led on/off/togle methods added

This commit is contained in:
King Kévin 2016-01-29 00:24:49 +01:00
parent 32c8f5ae00
commit 765fb2e338

View File

@ -52,39 +52,60 @@ int _write(int file, char *ptr, int len)
return -1;
static void clock_setup(void)
/* switch on LED */
void led_on(void)
rcc_clock_setup_in_hse_8mhz_out_72mhz(); // use 8 MHz high speed external clock to generate 72 MHz internal clock
rcc_periph_clock_enable(LED_RCC); //enable clock for LED
gpio_clear(LED_PORT, LED_PIN);
gpio_set(LED_PORT, LED_PIN);
static void gpio_setup(void)
/* switch off LED */
void led_off(void)
gpio_set_mode(LED_PORT, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL, LED_PIN); // set LED pin to 'output push-pull'
gpio_set(LED_PORT, LED_PIN);
gpio_clear(LED_PORT, LED_PIN);
/* toggle LED */
void led_toggle(void)
gpio_toggle(LED_PORT, LED_PIN);
int main(void)
SCB_VTOR = (uint32_t) 0x08002000; // relocate vector table because of the bootloader
clock_setup(); // setup main clock
gpio_setup(); // setup main inputs/ouputs
rcc_clock_setup_in_hse_8mhz_out_72mhz(); // use 8 MHz high speed external clock to generate 72 MHz internal clock
// setup LED
rcc_periph_clock_enable(LED_RCC); //enable clock for LED
gpio_set_mode(LED_PORT, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL, LED_PIN); // set LED pin to 'output push-pull'
led_off(); // switch off LED to indicate setup started
usart_setup(); // setup USART (for printing)
cdcacm_setup(); // setup USB CDC ACM (for printing)
setbuf(stdout, NULL); // set standard out buffer to NULL to immediately print
setbuf(stderr, NULL); // set standard error buffer to NULL to immediately print
printf("welcome to the STM32F1 CuVoodoo example code\n");
printf("welcome to the STM32F1 CuVoodoo example code\n"); // print welcome message
led_on(); // switch on LED to indicate setup completed
/* blink the LED with every transmitted character */
while (1) {
/* toggle the LED with every transmitted character */
while (true) { // infinite loop
while (usart_received) { // echo every received character
gpio_toggle(LED_PORT, LED_PIN); // toggle LED
led_toggle(); // toggle LED
printf("%c",usart_getchar()); // transmit receive character
while (cdcacm_received) { // echo every received character
gpio_toggle(LED_PORT, LED_PIN); // toggle LED
led_toggle(); // toggle LED
printf("%c",cdcacm_getchar()); // transmit receive character
__WFI(); // go to sleep