require 'ceedling/plugin' require 'ceedling/constants' class WarningsReport < Plugin def setup @stderr_redirect = nil @log_paths = {} end def pre_compile_execute(arg_hash) # at beginning of compile, override tool's stderr_redirect so we can parse $stderr + $stdout set_stderr_redirect(arg_hash) end def post_compile_execute(arg_hash) # after compilation, grab output for parsing/logging, restore stderr_redirect, log warning if it exists output = arg_hash[:shell_result][:output] restore_stderr_redirect(arg_hash) write_warning_log(arg_hash[:context], output) end def pre_link_execute(arg_hash) # at beginning of link, override tool's stderr_redirect so we can parse $stderr + $stdout set_stderr_redirect(arg_hash) end def post_link_execute(arg_hash) # after linking, grab output for parsing/logging, restore stderr_redirect, log warning if it exists output = arg_hash[:shell_result][:output] restore_stderr_redirect(arg_hash) write_warning_log(arg_hash[:context], output) end private def set_stderr_redirect(hash) @stderr_redirect = hash[:tool][:stderr_redirect] hash[:tool][:stderr_redirect] = StdErrRedirect::AUTO end def restore_stderr_redirect(hash) hash[:tool][:stderr_redirect] = @stderr_redirect end def write_warning_log(context, output) # if $stderr/$stdout contain "warning", log it if output =~ /warning/i # generate a log path & file io write flags logging = generate_log_path(context) @ceedling[:file_wrapper].write(logging[:path], output + "\n", logging[:flags]) unless logging.nil? end end def generate_log_path(context) # if path has already been generated, return it & 'append' file io flags (append to log) return { path: @log_paths[context], flags: 'a' } unless @log_paths[context].nil? # first time through, generate path & 'write' file io flags (create new log) base_path = File.join(PROJECT_BUILD_ARTIFACTS_ROOT, context.to_s) file_path = File.join(base_path, 'warnings.log') if @ceedling[:file_wrapper].exist?(base_path) @log_paths[context] = file_path return { path: file_path, flags: 'w' } end nil end end