add own print library to replace heavy glibs library

This commit is contained in:
King Kévin 2017-04-03 13:07:53 +02:00
parent 6d3e826c18
commit 09474410c5
2 changed files with 358 additions and 0 deletions

lib/print.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** printing utilities to replace the large printf from the standard library (code)
* @file print.c
* @author King Kévin <>
* @date 2017
/* standard libraries */
#include <stdint.h> // standard integer types
#include <stdlib.h> // standard definitions
#include <stdbool.h> // boolean types
#include <stdarg.h> // variadic utilities
/* own libraries */
#include "print.h" // printing utilities
/** @defgroup print_crlf output \r\n (Carriage Return + Line Feed) for each \r, \n, \r\n, or \n\r for better terminal compatibility
* @{
#define CRLF true /**< if CR+LN new line should be enforced */
/** @} */
/** print character
* @param[out] str string to print character on (use NULL to print on user output)
* @param[in,out] size size of string
* @param[in] c character to be printed
* @return number of characters printed
static size_t print_char(char** str, size_t* size, char c)
size_t length = 1; // remember how many characters have been printed or should have been added on string (normally just one)
if (0==c) { // don't print string termination character
length = 0; // remember we didn't print anything
} else if (NULL==str || NULL==*str || NULL==size) { // character should not be saved on string
length = putc(c); // print on user define output
} else if (*size>1) { // // there is enough space in the string to store the character
**str = c; // add provided character to string
*str += 1; // go to next character on string
*size -= 1; // remember we used one character on string
} else if (1==*size) { // string is reaching it's end
**str = '\0'; // add termination character to string (don't go to next character)
*size -= 1; // remember we used one character on string
return length;
/** print string
* @param[out] str string to print string on (use NULL to print on user output)
* @param[in,out] size size of string
* @param[in] s string to be printed
* @return number of characters printed
static size_t print_string(char** str, size_t* size, const char* s)
size_t length = 0; // number of characters printed
while (*s) { // stop at end of string
length += print_char(str, size, *(s++)); // print character
return length;
/** print unsigned number
* @param[out] str string to print unsigned number on (use NULL to print on user output)
* @param[in,out] size size of string
* @param[in] u unsigned number to be printed
* @param[in] padding number of 0's to pad
* @param[in] sign if sign should be printed
* @return number of characters printed
static size_t print_unsigned(char** str, size_t* size, uint64_t u, uint8_t padding, bool sign) {
char number[20] = {0}; // construct the number in reverse order (20 chars are required to store UINT64_MAX)
uint8_t digits = 0; // to count the number of digits
size_t length = 0; // number of characters printed
do {
number[digits++] = '0'+(u%10); // store digit
u /= 10; // go to next digit
} while (u>0);
if (digits>sizeof(number)) { // prevent buffer underflow
return 0;
if (sign) { // print sign
length += print_char(str, size, '+'); // we only have positive numbers
for (uint8_t zeros = digits; zeros<padding; zeros++) { // print padding 0's
length += print_char(str, size, '0'); // print 0
for (uint8_t digit = 0; digit < digits; digit++) { // go through all digits
length += print_char(str, size, number[digits-digit-1]); // print digit (in reverse order)
return length; // return number of characters printed
/** print signed number
* @param[out] str string to print signed number on (use NULL to print on user output)
* @param[in,out] size size of string
* @param[in] d signed number to be printed
* @param[in] padding number of 0's to pad
* @param[in] sign if sign should be printed
* @return number of characters printed
static size_t print_signed(char** str, size_t* size, int64_t d, uint8_t padding, bool sign) {
size_t length = 0; // number of characters printed
if (d<0) {
length += print_char(str, size, '-'); // print sign
length += print_unsigned(str, size, (uint64_t)-d, padding, false); // print number (casting because there is one more negative value then positive value)
} else {
length += print_unsigned(str, size, d, padding, sign); // print number
return length; // return number of characters printed
/** print nibble (half-byte)
* @param[out] str string to print nibble on (use NULL to print on user output)
* @param[in,out] size size of string
* @param[in] nibble nibble to be printed
* @param[in] upcase use upcase digits (A-F)
* @return number of characters printed
static size_t print_nibble(char** str, size_t* size, uint8_t nibble, bool upcase) {
size_t length = 0; // number of characters printed
nibble &= 0x0f; // ensure we only have a nibble
if (nibble<10) {
length += print_char(str, size, '0'+nibble);
} else if (upcase) {
length += print_char(str, size, 'A'+nibble-10);
} else {
length += print_char(str, size, 'a'+nibble-10);
return length; // return number of characters printed
/** print hex value
* @param[out] str string to print hex on (use NULL to print on user output)
* @param[in,out] size size of string
* @param[in] hex hex value to be printed
* @param[in] padding number of 0's to pad
* @param[in] prefix if 0x prefix should be printed
* @param[in] upcase use upcase digits (A-F)
* @return number of characters printed
static size_t print_hex(char** str, size_t* size, uint32_t hex, uint8_t padding, bool prefix, bool upcase) {
size_t length = 0; // number of characters printed
if (prefix) { // print 0x prefix
length += print_char(str, size, '0');
length += print_char(str, size, 'x');
uint8_t digits = 0; // number of digits to print
// figure out number of digits to print
if (hex>0x00ffffff) {
digits = 8;
} else if (hex>0x0000ffff) {
digits = 6;
} else if (hex>0x000000ff) {
digits = 4;
} else {
digits = 2;
for (uint8_t zeros = digits; zeros<padding; zeros++) { // print padding 0's
length += print_char(str, size, '0'); // print 0
for (uint8_t digit = 0; digit < digits; digit++) { // go through all digits
length += print_nibble(str, size, hex>>((digits-digit-1)*4), upcase); // print nibble (in reverse order)
return length; // return number of characters printed
/** print bits
* @param[out] str string to print bits on (use NULL to print on user output)
* @param[in,out] size size of string
* @param[in] u bits to be printed
* @param[in] padding number of 0's to pad
* @param[in] prefix if 0b prefix should be printed
* @return number of characters printed
static size_t print_bits(char** str, size_t* size, uint32_t u, uint8_t padding, bool prefix) {
char bits[32] = {0}; // construct the bit string in reverse order
uint8_t digits = 0; // to count the number of digits
size_t length = 0; // number of characters printed
do {
bits[digits++] = '0'+(u&0x1); // store bit
u >>= 1; // go to next bit
} while (u>0);
if (digits>sizeof(bits)) { // prevent buffer underflow
return 0;
if (prefix) { // print prefix
length += print_char(str, size, '0');
length += print_char(str, size, 'b');
for (uint8_t zeros = digits; zeros<padding; zeros++) { // print padding 0's
length += print_char(str, size, '0'); // print 0
for (uint8_t digit = 0; digit < digits; digit++) { // go through all bits
length += print_char(str, size, bits[digits-digit-1]); // print bit (in reverse order)
return length; // return number of characters printed
/** print format string on string or user output
* @param[out] str string to print format string on, or user output if str is set to NULL (str will always be terminated with a null character '\0')
* @param[in,out] size size of string (writes at most size characters on str, including the termination null character '\0')
* @param[in] format format string to be printed
* @param[in] va arguments referenced by format string to be printed
* @return number of characters printed (a return value of size or more means that the output was truncated)
static size_t vsnprintf(char** str, size_t* size, const char *format, va_list va)
size_t length = 0; // number of characters printed
uint8_t padding = 0; // number of padding 0's
bool sign = false; // if sign needs to be printed
while (*format) { // go through format string
padding = 0; // reset padding
sign = false; // reset sign
if ('%'!=*format) { // check for format specifier prefix
length += print_char(str, size, *format++); // print character (no interpretation needed)
} else {
format++; // go to format specifier
if (0==*format) { // end of string detected
goto end;
// check if sign need to be printed
if ('+'==*format) { // sign required
sign = true; // remember sign is required
format++; // go to padding number
if (0==*format) { // end of string detected
goto end;
// check padding
if ('0'==*format) { // padding required
format++; // go to padding number
if (0==*format) { // end of string detected
goto end;
if (*format>='0' && *format<='9') {
padding = *format-'0';
format++; // go to format specifier
if (0==*format) { // end of string detected
goto end;
// check format specifier
switch (*format) {
case 'u': // for uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, unsigned int, unsigned long
length += print_unsigned(str, size, va_arg(va,uint32_t), padding, sign);
case 'U': // for uint64_t, unsigned long long
length += print_unsigned(str, size, va_arg(va,uint64_t), padding, sign);
case 'd': // for int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int, long
length += print_signed(str, size, va_arg(va,int32_t), padding, sign);
case 'D': // for int64_t, long long
length += print_signed(str, size, va_arg(va,int64_t), padding, sign);
case 'c': // for char, unsigned char
length += print_char(str, size, (char)(va_arg(va,int))); // needs casting because the returned value is promoted
case 'x': // for downcase hexadecimal
length += print_hex(str, size, va_arg(va,uint32_t), padding, sign, false);
case 'X': // for upcase hexadecimal
length += print_hex(str, size, va_arg(va,uint32_t), padding, sign, true);
case 'b': // for bits
length += print_bits(str, size, va_arg(va,uint32_t), padding, sign);
case 's': // for strings
length += print_string(str, size, va_arg(va,char*));
length += print_char(str, size, *format); // print character (unknown format specifier)
format++; // go to next character
if (NULL!=str && NULL!=*str && NULL!=size) { // when working on a string
**str='\0'; // enforce null termination
return length; // return number of characters it should have written
size_t printf(const char *format, ...)
size_t length = 0;
va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, format);
length = vsnprintf(NULL, NULL, format, arglist);
return length;
size_t snprintf(char* str, size_t size, const char* format, ...)
size_t length = 0;
va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, format);
length = vsnprintf(&str, &size, format, arglist);
return length;

lib/print.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/** printing utilities to replace the large printf from the standard library (API)
* use % as format specifier prefix, followed by + to enforce sign of prefix, 0 and 0-9 for padding, and format specifier
* format specifier supported are: c for far, s for string, u for uint32_t, d for int32_t, U for uint64_t, D for int64_t, x for lower case hex up to uint32_t, X for upper case hex up to uint32_t, b for bits up to uint32_t
* @file print.h
* @author King Kévin <>
* @date 2017
#pragma once
/** print a single character on user output
* @warning this must be implemented by the user (using the desired output interface)
* @param[in] c character to be printed
* @return number of characters printed
size_t putc(char c);
/** print format string on user output
* @param[in] format format string to be printed
* @param[in] ... arguments referenced by format string to be printed
* @return number of characters printed
size_t printf(const char* format, ...);
/** print format string on string or user output
* @param[out] str string to print format string on, or user output if str is set to NULL (str will always be terminated with a null character '\0')
* @param[in,out] size size of string (writes at most size characters on str, including the termination null character '\0')
* @param[in] format format string to be printed
* @param[in] ... arguments referenced by format string to be printed
* @return number of characters printed (a return value of size or more means that the output was truncated)
size_t snprintf(char* str, size_t size, const char* format, ...);