# TinyUSB Changelog ## Master branch (WIP) ### Breaking - TinyUSB does not directly implement USB IRQ Handler function anymore. Application must implement IRQ Handler and invoke `tud_int_handler(rhport)`. This is due to: - IRQ Handler name can be different across system depending on the startup - Some OS need to execute enterISR()/exitISR() to work properly, also tracing tool may need to insert trace ISR enter/exit to record usb event - Give application full control of IRQ handler, can be useful e.g signaling there is new usb event without constant polling ### MCU - All default IRQ Handler is renamed to `dcd_int_handler()` ### Others - tud_cdc_n_write_flush() return number of bytes forced to transfer instead of bool ## 0.6.0 - 2019.03.30 Added **CONTRIBUTORS.md** to give proper credit for contributors to the stack. Special thanks to [Nathan Conrad](https://github.com/pigrew), [Peter Lawrence](https://github.com/majbthrd) and [William D. Jones](https://github.com/cr1901) and others for spending their precious time to add lots of features and ports for this release. ### Added **MCU** - Added support for Microchip SAMG55 - Added support for Nordic nRF52833 - Added support for Nuvoton: NUC120, NUC121/NUC125, NUC126, NUC505 - Added support for NXP LPC: 51Uxx, 54xxx, 55xx - Added support for NXP iMXRT: RT1011, RT1015, RT1021, RT1052, RT1062, RT1064 - Added support for Sony CXD56 (Spresense) - Added support for STM32: L0, F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F7, H7 - Added support for TI MSP430 - Added support for ValentyUSB's eptri **Class Driver** - Added DFU Runtime class driver - Added Network class driver with RNDIS, CDC-ECM, CDC-EEM (work in progress) - Added USBTMC class driver - Added WebUSB class driver using vendor-specific class - Added multiple instances support for CDC and MIDI - Added a handful of unit test with Ceedling. - Added LOG support for debugging with CFG_TUSB_DEBUG - Added `tud_descriptor_bos_cb()` for BOS descriptor (required for USB 2.1) - Added `dcd_edpt0_status_complete()` as optional API for DCD **Examples** Following examples are added: - board_test - cdc_dual_ports - dfu_rt - hid_composite - net_lwip_webserver - usbtmc - webusb_serial **Boards** Following boards are added: - adafruit_clue - arduino_nano33_ble - circuitplayground_bluefruit - circuitplayground_express - feather_m0_express - feather_nrf52840_sense - feather_stm32f405 - fomu - itsybitsy_m0 - itsybitsy_m4 - lpcxpresso11u37 - lpcxpresso1549 - lpcxpresso51u68 - lpcxpresso54114 - lpcxpresso55s69 - mbed1768 - mimxrt1010_evk - mimxrt1015_evk - mimxrt1020_evk - mimxrt1050_evkb - mimxrt1060_evk - mimxrt1064_evk - msp_exp430f5529lp - ngx4330 - nrf52840_mdk_dongle - nutiny_nuc121s - nutiny_nuc125s - nutiny_nuc126v - nutiny_sdk_nuc120 - nutiny_sdk_nuc505 - pca10059 - pca10100 - pyboardv11 - raytac_mdbt50q_rx - samg55xplained - seeeduino_xiao - spresense - stm32f070rbnucleo - stm32f072disco - stm32f103bluepill - stm32f207nucleo - stm32f401blackpill - stm32f411blackpill - stm32f411disco - stm32f412disco - stm32f767nucleo - stm32h743nucleo - stm32l0538disco - stm32l476disco - teensy_40 ### Changed - Changed `tud_descriptor_string_cb()` to have additional Language ID argument - Merged hal_nrf5x.c into dcd_nrf5x.c - Merged dcd_samd21.c and dcd_samd51.c into dcd_samd.c - Generalized dcd_stm32f4.c to dcd_synopsys.c - Changed cdc_msc_hid to cdc_msc (drop hid) due to limited endpoints number of some MCUs - Improved DCD SAMD stability, fix missing setup packet occasionally - Improved usbd/usbd_control with proper hanlding of zero-length packet (ZLP) - Improved STM32 DCD FSDev - Improved STM32 DCD Synopsys - Migrated CI from Travis to Github Action - Updated nrfx submodule to 2.1.0 - Fixed mynewt osal queue definition - Fixed cdc_msc_freertos example build for all MCUs ## 0.5.0 (Initial Release) - 2019.07.10 First release, device stack works great, host stack works but still need improvement. - Special thanks to @adafruit team, especially @tannewt to help out immensely to rework device stack: simplify osal & control transfer, adding SAMD21/SAMD51 ports, writing porting docs, adding MIDI class support etc... - Thanks to @cr1901 for adding STM32F4 port. - Thanks to @PTS93 and @todbot for HID raw API