//***************************************************************************** // +--+ // | ++----+ // +-++ | // | | // +-+--+ | // | +--+--+ // +----+ Copyright (c) 2011-12 Code Red Technologies Ltd. // // Microcontroller Startup code for use with Red Suite // // Version : 120126 // // Software License Agreement // // The software is owned by Code Red Technologies and/or its suppliers, and is // protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any // use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal // sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach // of the terms and conditions of this license. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED // OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. // USE OF THIS SOFTWARE FOR COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND/OR EDUCATION IS SUBJECT // TO A CURRENT END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (COMMERCIAL OR EDUCATIONAL) WITH // CODE RED TECHNOLOGIES LTD. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined (__cplusplus) #ifdef __REDLIB__ #error Redlib does not support C++ #else //***************************************************************************** // // The entry point for the C++ library startup // //***************************************************************************** extern "C" { extern void __libc_init_array(void); } #endif #endif #define WEAK __attribute__ ((weak)) #define ALIAS(f) __attribute__ ((weak, alias (#f))) /* Include sys_config.h to get the CHIP_11* device identifier */ #include "sys_config.h" // Code Red - if CMSIS is being used, then SystemInit() routine // will be called by startup code rather than in application's main() extern void SystemInit(void); //***************************************************************************** #if defined (__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif //***************************************************************************** // // Forward declaration of the default handlers. These are aliased. // When the application defines a handler (with the same name), this will // automatically take precedence over these weak definitions // //***************************************************************************** void ResetISR(void); WEAK void NMI_Handler(void); WEAK void HardFault_Handler(void); WEAK void SVC_Handler(void); WEAK void PendSV_Handler(void); WEAK void SysTick_Handler(void); WEAK void IntDefaultHandler(void); //***************************************************************************** // // Forward declaration of the specific IRQ handlers. These are aliased // to the IntDefaultHandler, which is a 'forever' loop. When the application // defines a handler (with the same name), this will automatically take // precedence over these weak definitions // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(CHIP_LPC1343) void WAKEUP_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void I2C_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void TIMER16_0_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void TIMER16_1_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void TIMER32_0_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void TIMER32_1_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void SSP0_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void UART_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void USB_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void USB_FIQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void ADC_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void WDT_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void BOD_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void FMC_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void PIOINT3_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void PIOINT2_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void PIOINT1_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void PIOINT0_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); #elif defined(CHIP_LPC1347) void PIN_INT0_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void PIN_INT1_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void PIN_INT2_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void PIN_INT3_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void PIN_INT4_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void PIN_INT5_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void PIN_INT6_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void PIN_INT7_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void GINT0_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void GINT1_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void RIT_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void SSP1_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void I2C_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void TIMER16_0_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void TIMER16_1_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void TIMER32_0_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void TIMER32_1_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void SSP0_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void UART_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void USB_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void USB_FIQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void ADC_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void WDT_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void BOD_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void FMC_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void OSCFAIL_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void PVTCIRCUIT_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); void USBWakeup_IRQHandler (void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler); #else #error No CHIP_134* device defined #endif //***************************************************************************** // // The entry point for the application. // __main() is the entry point for redlib based applications // main() is the entry point for newlib based applications // //***************************************************************************** // // The entry point for the application. // __main() is the entry point for Redlib based applications // main() is the entry point for Newlib based applications // //***************************************************************************** #if defined (__REDLIB__) extern void __main(void); #endif extern int main(void); //***************************************************************************** // // External declaration for the pointer to the stack top from the Linker Script // //***************************************************************************** extern void _vStackTop(void); //***************************************************************************** #if defined (__cplusplus) } // extern "C" #endif //***************************************************************************** // // The vector table. Note that the proper constructs must be placed on this to // ensure that it ends up at physical address 0x0000.0000. // //***************************************************************************** extern void (* const g_pfnVectors[])(void); __attribute__ ((section(".isr_vector"))) __attribute__ ((used)) void (* const g_pfnVectors[])(void) = { &_vStackTop, // The initial stack pointer ResetISR, // The reset handler NMI_Handler, // The NMI handler HardFault_Handler, // The hard fault handler 0, // Reserved 0, // Reserved 0, // Reserved 0, // Reserved 0, // Reserved 0, // Reserved 0, // Reserved SVC_Handler, // SVCall handler 0, // Reserved 0, // Reserved PendSV_Handler, // The PendSV handler SysTick_Handler, // The SysTick handler #if defined(CHIP_LPC1343) WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO0.0 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO0.1 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO0.2 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO0.3 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO0.4 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO0.5 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO0.6 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO0.7 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO0.8 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO0.9 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO0.10 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO0.11 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO1.0 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO1.1 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO1.2 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO1.3 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO1.4 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO1.5 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO1.6 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO1.7 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO1.8 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO1.9 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO1.10 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO1.11 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO2.0 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO2.1 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO2.2 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO2.3 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO2.4 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO2.5 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO2.6 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO2.7 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO2.8 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO2.9 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO2.10 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO2.11 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO3.0 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO3.1 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO3.2 WAKEUP_IRQHandler, // Wakeup PIO3.3 I2C_IRQHandler, // I2C TIMER16_0_IRQHandler, // 16-bit Counter-Timer 0 TIMER16_1_IRQHandler, // 16-bit Counter-Timer 1 TIMER32_0_IRQHandler, // 32-bit Counter-Timer 0 TIMER32_1_IRQHandler, // 32-bit Counter-Timer 1 SSP0_IRQHandler, // SSP0 UART_IRQHandler, // UART USB_IRQHandler, // USB IRQ USB_FIQHandler, // USB FIQ ADC_IRQHandler, // A/D Converter WDT_IRQHandler, // Watchdog Timer BOD_IRQHandler, // Brown Out Detect FMC_IRQHandler, // IP2111 Flash Memory Controller PIOINT3_IRQHandler, // PIO INT3 PIOINT2_IRQHandler, // PIO INT2 PIOINT1_IRQHandler, // PIO INT1 PIOINT0_IRQHandler, // PIO INT0 #elif defined(CHIP_LPC1347) PIN_INT0_IRQHandler, // All GPIO pin can be routed to PIN_INTx PIN_INT1_IRQHandler, PIN_INT2_IRQHandler, PIN_INT3_IRQHandler, PIN_INT4_IRQHandler, PIN_INT5_IRQHandler, PIN_INT6_IRQHandler, PIN_INT7_IRQHandler, GINT0_IRQHandler, GINT1_IRQHandler, // PIO0 (0:7) 0, 0, RIT_IRQHandler, 0, SSP1_IRQHandler, // SSP1 I2C_IRQHandler, // I2C TIMER16_0_IRQHandler, // 16-bit Counter-Timer 0 TIMER16_1_IRQHandler, // 16-bit Counter-Timer 1 TIMER32_0_IRQHandler, // 32-bit Counter-Timer 0 TIMER32_1_IRQHandler, // 32-bit Counter-Timer 1 SSP0_IRQHandler, // SSP0 UART_IRQHandler, // UART USB_IRQHandler, // USB IRQ USB_FIQHandler, // USB FIQ ADC_IRQHandler, // A/D Converter WDT_IRQHandler, // Watchdog Timer BOD_IRQHandler, // Brown Out Detect FMC_IRQHandler, // IP2111 Flash Memory Controller OSCFAIL_IRQHandler, // OSC FAIL PVTCIRCUIT_IRQHandler, // PVT CIRCUIT USBWakeup_IRQHandler, // USB wake up 0, #else #error No CHIP_13* device defined #endif }; //***************************************************************************** // Functions to carry out the initialization of RW and BSS data sections. These // are written as separate functions rather than being inlined within the // ResetISR() function in order to cope with MCUs with multiple banks of // memory. //***************************************************************************** __attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors"))) void data_init(unsigned int romstart, unsigned int start, unsigned int len) { unsigned int *pulDest = (unsigned int*) start; unsigned int *pulSrc = (unsigned int*) romstart; unsigned int loop; for (loop = 0; loop < len; loop = loop + 4) *pulDest++ = *pulSrc++; } __attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors"))) void bss_init(unsigned int start, unsigned int len) { unsigned int *pulDest = (unsigned int*) start; unsigned int loop; for (loop = 0; loop < len; loop = loop + 4) *pulDest++ = 0; } #ifndef USE_OLD_STYLE_DATA_BSS_INIT //***************************************************************************** // The following symbols are constructs generated by the linker, indicating // the location of various points in the "Global Section Table". This table is // created by the linker via the Code Red managed linker script mechanism. It // contains the load address, execution address and length of each RW data // section and the execution and length of each BSS (zero initialized) section. //***************************************************************************** extern unsigned int __data_section_table; extern unsigned int __data_section_table_end; extern unsigned int __bss_section_table; extern unsigned int __bss_section_table_end; #else //***************************************************************************** // The following symbols are constructs generated by the linker, indicating // the load address, execution address and length of the RW data section and // the execution and length of the BSS (zero initialized) section. // Note that these symbols are not normally used by the managed linker script // mechanism in Red Suite/LPCXpresso 3.6 (Windows) and LPCXpresso 3.8 (Linux). // They are provide here simply so this startup code can be used with earlier // versions of Red Suite which do not support the more advanced managed linker // script mechanism introduced in the above version. To enable their use, // define "USE_OLD_STYLE_DATA_BSS_INIT". //***************************************************************************** extern unsigned int _etext; extern unsigned int _data; extern unsigned int _edata; extern unsigned int _bss; extern unsigned int _ebss; #endif //***************************************************************************** // Reset entry point for your code. // Sets up a simple runtime environment and initializes the C/C++ // library. //***************************************************************************** __attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors"))) void ResetISR(void) { #ifndef USE_OLD_STYLE_DATA_BSS_INIT // // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM. // unsigned int LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen; unsigned int *SectionTableAddr; // Load base address of Global Section Table SectionTableAddr = &__data_section_table; // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM. while (SectionTableAddr < &__data_section_table_end) { LoadAddr = *SectionTableAddr++; ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++; SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++; data_init(LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen); } // At this point, SectionTableAddr = &__bss_section_table; // Zero fill the bss segment while (SectionTableAddr < &__bss_section_table_end) { ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++; SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++; bss_init(ExeAddr, SectionLen); } #else // Use Old Style Data and BSS section initialization. // This will only initialize a single RAM bank. unsigned int * LoadAddr, *ExeAddr, *EndAddr, SectionLen; // Copy the data segment from flash to SRAM. LoadAddr = &_etext; ExeAddr = &_data; EndAddr = &_edata; SectionLen = (void*)EndAddr - (void*)ExeAddr; data_init((unsigned int)LoadAddr, (unsigned int)ExeAddr, SectionLen); // Zero fill the bss segment ExeAddr = &_bss; EndAddr = &_ebss; SectionLen = (void*)EndAddr - (void*)ExeAddr; bss_init ((unsigned int)ExeAddr, SectionLen); #endif extern void SystemInit(void); SystemInit(); #if defined (__cplusplus) // // Call C++ library initialisation // __libc_init_array(); #endif #if defined (__REDLIB__) // Call the Redlib library, which in turn calls main() __main() ; #else main(); #endif // // main() shouldn't return, but if it does, we'll just enter an infinite loop // while (1) { ; } } //***************************************************************************** // Default exception handlers. Override the ones here by defining your own // handler routines in your application code. //***************************************************************************** __attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors"))) void NMI_Handler(void) { while(1) { } } __attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors"))) void HardFault_Handler(void) { while(1) { } } __attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors"))) void SVC_Handler(void) { while(1) { } } __attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors"))) void PendSV_Handler(void) { while(1) { } } __attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors"))) void SysTick_Handler(void) { while(1) { } } //***************************************************************************** // // Processor ends up here if an unexpected interrupt occurs or a specific // handler is not present in the application code. // //***************************************************************************** __attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors"))) void IntDefaultHandler(void) { while(1) { } }