/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2018, hathach (tinyusb.org) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * This file is part of the TinyUSB stack. */ /** \ingroup group_class * \defgroup ClassDriver_HID Human Interface Device (HID) * @{ */ #ifndef _TUSB_HID_H_ #define _TUSB_HID_H_ #include "common/tusb_common.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Common Definitions //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** \defgroup ClassDriver_HID_Common Common Definitions * @{ */ /// USB HID Descriptor typedef struct ATTR_PACKED { uint8_t bLength; /**< Numeric expression that is the total size of the HID descriptor */ uint8_t bDescriptorType; /**< Constant name specifying type of HID descriptor. */ uint16_t bcdHID; /**< Numeric expression identifying the HID Class Specification release */ uint8_t bCountryCode; /**< Numeric expression identifying country code of the localized hardware. */ uint8_t bNumDescriptors; /**< Numeric expression specifying the number of class descriptors */ uint8_t bReportType; /**< Type of HID class report. */ uint16_t wReportLength; /**< the total size of the Report descriptor. */ } tusb_hid_descriptor_hid_t; /// HID Subclass typedef enum { HID_SUBCLASS_NONE = 0, ///< No Subclass HID_SUBCLASS_BOOT = 1 ///< Boot Interface Subclass }hid_subclass_type_t; /// HID Protocol typedef enum { HID_PROTOCOL_NONE = 0, ///< None HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD = 1, ///< Keyboard HID_PROTOCOL_MOUSE = 2 ///< Mouse }hid_protocol_type_t; /// HID Descriptor Type typedef enum { HID_DESC_TYPE_HID = 0x21, ///< HID Descriptor HID_DESC_TYPE_REPORT = 0x22, ///< Report Descriptor HID_DESC_TYPE_PHYSICAL = 0x23 ///< Physical Descriptor }hid_descriptor_type_t; /// HID Request Report Type typedef enum { HID_REPORT_TYPE_INVALID = 0, HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT, ///< Input HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT, ///< Output HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE ///< Feature }hid_report_type_t; /// HID Class Specific Control Request typedef enum { HID_REQ_CONTROL_GET_REPORT = 0x01, ///< Get Report HID_REQ_CONTROL_GET_IDLE = 0x02, ///< Get Idle HID_REQ_CONTROL_GET_PROTOCOL = 0x03, ///< Get Protocol HID_REQ_CONTROL_SET_REPORT = 0x09, ///< Set Report HID_REQ_CONTROL_SET_IDLE = 0x0a, ///< Set Idle HID_REQ_CONTROL_SET_PROTOCOL = 0x0b ///< Set Protocol }hid_request_type_t; /// HID Country Code typedef enum { HID_LOCAL_NotSupported = 0 , ///< NotSupported HID_LOCAL_Arabic , ///< Arabic HID_LOCAL_Belgian , ///< Belgian HID_LOCAL_Canadian_Bilingual , ///< Canadian_Bilingual HID_LOCAL_Canadian_French , ///< Canadian_French HID_LOCAL_Czech_Republic , ///< Czech_Republic HID_LOCAL_Danish , ///< Danish HID_LOCAL_Finnish , ///< Finnish HID_LOCAL_French , ///< French HID_LOCAL_German , ///< German HID_LOCAL_Greek , ///< Greek HID_LOCAL_Hebrew , ///< Hebrew HID_LOCAL_Hungary , ///< Hungary HID_LOCAL_International , ///< International HID_LOCAL_Italian , ///< Italian HID_LOCAL_Japan_Katakana , ///< Japan_Katakana HID_LOCAL_Korean , ///< Korean HID_LOCAL_Latin_American , ///< Latin_American HID_LOCAL_Netherlands_Dutch , ///< Netherlands/Dutch HID_LOCAL_Norwegian , ///< Norwegian HID_LOCAL_Persian_Farsi , ///< Persian (Farsi) HID_LOCAL_Poland , ///< Poland HID_LOCAL_Portuguese , ///< Portuguese HID_LOCAL_Russia , ///< Russia HID_LOCAL_Slovakia , ///< Slovakia HID_LOCAL_Spanish , ///< Spanish HID_LOCAL_Swedish , ///< Swedish HID_LOCAL_Swiss_French , ///< Swiss/French HID_LOCAL_Swiss_German , ///< Swiss/German HID_LOCAL_Switzerland , ///< Switzerland HID_LOCAL_Taiwan , ///< Taiwan HID_LOCAL_Turkish_Q , ///< Turkish-Q HID_LOCAL_UK , ///< UK HID_LOCAL_US , ///< US HID_LOCAL_Yugoslavia , ///< Yugoslavia HID_LOCAL_Turkish_F ///< Turkish-F } hid_country_code_t; /** @} */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // MOUSE //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** \addtogroup ClassDriver_HID_Mouse Mouse * @{ */ /// Standard HID Boot Protocol Mouse Report. typedef struct ATTR_PACKED { uint8_t buttons; /**< buttons mask for currently pressed buttons in the mouse. */ int8_t x; /**< Current delta x movement of the mouse. */ int8_t y; /**< Current delta y movement on the mouse. */ int8_t wheel; /**< Current delta wheel movement on the mouse. */ int8_t pan; // using AC Pan } hid_mouse_report_t; /// Standard Mouse Buttons Bitmap typedef enum { MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT = TU_BIT(0), ///< Left button MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT = TU_BIT(1), ///< Right button MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE = TU_BIT(2), ///< Middle button MOUSE_BUTTON_BACKWARD = TU_BIT(3), ///< Backward button, MOUSE_BUTTON_FORWARD = TU_BIT(4), ///< Forward button, }hid_mouse_button_bm_t; /// @} //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Keyboard //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** \addtogroup ClassDriver_HID_Keyboard Keyboard * @{ */ /// Standard HID Boot Protocol Keyboard Report. typedef struct ATTR_PACKED { uint8_t modifier; /**< Keyboard modifier (KEYBOARD_MODIFER_* masks). */ uint8_t reserved; /**< Reserved for OEM use, always set to 0. */ uint8_t keycode[6]; /**< Key codes of the currently pressed keys. */ } hid_keyboard_report_t; /// Keyboard modifier codes bitmap typedef enum { KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_LEFTCTRL = TU_BIT(0), ///< Left Control KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_LEFTSHIFT = TU_BIT(1), ///< Left Shift KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_LEFTALT = TU_BIT(2), ///< Left Alt KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_LEFTGUI = TU_BIT(3), ///< Left Window KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_RIGHTCTRL = TU_BIT(4), ///< Right Control KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_RIGHTSHIFT = TU_BIT(5), ///< Right Shift KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_RIGHTALT = TU_BIT(6), ///< Right Alt KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_RIGHTGUI = TU_BIT(7) ///< Right Window }hid_keyboard_modifier_bm_t; typedef enum { KEYBOARD_LED_NUMLOCK = TU_BIT(0), ///< Num Lock LED KEYBOARD_LED_CAPSLOCK = TU_BIT(1), ///< Caps Lock LED KEYBOARD_LED_SCROLLLOCK = TU_BIT(2), ///< Scroll Lock LED KEYBOARD_LED_COMPOSE = TU_BIT(3), ///< Composition Mode KEYBOARD_LED_KANA = TU_BIT(4) ///< Kana mode }hid_keyboard_led_bm_t; /// @} //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // HID KEYCODE //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #define HID_KEY_NONE 0x00 #define HID_KEY_A 0x04 #define HID_KEY_B 0x05 #define HID_KEY_C 0x06 #define HID_KEY_D 0x07 #define HID_KEY_E 0x08 #define HID_KEY_F 0x09 #define HID_KEY_G 0x0A #define HID_KEY_H 0x0B #define HID_KEY_I 0x0C #define HID_KEY_J 0x0D #define HID_KEY_K 0x0E #define HID_KEY_L 0x0F #define HID_KEY_M 0x10 #define HID_KEY_N 0x11 #define HID_KEY_O 0x12 #define HID_KEY_P 0x13 #define HID_KEY_Q 0x14 #define HID_KEY_R 0x15 #define HID_KEY_S 0x16 #define HID_KEY_T 0x17 #define HID_KEY_U 0x18 #define HID_KEY_V 0x19 #define HID_KEY_W 0x1A #define HID_KEY_X 0x1B #define HID_KEY_Y 0x1C #define HID_KEY_Z 0x1D #define HID_KEY_1 0x1E #define HID_KEY_2 0x1F #define HID_KEY_3 0x20 #define HID_KEY_4 0x21 #define HID_KEY_5 0x22 #define HID_KEY_6 0x23 #define HID_KEY_7 0x24 #define HID_KEY_8 0x25 #define HID_KEY_9 0x26 #define HID_KEY_0 0x27 #define HID_KEY_RETURN 0x28 #define HID_KEY_ESCAPE 0x29 #define HID_KEY_BACKSPACE 0x2A #define HID_KEY_TAB 0x2B #define HID_KEY_SPACE 0x2C #define HID_KEY_MINUS 0x2D #define HID_KEY_EQUAL 0x2E #define HID_KEY_BRACKET_LEFT 0x2F #define HID_KEY_BRACKET_RIGHT 0x30 #define HID_KEY_BACKSLASH 0x31 #define HID_KEY_EUROPE_1 0x32 #define HID_KEY_SEMICOLON 0x33 #define HID_KEY_APOSTROPHE 0x34 #define HID_KEY_GRAVE 0x35 #define HID_KEY_COMMA 0x36 #define HID_KEY_PERIOD 0x37 #define HID_KEY_SLASH 0x38 #define HID_KEY_CAPS_LOCK 0x39 #define HID_KEY_F1 0x3A #define HID_KEY_F2 0x3B #define HID_KEY_F3 0x3C #define HID_KEY_F4 0x3D #define HID_KEY_F5 0x3E #define HID_KEY_F6 0x3F #define HID_KEY_F7 0x40 #define HID_KEY_F8 0x41 #define HID_KEY_F9 0x42 #define HID_KEY_F10 0x43 #define HID_KEY_F11 0x44 #define HID_KEY_F12 0x45 #define HID_KEY_PRINT_SCREEN 0x46 #define HID_KEY_SCROLL_LOCK 0x47 #define HID_KEY_PAUSE 0x48 #define HID_KEY_INSERT 0x49 #define HID_KEY_HOME 0x4A #define HID_KEY_PAGE_UP 0x4B #define HID_KEY_DELETE 0x4C #define HID_KEY_END 0x4D #define HID_KEY_PAGE_DOWN 0x4E #define HID_KEY_ARROW_RIGHT 0x4F #define HID_KEY_ARROW_LEFT 0x50 #define HID_KEY_ARROW_DOWN 0x51 #define HID_KEY_ARROW_UP 0x52 #define HID_KEY_NUM_LOCK 0x53 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_DIVIDE 0x54 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_MULTIPLY 0x55 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_SUBTRACT 0x56 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_ADD 0x57 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_ENTER 0x58 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_1 0x59 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_2 0x5A #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_3 0x5B #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_4 0x5C #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_5 0x5D #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_6 0x5E #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_7 0x5F #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_8 0x60 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_9 0x61 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_0 0x62 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_DECIMAL 0x63 #define HID_KEY_EUROPE_2 0x64 #define HID_KEY_APPLICATION 0x65 #define HID_KEY_POWER 0x66 #define HID_KEY_KEYPAD_EQUAL 0x67 #define HID_KEY_F13 0x68 #define HID_KEY_F14 0x69 #define HID_KEY_F15 0x6A #define HID_KEY_CONTROL_LEFT 0xE0 #define HID_KEY_SHIFT_LEFT 0xE1 #define HID_KEY_ALT_LEFT 0xE2 #define HID_KEY_GUI_LEFT 0xE3 #define HID_KEY_CONTROL_RIGHT 0xE4 #define HID_KEY_SHIFT_RIGHT 0xE5 #define HID_KEY_ALT_RIGHT 0xE6 #define HID_KEY_GUI_RIGHT 0xE7 //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // REPORT DESCRIPTOR //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ //------------- ITEM & TAG -------------// #define HID_REPORT_DATA_0(data) #define HID_REPORT_DATA_1(data) , data #define HID_REPORT_DATA_2(data) , U16_TO_U8S_LE(data) #define HID_REPORT_DATA_3(data) , U32_TO_U8S_LE(data) #define HID_REPORT_ITEM(data, tag, type, size) \ (((tag) << 4) | ((type) << 2) | (size)) HID_REPORT_DATA_##size(data) #define RI_TYPE_MAIN 0 #define RI_TYPE_GLOBAL 1 #define RI_TYPE_LOCAL 2 //------------- MAIN ITEMS -------------// #define HID_INPUT(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 8, RI_TYPE_MAIN, 1) #define HID_OUTPUT(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 9, RI_TYPE_MAIN, 1) #define HID_COLLECTION(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 10, RI_TYPE_MAIN, 1) #define HID_FEATURE(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 11, RI_TYPE_MAIN, 1) #define HID_COLLECTION_END HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 12, RI_TYPE_MAIN, 0) //------------- INPUT, OUTPUT, FEATURE -------------// #define HID_DATA (0<<0) #define HID_CONSTANT (1<<0) #define HID_ARRAY (0<<1) #define HID_VARIABLE (1<<1) #define HID_ABSOLUTE (0<<2) #define HID_RELATIVE (1<<2) #define HID_WRAP_NO (0<<3) #define HID_WRAP (1<<3) #define HID_LINEAR (0<<4) #define HID_NONLINEAR (1<<4) #define HID_PREFERRED_STATE (0<<5) #define HID_PREFERRED_NO (1<<5) #define HID_NO_NULL_POSITION (0<<6) #define HID_NULL_STATE (1<<6) #define HID_NON_VOLATILE (0<<7) #define HID_VOLATILE (1<<7) #define HID_BITFIELD (0<<8) #define HID_BUFFERED_BYTES (1<<8) //------------- COLLECTION ITEM -------------// enum { HID_COLLECTION_PHYSICAL = 0, HID_COLLECTION_APPLICATION, HID_COLLECTION_LOGICAL, HID_COLLECTION_REPORT, HID_COLLECTION_NAMED_ARRAY, HID_COLLECTION_USAGE_SWITCH, HID_COLLECTION_USAGE_MODIFIER }; //------------- GLOBAL ITEMS -------------// #define HID_USAGE_PAGE(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 0, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_USAGE_PAGE_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 0, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_LOGICAL_MIN(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 1, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_LOGICAL_MIN_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 1, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_LOGICAL_MAX(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 2, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_LOGICAL_MAX_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 2, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_PHYSICAL_MIN(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 3, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_PHYSICAL_MIN_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 3, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_PHYSICAL_MAX(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 4, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_PHYSICAL_MAX_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 4, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_UNIT_EXPONENT(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 5, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_UNIT_EXPONENT_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 5, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_UNIT(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 6, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_UNIT_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 6, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_REPORT_SIZE(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 7, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_REPORT_SIZE_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 7, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_REPORT_ID(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 8, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_REPORT_ID_N(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 8, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_REPORT_COUNT(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 9, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1) #define HID_REPORT_COUNT_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 9, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, n) #define HID_PUSH HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 10, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 0) #define HID_POP HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 11, RI_TYPE_GLOBAL, 0) //------------- LOCAL ITEMS -------------// #define HID_USAGE(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 0, RI_TYPE_LOCAL, 1) #define HID_USAGE_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 0, RI_TYPE_LOCAL, n) #define HID_USAGE_MIN(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 1, RI_TYPE_LOCAL, 1) #define HID_USAGE_MIN_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 1, RI_TYPE_LOCAL, n) #define HID_USAGE_MAX(x) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 2, RI_TYPE_LOCAL, 1) #define HID_USAGE_MAX_N(x, n) HID_REPORT_ITEM(x, 2, RI_TYPE_LOCAL, n) //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Usage Table //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ /// HID Usage Table - Table 1: Usage Page Summary enum { HID_USAGE_PAGE_DESKTOP = 0x01, HID_USAGE_PAGE_SIMULATE = 0x02, HID_USAGE_PAGE_VIRTUAL_REALITY = 0x03, HID_USAGE_PAGE_SPORT = 0x04, HID_USAGE_PAGE_GAME = 0x05, HID_USAGE_PAGE_GENERIC_DEVICE = 0x06, HID_USAGE_PAGE_KEYBOARD = 0x07, HID_USAGE_PAGE_LED = 0x08, HID_USAGE_PAGE_BUTTON = 0x09, HID_USAGE_PAGE_ORDINAL = 0x0a, HID_USAGE_PAGE_TELEPHONY = 0x0b, HID_USAGE_PAGE_CONSUMER = 0x0c, HID_USAGE_PAGE_DIGITIZER = 0x0d, HID_USAGE_PAGE_PID = 0x0f, HID_USAGE_PAGE_UNICODE = 0x10, HID_USAGE_PAGE_ALPHA_DISPLAY = 0x14, HID_USAGE_PAGE_MEDICAL = 0x40, HID_USAGE_PAGE_MONITOR = 0x80, //0x80 - 0x83 HID_USAGE_PAGE_POWER = 0x84, // 0x084 - 0x87 HID_USAGE_PAGE_BARCODE_SCANNER = 0x8c, HID_USAGE_PAGE_SCALE = 0x8d, HID_USAGE_PAGE_MSR = 0x8e, HID_USAGE_PAGE_CAMERA = 0x90, HID_USAGE_PAGE_ARCADE = 0x91, HID_USAGE_PAGE_VENDOR = 0xFFFF // 0xFF00 - 0xFFFF }; /// HID Usage Table - Table 6: Generic Desktop Page enum { HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_POINTER = 0x01, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_MOUSE = 0x02, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_JOYSTICK = 0x04, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_GAMEPAD = 0x05, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_KEYBOARD = 0x06, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_KEYPAD = 0x07, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_MULTI_AXIS_CONTROLLER = 0x08, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_TABLET_PC_SYSTEM = 0x09, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_X = 0x30, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_Y = 0x31, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_Z = 0x32, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_RX = 0x33, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_RY = 0x34, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_RZ = 0x35, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SLIDER = 0x36, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_DIAL = 0x37, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_WHEEL = 0x38, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_HAT_SWITCH = 0x39, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_COUNTED_BUFFER = 0x3a, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_BYTE_COUNT = 0x3b, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_MOTION_WAKEUP = 0x3c, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_START = 0x3d, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SELECT = 0x3e, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_VX = 0x40, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_VY = 0x41, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_VZ = 0x42, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_VBRX = 0x43, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_VBRY = 0x44, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_VBRZ = 0x45, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_VNO = 0x46, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_FEATURE_NOTIFICATION = 0x47, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_RESOLUTION_MULTIPLIER = 0x48, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_CONTROL = 0x80, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_POWER_DOWN = 0x81, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_SLEEP = 0x82, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_WAKE_UP = 0x83, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_CONTEXT_MENU = 0x84, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MAIN_MENU = 0x85, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_APP_MENU = 0x86, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MENU_HELP = 0x87, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MENU_EXIT = 0x88, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MENU_SELECT = 0x89, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MENU_RIGHT = 0x8A, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MENU_LEFT = 0x8B, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MENU_UP = 0x8C, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_MENU_DOWN = 0x8D, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_COLD_RESTART = 0x8E, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_WARM_RESTART = 0x8F, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_DPAD_UP = 0x90, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_DPAD_DOWN = 0x91, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_DPAD_RIGHT = 0x92, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_DPAD_LEFT = 0x93, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DOCK = 0xA0, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_UNDOCK = 0xA1, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_SETUP = 0xA2, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_BREAK = 0xA3, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DEBUGGER_BREAK = 0xA4, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_APPLICATION_BREAK = 0xA5, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_APPLICATION_DEBUGGER_BREAK = 0xA6, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_SPEAKER_MUTE = 0xA7, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_HIBERNATE = 0xA8, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_INVERT = 0xB0, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_INTERNAL = 0xB1, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_EXTERNAL = 0xB2, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_BOTH = 0xB3, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_DUAL = 0xB4, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_TOGGLE_INT_EXT = 0xB5, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_SWAP_PRIMARY_SECONDARY = 0xB6, HID_USAGE_DESKTOP_SYSTEM_DISPLAY_LCD_AUTOSCALE = 0xB7 }; /// HID Usage Table: Consumer Page (0x0C) /// Only contains controls that supported by Windows (whole list is too long) enum { // Generic Control HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_CONTROL = 0x0001, // Power Control HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_POWER = 0x0030, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_RESET = 0x0031, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_SLEEP = 0x0032, // Screen Brightness HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_BRIGHTNESS_INCREMENT = 0x006F, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_BRIGHTNESS_DECREMENT = 0x0070, // These HID usages operate only on mobile systems (battery powered) and // require Windows 8 (build 8302 or greater). HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_WIRELESS_RADIO_CONTROLS = 0x000C, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_WIRELESS_RADIO_BUTTONS = 0x00C6, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_WIRELESS_RADIO_LED = 0x00C7, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_WIRELESS_RADIO_SLIDER_SWITCH = 0x00C8, // Media Control HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_PLAY_PAUSE = 0x00CD, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_SCAN_NEXT = 0x00B5, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_SCAN_PREVIOUS = 0x00B6, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_STOP = 0x00B7, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_VOLUME = 0x00E0, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_MUTE = 0x00E2, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_BASS = 0x00E3, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_TREBLE = 0x00E4, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_BASS_BOOST = 0x00E5, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_VOLUME_INCREMENT = 0x00E9, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_VOLUME_DECREMENT = 0x00EA, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_BASS_INCREMENT = 0x0152, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_BASS_DECREMENT = 0x0153, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_TREBLE_INCREMENT = 0x0154, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_TREBLE_DECREMENT = 0x0155, // Application Launcher HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AL_CONSUMER_CONTROL_CONFIGURATION = 0x0183, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AL_EMAIL_READER = 0x018A, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AL_CALCULATOR = 0x0192, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AL_LOCAL_BROWSER = 0x0194, // Browser/Explorer Specific HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_SEARCH = 0x0221, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_HOME = 0x0223, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_BACK = 0x0224, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_FORWARD = 0x0225, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_STOP = 0x0226, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_REFRESH = 0x0227, HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_BOOKMARKS = 0x022A, // Mouse Horizontal scroll HID_USAGE_CONSUMER_AC_PAN = 0x0238, }; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _TUSB_HID_H__ */ /// @}