if (NOT TARGET _family_support_marker) add_library(_family_support_marker INTERFACE) if (NOT FAMILY) message(FATAL_ERROR "You must set a FAMILY variable for the build (e.g. rp2040, eps32s2, esp32s3). You can do this via -DFAMILY=xxx on the camke command line") endif() if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/${FAMILY}/family.cmake) message(FATAL_ERROR "Family '${FAMILY}' is not known/supported") endif() function(family_filter RESULT DIR) get_filename_component(DIR ${DIR} ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) file(GLOB ONLYS "${DIR}/.only.MCU_*") if (ONLYS) foreach(MCU IN LISTS FAMILY_MCUS) if (EXISTS ${DIR}/.only.MCU_${MCU}) set(${RESULT} 1 PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() endforeach() else() foreach(MCU IN LISTS FAMILY_MCUS) if (EXISTS ${DIR}/.skip.MCU_${MCU}) set(${RESULT} 0 PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() endforeach() endif() set(${RESULT} 1 PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(family_add_subdirectory DIR) family_filter(SHOULD_ADD "${DIR}") if (SHOULD_ADD) add_subdirectory(${DIR}) endif() endfunction() function(family_get_project_name OUTPUT_NAME DIR) get_filename_component(SHORT_NAME ${DIR} NAME) set(${OUTPUT_NAME} ${TINYUSB_FAMILY_PROJECT_NAME_PREFIX}${SHORT_NAME} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(family_initialize_project PROJECT DIR) family_filter(ALLOWED "${DIR}") if (NOT ALLOWED) get_filename_component(SHORT_NAME ${DIR} NAME) message(FATAL_ERROR "${SHORT_NAME} is not supported on FAMILY=${FAMILY}") endif() endfunction() # configure an executable target to link to tinyusb in device mode, and add the board implementation function(family_configure_device_example TARGET) # default implentation is empty, the function should be redefined in the FAMILY/family.cmake endfunction() # configure an executable target to link to tinyusb in host mode, and add the board implementation function(family_configure_host_example TARGET) # default implentation is empty, the function should be redefined in the FAMILY/family.cmake endfunction() include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/${FAMILY}/family.cmake) if (NOT FAMILY_MCUS) set(FAMILY_MCUS ${FAMILY}) endif() # save it in case of re-inclusion set(FAMILY_MCUS ${FAMILY_MCUS} CACHE INTERNAL "") endif()