/**************************************************************************** * $Id:: gpio.c 6874 2011-03-22 01:58:31Z usb00423 $ * Project: NXP LPC13Uxx GPIO example * * Description: * This file contains GPIO code example which include GPIO * initialization, GPIO interrupt handler, and related APIs for * GPIO access. * **************************************************************************** * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only * which provides customers with programming information regarding the * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties. * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent, * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors * reserves the right to make changes in the software without * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified * use without further testing or modification. * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' * relevant copyright in the software, without fee, provided that it * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of * this code. ****************************************************************************/ #include "LPC13Uxx.h" /* LPC13Uxx Peripheral Registers */ #include "gpio.h" volatile uint32_t pin_int0_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int1_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int2_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int3_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int4_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int5_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int6_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int7_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t gint0_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t gint1_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int0_level_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int0_rising_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int0_falling_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int1_level_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int1_rising_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int1_falling_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int2_level_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int2_rising_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int2_falling_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int3_level_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int3_rising_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int3_falling_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int4_level_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int4_rising_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int4_falling_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int5_level_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int5_rising_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int5_falling_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int6_level_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int6_rising_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int6_falling_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int7_level_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int7_rising_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t pin_int7_falling_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t gint0_level_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t gint0_edge_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t gint1_level_counter = 0; volatile uint32_t gint1_edge_counter = 0; /***************************************************************************** ** Function name: PIN_INT0_IRQHandler ** ** Descriptions: Use one GPIO pin as interrupt source ** ** parameters: None ** ** Returned value: None ** *****************************************************************************/ void PIN_INT0_IRQHandler(void) { pin_int0_counter++; if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST & (0x1<<0) ) { if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->ISEL & (0x1<<0) ) { pin_int0_level_counter++; } else { if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE & (0x1<<0) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENR & (0x1<<0) ) ) { pin_int0_rising_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE = 0x1<<0; } if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL & (0x1<<0) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENF & (0x1<<0) ) ) { pin_int0_falling_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL = 0x1<<0; } LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST = 0x1<<0; } } return; } /***************************************************************************** ** Function name: PIN_INT1_IRQHandler ** ** Descriptions: Use one GPIO pin as interrupt source ** ** parameters: None ** ** Returned value: None ** *****************************************************************************/ void PIN_INT1_IRQHandler(void) { pin_int1_counter++; if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST & (0x1<<1) ) { if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->ISEL & (0x1<<1) ) { pin_int1_level_counter++; } else { if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE & (0x1<<1) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENR & (0x1<<1) ) ) { pin_int1_rising_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE = 0x1<<1; } if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL & (0x1<<1) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENF & (0x1<<1) ) ) { pin_int1_falling_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL = 0x1<<1; } LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST = 0x1<<1; } } return; } /***************************************************************************** ** Function name: PIN_INT2_IRQHandler ** ** Descriptions: Use one GPIO pin as interrupt source ** ** parameters: None ** ** Returned value: None ** *****************************************************************************/ void PIN_INT2_IRQHandler(void) { pin_int2_counter++; if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST & (0x1<<2) ) { if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->ISEL & (0x1<<2) ) { pin_int2_level_counter++; } else { if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE & (0x1<<2) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENR & (0x1<<2) ) ) { pin_int2_rising_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE = 0x1<<2; } if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL & (0x1<<2) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENF & (0x1<<2) ) ) { pin_int2_falling_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL = 0x1<<2; } LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST = 0x1<<2; } } return; } /***************************************************************************** ** Function name: PIN_INT3_IRQHandler ** ** Descriptions: Use one GPIO pin as interrupt source ** ** parameters: None ** ** Returned value: None ** *****************************************************************************/ void PIN_INT3_IRQHandler(void) { pin_int3_counter++; if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST & (0x1<<3) ) { if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->ISEL & (0x1<<3) ) { pin_int3_level_counter++; } else { if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE & (0x1<<3) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENR & (0x1<<3) ) ) { pin_int3_rising_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE = 0x1<<3; } if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL & (0x1<<3) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENF & (0x1<<3) ) ) { pin_int3_falling_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL = 0x1<<3; } LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST = 0x1<<3; } } return; } /***************************************************************************** ** Function name: PIN_INT4_IRQHandler ** ** Descriptions: Use one GPIO pin as interrupt source ** ** parameters: None ** ** Returned value: None ** *****************************************************************************/ void PIN_INT4_IRQHandler(void) { pin_int4_counter++; if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST & (0x1<<4) ) { if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->ISEL & (0x1<<4) ) { pin_int4_level_counter++; } else { if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE & (0x1<<4) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENR & (0x1<<4) ) ) { pin_int4_rising_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE = 0x1<<4; } if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL & (0x1<<4) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENF & (0x1<<4) ) ) { pin_int4_falling_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL = 0x1<<4; } LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST = 0x1<<4; } } return; } /***************************************************************************** ** Function name: PIN_INT5_IRQHandler ** ** Descriptions: Use one GPIO pin as interrupt source ** ** parameters: None ** ** Returned value: None ** *****************************************************************************/ void PIN_INT5_IRQHandler(void) { pin_int5_counter++; if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST & (0x1<<5) ) { if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->ISEL & (0x1<<5) ) { pin_int5_level_counter++; } else { if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE & (0x1<<5) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENR & (0x1<<5) ) ) { pin_int5_rising_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE = 0x1<<5; } if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL & (0x1<<5) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENF & (0x1<<5) ) ) { pin_int5_falling_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL = 0x1<<5; } LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST = 0x1<<5; } } return; } /***************************************************************************** ** Function name: PIN_INT6_IRQHandler ** ** Descriptions: Use one GPIO pin as interrupt source ** ** parameters: None ** ** Returned value: None ** *****************************************************************************/ void PIN_INT6_IRQHandler(void) { pin_int6_counter++; if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST & (0x1<<6) ) { if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->ISEL & (0x1<<6) ) { pin_int6_level_counter++; } else { if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE & (0x1<<6) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENR & (0x1<<6) ) ) { pin_int6_rising_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE = 0x1<<6; } if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL & (0x1<<6) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENF & (0x1<<6) ) ) { pin_int6_falling_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL = 0x1<<6; } LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST = 0x1<<6; } } return; } /***************************************************************************** ** Function name: PIN_INT7_IRQHandler ** ** Descriptions: Use one GPIO pin as interrupt source ** ** parameters: None ** ** Returned value: None ** *****************************************************************************/ void PIN_INT7_IRQHandler(void) { pin_int7_counter++; if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST & (0x1<<7) ) { if ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->ISEL & (0x1<<7) ) { pin_int7_level_counter++; } else { if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE & (0x1<<7) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENR & (0x1<<7) ) ) { pin_int7_rising_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->RISE = 0x1<<7; } if ( ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL & (0x1<<7) ) && ( LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IENF & (0x1<<7) ) ) { pin_int7_falling_edge_counter++; LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->FALL = 0x1<<7; } LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->IST = 0x1<<7; } } return; } /***************************************************************************** ** Function name: GINT0_IRQHandler ** ** Descriptions: Use one GPIO pin as interrupt source ** ** parameters: None ** ** Returned value: None ** *****************************************************************************/ void GINT0_IRQHandler(void) { gint0_counter++; if ( LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT0->CTRL & (0x1<<0) ) { if ( LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT0->CTRL & (0x1<<2) ) { gint0_level_counter++; } else { gint0_edge_counter++; } LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT0->CTRL |= (0x1<<0); } return; } /***************************************************************************** ** Function name: GINT1_IRQHandler ** ** Descriptions: Use one GPIO pin as interrupt source ** ** parameters: None ** ** Returned value: None ** *****************************************************************************/ void GINT1_IRQHandler(void) { gint1_counter++; if ( LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1->CTRL & (0x1<<0) ) { if ( LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1->CTRL & (0x1<<2) ) { gint1_level_counter++; } else { gint1_edge_counter++; } LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1->CTRL |= (0x1<<0); } return; } /***************************************************************************** ** Function name: GPIOInit ** ** Descriptions: Initialize GPIO, install the ** GPIO interrupt handler ** ** parameters: None ** ** Returned value: true or false, return false if the VIC table ** is full and GPIO interrupt handler can be ** installed. ** *****************************************************************************/ void GPIOInit( void ) { /* Enable AHB clock to the GPIO domain. */ LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (1<<6); /* Enable AHB clock to the PinInt, GroupedInt domain. */ LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= ((1<<19) | (1<<23) | (1<<24)); return; } /***************************************************************************** ** Function name: GPIOSetPinInterrupt ** ** Descriptions: Set interrupt sense, event, etc. ** sense: edge or level, 0 is edge, 1 is level ** event/polarity: 0 is active low/falling, 1 is high/rising. ** ** parameters: channel #, port #, bit position, sense, event(polarity) ** ** Returned value: None ** *****************************************************************************/ void GPIOSetPinInterrupt( uint32_t channelNum, uint32_t portNum, uint32_t bitPosi, uint32_t sense, uint32_t event ) { switch ( channelNum ) { case CHANNEL0: if ( portNum ) { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[0] = bitPosi + 24; } else { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[0] = bitPosi; } NVIC_EnableIRQ(PIN_INT0_IRQn); break; case CHANNEL1: if ( portNum ) { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[1] = bitPosi + 24; } else { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[1] = bitPosi; } NVIC_EnableIRQ(PIN_INT1_IRQn); break; case CHANNEL2: if ( portNum ) { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[2] = bitPosi + 24; } else { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[2] = bitPosi; } NVIC_EnableIRQ(PIN_INT2_IRQn); break; case CHANNEL3: if ( portNum ) { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[3] = bitPosi + 24; } else { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[3] = bitPosi; } NVIC_EnableIRQ(PIN_INT3_IRQn); break; case CHANNEL4: if ( portNum ) { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[4] = bitPosi + 24; } else { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[4] = bitPosi; } NVIC_EnableIRQ(PIN_INT4_IRQn); break; case CHANNEL5: if ( portNum ) { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[5] = bitPosi + 24; } else { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[5] = bitPosi; } NVIC_EnableIRQ(PIN_INT5_IRQn); break; case CHANNEL6: if ( portNum ) { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[6] = bitPosi + 24; } else { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[6] = bitPosi; } NVIC_EnableIRQ(PIN_INT6_IRQn); break; case CHANNEL7: if ( portNum ) { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[7] = bitPosi + 24; } else { LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL[7] = bitPosi; } NVIC_EnableIRQ(PIN_INT7_IRQn); break; default: break; } if ( sense == 0 ) { LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT->ISEL &= ~(0x1<IENF |= (0x1<IENR |= (0x1<ISEL |= (0x1<IENR |= (0x1<IENF &= ~(0x1<IENF |= (0x1<ISEL & (0x1<SIENF |= (0x1<SIENR |= (0x1<SIENR |= (0x1<ISEL & (0x1<CIENF |= (0x1<CIENR |= (0x1<CIENR |= (0x1<IST & (0x1<ISEL & (0x1<IST = (1<CTRL &= ~(0x1<<2); /* Edge trigger */ } else { LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT0->CTRL |= (0x1<<2); /* Level trigger. */ } if ( logic == 0 ) { LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT0->CTRL &= ~(0x1<<1); /* OR */ } else { LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT0->CTRL |= (0x1<<1); /* AND */ } LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT0->PORT_POL[0] = *((uint32_t *)(eventPattern + 0)); LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT0->PORT_POL[1] = *((uint32_t *)(eventPattern + 1)); LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT0->PORT_ENA[0] = *((uint32_t *)(bitPattern + 0)); LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT0->PORT_ENA[1] = *((uint32_t *)(bitPattern + 1)); /* as soon as enabled, an edge may be generated */ /* clear interrupt flag and NVIC pending interrupt to */ /* workaround the potential edge generated as enabled */ LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT0->CTRL |= (1<<0); NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(GINT0_IRQn); NVIC_EnableIRQ(GINT0_IRQn); break; case GROUP1: if ( sense == 0 ) { LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1->CTRL &= ~(0x1<<2); /* Edge trigger */ } else { LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1->CTRL |= (0x1<<2); /* Level trigger. */ } if ( logic == 0 ) { LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1->CTRL &= ~(0x1<<1); /* OR */ } else { LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1->CTRL |= (0x1<<1); /* AND */ } LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1->PORT_POL[0] = *((uint32_t *)(eventPattern + 0)); LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1->PORT_POL[1] = *((uint32_t *)(eventPattern + 1)); LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1->PORT_ENA[0] = *((uint32_t *)(bitPattern + 0)); LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1->PORT_ENA[1] = *((uint32_t *)(bitPattern + 1)); /* as soon as enabled, an edge may be generated */ /* clear interrupt flag and NVIC pending interrupt to */ /* workaround the potential edge generated as enabled */ LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INT1->CTRL |= (1<<0); NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(GINT1_IRQn); NVIC_EnableIRQ(GINT1_IRQn); break; default: break; } return; } /***************************************************************************** ** Function name: GPIOGetPinValue ** ** Descriptions: Read Current state of port pin, PIN register value ** ** parameters: port num, bit position ** Returned value: None ** *****************************************************************************/ uint32_t GPIOGetPinValue( uint32_t portNum, uint32_t bitPosi ) { uint32_t regVal = 0; if( bitPosi < 0x20 ) { if ( LPC_GPIO->PIN[portNum] & (0x1<PIN[portNum]; } return ( regVal ); } /***************************************************************************** ** Function name: GPIOSetBitValue ** ** Descriptions: Set/clear a bit in a specific position ** ** parameters: port num, bit position, bit value ** ** Returned value: None ** *****************************************************************************/ void GPIOSetBitValue( uint32_t portNum, uint32_t bitPosi, uint32_t bitVal ) { if ( bitVal ) { LPC_GPIO->SET[portNum] = 1<CLR[portNum] = 1<DIR[portNum] |= (1<DIR[portNum] &= ~(1<