name: I2C_LCD_ADAPTER description: board to communicate with HD44780-based LCD module over I2C keywords: display, LCD, I2C datasheet: # this board uses a PCF8574 I/O expander controlled over I2C. here is it's pinout: # P0: RS # P1: RnW # P2: E # P3: LED # P4: D4 # P5: D5 # P6: D6 # P7: D7 pinout: LCD: LED_K: 1 LED_A: 2 DB7: 3 DB6: 4 DB5: 5 DB4: 6 DB3: 7 DB2: 8 DB1: 9 DB0: 10 E: 11 RnW: 12 RS: 13 VO: 14 VDD: 15 VSS: 16 I2C: GND: 17 VCC: 18 SDA: 19 SCL: 20 properties: power: VDD, LED_A, VCC ground: VSS, LED_K, GND bidir: DB0-DB7, SDA in: VO, RS, RnW, E, SCL schematic: symbol: ic top: VCC bottom: GND left: SDA, SCL right: LCD housing: pattern: custom bodyWidth: 42 bodyLength: 19 # LCD pins holeDiameter: 1.0 padDiameter: 1.8 pitch: 2.54 rowCount: 1 columnCount: 16 rowDX: 0.0 rowDY: -8.0 # LCD pins holeDiameter1: 1.0 padDiameter1: 1.8 pitch1: 2.54 rowCount1: 4 columnCount1: 1 rowDX1: 19.0 rowDY1: 0.0