# encoding: utf-8 # ruby: 1.9 class Telegram attr_accessor :direction, :cast, :transmission, :node, :object, :data # transmission types RESERVED = 0 QUERY = 1 ANSWER = 2 SEND = 3 # object types OBJECTS = [] OBJECTS[0] = "device type" OBJECTS[1] = "serial no." OBJECTS[2] = "nominal voltage (V)" OBJECTS[3] = "nominal current (A)" OBJECTS[4] = "nominal power (W)" OBJECTS[6] = "article no." OBJECTS[8] = "manufacturer" OBJECTS[9] = "software version" OBJECTS[19] = "device class" OBJECTS[38] = "over voltage protection threshold (%V)" OBJECTS[39] = "over current protection threshold (%A)" OBJECTS[50] = "set voltage (%V)" OBJECTS[51] = "set current (%I)" OBJECTS[54] = "power supply control" OBJECTS[71] = "status and actual values" OBJECTS[72] = "status and set values" OBJECTS[255] = "error" # length of the object type LENGTHS = [] LENGTHS[0] = 16 LENGTHS[1] = 16 LENGTHS[2] = 4 LENGTHS[3] = 4 LENGTHS[4] = 4 LENGTHS[6] = 16 LENGTHS[8] = 16 LENGTHS[9] = 16 LENGTHS[19] = 2 LENGTHS[38] = 2 LENGTHS[39] = 2 LENGTHS[50] = 2 LENGTHS[51] = 2 LENGTHS[54] = 2 LENGTHS[71] = 6 LENGTHS[72] = 6 LENGTHS[255] = 1 # possibles errors ERRORS = [] ERRORS[0] = "no error" ERRORS[3] = "checksum incorrect" ERRORS[4] = "start delimiter incorrect" ERRORS[5] = "wrong address for output" ERRORS[7] = "object not defined" ERRORS[8] = "object length incorrect" ERRORS[9] = "no access permission" ERRORS[15] = "device in lock state" ERRORS[48] = "upper limit exceeded" ERRORS[49] = "lower limit exceeded" # create a query or send telegram for this object # query if data is nil, else send data def initialize (object, data=nil) # telegram direction: true = control unit to device, false = device to control unit @direction = true # cast type: true = query, false = answer @cast = true # device node @node = 0 # set object @object = object # verify data if data==nil or data.empty? then @transmission = QUERY @data = [] else raise "wrong data length" if LENGTHS[@object] and data.length!=LENGTHS[@object] @transmission = SEND @data = data end end # create a Telegram from the raw telegram data def Telegram.parse (telegram) # check there are at least 5 bytes (minimum message size) return nil if telegram==nil return nil if telegram.length<5 bytes = telegram.bytes.to_a # get bytes to_return = new(bytes[2]) # new Telegram # parse start delimiter (SD) length = bytes[0]&0x0f # get length to_return.direction = (bytes[0]&0x10!=0) to_return.cast = (bytes[0]&0x20!=0) to_return.transmission = ((bytes[0]>>6)&0x03) # parse device node (DN) to_return.node = bytes[1] # parse object (OBJ) to_return.object = bytes[2] # parse data field to_return.data = bytes[3..-3] # parse checksum (CS) checksum = (bytes[-2]<<8)+bytes[-1] bytes[0..-3].each { |b| checksum -= b } # run some checks raise "wrong length. expected #{length}, got #{to_return.data.length-1}" if (to_return.transmission==SEND or to_return.transmission==ANSWER) and length != to_return.data.length-1 raise "wrong checksum. off by #{checksum}" if checksum != 0 return to_return end # is the telegram from the control unit to the device def to_device? return @direction end # is the telegram from the device to the control unit def to_control? return !@direction end # is the telegram a query def query? return @cast end # is the telegram an answer def answer? return !@cast end # pack all except checksum def pack_data # make start delimiter raise "too much data" if data.length-1>0xf length = nil if @transmission==ANSWER or @transmission==RESERVED then raise "wrong data field length. expected #{LENGTHS[@object]}, got #{data.length}" if LENGTHS[@object] and data.length>LENGTHS[@object] end if @data and !@data.empty? then start = data.length-1 elsif LENGTHS[@object] then start = LENGTHS[@object]-1 else start = 0x0f end start += 1<<4 if @direction start += 1<<5 if @cast start += @transmission<<6 # add rest return [start,@node,@object]+@data end # pack telegram as string def pack # calculate checksum data = pack_data data += [checksum>>8,checksum&0xff] return data.pack("C*") end # calculate checksum def checksum # calculate checksum data = pack_data cs = 0 data.each { |b| cs += b } return cs end # check packet def check_direction raise "wrong direction" if (@direction and !@cast) or (@cast and !(@transmission==QUERY or @transmission==SEND)) or (!@direction and @cast) or (!@cast and !(@transmission==ANSWER or @transmission==RESERVED)) end def to_s str = @direction ? "<" : ">" if OBJECTS[@object] then if @object==0 and @data.length==2 and @data[0]==0xFF then # bug in the firmware. error should use object FF but uses object 00 and first byte is FF. second byte is error" str += " error" else str += " "+OBJECTS[@object] end else str += " #{@object}" end if @data and !@data.empty? then str += ": " case @object when 0 # string or error (that's a bug) if @data.length==2 and @data[0]==0xFF then # error str += (ERRORS[@data[1]] or "unknown") else # string data = @data.pack("C*") str_end = data.index("\0") str_end = data.length unless str_end str += data[0,str_end] end when 1,6,8,9 # strings data = @data.pack("C*") str_end = data.index("\0") str_end = data.length unless str_end str += data[0,str_end] when 2,3,4 # float str += @data.pack("C*").unpack("g")[0].to_s when 19 # id str += if @data == [0x00,0x10] then "PS 2000 B Single" elsif @data == [0x00,0x18] then "PS 2000 B Triple" else "unknown" end when 38,39,50,51 # percentage str += (@data.pack("C*").unpack("n")[0]/256.0).round(3).to_s when 54 # changes changes = [] changes << ((@data[1]&0x01)==0 ? "output off" : "output on") changes[-1] += " (changed)" if (@data[0]&0x01)!=0 changes << ((@data[1]&0x0A)==0 ? nil : "acknowledge alarm") changes[-1] += " (changed)" if (@data[0]&0x0A)!=0 changes << ((@data[1]&0x10)==0 ? "manual control" : "remote control") changes[-1] += " (changed)" if (@data[0]&0x10)!=0 changes << "tracking on" if @data[1]&0xF0 == 0xF0 changes << "tracking off" if @data[1]&0xF0 == 0xF0 changes[-1] += " (changed)" if (@data[0]&0xF0)!=0 str += changes.compact*", " when 71,72 # status + values status = [] status << if @data[0]&0x03 == 0x00 then "free access" elsif @data[0]&0x03 == 0x01 then "free access" else "unknown access" end status << ((@data[1]&(1<<1))==0 ? "output off" : "output on") status << if @data[1]&0x06 == 0x00 then "constant voltage" elsif @data[1]&0x06 == 0x04 then "constant current" else "unknown controller state" end status << ((@data[1]&(1<<3))==0 ? "tracking off" : "tracking on") status << ((@data[1]&(1<<4))==0 ? "over-voltage protection off" : "over-voltage protection on") status << ((@data[1]&(1<<5))==0 ? "over-current protection off" : "over-current protection on") status << ((@data[1]&(1<<6))==0 ? "over-power protection off" : "over-power protection on") status << ((@data[1]&(1<<7))==0 ? "over-temperature protection off" : "over-temperature protection on") str += status.compact*", " str += ", voltage %: "+(@data[2,2].pack("C*").unpack("n")[0]/256.0).round(3).to_s str += ", current %: "+(@data[4,2].pack("C*").unpack("n")[0]/256.0).round(3).to_s when 255 str += (ERRORS[@data[0]] or "unknown") else str += @data.collect { |b| sprintf("%02X ",b) }.join if @data and !@data.empty? end end return str end end