lib/rtc_dcf77: update library to use global macros

This commit is contained in:
King Kévin 2017-10-08 18:36:32 +02:00
parent df67204cc8
commit b1a470bedc
2 changed files with 38 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
/** library to get time from a DCF77 module (code)
* @file rtc_dcf77.c
* @author King Kévin <>
* @date 2016
* @date 2016-2017
* @note peripherals used: GPIO @ref rtc_dcf77_gpio, timer @ref rtc_dcf77_timer
@ -35,41 +35,57 @@
#include "rtc_dcf77.h" // RTC DCF77 library API
#include "global.h" // common methods
/** @defgroup rtc_dcf77_gpio output to enable DCF module and input to capture DCF signal
* @{
#define RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PORT A /**< GPIO port to enable the module */
#define RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PIN 2 /**< GPIO pinto enable the module */
#define RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PORT A /**< GPIO port to capture the DCF signal */
#define RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PIN 3 /**< GPIO pin to capture the DCF signal */
/** @} */
/** @defgroup rtc_dcf77_timer timer to measure signal puls
* @{
#define RTC_DCF77_TIMER 4 /**< timer peripheral */
#define RTC_DCF77_TIMER_MAX_TIME 2200 /**< the maximum time in ms the timer can count. DCF77 have pulses < 2s */
/** @} */
volatile bool rtc_dcf77_time_flag = false;
static volatile uint64_t rtc_dcf77_frame = 0; /**< the received DCF77 frame bits */
void rtc_dcf77_setup(void)
// setup enable output
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_RCC); // enable clock GPIO peripheral
gpio_set_mode(RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PORT, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL, RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PIN); // set pin to output push-pull to be able to enable the module
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIO(RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PORT)); // enable clock GPIO peripheral
gpio_set_mode(GPIO(RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PORT), GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL, GPIO(RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PIN)); // set pin to output push-pull to be able to enable the module
rtc_dcf77_off(); // disable module at start
// setup signal input
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_RCC); // enable clock for signal input peripheral
gpio_set_mode(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PORT, GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_FLOAT, RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PIN); // set signal pin to input
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIO(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PORT)); // enable clock for signal input peripheral
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_AFIO); // enable alternate function clock for external interrupt
exti_select_source(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_EXTI, RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PORT); // mask external interrupt of this pin only for this port
exti_set_trigger(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_EXTI, EXTI_TRIGGER_BOTH); // trigger on both edges
exti_enable_request(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_EXTI); // enable external interrupt
nvic_enable_irq(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_IRQ); // enable interrupt
exti_select_source(EXTI(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PIN), GPIO(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PORT)); // mask external interrupt of this pin only for this port
exti_set_trigger(EXTI(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PIN), EXTI_TRIGGER_BOTH); // trigger on both edges
exti_enable_request(EXTI(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PIN)); // enable external interrupt
nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_EXTI_IRQ(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PIN)); // enable interrupt
// setup timer to measure pulses
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RTC_DCF77_TIMER_RCC); // enable clock for timer peripheral
timer_reset(RTC_DCF77_TIMER); // reset timer state
timer_set_mode(RTC_DCF77_TIMER, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); // set timer mode, use undivided timer clock, edge alignment (simple count), and count up
timer_set_prescaler(RTC_DCF77_TIMER, RTC_DCF77_TIMER_MAX_TIME*(rcc_ahb_frequency/1000)/(1<<16)); // set prescaler to count up to the maximum time
timer_enable_counter(RTC_DCF77_TIMER); // start timer to measure time
rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_TIM(RTC_DCF77_TIMER)); // enable clock for timer peripheral
timer_reset(TIM(RTC_DCF77_TIMER)); // reset timer state
timer_set_mode(TIM(RTC_DCF77_TIMER), TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); // set timer mode, use undivided timer clock, edge alignment (simple count), and count up
timer_set_prescaler(TIM(RTC_DCF77_TIMER), RTC_DCF77_TIMER_MAX_TIME*(rcc_ahb_frequency/1000)/(1<<16)); // set prescaler to count up to the maximum time
timer_enable_counter(TIM(RTC_DCF77_TIMER)); // start timer to measure time
void rtc_dcf77_on(void)
gpio_clear(RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PORT, RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PIN); // enable module by pull pin low
gpio_clear(GPIO(RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PORT), GPIO(RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PIN)); // enable module by pull pin low
void rtc_dcf77_off(void)
gpio_set(RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PORT, RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PIN); // disable module by pull pin high
gpio_set(GPIO(RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PORT), GPIO(RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PIN)); // disable module by pull pin high
uint8_t* rtc_dcf77_time(void)
@ -140,16 +156,16 @@ uint8_t* rtc_dcf77_time(void)
/** interrupt service routine called when signal edge is detected, decoding the received DCF77 frame (composed by high pulses) */
void RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_ISR(void)
exti_reset_request(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_EXTI); // reset interrupt
exti_reset_request(EXTI(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PIN)); // reset interrupt
static uint16_t old_state = 0; // save last port state to detect difference
static uint8_t pulse = 0; // next pulse number in the DCF77 frame
static uint16_t pulse_edge = 0; // time on when the last pulse (rising edge) has been detected
static uint64_t rtc_dcf77_frame_tmp = 0; // the DCF77 frame bits as they get filled
uint16_t time = timer_get_counter(RTC_DCF77_TIMER); // get timer value
uint16_t time = timer_get_counter(TIM(RTC_DCF77_TIMER)); // get timer value
uint16_t new_state = gpio_get(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PORT, RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PIN); // save last port state to detect difference
uint16_t new_state = gpio_get(GPIO(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PORT), GPIO(RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PIN)); // save last port state to detect difference
if (old_state!=new_state) { // pulse edge detected
time = (uint32_t)(time-pulse_edge)*RTC_DCF77_TIMER_MAX_TIME/(1<<16); // get time since last rising edge (integer underflow possible)
if (new_state) { // rising edge
@ -172,7 +188,7 @@ void RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_ISR(void)
pulse = 0;
pulse_edge = 0; // save new edge
timer_set_counter(RTC_DCF77_TIMER, 0); // reset timer to count
timer_set_counter(TIM(RTC_DCF77_TIMER), 0); // reset timer to count
} else { // falling edge
if (time < 90) { // glitch
goto end; // ignore glitch
@ -188,5 +204,3 @@ void RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_ISR(void)
old_state = new_state; // save new state

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@ -15,33 +15,11 @@
/** library to get time from a DCF77 module (API)
* @file rtc_dcf77.h
* @author King Kévin <>
* @date 2016
* @date 2016-2017
* @note peripherals used: GPIO @ref rtc_dcf77_gpio, timer @ref rtc_dcf77_timer
#pragma once
/** @defgroup rtc_dcf77_gpio output to enable DCF module and input to capture DCF signal
* @{
#define RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_RCC RCC_GPIOA /**< GPIO peripheral clock to enable the module */
#define RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PORT GPIOA /**< GPIO port to enable the module */
#define RTC_DCF77_ENABLE_PIN GPIO2 /**< GPIO pinto enable the module */
#define RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_RCC RCC_GPIOA /**< GPIO peripheral clock to capture the DCF signal */
#define RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PORT GPIOA /**< GPIO port to capture the DCF signal */
#define RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_PIN GPIO3 /**< GPIO pin to capture the DCF signal */
#define RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_EXTI EXTI3 /**< GPIO external interrupt to capture the DCF signal */
#define RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_IRQ NVIC_EXTI3_IRQ /**< GPIO line interrupt */
#define RTC_DCF77_SIGNAL_ISR exti3_isr /**< GPIO line interrupt service routine */
/** @} */
/** @defgroup rtc_dcf77_timer timer to measure signal puls
* @{
#define RTC_DCF77_TIMER TIM4 /**< timer peripheral */
#define RTC_DCF77_TIMER_RCC RCC_TIM4 /**< timer peripheral clock */
#define RTC_DCF77_TIMER_MAX_TIME 2200 /**< the maximum time in ms the timer can count. DCF77 have pulses < 2s */
/** @} */
/** set when time information has been received */
extern volatile bool rtc_dcf77_time_flag;