_SWJ_NO_JNTRST, 0); // keep SWJ enable bit don't use JNTRST
// JTAG but not SWD pin used as DFU pin
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_AFIO); // enable clock for alternate function domain
gpio_primary_remap(AFIO_MAPR_SWJ_CFG_JTAG_OFF_SW_ON, 0); // disable JTAG but keep SWD
// JTAG and SWD pin used as DFU pin
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_AFIO); // enable clock for alternate function domain
gpio_primary_remap(AFIO_MAPR_SWJ_CFG_JTAG_OFF_SW_OFF, 0); // disable JTAG and SWD
#endif // DFU_FORCE_PIN
rcc_periph_clock_enable(GPIO_RCC(DFU_FORCE_PIN)); // enable clock for GPIO domain
// pull on the opposite of the expected value
rcc_periph_clock_enable(GPIO_RCC(DFU_FORCE_PIN)); // enable clock for button
#if (DFU_FORCE_VALUE == 1)
gpio_clear(GPIO_PORT(DFU_FORCE_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DFU_FORCE_PIN)); // pull down to be able to detect when tied to high
if (gpio_get(GPIO_PORT(DFU_FORCE_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DFU_FORCE_PIN))) { // check if output is set to the value to force DFU mode
gpio_set(GPIO_PORT(DFU_FORCE_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DFU_FORCE_PIN)); // pull up to be able to detect when tied to low
if (0 == gpio_get(GPIO_PORT(DFU_FORCE_PIN), GPIO_PIN(DFU_FORCE_PIN))) { // check if output is set to the value to force DFU mode
dfu_force = true; // DFU mode forced
#endif // defined(DFU_FORCE_PIN)
rcc_periph_clock_disable(RCC_AFIO); // disable alternate function domain to put it back to default
rcc_periph_reset_pulse(GPIO_RST(DFU_FORCE_PIN)); // reset pin GPIO domain
rcc_periph_clock_disable(GPIO_RCC(DFU_FORCE_PIN)); // disable pin GPIO domain
@ -71,24 +58,20 @@ void main(void)
/* the application starts with the vector table
* the first entry in the vector table is the initial stack pointer (SP) address
* the stack will be placed in RAM
* on STM32F1xx SRAM begins at 0x2000 0000, and on STM32F103xx there is up to 96 KB of RAM (0x18000).
* since the stack grown "downwards" it should start at the end of the RAM: max 0x2001 8000
* on STM32F4 SRAM begins at 0x2000 0000, and on STM32F4xx there is up to 384 KiB of RAM (0x60000).
* since the stack grown "downwards" it should start at the end of the RAM: max 0x2006 0000
* if the SP is not in this range (e.g. flash has been erased) there is no valid application
* the second entry in the vector table is the reset address, corresponding to the application start
volatile uint32_t* application = (uint32_t*)&__application_beginning; // get the value of the application address symbol (use a register instead on the stack since the stack pointer will be changed)
if (!dfu_force && (((*application) & 0xFFFE0000) == 0x20000000)) { // application at address seems valid
if (!dfu_force && (((*application) & 0xFFF80000) == 0x20000000)) { // application at address seems valid
SCB_VTOR = (volatile uint32_t)(application); // set vector table to application vector table (store at the beginning of the application)
__asm__ volatile ("MSR msp,%0" : :"r"(*application)); // set stack pointer to address provided in the beginning of the application (loaded into a register first)
(*(void(**)(void))((uint32_t)application + 4))(); // start application (by jumping to the reset function which address is stored as second entry of the vector table)
rcc_clock_setup_in_hse_8mhz_out_72mhz(); // start main clock
board_setup(); // setup board to control LED
led_on(); // indicate bootloader started
#if defined(BUSVOODOO)
led_toggle(); // switch from blue to red LED
usb_dfu_setup(); // setup USB DFU for firmware upload
usb_dfu_start(); // run DFU mode
@ -1,28 +1,18 @@
/* linker script for application running on STM32F103x8 micro-controller
* the STM32F103x8 has 64 KB of flash starting at 0x0800 0000, and 20 KB of RAM starting at 0x2000 0000
* the STM32F103xB has 128 KB of flash starting at 0x0800 0000, and 20 KB of RAM starting at 0x2000 0000
* STM32F103x8 most often have if fact 128 KB, instead of the specified and advertised 64 KB, like the STM32F103xB
* you can define the desired flash size here.
* the USB DFU bootloader will take the first 8 KB of flash, followed by the application
/* linker script for application running on STM32F401xC micro-controller
* the STM32F401xC has 256 KB of flash starting at 0x0800 0000, and 64 KB of RAM starting at 0x2000 0000
* the USB DFU bootloader will use the first sector, which is 16 KB large.
* this is followed by the application.
* the first 4 bytes of the RAM is reserved for the DFU magic word (DFU! to start DFU bootloader)
/* define memory regions. */
rom (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 8K
ram (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000 + 4, LENGTH = 20K - 4
rom (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 16K
ram (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000 + 4, LENGTH = 64K - 4
/* where the main application starts */
PROVIDE(__application_beginning = ORIGIN(rom) + LENGTH(rom));
/* if you want the firmware to use the flash size advertised by the micro-controller itself, use the following:
PROVIDE(__application_end = 0);
PROVIDE(__flash_end = 0);
if you want to enforce a flash size, because there is more flash than advertized by the micro-controller, use to following:
PROVIDE(__application_end = ORIGIN(rom) + LENGTH(rom));
PROVIDE(__flash_end = ORIGIN(rom) + LENGTH(rom));
PROVIDE(__application_end = 0);
PROVIDE(__flash_end = 0);
/* RAM location reserved so application can talk to bootloader and tell to start DFU */
PROVIDE(__dfu_magic = ORIGIN(ram) - 4);
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
#include <libopencm3/stm32/rcc.h> // real-time control clock library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/gpio.h> // general purpose input output library
#include <libopencm3/stm32/exti.h> // external interrupt defines
#include <libopencm3/stm32/syscfg.h> // system definitions
#include <libopencm3/usb/dwc/otg_fs.h> // USB OTG utilities
#include "global.h" // common methods
@ -132,9 +134,6 @@ char* b2s(uint64_t binary, uint8_t rjust)
inline void led_on(void)
#if defined(LED_PIN)
#if defined(BUSVOODOO)
#endif // BUSVOODOO
#if defined(LED_ON) && LED_ON
@ -147,14 +146,10 @@ inline void led_on(void)
inline void led_off(void)
#if defined(LED_PIN)
#if defined(BUSVOODOO)
gpio_set_mode(GPIO_PORT(LED_PIN), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_FLOAT, GPIO_PIN(LED_PIN)); // set LED pin to floating to disable LEDs
#if defined(LED_ON) && LED_ON
#endif // BUSVOODOO
#endif // LED_ON
#endif // LED_PIN
@ -163,21 +158,18 @@ inline void led_off(void)
inline void led_toggle(void)
#if defined(LED_PIN)
#if defined(BUSVOODOO)
#endif // BUSVOODOO
#endif // LED_PIN
void sleep_us(uint32_t duration)
if (duration <= 5) { // less than the setup time
for (volatile uint32_t nop = 0; nop < 5 * duration; nop++); // busy loop, approximate, hand tuned for 72 MHz system clock
if (duration <= 4) { // less than the setup time
for (volatile uint32_t nop = 0; nop < 5 * duration; nop++); // busy loop, approximate
duration -= 5; // subtract setup time
duration -= 4; // subtract setup time
systick_counter_disable(); // disable SysTick to reconfigure it
if (!systick_set_frequency(1000000, rcc_ahb_frequency)) { // set SysTick frequency to microseconds
while (true); // unhandled error
@ -249,33 +241,41 @@ void user_input_store(char c)
void board_setup(void)
#if defined(LED_PIN)
// setup main clock
#if defined(MINIF401)
rcc_clock_setup_pll(&rcc_hse_25mhz_3v3[RCC_CLOCK_3V3_84MHZ]); // the MINIF401 uses an STM32F401 which can go up to 84 MHz, and the board has a 25 MHz crystal
rcc_clock_setup_pll(&rcc_hsi_configs[RCC_CLOCK_3V3_84MHZ]); // use HSI which is present on all boards, and limit to 84MHz (supported by all STM32F4
#if defined(LED_PIN) && defined(LED_ON)
// setup LED
rcc_periph_clock_enable(GPIO_RCC(LED_PIN)); // enable clock for LED
#if defined(BUSVOODOO)
gpio_set_mode(GPIO_PORT(LED_PIN), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_FLOAT, GPIO_PIN(LED_PIN)); // set LED pin to floating to disable LEDs
gpio_set_mode(GPIO_PORT(LED_PIN), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL, GPIO_PIN(LED_PIN)); // set LED pin to output push-pull do drive LED
gpio_mode_setup(GPIO_PORT(LED_PIN), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO_PIN(LED_PIN)); // set LED pin as output
#if LED_ON // LED is on when sourcing
gpio_set_output_options(GPIO_PORT(LED_PIN), GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_2MHZ, GPIO_PIN(LED_PIN)); // set LED pin output as push-pull
#else // LED is on when sinking
gpio_set_output_options(GPIO_PORT(LED_PIN), GPIO_OTYPE_OD, GPIO_OSPEED_2MHZ, GPIO_PIN(LED_PIN)); // set LED pin output as open-drain
led_off(); // switch off LED per default
#endif // LED_PIN
// setup button
#if defined(BUTTON_PIN)
#if defined(BUTTON_PIN) && defined(BUTTON_PRESSED)
rcc_periph_clock_enable(GPIO_RCC(BUTTON_PIN)); // enable clock for button
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_AFIO); // enable alternate function clock for external interrupt
exti_select_source(GPIO_EXTI(BUTTON_PIN), GPIO_PORT(BUTTON_PIN)); // mask external interrupt of this pin only for this port
gpio_clear(GPIO_PORT(BUTTON_PIN), GPIO_PIN(BUTTON_PIN)); // pull down to be able to detect button push (go high)
#if BUTTON_PRESSED // level goes high when pressed
gpio_mode_setup(GPIO_PORT(BUTTON_PIN), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_PUPD_PULLDOWN, GPIO_PIN(BUTTON_PIN)); // set GPIO to input and pull down
exti_set_trigger(GPIO_EXTI(BUTTON_PIN), EXTI_TRIGGER_RISING); // trigger when button is pressed
gpio_set(GPIO_PORT(BUTTON_PIN), GPIO_PIN(BUTTON_PIN)); // pull up to be able to detect button push (go low)
#else // level goes low when pressed
gpio_mode_setup(GPIO_PORT(BUTTON_PIN), GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_PUPD_PULLUP, GPIO_PIN(BUTTON_PIN)); // set GPIO to input and pull up
exti_set_trigger(GPIO_EXTI(BUTTON_PIN), EXTI_TRIGGER_FALLING); // trigger when button is pressed
exti_enable_request(GPIO_EXTI(BUTTON_PIN)); // enable external interrupt
nvic_enable_irq(GPIO_NVIC_EXTI_IRQ(BUTTON_PIN)); // enable interrupt
// reset user input buffer
user_input_available = false;
@ -283,6 +283,66 @@ void board_setup(void)
user_input_used = 0;
/** disconnect USB by sending a reset condition */
static void usb_disconnect(void)
if (OTG_FS_GUSBCFG & OTG_GUSBCFG_FDMOD) { // USB configured as device
// pull USB D+ low for a short while
OTG_FS_DCTL |= OTG_DCTL_SDIS; // disconnect DP pull-up to simulate a disconnect
// in case there is an external pull-up resistor, pull DP low
// I have no idea why, but once USB is configured, I can't use PA12/DP back as GPIO
gpio_mode_setup(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO12); // be sure the D+ pin can be used as GPIO output
gpio_set_output_options(GPIOA, GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_2MHZ, GPIO12); // use push-pull output
gpio_clear(GPIOA, GPIO12); // pull D+ low
for (volatile uint32_t i = 0; i < 0x2000; i++); // USB disconnected must be at least 10 ms long, at most 100 ms
void system_memory(void)
usb_disconnect(); // disconnect from USB (if necessary)
// for more details, see
// deinit RCC (according to STM32CubeF4 source code)
RCC_CR |= RCC_CR_HSION; // enable high speed internal clock
while (!(RCC_CR & RCC_CR_HSIRDY)); // wait until clock is ready
RCC_CR |= (0x10U << RCC_CR_HSITRIM_SHIFT); // set HSITRIM[4:0] bits to the reset value
RCC_CFGR = 0;// reset CFGR register
while (((RCC_CFGR >> RCC_CFGR_SWS_SHIFT) & RCC_CFGR_SWS_MASK) != RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI); // wait it till clock switch is ready
while (RCC_CR & RCC_CR_HSERDY); // wait till HSE is disabled
RCC_CR &= ~RCC_CR_PLLON; // Clear PLLON bit
while (RCC_CR & RCC_CR_PLLRDY); // wait till PLL is disabled
//RCC_PLLCFGR = 0x24003010; // reset PLLCFGR register to default value (value for STM32F401)
RCC_CR &= ~RCC_CSR_LSION; // clear LSION bit
RCC_CSR |= RCC_CSR_RMVF; // reset all CSR flags
// switch to system memory
RCC_APB2ENR = RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN; // enable system configure clock (all others are not required)
cm_disable_interrupts(); // disable all interrupts
SYSCFG_MEMRM = 1; // map system memory to 0x0000 0000 (this bypasses the BOOT0 pin)
const uint32_t address = 0x1FFF0000; // system memory address