#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 # ruby: 3.0.2 =begin backend to query part database Copyright (C) 2023 King Kévin SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later to install sinatra sudo pacman -S ruby-sinatra ruby-webrick pikaur -S ruby-mysql2 =end require 'set' require 'mysql2' require 'json' require 'sinatra' require 'uri' require 'net/http' # allow dumping crashes in browser DEBUG = false # maximum number of parts returned PARTS_LIMIT = 100 # credentials for database CREDENTIALS = "credentials.json" # folder name for served pages PUBLIC = "public" # folder name for part attachments (in PUBLIC) ATTACHMENTS = "attachments" # port for this service PORT = 4245 raise "database information #{CREDENTIALS} do not exist" unless File.file? CREDENTIALS # open server configure do if DEBUG then set :show_exceptions, true set :logging, true else set :show_exceptions, false set :environment, :production set :logging, false end set :protection, :except => :json_csrf set :bind, 'localhost' set :port, PORT set :public_folder, "public" set :static, true end before do response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type" if request.request_method == 'OPTIONS' response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "GET,POST" halt 200 end # all replies are only JSON content_type 'application/json' # open database credentials = {} JSON.parse(IO.read(CREDENTIALS)).each {|key,value| credentials[key.to_sym] = value} Mysql2::Client.default_query_options.merge!(:as => :hash) @db = Mysql2::Client.new(credentials) end after do response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type" end get '/' do content_type 'text/html' send_file File.join(settings.public_folder, 'index.html') end def get_part_by_id(id) return nil unless id statement = @db.prepare("SELECT part.id, part.name, part.description, part.details, part.datasheet, manufacturer.name AS manufacturer, part.mpn AS mpn, part.package, part.page AS page, part.family AS parent, p2.name AS family FROM part LEFT JOIN manufacturer ON manufacturer.id = part.manufacturer LEFT JOIN part AS p2 ON p2.id = part.family WHERE part.id = ?") part = statement.execute(id).to_a[0] return nil unless part parent = get_part_by_id(part["parent"]) # merge parent info if parent then part.each do |k,v| part[k] ||= parent[k] end end # add all distributors distributors = @db.query("SELECT * FROM distributor").to_a statement = @db.prepare("SELECT * FROM distribution WHERE part = ?") distributions = statement.execute(id).to_a distributors.each do |distributor| distributions.each do |distribution| if distribution["distributor"] == distributor["id"] then distributor["sku"] = distribution["sku"] distributor["url"] = distributor["product_page"].gsub("%s", distribution["sku"]) end end distributor.delete("id") distributor.delete("homepage") distributor.delete("product_page") end part["distributors"] = distributors # add inventory statement = @db.prepare("SELECT location.name AS location, inventory.quantity AS stock FROM inventory LEFT JOIN location ON location.id = inventory.location WHERE inventory.part = ? ORDER BY inventory.quantity DESC LIMIT 1") inventory = statement.execute(id).to_a[0] if inventory then part["location"] = inventory["location"] part["stock"] = inventory["stock"] end # add properties part["properties"] = {} statement = @db.prepare("SELECT property.name AS name, property_value.value AS value FROM property_value JOIN property ON property.id = property_value.property WHERE property_value.part = ?") statement.execute(id).each do |row| part["properties"][row["name"]] ||= [] part["properties"][row["name"]] << row["value"] end if parent then parent["properties"].each do |k,v| part["properties"][k] ||= v end end # add attachments part["attachments"] = [] dir = PUBLIC + "/" + ATTACHMENTS + "/" + part["name"].gsub("/", "_") if File.directory?(dir) then Dir.entries(dir).each do |file| path = dir + "/" + file next unless File.file? path part["attachments"] << ATTACHMENTS + "/" + part["name"].gsub("/", "_") + "/" + file end end part["attachments"].sort! if parent then part["attachments"] += parent["attachments"] end # add components for assembly part["components"] = {} if parent then parent["components"].each do |k,v| part["components"][k] ||= v end end statement = @db.prepare("SELECT part.name AS name, assembly.quantity AS quantity FROM assembly JOIN part ON part.id = assembly.component WHERE assembly.assembled = ?") statement.execute(id).each do |row| part["components"][row["name"]] = row["quantity"] end # clean up delete = ["parent"] delete.each do |k| part.delete k end return part end def get_part_by_name(name) statement = @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM part WHERE part.name = ?") id = statement.execute(name).to_a[0] if id then return get_part_by_id(id["id"]) else return nil end end get '/part/:name' do part = get_part_by_name(params['name']) halt 404 unless part part.to_json end get '/part?' do halt 404, "name required" unless params['name'] part = get_part_by_name(params['name']) halt 404 unless part part.to_json end # search in names, description, and category def search(terms) statements = [] statements << @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM part WHERE name LIKE ?") statements << @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM part WHERE mpn LIKE ?") statements << @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM part WHERE description LIKE ?") statements << @db.prepare("SELECT property_value.part AS id FROM property_value JOIN property ON property.id = property_value.property WHERE property.name = 'category' AND property_value.value LIKE ?") term_ids = [] terms.each do |term| ids = Set.new # OR term location statements.each do |statement| statement.execute("%#{term}%").each do |row| ids << row["id"] end end term_ids << ids end # get all children statement = @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM part WHERE family IN (?)") term_ids.each do |term_id| statement.execute(term_id.to_a * ",").each do |row| term_id << row["id"] end end # AND terms ids = term_ids.shift term_ids.each do |term_id| ids &= term_id end parts = ids.collect {|id| get_part_by_id(id)} parts.compact! parts = parts[0, PARTS_LIMIT] parts.sort! {|x,y| x["name"] <=> y["name"]} end get '/search/:terms' do terms = params['terms'].split(" ") terms.keep_if {|term| term.length >= 3} halt 400 if terms.empty? parts = search(terms) parts.to_json end get '/search?' do halt 400, "terms needed" unless params['terms'] terms = params['terms'].split(" ") terms.keep_if {|term| term.length >= 3} halt 400 if terms.empty? parts = search(terms) parts.to_json end def delete_part(id) # first delete all children statement = @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM part WHERE family = ?") statement.execute(id).each do |row| puts "child: #{row['id']}" delete_part(row['id']) puts "deleted" end # delete all fields statements = [] statements << @db.prepare("DELETE FROM property_value WHERE part = ?") statements << @db.prepare("DELETE FROM assembly WHERE assembled = ?") statements << @db.prepare("DELETE FROM assembly WHERE component = ?") statements << @db.prepare("DELETE FROM distribution WHERE part = ?") statements << @db.prepare("DELETE FROM property_value WHERE part = ?") statements << @db.prepare("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE part = ?") statements << @db.prepare("DELETE FROM part WHERE id = ?") statements.each do |statement| statement.execute(id) end end get '/delete/:id' do statement = @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM part WHERE id = ?") result = statement.execute(params['id']) halt 400 if result.to_a.empty? delete_part(params['id']) return 200 end def add_part(part) if part["id"] then # ensure part to update exists statement = @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM part WHERE id = ?") raise StandardError.new("id not valid") if statement.execute(part["id"]).to_a.empty? else # add new part raise StandardError.new("name required") unless part["name"] and part["name"].length > 0 statement = @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM part WHERE name = ?") raise StandardError.new("name already existing") unless statement.execute(part["name"]).to_a.empty? insert = @db.prepare("INSERT INTO part (name) VALUES (?)"); insert.execute(part["name"]) part["id"] = statement.execute(part["name"]).to_a[0]["id"] end # update family family = nil field = "family" if part[field] then if part[field].empty? then update = @db.prepare("UPDATE part SET #{field} = NULL WHERE id = ?") update.execute(part["id"]) else statement = @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM part WHERE name = ?") family = statement.execute(part[field]).to_a raise StandardError.new("family not existing") if family.empty? update = @db.prepare("UPDATE part SET #{field} = ? WHERE id = ?") update.execute(family[0]["id"], part["id"]) family = get_part_by_id(family[0]["id"]) end end # update fields fields_txt = ["name", "description", "details", "mpn", "package", "datasheet", "page"]; fields_txt.each do |field| next unless part[field] if family and family[field] == part[field] then update = @db.prepare("UPDATE part SET #{field} = NULL WHERE id = ?") update.execute(part["id"]) else update = @db.prepare("UPDATE part SET #{field} = ? WHERE id = ?") update.execute(part[field], part["id"]) end end # update manufacturer and package field_ref = ["manufacturer"] field_ref.each do |field| next if family and family[field] == part[field] if part[field] then statement = @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM #{field} WHERE LOWER(name) = ?") ref = statement.execute(part[field].downcase).to_a[0] unless ref then insert = @db.prepare("INSERT INTO #{field} (name) VALUES (?)"); insert.execute(part[field]) end ref = statement.execute(part[field].downcase).to_a[0] update = @db.prepare("UPDATE part SET #{field} = ? WHERE id = ?") update.execute(ref["id"], part["id"]) else update = @db.prepare("UPDATE part SET #{field} = NULL WHERE id = ?") update.execute(part["id"]) end end # update inventory field = "location" part[field] = nil if part[field] and 0 == part[field].length if part[field] then statement = @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM #{field} WHERE LOWER(name) = ?") ref = statement.execute(part[field].downcase).to_a[0] unless ref then insert = @db.prepare("INSERT INTO #{field} (name) VALUES (?)"); insert.execute(part[field]) end ref = statement.execute(part[field].downcase).to_a[0] statement = @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM inventory WHERE part = ? AND location = ?") ref_inv = statement.execute(part["id"], ref["id"]).to_a[0] unless ref_inv then insert = @db.prepare("INSERT INTO inventory (part, location, quantity) VALUES (?,?,?)"); insert.execute(part["id"], ref["id"], part["stock"].to_i) end ref_inv = statement.execute(part["id"], ref["id"]).to_a[0] update = @db.prepare("UPDATE inventory SET quantity = ? WHERE id = ?") update.execute(part["stock"].to_i, ref_inv["id"]) else delete = @db.prepare("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE part = ?") delete.execute(part["id"]) end # update distributors field = "distributors" part[field] = nil if part[field] and 0 == part[field].length delete = @db.prepare("DELETE FROM distribution WHERE part = ?") delete.execute(part["id"]) if part[field] then part[field].each do |distributor,sku| next unless sku and !sku.empty? statement = @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM distributor WHERE LOWER(name) = ?") ref = statement.execute(distributor.downcase).to_a[0] raise StandardError.new("distributor unknown") unless ref insert = @db.prepare("INSERT INTO distribution (distributor,part,sku) VALUES (?,?,?)"); insert.execute(ref["id"], part["id"], sku) end end # update properties field = "properties" if part[field] then delete = @db.prepare("DELETE FROM property_value WHERE part = ?") delete.execute(part["id"]) part[field].each do |name,values| next unless values and !values.empty? statement = @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM property WHERE LOWER(name) = ?") ref = statement.execute(name.downcase).to_a[0] unless ref then insert = @db.prepare("INSERT INTO property (name) VALUES (?)"); insert.execute(name) end ref = statement.execute(name.downcase).to_a[0] insert = @db.prepare("INSERT INTO property_value (property,part,value) VALUES (?,?,?)"); values.each do |value| next if family and family["properties"] and family["properties"][name] and family["properties"][name].include?(value) insert.execute(ref["id"], part["id"], value) end end end # update components field = "components" if part[field] then delete = @db.prepare("DELETE FROM assembly WHERE assembled = ?") delete.execute(part["id"]) part[field].each do |name,quantity| next unless name statement = @db.prepare("SELECT id FROM part WHERE LOWER(name) = ?") ref = statement.execute(name.downcase).to_a[0] #raise StandardError.new("component #{name} does not exist") unless ref next unless ref quantity ||= 0 insert = @db.prepare("INSERT INTO assembly (assembled,component,quantity) VALUES (?,?,?)"); insert.execute(part["id"], ref["id"], quantity) end end end post '/part' do request.body.rewind begin part = JSON.parse(request.body.read) rescue halt 401, "not json" end puts part if DEBUG begin add_part(part) rescue StandardError => e halt 401, e.message end return 200 end get '/import/lcsc/:lcsc' do halt 401 unless params['lcsc'] and params['lcsc'] =~ /^C\d+$/i uri = URI("https://wmsc.lcsc.com/wmsc/product/detail?productCode=#{params['lcsc']}") res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) halt 401, "could not get part" unless res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) json = JSON.parse(res.body) #puts json halt 401, "part not found" unless 200 == json["code"] and json["result"] result = json["result"] part = {} part["name"] = result["productModel"] part["mpn"] = result["productModel"] part["description"] = result["productDescEn"] part["details"] = result["productIntroEn"] part["manufacturer"] = result["brandNameEn"] part["package"] = result["encapStandard"] part["distributors"] = {"LCSC" => result["productCode"]} part["attachments"] = result["productImages"] part["datasheet"] = result["pdfUrl"] existing = get_part_by_name(part["name"]) halt 401, "part #{part['name']} already exists" if existing begin add_part(part) rescue StandardError => e halt 401, e.message end i = 0 (part["attachments"] + [part["datasheet"]]).each do |attachment| next unless attachment file = attachment.split("/")[-1] dir = PUBLIC + "/" + ATTACHMENTS + "/" + part["name"].gsub("/", "_") path = "#{dir}/#{i}_#{file}" i += 1 unless File.file?(path) then uri = URI(attachment) res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) if (res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)) then Dir.mkdir(dir) unless File.directory?(dir) File.open(path, "wb") do |f| f.write res.body end end end end return 200, "#{part['name']} added" end