require 'benchmark' require 'reportinator_helper' class ReportGeneratorReportinator def initialize(system_objects) @ceedling = system_objects @reportinator_helper = end # Generate the ReportGenerator report(s) specified in the options. def make_reports(opts) shell_result = nil total_time = Benchmark.realtime do rg_opts = get_opts(opts) print "Creating gcov results report(s) with ReportGenerator in '#{GCOV_REPORT_GENERATOR_PATH}'... " STDOUT.flush # Cleanup any existing .gcov files to avoid reporting old coverage results. for gcov_file in Dir.glob("*.gcov") File.delete(gcov_file) end # Use a custom gcov executable, if specified. GCOV_TOOL_CONFIG[:executable] = rg_opts[:gcov_executable] unless rg_opts[:gcov_executable].nil? # Avoid running gcov on the mock, test, unity, and cexception gcov notes files to save time. gcno_exclude_str = "#{opts[:cmock_mock_prefix]}.*" gcno_exclude_str += "|#{opts[:project_test_file_prefix]}.*" gcno_exclude_str += "|#{VENDORS_FILES.join('|')}" # Avoid running gcov on custom specified .gcno files. if !(rg_opts.nil?) && !(rg_opts[:gcov_exclude].nil?) && !(rg_opts[:gcov_exclude].empty?) for gcno_exclude_expression in rg_opts[:gcov_exclude] if !(gcno_exclude_expression.nil?) && !(gcno_exclude_expression.empty?) # We want to filter .gcno files, not .gcov files. # We will generate .gcov files from .gcno files. gcno_exclude_expression = gcno_exclude_expression.chomp("\\.gcov") gcno_exclude_expression = gcno_exclude_expression.chomp(".gcov") # The .gcno extension will be added later as we create the regex. gcno_exclude_expression = gcno_exclude_expression.chomp("\\.gcno") gcno_exclude_expression = gcno_exclude_expression.chomp(".gcno") # Append the custom expression. gcno_exclude_str += "|#{gcno_exclude_expression}" end end end gcno_exclude_regex = /(\/|\\)(#{gcno_exclude_str})\.gcno/ # Generate .gcov files by running gcov on gcov notes files (*.gcno). for gcno_filepath in Dir.glob(File.join(GCOV_BUILD_PATH, "**", "*.gcno")) match_data = gcno_filepath.match(gcno_exclude_regex) if match_data.nil? || (match_data[1].nil? && match_data[1].nil?) # Ensure there is a matching gcov data file. if File.file?(gcno_filepath.gsub(".gcno", ".gcda")) run_gcov("\"#{gcno_filepath}\"") end end end if Dir.glob("*.gcov").length > 0 # Build the command line arguments. args = args_builder(opts) # Generate the report(s). shell_result = run(args) else puts "\nWarning: No matching .gcno coverage files found." end # Cleanup .gcov files. for gcov_file in Dir.glob("*.gcov") File.delete(gcov_file) end end if shell_result shell_result[:time] = total_time @reportinator_helper.print_shell_result(shell_result) end end private # A dictionary of report types defined in this plugin to ReportGenerator report types. REPORT_TYPE_TO_REPORT_GENERATOR_REPORT_NAME = { ReportTypes::HTML_BASIC.upcase => "HtmlSummary", ReportTypes::HTML_DETAILED.upcase => "Html", ReportTypes::HTML_CHART.upcase => "HtmlChart", ReportTypes::HTML_INLINE.upcase => "HtmlInline", ReportTypes::HTML_INLINE_AZURE.upcase => "HtmlInline_AzurePipelines", ReportTypes::HTML_INLINE_AZURE_DARK.upcase => "HtmlInline_AzurePipelines_Dark", ReportTypes::MHTML.upcase => "MHtml", ReportTypes::TEXT.upcase => "TextSummary", ReportTypes::COBERTURA.upcase => "Cobertura", ReportTypes::SONARQUBE.upcase => "SonarQube", ReportTypes::BADGES.upcase => "Badges", ReportTypes::CSV_SUMMARY.upcase => "CsvSummary", ReportTypes::LATEX.upcase => "Latex", ReportTypes::LATEX_SUMMARY.upcase => "LatexSummary", ReportTypes::PNG_CHART.upcase => "PngChart", ReportTypes::TEAM_CITY_SUMMARY.upcase => "TeamCitySummary", ReportTypes::LCOV.upcase => "lcov", ReportTypes::XML.upcase => "Xml", ReportTypes::XML_SUMMARY.upcase => "XmlSummary", } REPORT_GENERATOR_SETTING_PREFIX = "gcov_report_generator" # Deep clone the gcov tool config, so we can modify it locally if specified via options. GCOV_TOOL_CONFIG = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(TOOLS_GCOV_GCOV_POST_REPORT)) # Build the ReportGenerator arguments. def args_builder(opts) rg_opts = get_opts(opts) report_type_count = 0 args = "" args += "\"-reports:*.gcov\" " args += "\"-targetdir:\"#{GCOV_REPORT_GENERATOR_PATH}\"\" " # Build the report types argument. if !(opts.nil?) && !(opts[:gcov_reports].nil?) && !(opts[:gcov_reports].empty?) args += "\"-reporttypes:" for report_type in opts[:gcov_reports] rg_report_type = REPORT_TYPE_TO_REPORT_GENERATOR_REPORT_NAME[report_type.upcase] if !(rg_report_type.nil?) args += rg_report_type + ";" report_type_count = report_type_count + 1 end end # Removing trailing ';' after the last report type. args = args.chomp(";") # Append a space seperator after the report type. args += "\" " end # Build the source directories argument. args += "\"-sourcedirs:.;" if !(opts[:collection_paths_source].nil?) args += opts[:collection_paths_source].join(';') end args = args.chomp(";") args += "\" " args += "\"-historydir:#{rg_opts[:history_directory]}\" " unless rg_opts[:history_directory].nil? args += "\"-plugins:#{rg_opts[:plugins]}\" " unless rg_opts[:plugins].nil? args += "\"-assemblyfilters:#{rg_opts[:assembly_filters]}\" " unless rg_opts[:assembly_filters].nil? args += "\"-classfilters:#{rg_opts[:class_filters]}\" " unless rg_opts[:class_filters].nil? file_filters = rg_opts[:file_filters] || @ceedling[:tool_executor_helper].osify_path_separators(GCOV_REPORT_GENERATOR_FILE_FILTERS) args += "\"-filefilters:#{file_filters}\" " args += "\"-verbosity:#{rg_opts[:verbosity] || "Warning"}\" " args += "\"-tag:#{rg_opts[:tag]}\" " unless rg_opts[:tag].nil? args += "\"settings:createSubdirectoryForAllReportTypes=true\" " unless report_type_count <= 1 args += "\"settings:numberOfReportsParsedInParallel=#{rg_opts[:num_parallel_threads]}\" " unless rg_opts[:num_parallel_threads].nil? args += "\"settings:numberOfReportsMergedInParallel=#{rg_opts[:num_parallel_threads]}\" " unless rg_opts[:num_parallel_threads].nil? # Append custom arguments. if !(rg_opts[:custom_args].nil?) && !(rg_opts[:custom_args].empty?) for custom_arg in rg_opts[:custom_args] args += "\"#{custom_arg}\" " unless custom_arg.nil? || custom_arg.empty? end end return args end # Get the ReportGenerator options from the project options. def get_opts(opts) return opts[REPORT_GENERATOR_SETTING_PREFIX.to_sym] || {} end # Run ReportGenerator with the given arguments. def run(args) command = @ceedling[:tool_executor].build_command_line(TOOLS_GCOV_REPORTGENERATOR_POST_REPORT, [], args) return @ceedling[:tool_executor].exec(command[:line], command[:options]) end # Run gcov with the given arguments. def run_gcov(args) command = @ceedling[:tool_executor].build_command_line(GCOV_TOOL_CONFIG, [], args) return @ceedling[:tool_executor].exec(command[:line], command[:options]) end end