/**************************************************************************/ /*! @file cli.c @author hathach (tinyusb.org) @section LICENSE Software License Agreement (BSD License) Copyright (c) 2013, hathach (tinyusb.org) All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "cli.h" #include "ctype.h" #if TUSB_CFG_HOST_MSC #include "ff.h" #include "diskio.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // MACRO CONSTANT TYPEDEF //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #define CLI_MAX_BUFFER 256 #define CLI_FILE_READ_BUFFER (4*1024) enum { ASCII_BACKSPACE = 8, }; typedef enum { CLI_ERROR_NONE = 0, CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PARA, CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PATH, CLI_ERROR_FILE_EXISTED, CLI_ERROR_FAILED }cli_error_t; static char const * const cli_error_message[] = { [CLI_ERROR_NONE ] = 0, [CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PARA ] = "Invalid parameter(s)", [CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PATH ] = "No such file or directory", [CLI_ERROR_FILE_EXISTED ] = "file or directory already exists", [CLI_ERROR_FAILED ] = "failed to execute" }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // CLI Database definition //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // command, function, description #define CLI_COMMAND_TABLE(ENTRY) \ ENTRY(unknown , cli_cmd_unknown , NULL ) \ ENTRY(help , cli_cmd_help , NULL ) \ ENTRY(cls , cli_cmd_clear , "Clear the screen.\n cls\n" ) \ ENTRY(ls , cli_cmd_list , "List information of the FILEs.\n ls\n" ) \ ENTRY(cd , cli_cmd_changedir, "change the current directory.\n cd a_folder\n" ) \ ENTRY(cat , cli_cmd_cat , "display contents of a file.\n cat a_file.txt\n" ) \ ENTRY(cp , cli_cmd_copy , "Copies one or more files to another location.\n cp a_file.txt dir1/another_file.txt\n cp a_file.txt dir1\n" ) \ ENTRY(mkdir , cli_cmd_mkdir , "Create a DIRECTORY, if it does not already exist.\n mkdir \n" ) \ ENTRY(mv , cli_cmd_move , "Rename or move a DIRECTORY or a FILE.\n mv old_name.txt new_name.txt\n mv old_name.txt dir1/new_name.txt\n" ) \ ENTRY(rm , cli_cmd_remove , "Remove (delete) a empty DIRECTORY or a FILE.\n rm deleted_name.txt\n rm empty_dir\n" ) \ //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Expands the function to have the standard function signature //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #define CLI_PROTOTYPE_EXPAND(command, function, description) \ cli_error_t function(char * p_para); CLI_COMMAND_TABLE(CLI_PROTOTYPE_EXPAND) //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Expand to enum value //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #define CLI_ENUM_EXPAND(command, function, description) CLI_CMDTYPE_##command, typedef enum { CLI_COMMAND_TABLE(CLI_ENUM_EXPAND) CLI_CMDTYPE_COUNT }cli_cmdtype_t; //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Expand to string table //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #define CLI_STRING_EXPAND(command, function, description) #command, char const* const cli_string_tbl[] = { CLI_COMMAND_TABLE(CLI_STRING_EXPAND) }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Expand to Description table //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #define CLI_DESCRIPTION_EXPAND(command, function, description) description, char const* const cli_description_tbl[] = { CLI_COMMAND_TABLE(CLI_DESCRIPTION_EXPAND) }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Expand to Command Lookup Table //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #define CMD_LOOKUP_EXPAND(command, function, description)\ [CLI_CMDTYPE_##command] = function,\ typedef cli_error_t (* const cli_cmdfunc_t)(char *); static cli_cmdfunc_t cli_command_tbl[] = { CLI_COMMAND_TABLE(CMD_LOOKUP_EXPAND) }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // INTERNAL OBJECT & FUNCTION DECLARATION //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ TUSB_CFG_ATTR_USBRAM uint8_t fileread_buffer[CLI_FILE_READ_BUFFER]; static char cli_buffer[CLI_MAX_BUFFER]; static char volume_label[20]; static inline void drive_number2letter(char * p_path) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE; static inline void drive_number2letter(char * p_path) { if (p_path[1] == ':') { p_path[0] = 'E' + p_path[0] - '0' ; } } static inline void drive_letter2number(char * p_path) ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE; static inline void drive_letter2number(char * p_path) { if (p_path[1] == ':') { p_path[0] = p_path[0] - 'E' + '0'; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // IMPLEMENTATION //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // NOTES: prompt re-use cli_buffer --> should not be called when cli_buffer has contents void cli_command_prompt(void) { f_getcwd(cli_buffer, CLI_MAX_BUFFER); drive_number2letter(cli_buffer); printf("\n%s %s\n$ ", (volume_label[0] !=0) ? volume_label : "No Label", cli_buffer); memclr_(cli_buffer, CLI_MAX_BUFFER); } void cli_init(void) { memclr_(cli_buffer, CLI_MAX_BUFFER); f_getlabel(NULL, volume_label, NULL); cli_command_prompt(); } void cli_poll(char ch) { if ( isprint(ch) ) { // accumulate & echo if (strlen(cli_buffer) < CLI_MAX_BUFFER) { cli_buffer[ strlen(cli_buffer) ] = ch; putchar(ch); }else { puts("cli buffer overflows"); memclr_(cli_buffer, CLI_MAX_BUFFER); } } else if ( ch == ASCII_BACKSPACE && strlen(cli_buffer)) { printf(ANSI_CURSOR_BACKWARD(1) ANSI_ERASE_LINE(0) ); // move cursor back & clear to the end of line cli_buffer[ strlen(cli_buffer)-1 ] = 0; } else if ( ch == '\r') { // execute command //------------- Separate Command & Parameter -------------// putchar('\n'); char* p_space = strchr(cli_buffer, ' '); uint32_t command_len = (p_space == NULL) ? strlen(cli_buffer) : (uint32_t) (p_space - cli_buffer); char* p_para = (p_space == NULL) ? (cli_buffer+command_len) : (p_space+1); // point to NULL-character or after space //------------- Find entered command in lookup table & execute it -------------// uint8_t cmd_id; for(cmd_id = CLI_CMDTYPE_COUNT - 1; cmd_id > CLI_CMDTYPE_unknown; cmd_id--) { if( 0 == strncmp(cli_buffer, cli_string_tbl[cmd_id], command_len) ) break; } cli_error_t error = cli_command_tbl[cmd_id]( p_para ); // command execution, (unknown command if cannot find) if (CLI_ERROR_NONE != error) puts(cli_error_message[error]); // error message output if any cli_command_prompt(); // print out current path } else if (ch=='\t') // \t may be used for auto-complete later { } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // UNKNOWN Command //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ cli_error_t cli_cmd_unknown(char * p_para) { (void) p_para; puts("unknown command, please type \"help\" for list of supported commands"); return CLI_ERROR_NONE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // HELP command //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ cli_error_t cli_cmd_help(char * p_para) { (void) p_para; puts("current supported commands are:"); for(uint8_t cmd_id = CLI_CMDTYPE_help+1; cmd_id < CLI_CMDTYPE_COUNT; cmd_id++) { printf("%s\t%s\n", cli_string_tbl[cmd_id], cli_description_tbl[cmd_id]); } return CLI_ERROR_NONE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Clear Screen Command //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ cli_error_t cli_cmd_clear(char* p_para) { (void) p_para; printf(ANSI_ERASE_SCREEN(2) ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION(1,1) ); return CLI_ERROR_NONE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // LS Command //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ cli_error_t cli_cmd_list(char * p_para) { if ( strlen(p_para) == 0 ) // list current directory { DIR target_dir; if ( FR_OK != f_opendir(&target_dir, ".") ) return CLI_ERROR_FAILED; TCHAR long_filename[_MAX_LFN]; FILINFO dir_entry = { .lfname = long_filename, .lfsize = _MAX_LFN }; while( (f_readdir(&target_dir, &dir_entry) == FR_OK) && dir_entry.fname[0] != 0) { if ( dir_entry.fname[0] != '.' ) // ignore . and .. entry { TCHAR const * const p_name = (dir_entry.lfname[0] != 0) ? dir_entry.lfname : dir_entry.fname; if ( dir_entry.fattrib & AM_DIR ) // directory { printf("/%s", p_name); }else { printf("%-40s%d KB", p_name, dir_entry.fsize / 1000); } putchar('\n'); } } // (void) f_closedir(&target_dir); } else { puts("ls only supports list current directory only, try to cd to that folder first"); return CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PARA; } return CLI_ERROR_NONE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // CD Command //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ cli_error_t cli_cmd_changedir(char * p_para) { if ( strlen(p_para) == 0 ) return CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PARA; drive_letter2number(p_para); if ( FR_OK != f_chdir(p_para) ) { return CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PATH; } if ( p_para[1] == ':') { // path has drive letter --> change drive, update volume label f_chdrive(p_para[0] - '0'); f_getlabel(NULL, volume_label, NULL); } return CLI_ERROR_NONE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // CAT Command //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ cli_error_t cli_cmd_cat(char *p_para) { if ( strlen(p_para) == 0 ) return CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PARA; FIL file; switch( f_open(&file, p_para, FA_READ) ) { case FR_OK: { uint32_t bytes_read = 0; if ( (FR_OK == f_read(&file, fileread_buffer, CLI_FILE_READ_BUFFER, &bytes_read)) && (bytes_read > 0) ) { if ( file.fsize < 0x80000 ) // ~ 500KB { putchar('\n'); do { for(uint32_t i=0; i 0) ); }else { // not display file contents if first character is not printable (high chance of binary file) printf("%s 's contents is too large\n", p_para); } } f_close(&file); } break; case FR_INVALID_NAME: return CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PATH; default : return CLI_ERROR_FAILED; } return CLI_ERROR_NONE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Make Directory command //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ cli_error_t cli_cmd_mkdir(char *p_para) { if ( strlen(p_para) == 0 ) return CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PARA; return (f_mkdir(p_para) == FR_OK) ? CLI_ERROR_NONE : CLI_ERROR_FAILED; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // COPY command //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ cli_error_t cli_cmd_copy(char *p_para) { char* p_space = strchr(p_para, ' '); if ( p_space == NULL ) return CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PARA; *p_space = 0; // replace space by NULL-character char* p_dest = p_space+1; if ( strlen(p_dest) == 0 ) return CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PARA; drive_letter2number(p_para); drive_letter2number(p_dest); //------------- Check Existence of source file -------------// FIL src_file; if ( FR_OK != f_open(&src_file , p_para, FA_READ) ) return CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PATH; //------------- Check if dest path is a folder or a non-existing file (overwritten is not allowed) -------------// FILINFO dest_entry; if ( (f_stat(p_dest, &dest_entry) == FR_OK) && (dest_entry.fattrib & AM_DIR) ) { // the destination is an existed folder --> auto append dest filename to be the folder strcat(p_dest, "/"); strcat(p_dest, p_para); } //------------- Open dest file and start the copy -------------// cli_error_t error = CLI_ERROR_NONE; FIL dest_file; switch ( f_open(&dest_file, p_dest, FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_NEW) ) { case FR_EXIST: error = CLI_ERROR_FILE_EXISTED; break; case FR_OK: while(1) // copying { uint32_t bytes_read = 0; uint32_t bytes_write = 0; FRESULT res; res = f_read(&src_file, fileread_buffer, CLI_FILE_READ_BUFFER, &bytes_read); /* Read a chunk of src file */ if ( (res != FR_OK) || (bytes_read == 0) ) break; /* error or eof */ res = f_write(&dest_file, fileread_buffer, bytes_read, &bytes_write); /* Write it to the dst file */ if ( (res != FR_OK) || (bytes_write < bytes_read) ) break; /* error or disk full */ } f_close(&dest_file); break; default: error = CLI_ERROR_FAILED; break; } f_close(&src_file); return error; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // MOVE/RENAME //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ cli_error_t cli_cmd_move(char *p_para) { char* p_space = strchr(p_para, ' '); if ( p_space == NULL ) return CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PARA; *p_space = 0; // replace space by NULL-character char* p_dest = p_space+1; if ( strlen(p_dest) == 0 ) return CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PARA; return (f_rename(p_para, p_dest) == FR_OK ) ? CLI_ERROR_NONE : CLI_ERROR_FAILED; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // REMOVE //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ cli_error_t cli_cmd_remove(char *p_para) { if ( strlen(p_para) == 0 ) return CLI_ERROR_INVALID_PARA; switch( f_unlink(p_para) ) { case FR_OK: return CLI_ERROR_NONE; case FR_DENIED: printf("cannot remove readonly file/foler or non-empty folder\n"); break; default: break; } return CLI_ERROR_FAILED; } #endif