class GeneratorTestRunner constructor :configurator, :file_path_utils, :file_wrapper def find_test_cases(test_file) tests = [] tests_and_line_numbers = [] lines = [] # if we don't have preprocessor assistance, do some basic preprocessing of our own if (not @configurator.project_use_test_preprocessor) source = # remove line comments source = source.gsub(/\/\/.*$/, '') # remove block comments source = source.gsub(/\/\*.*?\*\//m, '') # treat preprocessor directives as a logical line lines = source.split(/(^\s*\#.*$) | (;|\{|\}) /x) # match ;, {, and } as end of lines # otherwise, read the preprocessed file raw else lines = @file_path_utils.form_preprocessed_file_filepath(test_file) ).split(/;|\{|\}/) end # step 1. find test functions in (possibly preprocessed) file # (note that lines are not broken up at end of lines) lines.each do |line| if (line =~ /^\s*void\s+((T|t)est.*)\s*\(\s*(void)?\s*\)/m) tests << ($1.strip) end end # step 2. associate test functions with line numbers in (non-preprocessed) original file # (note that this time we must scan file contents broken up by end of lines) raw_lines ="\n") raw_index = 0 tests.each do |test| raw_lines[raw_index..-1].each_with_index do |line, index| # test function might be declared across lines; look for it by its name followed # by a few tell-tale signs if (line =~ /#{test}\s*($|\(|\()/) raw_index += (index + 1) tests_and_line_numbers << {:test => test, :line_number => raw_index} break end end end return tests_and_line_numbers end def generate(module_name, runner_filepath, test_cases, mock_list) require 'generate_test_runner.rb' @test_runner_generator ||= @configurator.get_runner_config ) @test_runner_generator.generate( module_name, runner_filepath, test_cases, mock_list) end end