class PreprocessinatorIncludesHandler constructor :configurator, :tool_executor, :task_invoker, :file_path_utils, :yaml_wrapper, :file_wrapper # shallow includes: only those headers a source file explicitly includes def invoke_shallow_includes_list(filepath) @task_invoker.invoke_test_shallow_include_lists( [@file_path_utils.form_preprocessed_includes_list_filepath(filepath)] ) end # ask the preprocessor for a make-style dependency rule of only the headers the source file immediately includes def form_shallow_dependencies_rule(filepath) # change filename (prefix of '_') to prevent preprocessor from finding include files in temp directory containing file it's scanning temp_filepath = @file_path_utils.form_temp_path(filepath, '_') # read the file and replace all include statements with a decorated version # (decorating the names creates file names that don't exist, thus preventing the preprocessor # from snaking out and discovering the entire include path that winds through the code) contents = contents.gsub!( /#include\s+\"\s*(\S+)\s*\"/, "#include \"\\1\"\n#include \"@@@@\\1\"" ) @file_wrapper.write( temp_filepath, contents ) # extract the make-style dependency rule telling the preprocessor to # ignore the fact that it can't find the included files command = @tool_executor.build_command_line(@configurator.tools_test_includes_preprocessor, temp_filepath) shell_result = @tool_executor.exec(command[:line], command[:options]) return shell_result[:output] end # headers only; ignore any crazy .c includes def extract_shallow_includes(make_rule) list = [] header_extension = @configurator.extension_header headers = make_rule.scan(/(\S+#{'\\'+header_extension})/).flatten # escape slashes before dot file extension headers.uniq!! { |header| header.sub(/(@@@@)|(.+\/)/, '') } headers.sort! headers.each_with_index do |header, index| break if (headers.size == (index-1)) list << header if (header == headers[index + 1]) end return list end def write_shallow_includes_list(filepath, list) @yaml_wrapper.dump(filepath, list) end end