#!/usr/bin/perl use List::MoreUtils 'any'; use List::MoreUtils 'first_value'; use File::Spec; use File::Find; use File::Path; use File::Glob; use File::stat; use Cwd; use Cwd 'abs_path'; $" = "\n"; # change list separator $KEIL_PATH = 'C:/Keil/UV4'; #'/C/Keil/UV4'; $IAR_PATH = glob ('C:/Program*/IAR*/Embedded*/common/bin'); $XPRESSO_PATH = glob ('C:/nxp/LPCXpresso_7*/lpcxpresso'); $XPRESSO_BIN_PATH = "$XPRESSO_PATH/bin"; $XPRESSO_PATH = "$XPRESSO_PATH;$XPRESSO_PATH/bin;$XPRESSO_PATH/tools/bin;$XPRESSO_PATH/msys/bin"; $ENV{'PATH'} .= ';' . $KEIL_PATH . ';' . $IAR_PATH . ';' . $XPRESSO_PATH; $ENV{'PATH'} .= ';' . "C:/Keil/ARM/BIN"; #print $ENV{'PATH'}; die; $repo_path = abs_path(cwd . "/.."); $device_dir = "device/"; $host_dir = "host/"; ##### Command line arguments ### $board = $ARGV[0]; $is_keil = (any { /keil/ or /all/ } @ARGV); $is_iar = (any { /iar/ or /all/ } @ARGV); $is_xpresso = (any { /xpresso/ or /all/ } @ARGV); $is_download_only = (any { /download_only/ } @ARGV); if ( any { /device_/ or /host_/ } @ARGV) { my $build_project; $device_dir .= defined ($build_project = first_value { /device_/ } @ARGV) ? $build_project : "nowhere_path" ; $host_dir .= defined ($build_project = first_value { /host_/ } @ARGV) ? $build_project : "nowhere_path"; }else { #default is all $device_dir .= "*"; $host_dir .= "*"; } #print "$device_dir $host_dir"; die; my $log_file = "board_$board.txt"; unlink $log_file; ################## KEIL ##################### if ($is_keil) { @KEIL_PROJECT_LIST = (<$device_dir*/*.uvproj>, <$host_dir*/*.uvproj>); foreach (@KEIL_PROJECT_LIST) { /([^\/]+).uvproj/; print_title("Keil $1"); my $temp_log = "temp_log.txt"; my $build_cmd = "Uv4 -b $_ -t$board -j0 -o ../../$temp_log"; if ( $is_download_only || cmd_execute($build_cmd) < 2 ) { append_file($log_file, $temp_log); my $flash_cmd = "Uv4 -f $_ -t$board -j0 -o ../../$temp_log"; append_file($log_file, $temp_log) if flash_to_board($flash_cmd); } } } ################## IAR ##################### if ($is_iar) { @IAR_PROJECT_LIST = (<$device_dir*/*.ewp>, <$host_dir*/*.ewp>); foreach (@IAR_PROJECT_LIST) { /(.+\/)([^\/]+).ewp/; print_title("IAR $2"); my $build_cmd = "IarBuild $_ -build $board -log warnings >> $log_file"; if ( $is_download_only || cmd_execute($build_cmd) == 0) { my $flash_cmd = "cd $1 & " . iar_flash_cmd($_); flash_to_board($flash_cmd); } } } ################## LPCXPRESSO ##################### if ($is_xpresso) { (my $repo_path_other_dash = $repo_path) =~ s/\//\\/g; my $workspace_dir = "C:/Users/hathach/Dropbox/tinyusb/workspace7"; #projects must be opened in the workspace to be built my %flash_tool = ( # board => (tool, chip_name) 'Board_EA4357' => ['crt_emu_lpc18_43_nxp' , 'LPC4357' ], 'Board_NGX4330' => ['crt_emu_lpc18_43_nxp' , 'LPC4330' ], 'Board_LPCXpresso1769' => ['crt_emu_cm3_nxp' , 'LPC1769' ], 'Board_LPCXpresso1347' => ['crt_emu_lpc11_13_nxp' , 'LPC1347' ], 'Board_rf1ghznode' => ['crt_emu_lpc11_13_nxp' , 'LPC11U37/401'], ); die "board is not supported" unless $flash_tool{$board}; print "all projects in $workspace_dir must be opened and set to the correct MCU of the boards. Enter to continue:\n"; #; @XPRESSO_PROJECT_LIST = (<$device_dir*/.cproject>, <$host_dir*/.cproject>); foreach (@XPRESSO_PROJECT_LIST) { /([^\/]+)\/.cproject/; print_title("XPRESSO $1"); my $build_cmd = "lpcxpressoc -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -cleanBuild $1/$board -data $workspace_dir >> $log_file"; if ( $is_download_only || cmd_execute($build_cmd) == 0) { /(.+\/(.+))\/.cproject/; my $flash_cmd = "$flash_tool{$board}[0] -p$flash_tool{$board}[1] -s2000 -flash-load-exec=$1/$board/$2.axf"; $flash_cmd .= " -flash-driver=$XPRESSO_BIN_PATH/Flash/LPC18_43_SPIFI_4MB_64KB.cfx" if $board eq 'Board_NGX4330'; #print $flash_cmd; die; flash_to_board($flash_cmd); } } =pod open (my $fout, ">$log_file") or die; foreach (@log_content) { unless (/Invoking: MCU C Compiler/ or /arm-none-eabi-gcc -D/ or /Finished building:/ or /^ $/) { s/Building file:.+?([^\/]+\.[ch])/\1/; s/$repo_path//; s/$repo_path_other_dash//; print $fout $_; } } =cut } ################## HELPER ##################### sub cmd_execute { print "executing: $_[0] ..."; $result = system($_[0]); print "$result done\n"; return $result; } sub flash_to_board { my $flash_cmd = $_[0]; print "Do you want to flash y/n: "; chomp ($ask = ); #$ask = "y"; cmd_execute($flash_cmd) if ( $ask eq "y" ); return ( $ask eq "y" ); } sub print_title { print "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "$_[0] for $board\n"; print "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } sub append_file { my $log_file = $_[0]; my $temp_log = $_[1]; open(my $log_handle, ">>$log_file") or die "cannot open $log_file"; open(my $temp_handle, $temp_log) or die "cannot open $temp_log"; print $log_handle (@temp_content = <$temp_handle>); close($temp_handle); close($log_handle); } sub iar_flash_cmd { $_[0] =~ /^(.+)\/(.+).ewp/; my $debug_file = "$board/Exe/$2.out"; my $arm_path = abs_path "$IAR_PATH/../../arm"; my $bin_path = "$arm_path/bin"; my $debugger_path = "$arm_path/config/debugger/NXP"; my %mcu_para_hash = ( # board => family (for macro), architecture, fpu, name 'Board_EA4357' => ['LPC18xx_LPC43xx', 'Cortex-M4', 'VFPv4', 'LPC4357_M4' ], 'Board_NGX4330' => ['LPC18xx_LPC43xx', 'Cortex-M4', 'VFPv4', 'LPC4330_M4' ], 'Board_LPCXpresso1769' => ['LPC175x_LPC176x', 'Cortex-M3', 'None' , 'LPC1769' ], 'Board_LPCXpresso1347' => ['lpc1315' , 'Cortex-M3', 'None' , 'LPC1347' ], 'Board_rf1ghznode' => ['' , 'Cortex-M0', 'None' , 'LPC11U37FBD48_401'], ); my @mcu_para = @{$mcu_para_hash{$board}}; die "Board is not supported" unless @mcu_para; my $cmd = "cspybat \"$bin_path/armproc.dll\" \"$bin_path/armjlink.dll\" \"$debug_file\" --download_only --plugin \"$bin_path/armbat.dll\""; $cmd .= " --macro \"$debugger_path/Trace_$mcu_para[0].dmac\"" if $mcu_para[0]; $repo_mcu_iar = "$repo_path/mcu/lpc43xx/iar"; $cmd .= " --macro \"$repo_mcu_iar/lpc18xx_43xx_debug.mac\" --flash_loader \"$repo_mcu_iar/FlashLPC18xx_43xx_SPIFI.board\"" if $board eq 'Board_NGX4330'; $cmd .= " --backend -B \"--endian=little\" \"--cpu=$mcu_para[1]\" \"--fpu=$mcu_para[2]\" \"-p\" \"$debugger_path/$mcu_para[3].ddf\" \"--semihosting\" \"--device=$mcu_para[3]\""; #SWD interface --> need change if use lpc43xx_m0 $cmd .= " \"--drv_communication=USB0\" \"--jlink_speed=auto\" \"--jlink_initial_speed=1000\" \"--jlink_reset_strategy=0,0\" \"--jlink_interface=SWD\" \"--drv_catch_exceptions=0x000\" --drv_swo_clock_setup=72000000,0,2000000\""; $cmd .= " \"--jlink_script_file=$debugger_path/LPC4350_DebugCortexM4.JLinkScript\"" if $mcu_para[3] =~ /LPC43.._M4/; $cmd =~ s/\//\\/g; #print $cmd; die; return $cmd; }