name: MIC5504 alias: MIC5501, MIC5502, MIC5503 description: low drop out voltage regulator variations: MT, M5 datasheet: keywords: IC, regulator pinout@M5: VIN: 1 GND: 2 EN: 3 NC: 4 VOUT: 5 pinout@MT: VIN: 4 GND: 2 EN: 3 VOUT: 1 properties: power: VIN output: VOUT ground: GND input: EN nc: NC schematic: symbol: IC left: VIN, EN right: VOUT bottom: GND housing@M5: pattern: SOT23 bodyWidth: 1.5-1.7 bodyLength: 2.8-3.0 leadSpan: 2.6-3.0 leadWidth: 0.25-0.50 leadLength: 0.35-0.55 height: 0.9-1.3 pitch: 0.95 leadCount: 5 housing@MT: pattern: DFN bodyWidth: 0.95-1.05 bodyLength: 0.95-1.05 leadWidth: 0.175-0.275 leadLength: 0.175-0.275 height: 0.5-0.6 pitch: 0.650 leadCount: 4 # the tab should be at a 45° angle, but we can't do that with standard QFN package. instead T made the least pad tabWidth: 0.40 tabLength: 0.15 tabPosition: 0.0, 0.0