/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2021 XMOS LIMITED * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * This file is part of the TinyUSB stack. */ #include "tusb_option.h" #if (TUSB_OPT_DEVICE_ENABLED && CFG_TUD_DFU_MODE) #include "device/usbd.h" #include "device/usbd_pvt.h" #include "dfu_device.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // MACRO CONSTANT TYPEDEF //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #define DFU_INTF_UNUSED 0xFF //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // INTERNAL OBJECT & FUNCTION DECLARATION //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ typedef struct TU_ATTR_PACKED { dfu_device_status_t status; dfu_state_t state; uint8_t attrs[CFG_TUD_DFU_ATL_MAX]; bool blk_transfer_in_proc; uint8_t alt; uint8_t intf; CFG_TUSB_MEM_ALIGN uint8_t transfer_buf[CFG_TUD_DFU_TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE]; } dfu_state_ctx_t; // Only a single dfu state is allowed CFG_TUSB_MEM_SECTION static dfu_state_ctx_t _dfu_state_ctx; static void dfu_req_dnload_setup(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * request); static void dfu_req_getstatus_reply(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * request); static uint16_t dfu_req_upload(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * request, uint16_t block_num, uint16_t wLength); static void dfu_req_dnload_reply(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * request); static bool dfu_state_machine(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * request); //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Debug //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #if CFG_TUSB_DEBUG >= 2 static tu_lookup_entry_t const _dfu_request_lookup[] = { { .key = DFU_REQUEST_DETACH , .data = "DETACH" }, { .key = DFU_REQUEST_DNLOAD , .data = "DNLOAD" }, { .key = DFU_REQUEST_UPLOAD , .data = "UPLOAD" }, { .key = DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATUS , .data = "GETSTATUS" }, { .key = DFU_REQUEST_CLRSTATUS , .data = "CLRSTATUS" }, { .key = DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATE , .data = "GETSTATE" }, { .key = DFU_REQUEST_ABORT , .data = "ABORT" }, }; static tu_lookup_table_t const _dfu_request_table = { .count = TU_ARRAY_SIZE(_dfu_request_lookup), .items = _dfu_request_lookup }; static tu_lookup_entry_t const _dfu_state_lookup[] = { { .key = APP_IDLE , .data = "APP_IDLE" }, { .key = APP_DETACH , .data = "APP_DETACH" }, { .key = DFU_IDLE , .data = "DFU_IDLE" }, { .key = DFU_DNLOAD_SYNC , .data = "DFU_DNLOAD_SYNC" }, { .key = DFU_DNBUSY , .data = "DFU_DNBUSY" }, { .key = DFU_DNLOAD_IDLE , .data = "DFU_DNLOAD_IDLE" }, { .key = DFU_MANIFEST_SYNC , .data = "DFU_MANIFEST_SYNC" }, { .key = DFU_MANIFEST , .data = "DFU_MANIFEST" }, { .key = DFU_MANIFEST_WAIT_RESET , .data = "DFU_MANIFEST_WAIT_RESET" }, { .key = DFU_UPLOAD_IDLE , .data = "DFU_UPLOAD_IDLE" }, { .key = DFU_ERROR , .data = "DFU_ERROR" }, }; static tu_lookup_table_t const _dfu_state_table = { .count = TU_ARRAY_SIZE(_dfu_state_lookup), .items = _dfu_state_lookup }; static tu_lookup_entry_t const _dfu_status_lookup[] = { { .key = DFU_STATUS_OK , .data = "OK" }, { .key = DFU_STATUS_ERRTARGET , .data = "errTARGET" }, { .key = DFU_STATUS_ERRFILE , .data = "errFILE" }, { .key = DFU_STATUS_ERRWRITE , .data = "errWRITE" }, { .key = DFU_STATUS_ERRERASE , .data = "errERASE" }, { .key = DFU_STATUS_ERRCHECK_ERASED , .data = "errCHECK_ERASED" }, { .key = DFU_STATUS_ERRPROG , .data = "errPROG" }, { .key = DFU_STATUS_ERRVERIFY , .data = "errVERIFY" }, { .key = DFU_STATUS_ERRADDRESS , .data = "errADDRESS" }, { .key = DFU_STATUS_ERRNOTDONE , .data = "errNOTDONE" }, { .key = DFU_STATUS_ERRFIRMWARE , .data = "errFIRMWARE" }, { .key = DFU_STATUS_ERRVENDOR , .data = "errVENDOR" }, { .key = DFU_STATUS_ERRUSBR , .data = "errUSBR" }, { .key = DFU_STATUS_ERRPOR , .data = "errPOR" }, { .key = DFU_STATUS_ERRUNKNOWN , .data = "errUNKNOWN" }, { .key = DFU_STATUS_ERRSTALLEDPKT , .data = "errSTALLEDPKT" }, }; static tu_lookup_table_t const _dfu_status_table = { .count = TU_ARRAY_SIZE(_dfu_status_lookup), .items = _dfu_status_lookup }; #endif #define dfu_debug_print_context() \ { \ TU_LOG2(" DFU at State: %s\r\n Status: %s\r\n", \ tu_lookup_find(&_dfu_state_table, _dfu_state_ctx.state), \ tu_lookup_find(&_dfu_status_table, _dfu_state_ctx.status) ); \ } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // USBD Driver API //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void dfu_moded_init(void) { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_IDLE; _dfu_state_ctx.status = DFU_STATUS_OK; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < CFG_TUD_DFU_ATL_MAX; i++) { _dfu_state_ctx.attrs[i] = 0; } _dfu_state_ctx.blk_transfer_in_proc = false; _dfu_state_ctx.alt = 0; _dfu_state_ctx.intf = DFU_INTF_UNUSED; dfu_debug_print_context(); } void dfu_moded_reset(uint8_t rhport) { (void) rhport; _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_IDLE; _dfu_state_ctx.status = DFU_STATUS_OK; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < CFG_TUD_DFU_ATL_MAX; i++) { _dfu_state_ctx.attrs[i] = 0; } _dfu_state_ctx.blk_transfer_in_proc = false; _dfu_state_ctx.alt = 0; _dfu_state_ctx.intf = DFU_INTF_UNUSED; dfu_debug_print_context(); } uint16_t dfu_moded_open(uint8_t rhport, tusb_desc_interface_t const * itf_desc, uint16_t max_len) { (void) rhport; uint16_t const drv_len = sizeof(tusb_desc_interface_t) + sizeof(tusb_desc_dfu_functional_t); uint8_t const *p_desc = (uint8_t const *)itf_desc; uint16_t total_len = 0; uint8_t last_alt = 0; while(max_len >= drv_len) { // Ensure this is DFU Mode TU_VERIFY((((tusb_desc_interface_t const *)p_desc)->bInterfaceSubClass == TUD_DFU_APP_SUBCLASS) && (((tusb_desc_interface_t const *)p_desc)->bInterfaceProtocol == DFU_PROTOCOL_DFU), 0); uint8_t const alt = ((tusb_desc_interface_t const *)p_desc)->bAlternateSetting; uint8_t const intf = ((tusb_desc_interface_t const *)p_desc)->bInterfaceNumber; if (_dfu_state_ctx.intf == DFU_INTF_UNUSED) { _dfu_state_ctx.intf = intf; } else { // Only one DFU interface is supported TU_ASSERT(_dfu_state_ctx.intf == intf); } // CFG_TUD_DFU_ATL_MAX should big enough to hold all alt settings TU_ASSERT(alt < CFG_TUD_DFU_ATL_MAX); // Alt should increse by one every time TU_ASSERT(alt == last_alt++); //------------- DFU descriptor -------------// p_desc = tu_desc_next(p_desc); TU_ASSERT(tu_desc_type(p_desc) == TUSB_DESC_FUNCTIONAL, 0); _dfu_state_ctx.attrs[alt] = ((tusb_desc_dfu_functional_t const *)p_desc)->bAttributes; // CFG_TUD_DFU_TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE has to be set to the largest buffer size used by all alt settings TU_ASSERT(((tusb_desc_dfu_functional_t const *)p_desc)->wTransferSize <= CFG_TUD_DFU_TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE); p_desc = tu_desc_next(p_desc); max_len -= drv_len; total_len += drv_len; } return total_len; } // Invoked when a control transfer occurred on an interface of this class // Driver response accordingly to the request and the transfer stage (setup/data/ack) // return false to stall control endpoint (e.g unsupported request) bool dfu_moded_control_xfer_cb(uint8_t rhport, uint8_t stage, tusb_control_request_t const * request) { // nothing to do with DATA stage if ( stage == CONTROL_STAGE_DATA ) return true; TU_VERIFY(request->bmRequestType_bit.recipient == TUSB_REQ_RCPT_INTERFACE); if(stage == CONTROL_STAGE_SETUP) { // dfu-util will try to claim the interface with SET_INTERFACE request before sending DFU request if (request->bmRequestType_bit.type == TUSB_REQ_TYPE_STANDARD && request->bRequest == TUSB_REQ_SET_INTERFACE) { // Switch Alt interface _dfu_state_ctx.alt = request->wValue; // Re-initalise state machine (Necessary ?) _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_IDLE; _dfu_state_ctx.status = DFU_STATUS_OK; _dfu_state_ctx.blk_transfer_in_proc = false; tud_control_status(rhport, request); return true; } } // Handle class request only from here TU_VERIFY(request->bmRequestType_bit.type == TUSB_REQ_TYPE_CLASS); switch (request->bRequest) { case DFU_REQUEST_DNLOAD: { if ( (stage == CONTROL_STAGE_ACK) && ((_dfu_state_ctx.attrs[_dfu_state_ctx.alt] & DFU_FUNC_ATTR_CAN_DOWNLOAD_BITMASK) != 0) && (_dfu_state_ctx.state == DFU_DNLOAD_SYNC)) { dfu_req_dnload_reply(rhport, request); return true; } } // fallthrough case DFU_REQUEST_DETACH: case DFU_REQUEST_UPLOAD: case DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATUS: case DFU_REQUEST_CLRSTATUS: case DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATE: case DFU_REQUEST_ABORT: { if(stage == CONTROL_STAGE_SETUP) { return dfu_state_machine(rhport, request); } } break; default: { TU_LOG2(" DFU Nonstandard Request: %u\r\n", request->bRequest); return false; // stall unsupported request } break; } return true; } static uint16_t dfu_req_upload(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * request, uint16_t block_num, uint16_t wLength) { TU_VERIFY( wLength <= CFG_TUD_DFU_TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE, 0); uint16_t retval = 0; if (tud_dfu_req_upload_data_cb) { tud_dfu_req_upload_data_cb(_dfu_state_ctx.alt, block_num, (uint8_t *)_dfu_state_ctx.transfer_buf, wLength); } tud_control_xfer(rhport, request, _dfu_state_ctx.transfer_buf, retval); return retval; } static void dfu_req_getstatus_reply(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * request) { dfu_status_req_payload_t resp; resp.bStatus = _dfu_state_ctx.status; memset((uint8_t *)&resp.bwPollTimeout, 0x00, 3); resp.bState = _dfu_state_ctx.state; resp.iString = 0; tud_control_xfer(rhport, request, &resp, sizeof(dfu_status_req_payload_t)); } static void dfu_req_getstate_reply(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * request) { tud_control_xfer(rhport, request, &_dfu_state_ctx.state, 1); } static void dfu_req_dnload_setup(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * request) { // TODO: add "zero" copy mode so the buffer we read into can be provided by the user // if they wish, there still will be the internal control buffer copy to this buffer // but this mode would provide zero copy from the class driver to the application TU_VERIFY( request->wLength <= CFG_TUD_DFU_TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE, ); // setup for data phase tud_control_xfer(rhport, request, _dfu_state_ctx.transfer_buf, request->wLength); } static void dfu_req_dnload_reply(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * request) { (void) rhport; TU_VERIFY( request->wLength <= CFG_TUD_DFU_TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE, ); tud_dfu_req_dnload_data_cb(_dfu_state_ctx.alt, request->wValue, (uint8_t *)_dfu_state_ctx.transfer_buf, request->wLength); _dfu_state_ctx.blk_transfer_in_proc = false; } void tud_dfu_dnload_complete(void) { if (_dfu_state_ctx.state == DFU_DNBUSY) { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_DNLOAD_SYNC; } else if (_dfu_state_ctx.state == DFU_MANIFEST) { _dfu_state_ctx.state = ((_dfu_state_ctx.attrs[_dfu_state_ctx.alt] & DFU_FUNC_ATTR_MANIFESTATION_TOLERANT_BITMASK) == 0) ? DFU_MANIFEST_WAIT_RESET : DFU_MANIFEST_SYNC; } } static bool dfu_state_machine(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * request) { TU_LOG2(" DFU Request: %s\r\n", tu_lookup_find(&_dfu_request_table, request->bRequest)); TU_LOG2(" DFU State Machine: %s\r\n", tu_lookup_find(&_dfu_state_table, _dfu_state_ctx.state)); switch (_dfu_state_ctx.state) { case DFU_IDLE: { switch (request->bRequest) { case DFU_REQUEST_DNLOAD: { if( ((_dfu_state_ctx.attrs[_dfu_state_ctx.alt] & DFU_FUNC_ATTR_CAN_DOWNLOAD_BITMASK) != 0) && (request->wLength > 0) ) { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_DNLOAD_SYNC; _dfu_state_ctx.blk_transfer_in_proc = true; dfu_req_dnload_setup(rhport, request); } else { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_ERROR; } } break; case DFU_REQUEST_UPLOAD: { if( ((_dfu_state_ctx.attrs[_dfu_state_ctx.alt] & DFU_FUNC_ATTR_CAN_UPLOAD_BITMASK) != 0) ) { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_UPLOAD_IDLE; dfu_req_upload(rhport, request, request->wValue, request->wLength); } else { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_ERROR; } } break; case DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATUS: { dfu_req_getstatus_reply(rhport, request); } break; case DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATE: { dfu_req_getstate_reply(rhport, request); } break; case DFU_REQUEST_ABORT: { ; // do nothing, but don't stall so continue on } break; default: { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_ERROR; return false; // stall on all other requests } break; } } break; case DFU_DNLOAD_SYNC: { switch (request->bRequest) { case DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATUS: { if ( _dfu_state_ctx.blk_transfer_in_proc ) { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_DNBUSY; dfu_req_getstatus_reply(rhport, request); } else { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_DNLOAD_IDLE; dfu_req_getstatus_reply(rhport, request); } } break; case DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATE: { dfu_req_getstate_reply(rhport, request); } break; default: { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_ERROR; return false; // stall on all other requests } break; } } break; case DFU_DNBUSY: { switch (request->bRequest) { default: { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_ERROR; return false; // stall on all other requests } break; } } break; case DFU_DNLOAD_IDLE: { switch (request->bRequest) { case DFU_REQUEST_DNLOAD: { if( ((_dfu_state_ctx.attrs[_dfu_state_ctx.alt] & DFU_FUNC_ATTR_CAN_DOWNLOAD_BITMASK) != 0) && (request->wLength > 0) ) { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_DNLOAD_SYNC; _dfu_state_ctx.blk_transfer_in_proc = true; dfu_req_dnload_setup(rhport, request); } else { if ( tud_dfu_device_data_done_check_cb(_dfu_state_ctx.alt) ) { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_MANIFEST_SYNC; tud_control_status(rhport, request); } else { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_ERROR; return false; // stall } } } break; case DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATUS: { dfu_req_getstatus_reply(rhport, request); } break; case DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATE: { dfu_req_getstate_reply(rhport, request); } break; case DFU_REQUEST_ABORT: { if ( tud_dfu_abort_cb ) { tud_dfu_abort_cb(); } _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_IDLE; } break; default: { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_ERROR; return false; // stall on all other requests } break; } } break; case DFU_MANIFEST_SYNC: { switch (request->bRequest) { case DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATUS: { if ((_dfu_state_ctx.attrs[_dfu_state_ctx.alt] & DFU_FUNC_ATTR_MANIFESTATION_TOLERANT_BITMASK) == 0) { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_MANIFEST; dfu_req_getstatus_reply(rhport, request); } else { if ( tud_dfu_firmware_valid_check_cb(_dfu_state_ctx.alt) ) { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_IDLE; } dfu_req_getstatus_reply(rhport, request); } } break; case DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATE: { dfu_req_getstate_reply(rhport, request); } break; default: { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_ERROR; return false; // stall on all other requests } break; } } break; case DFU_MANIFEST: { switch (request->bRequest) { default: { return false; // stall on all other requests } break; } } break; case DFU_MANIFEST_WAIT_RESET: { // technically we should never even get here, but we will handle it just in case TU_LOG2(" DFU was in DFU_MANIFEST_WAIT_RESET and got unexpected request: %u\r\n", request->bRequest); switch (request->bRequest) { default: { return false; // stall on all other requests } break; } } break; case DFU_UPLOAD_IDLE: { switch (request->bRequest) { case DFU_REQUEST_UPLOAD: { if (dfu_req_upload(rhport, request, request->wValue, request->wLength) != request->wLength) { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_IDLE; } } break; case DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATUS: { dfu_req_getstatus_reply(rhport, request); } break; case DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATE: { dfu_req_getstate_reply(rhport, request); } break; case DFU_REQUEST_ABORT: { if (tud_dfu_abort_cb) { tud_dfu_abort_cb(); } _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_IDLE; } break; default: { return false; // stall on all other requests } break; } } break; case DFU_ERROR: { switch (request->bRequest) { case DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATUS: { dfu_req_getstatus_reply(rhport, request); } break; case DFU_REQUEST_CLRSTATUS: { _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_IDLE; } break; case DFU_REQUEST_GETSTATE: { dfu_req_getstate_reply(rhport, request); } break; default: { return false; // stall on all other requests } break; } } break; default: _dfu_state_ctx.state = DFU_ERROR; TU_LOG2(" DFU ERROR: Unexpected state\r\nStalling control pipe\r\n"); return false; // Unexpected state, stall and change to error } return true; } #endif