/**************************************************************************/ /*! @file hid.c @author hathach (tinyusb.org) @section LICENSE Software License Agreement (BSD License) Copyright (c) 2013, hathach (tinyusb.org) All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This file is part of the tinyusb stack. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "hid.h" #if defined DEVICE_CLASS_HID && defined TUSB_CFG_DEVICE #ifdef TUSB_CFG_DEVICE_HID_KEYBOARD tusb_keyboard_report_t hid_keyboard_report; static volatile bool bKeyChanged = false; #endif #ifdef TUSB_CFG_DEVICE_HID_MOUSE tusb_mouse_report_t hid_mouse_report; static volatile bool bMouseChanged = false; #endif /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Handler for HID_GetReport in the USB ROM driver */ /**************************************************************************/ ErrorCode_t HID_GetReport( USBD_HANDLE_T hHid, USB_SETUP_PACKET* pSetup, uint8_t** pBuffer, uint16_t* plength) { USB_HID_CTRL_T* pHidCtrl = (USB_HID_CTRL_T*) hHid; /* ReportID = SetupPacket.wValue.WB.L; */ if (pSetup->wValue.WB.H == HID_REPORT_INPUT) return (ERR_USBD_STALL); /* Not Supported */ switch (pHidCtrl->protocol) { #ifdef TUSB_CFG_DEVICE_HID_KEYBOARD case HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD: *pBuffer = (uint8_t*) &hid_keyboard_report; *plength = sizeof(tusb_keyboard_report_t); if (!bKeyChanged) { memset(pBuffer, 0, *plength); } bKeyChanged = false; break; #endif #ifdef TUSB_CFG_DEVICE_HID_MOUSE case HID_PROTOCOL_MOUSE: *pBuffer = (uint8_t*) &hid_mouse_report; *plength = sizeof(tusb_mouse_report_t); if (!bMouseChanged) { memset(pBuffer, 0, *plength); } bMouseChanged = false; break; #endif default: break; } return (LPC_OK); } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Handler for HIS_SetReport in the USB ROM driver */ /**************************************************************************/ ErrorCode_t HID_SetReport( USBD_HANDLE_T hHid, USB_SETUP_PACKET* pSetup, uint8_t** pBuffer, uint16_t length) { /* we will reuse standard EP0Buf */ if (length == 0) return LPC_OK; /* ReportID = SetupPacket.wValue.WB.L; */ if (pSetup->wValue.WB.H != HID_REPORT_OUTPUT) return (ERR_USBD_STALL); /* Not Supported */ return (LPC_OK); } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief HID endpoint in handler for the USB ROM driver */ /**************************************************************************/ ErrorCode_t HID_EpIn_Hdlr (USBD_HANDLE_T hUsb, void* data, uint32_t event) { if (USB_EVT_IN == event) { USB_HID_CTRL_T* pHidCtrl = (USB_HID_CTRL_T*)data; switch(pHidCtrl->protocol) { #ifdef TUSB_CFG_DEVICE_HID_KEYBOARD case HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD: if (!bKeyChanged) { memset(&hid_keyboard_report, 0, sizeof(tusb_keyboard_report_t)); } ROM_API->hw->WriteEP(hUsb, pHidCtrl->epin_adr, (uint8_t*) &hid_keyboard_report, sizeof(tusb_keyboard_report_t)); bKeyChanged = false; break; #endif #ifdef TUSB_CFG_DEVICE_HID_MOUSE case HID_PROTOCOL_MOUSE: if (!bMouseChanged) { memset(&hid_mouse_report, 0, sizeof(tusb_mouse_report_t)); } ROM_API->hw->WriteEP(hUsb, pHidCtrl->epin_adr, (uint8_t*) &hid_mouse_report, sizeof(tusb_mouse_report_t)); bMouseChanged = false; break; #endif default: break; } } return LPC_OK; } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief HID endpoint out handler for the USB ROM driver */ /**************************************************************************/ ErrorCode_t HID_EpOut_Hdlr (USBD_HANDLE_T hUsb, void* data, uint32_t event) { if (USB_EVT_OUT == event) { // not used yet // uint8_t outreport[8]; // USB_HID_CTRL_T* pHidCtrl = (USB_HID_CTRL_T*)data; // ROM_API->hw->ReadEP(hUsb, pHidCtrl->epout_adr, outreport); } return LPC_OK; } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Initialises USB HID using the ROM based drivers */ /**************************************************************************/ tusb_error_t tusb_hid_init(USBD_HANDLE_T hUsb, USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR const *const pIntfDesc, uint8_t const * const pHIDReportDesc, uint32_t ReportDescLength, uint32_t* mem_base, uint32_t* mem_size) { USB_HID_REPORT_T reports_data = { .desc = (uint8_t*) pHIDReportDesc, .len = ReportDescLength, .idle_time = 0, }; USBD_HID_INIT_PARAM_T hid_param = { .mem_base = *mem_base, .mem_size = *mem_size, .intf_desc = (uint8_t*)pIntfDesc, .report_data = &reports_data, .max_reports = 1, /* user defined functions */ .HID_GetReport = HID_GetReport, .HID_SetReport = HID_SetReport, .HID_EpIn_Hdlr = HID_EpIn_Hdlr, .HID_EpOut_Hdlr = HID_EpOut_Hdlr }; ASSERT( (pIntfDesc != NULL) && (pIntfDesc->bInterfaceClass == USB_DEVICE_CLASS_HUMAN_INTERFACE), ERR_FAILED); ASSERT( LPC_OK == ROM_API->hid->init(hUsb, &hid_param), TUSB_ERROR_FAILED ); /* update memory variables */ *mem_base += (*mem_size - hid_param.mem_size); *mem_size = hid_param.mem_size; return TUSB_ERROR_NONE; } /**************************************************************************/ /*! */ /**************************************************************************/ tusb_error_t tusb_hid_configured(USBD_HANDLE_T hUsb) { #ifdef TUSB_CFG_DEVICE_HID_KEYBOARD ROM_API->hw->WriteEP(hUsb , HID_KEYBOARD_EP_IN , (uint8_t* ) &hid_keyboard_report , sizeof(tusb_keyboard_report_t) ); // initial packet for IN endpoint , will not work if omitted #endif #ifdef TUSB_CFG_DEVICE_HID_MOUSE ROM_API->hw->WriteEP(hUsb , HID_MOUSE_EP_IN , (uint8_t* ) &hid_mouse_report , sizeof(tusb_mouse_report_t) ); // initial packet for IN endpoint, will not work if omitted #endif return TUSB_ERROR_NONE; } #ifdef TUSB_CFG_DEVICE_HID_KEYBOARD /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Send the supplied key codes out via HID USB keyboard emulation @param[in] modifier KB modifier code bits (see USB_HID_KB_KEYMODIFIER_CODE) @param[in] keycodes A buffer containing up to six keycodes @param[in] numkey The number of keys to send (max 6) @note Note that for HID KBs, letter codes are not case sensitive. To create an upper-case letter, you need to include the correct KB modifier code(s), for ex: (1 << HID_KEYMODIFIER_LEFTSHIFT) @section EXAMPLE @code // Send an unmodified 'a' character if (usb_isConfigured()) { uint8_t keys[6] = {HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_aA}; tusb_hid_keyboard_sendKeys(0x00, keys, 1); } // Send Windows + 'e' (shortcut for 'explorer.exe') if (usb_isConfigured()) { uint8_t keys[6] = {HID_USAGE_KEYBOARD_aA + 'e' - 'a'}; tusb_hid_keyboard_sendKeys((1<