include ../../../tools/ # Select the board to build for. ifeq ($(BOARD),) $(info You must provide a BOARD parameter with 'BOARD=') $(info Possible values are:) $(info $(sort $(subst /.,,$(subst $(TOP)/hw/bsp/,,$(wildcard $(TOP)/hw/bsp/*/.))))) $(error BOARD not defined) else ifeq ($(wildcard $(TOP)/hw/bsp/$(BOARD)/.),) $(error Invalid BOARD specified) endif endif # Verbose mode (V=). 0: default, 1: print out CFLAG, LDFLAG 2: print all compile command ifeq ("$(V)","2") QUIET = else QUIET = @ endif # If the build directory is not given, make it reflect the board name. BUILD ?= build-$(BOARD) CROSS_COMPILE = arm-none-eabi- include $(TOP)/hw/bsp/$(BOARD)/ CC = $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc CXX = $(CROSS_COMPILE)g++ OBJCOPY = $(CROSS_COMPILE)objcopy SIZE = $(CROSS_COMPILE)size MKDIR = mkdir SED = sed CP = cp RM = rm INC += -Isrc \ -I$(TOP)/hw \ -I$(TOP)/src CFLAGS += \ -fsingle-precision-constant \ -fno-strict-aliasing \ -Wdouble-promotion \ -Wno-endif-labels \ -Wstrict-prototypes \ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration \ -Wfloat-equal \ -Wundef \ -Wshadow \ -Wwrite-strings \ -Wsign-compare \ -Wmissing-format-attribute \ -Wno-deprecated-declarations \ -Wnested-externs \ -Wunreachable-code \ -Wno-error=lto-type-mismatch \ -ffunction-sections \ -fdata-sections # This causes lots of warning with nrf5x build due to nrfx code # CFLAGS += -Wcast-align #Debugging/Optimization ifeq ($(DEBUG), 1) CFLAGS += -O0 -ggdb else CFLAGS += -flto -Os endif CFLAGS += $(INC) -Wall -Werror -std=gnu11 -DBOARD_$(shell echo $(BOARD) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') LDFLAGS += $(CFLAGS) -fshort-enums -Wl,-T,$(TOP)/$(LD_FILE) -Wl,-Map=$ -Wl,-cref -Wl,-gc-sections -specs=nosys.specs -specs=nano.specs ifeq ("$(V)","1") $(info CFLAGS $(CFLAGS)) $(info ) $(info LDFLAGS $(LDFLAGS)) $(info ) $(info ASFLAGS $(ASFLAGS)) $(info ) endif LIBS = -lgcc -lc -lm -lnosys EXAMPLE_SOURCE += \ src/main.c \ src/msc_app.c \ src/msc_disk_ram.c \ src/tusb_descriptors.c SRC_C += $(addprefix $(CURRENT_PATH)/, $(EXAMPLE_SOURCE)) LIB_SOURCE += \ hw/bsp/$(BOARD)/board_$(BOARD).c \ src/common/tusb_fifo.c \ src/device/usbd.c \ src/device/usbd_auto_desc.c \ src/device/usbd_control.c \ src/class/msc/msc_device.c \ src/class/cdc/cdc_device.c \ src/class/hid/hid_device.c \ src/tusb.c \ src/portable/$(VENDOR)/$(CHIP_FAMILY)/dcd_$(CHIP_FAMILY).c SRC_C += $(LIB_SOURCE) # Assembly files can be name with upper case .S, convert it to .s SRC_S := $(SRC_S:.S=.s) # Due to GCC LTO bug # assembly file should be placed first in linking order OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/obj/, $(SRC_S:.s=.o)) OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/obj/, $(SRC_C:.c=.o)) # Set all as default goal .DEFAULT_GOAL := all all: $(BUILD)/$(BOARD)-firmware.bin size OBJ_DIRS = $(sort $(dir $(OBJ))) $(OBJ): | $(OBJ_DIRS) $(OBJ_DIRS): @$(MKDIR) -p $@ $(BUILD)/$(BOARD)-firmware.elf: $(OBJ) @echo LINK $@ $(QUIET)$(CC) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $^ -Wl,--start-group $(LIBS) -Wl,--end-group $(BUILD)/$(BOARD)-firmware.bin: $(BUILD)/$(BOARD)-firmware.elf @echo CREATE $@ @$(OBJCOPY) -O binary -j .vectors -j .text -j .data $^ $@ $(BUILD)/$(BOARD)-firmware.hex: $(BUILD)/$(BOARD)-firmware.elf @echo CREATE $@ @$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $^ $@ # We set vpath to point to the top of the tree so that the source files # can be located. By following this scheme, it allows a single build rule # to be used to compile all .c files. vpath %.c . $(TOP) $(BUILD)/obj/%.o: %.c @echo CC $(notdir $@) $(QUIET)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -MD -o $@ $< @# The following fixes the dependency file. @# See for details. @# Regex adjusted from the above to play better with Windows paths, etc. @$(CP) $(@:.o=.d) $(@:.o=.P); \ $(SED) -e 's/#.*//' -e 's/^.*: *//' -e 's/ *\\$$//' \ -e '/^$$/ d' -e 's/$$/ :/' < $(@:.o=.d) >> $(@:.o=.P); \ $(RM) $(@:.o=.d) # ASM sources lower case .s vpath %.s . $(TOP) $(BUILD)/obj/%.o: %.s @echo AS $(notdir $@) $(QUIET)$(CC) -x assembler-with-cpp $(ASFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< # ASM sources upper case .S vpath %.S . $(TOP) $(BUILD)/obj/%.o: %.S @echo AS $(notdir $@) $(QUIET)$(CC) -x assembler-with-cpp $(ASFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< # Flash binary using Jlink, should be added into system path ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) JLINKEXE = JLink.exe else JLINKEXE = JLinkExe endif # default jlink interface is swd ifeq ($(JLINK_IF),) JLINK_IF = swd endif # Flash using jlink flash-jlink: $(BUILD)/$(BOARD)-firmware.hex @echo halt > $(BUILD)/$(BOARD).jlink @echo loadfile $^ >> $(BUILD)/$(BOARD).jlink @echo r >> $(BUILD)/$(BOARD).jlink @echo go >> $(BUILD)/$(BOARD).jlink @echo exit >> $(BUILD)/$(BOARD).jlink $(JLINKEXE) -device $(JLINK_DEVICE) -if $(JLINK_IF) -speed auto -CommandFile $(BUILD)/$(BOARD).jlink size: $(BUILD)/$(BOARD)-firmware.elf -@echo '' @$(SIZE) $< -@echo '' clean: rm -rf build-$(BOARD)